Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "N9 - Regional and Urban History"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 65.


Ahlfeldt, Gabriel M. and Wendland, Nicolai (2010): How polycentric is a monocentric city? The role of agglomeration economies.

Biyase, Mduduzi (2018): Education and economic growth in Cape and Natal colonies: learning from history.

Daly, Michael and Obschonka, Martin and Stuetzer, Michael and Sutin, Angelina and Shaw-Taylor, Leigh and Satchell, Max and Robinson, Eric (2019): Neuroticism Mediates the Relationship Between Industrial History and Modern-Day Regional Obesity Levels. Published in: Journal of Personality , Vol. 89, No. 2 (2021): pp. 267-287.

David, Cuberes and Rafael, González-Val (2017): The Effect of the Spanish Reconquest on Iberian Cities.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas (2013): The emergence and the development of the federations: The Achaean federation, the United Provinces and the EU.

El Makhloufi, Abdel and Kaal, Harm (2011): From Airfield to Airport: An Institutionalist-Historical Approach to the Early Development of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, 1916-1940. Published in: Journal of Urban History , Vol. 37, No. 4 (July 2011): pp. 497-518.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): Rhetoric of independece: bicentennial Colombia 1810 - 2010.

Evers, Hans-Dieter (2007): The End of Urban Involution and the Cultural Construction of Urbanism in Indonesia. Published in: Internationales Asienforum , Vol. 38, (2007): pp. 51-65.

Evers, Hans-Dieter and Nordin, Ramli (2012): The symbolic universe of Cyberjaya, Malaysia. Published in: ZEF Working Paper Series No. 95 (5 June 2012): pp. 1-33.

Graves, Philip E. (1979): Income and migration revisited. Published in: Journal of Human Resources , Vol. XIV, No. 1 : pp. 112-119.

Graves, Philip E. (1980): Migration and climate. Published in: Journal of Regional Science , Vol. 20, No. 2 : pp. 227-237.

Graves, Philip E. (1983): Migration with a composite amenity: the role of rents. Published in: Journal of Regional Science , Vol. 23, No. 4 : pp. 541-546.

Graves, Philip E. (1979): A life-cycle empirical analysis of migration and climate, by race. Published in: Journal of Urban Economics , Vol. 6, No. 2 : pp. 135-147.

Graves, Philip E. (1976): A reexamination of migration, economic opportunity, and the quality of life. Published in: Journal of Regional Science , Vol. 16, No. 1 : pp. 107-112.

Graves, Philip E. and Linneman, Peter D. (1979): Human migration: theoretical and empirical results. Published in: Journal of Urban Economics , Vol. 6, No. 3 : pp. 383-404.

Graves, Philip E. and Mueser, Peter R. (1993): The role of equilibrium and disequilibrium in modeling regional growth and decline: a critical reassessment. Published in: Journal of Regional Science , Vol. 33, No. 1 : pp. 69-84.

Green, Mitchell (2014): Electrification in the Pacific Northwest and Problem of Embeddedness.

Green, Mitchell R. (2014): Of railroads and finance: The making of market society in the Pacific Northwest.

Herbst, Mikolaj and Rivkin, Steven (2010): Divergent historical experiences and inequality in academic achievement: the case of Poland.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2009): Muslim Economic Thinking and Institutions in the 10th AH/ 16th CE Century. Published in: Book : pp. 1-211.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (2009): A study of Muslim economic thinking in the 11th A.H. / 17th C.E. century. Published in: Book (2011): pp. 1-101.

Jaelani, Aan (2016): Cirebon as the Silk Road: A New Approach of Heritage Tourisme and Creative Economy. Published in: Journal of Economics and Political Economy , Vol. 3, No. 2 (14 June 2016): pp. 264-283.

Kalan, Arezou and Oliveira, Eduardo (2014): A sustainable architecture approach to the economic and social aspects of the bazaar of Tabriz.

Linneman, Peter D. and Graves, Philip E. (1983): Migration and job change: a multinomial logit approach. Published in: Journal of Urban Economics , Vol. 14, No. 3 : pp. 263-279.

Mamoon, Dawood (2007): Past is just a fine reality: redefining the Indo-Pak history through its economics.

Milanovic, Branko (2010): Income level and income inequality in the Euro-Mediterranean region: from the Principate to the Islamic conquest.

Mulaj, Isa (2005): Delayed privatization in Kosovo: causes, consequences, and implications in the ongoing process. Published in: (January 2005): pp. 123-163.

Obschonka, Martin and Stuetzer, Michael and Peter, Rentfrow and Jeff, Potter and Samuel, Gosling (2017): Did Strategic Bombing in the Second World War lead to ‘German Angst’? A large-scale empirical test across 89 German cities. Published in: European Journal of Personality , Vol. 31, No. 3 (2017): pp. 234-257.

Okoye, Dozie and Pongou, Roland and Yokossi, Tite (2016): On the Dispensability of New Transportation Technologies: Evidence from the Heterogeneous Impact of Railroads in Nigeria.

Photis, Yorgos N. and Koutsopoulos, Kostis (1996): Decentralisation: a One-to-many Relationship. The Case of Greece. Published in: Book Mediterranean Multiregionality. Regional Analysis and Planning in the Mediterranean Regions (1996): pp. 144-155.

Pisani, Elena and Franceschetti, Giorgio (2011): Territorial approaches for rural development in Latin America: a case study in Chile. Published in: REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS AGRARIAS. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CUYO , Vol. 1, No. 43 (2011): pp. 201-218.

Pradhan, Kanhu Charan (2013): Unacknowledged Urbanisation: The New Census Towns of India. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 36, No. Vol - XLVIII (7 September 2013): pp. 43-51.

Pushkareva, Lyudmila and Kalinina, Anna and Rybakova, Anna (2019): National Identity of Mass Media: Retrospective Study of the Russian Language Mass Media Prevalence in Eastern Europe. Published in:

Rahman, Mahbubur and Mohajan, Haradhan (2019): Rohingya-The Stateless Community Becoming the Lost Generation. Published in: Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People , Vol. 8, No. 2 (20 June 2019): pp. 24-36.

Remoundou, Kyriaki and Adaman, Fikret and Koundouri, Phoebe and Nunes, Paulo A.L.D. (2011): Are Preferences For Environmental Quality Sensitive to Financial Funding Schemes? Evidence from a Marine Restoration Programme in the Black Sea. Published in:

Sahoo, Ganeswar (2009): Path of Chinese institutional modernization.

Silva, Buddhika and Hasan, Amena (2023): Beyond the Glass Ceiling: How Women Leaders Drive Innovation and Performance in Top Management. Forthcoming in: Journal of Gender Equality , Vol. 2, No. 35 (2024): pp. 1-19.

Solar, Peter M and Lyons, John S (2009): The English cotton spinning industry, 1780–1840, as revealed in the columns of the London Gazette.

Stuetzer, Michael and Audretsch, David B. and Obschonka, Martin and Gosling, Samuel D. and Rentfrow, Peter J. and Potter, Jeff (2018): Entrepreneurship Culture, Knowledge Spillovers, and the Growth of Regions. Published in: Regional Studies , Vol. 52, No. 5 (2018): pp. 603-618.

Summerhill, William (2010): Colonial Institutions, Slavery, Inequality, and Development: Evidence from São Paulo, Brazil.

Vanhaute, Eric and Lambrecht, Thijs and Devos, Isabelle and Béaur, Gérard and Fertig, Georg and Gadd, Carl-Johan and Karel, Erwin and Limberger, Michael and Paping, Richard and Schofield, Phillipp (2012): Making a living in rural societies in the North Sea area, 500-2000. Published in: Rural Economy and Society in Northwestern Europe, 500-2000 (Brepols Publishers) , Vol. Making, No. CORN - Comparative Rural History of the North Sea Area (2012): pp. 323-347.

van Bavel, Bas (B.J.P.) (2003): Early Proto-industrialization in the Low Countries? The Importance and Nature of Market-oriented Non-agricultural Activities on the Countryside in Flanders and Holland. Published in: Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire , Vol. 81, No. 4 (2003): pp. 181-237.

van Bavel, Bas (B.J.P.) (2010): The medieval Origins of Capitalism in the Netherlands. Published in: Bijdragen en mededelingen voor de geschiedenis der Nederlanden , Vol. 2-3, No. 125 (2010): pp. 45-80.

Şipoş, Sorin and Moisa, Gabriel and Cepraga, Dan Octavian and Brie, Mircea and Mateoc, Teodor (2014): From Periphery to Centre.The Image of Europe at the Eastern Border of Europe. Published in: No. Collective volume. Editura Academia Română. Centrul de Studii Transilvane. Cluj-Napoca (2014): pp. 1-292.


AMAN, Moustapha (2018): Les sphères d’influence dans les régimes monétaires : l’expérience de la Corne de l’Afrique (1860-1950).

Horga, Ioan and Brie, Mircea (2009): La coopération interuniversitaire aux frontières extérieures de l’Union Européenne et la contribution à la politique européenne de voisinage. Published in: Ioan Horga, Grigore Silaşi, Istvan Suli-Zakar Stanislaw Sagan (editors), The European Parliament, Intercultural Dialogue and European Neighbourhood Policy, Oradea (2009): pp. 232-251.

Kohnert, Dirk (2019): L'éthique de l'intégration régionale et continentale africaine.

Vahabi, Mehrdad (1998): Une analyse cliometrique du régionalisme européen. Published in: Revue d'Economie Politique , Vol. 108, No. 6 (December 1998): pp. 855-864.


Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic (2024): Die Machtpolitik Saudi-Arabiens im Syrienkonflikt. Eine Analyse vor dem Hintergrund geschichtlicher und religiöser Entwicklungen.


Inguanotto, Irina (2005): Elda Pavan Cecchele: biografia di una tessitrice (1915-1998).

Tattara, Giuseppe (2010): Una nota su Il sacco del Nord di Luca Ricolfi. Published in: Economia e societa regionale , Vol. 1, No. 2010 (1) (2010): pp. 211-221.

Tattara, Giuseppe and Piva, Francesco (1983): I primi operai di Marghera. Published in: Giornale della libreria , Vol. 1-6, No. 97 (1983)

Zanini, Andrea (2013): Il turismo automobilistico in Italia nel periodo fra le due guerre mondiali.


PISANI, E. and FRANCESCHETTI, G. (2011): Da agrariedade á ruralidade: Novos enfoques á economia territorial. Published in: Economía , Vol. 30, No. XXXV (December 2010): pp. 79-101.


Brie, Mircea (2007): Divorţul ca formă de erodare a familiei în comitatele Bihor şi Sătmar (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX). Published in: Corneliu Pădurean, Ioan Bolovan (coord.), Studii de demografie istorică (secolele XVII-XXI), Editura Gutemberg Univers, Arad (2010): pp. 77-98.

Brie, Mircea (2008): Familie şi societate în nord-vestul Transilvaniei (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX).

Gheorghe, Anamaria Elena and Manole, Andrada Ligia and Andronache, Alin and Cristescu, Cătălin and Luca, Cătălin Viorel and Constantin, Pompiliu Nicolae and Rogojanu, Dumitru Cătălin and Luca, Constantin and Duţă, Andeea Emilia and Mărcău, Flavius Cristian and Ciorei, Mihaela Andreea and Marin, Ştefan Claudiu and Mihalache, Gabriela and Liţoiu (MurăriIţa), Cristina and Cigăreanu, Elena and Purcaru, Mihai and Bușe, Dan and Papuc, Valentin (2012): Research and Science Today No.3. Published in: Research and Science Today

Ghita, Eugen (2011): Aspecte privind organizarea administrativ-teritorială şi instituţională a comitatului Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea. Published in: , Vol. Admini, (2011): pp. 22-31.

Ghita, Eugen (2008): Habitatul semiurban şi urban în comitatul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea. Published in: Perspective demografice, istorice şi sociologice. Studii de populaţie. Omagiu profesorului Traian Rotariu la împlinirea vârstei de 65 ani , Vol. X, (2008): pp. 263-278.

Ghita, Eugen (2007): Populaţie şi habitat pe domeniul cetăţii Şiria la începutul secolului al XVI –lea. Published in: Studii de Istorie II-III (2007): pp. 13-23.

Şipoş, Sorin and Brie, Mircea and Horga, Ioan and Şarov, Igor and Gumenâi, Ion (2010): Politici imperiale în Estul şi Vestul Spaţiului Românesc. Published in: No. Collective volume. University of Oradea Press, Cartdidact Press. Oradea/Chisinau (2011): pp. 1-583.


Estrada, Fernando (2014): Historia de la Economía Cafetera: Colombia.

Garrues-Irurzun, Josean (2008): El Irati, Compañía General de Maderas, Fuerzas Hidráulicas y Tranvía Eléctrico de Navarra: una empresa autoproductora comercial de electricidad, 1904-1961. Published in: Working papers of the Fundación Sepi (Madrid) No. 9701 (2008): pp. 1-143.

Garrues-Irurzun, Josean (2008): Servicio público de aguas y servicio privado de producción y distribución de electricidad en Pamplona, 1893-1961. Published in: Working papers of the Fundación Sepi (Madrid) No. 9810 (2008): pp. 1-194.

víctor, cuchí espada (1998): Las circunstancias de un tecnócrata. Miguel Ángel de Quevedo y el fin del Ayuntamiento capitalino. Published in: Historia colectiva de México (2005): pp. 1-20.

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