Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "Q59 - Other"

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Number of items at this level: 36.


Carrasco, Luis Roman and Baker, R and MacLeod, A and Knight, J. D. and Mumford, J. D. (2009): Optimal and robust control of invasive alien species spreading in homogeneous landscapes. Published in: Journal of the Royal Society Interface , Vol. 7, No. 44 (March 2010): pp. 529-540.

Ciobotaru, Virginia and Tapurica, Oana-Catalina and Tache, Florin (2008): Avantajele implementarii unui sistem de management al mediului la nivelul clusterelor industriale in economia bazata pe cunoastere. Published in: Investitiile si Noua Economie - Lucrarile celui de-al Optulea Simpozion International "Investitiile si Relansarea Economica" (5 July 2008): pp. 281-289.


Debalke, Negash Mulatu (2023): The Role of Electric Vehicles in Road Transport Decarbonization: Exploring Environmental Impacts and Policy Implications through a Systematic Literature Review of System Dynamics Approaches.


García-León, David (2015): Weather and Income: Lessons from the main European regions.


Halkos, George and Gkargkavouzi, Anastasia (2024): Environmentalism in the light of Behavioral Economics.

Halkos, George and Gkargkavouzi, Anastasia (2024): Personality traits and associations with pro-environmental and economically-relevant behaviors: A brief overview of research evidence.

Halkos, George (2001): Implementation of environmental management systems standards: important factors in corporate decision-making. Published in: Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management , Vol. 4, No. 3 (2002): pp. 311-328.

Halkos, George and Gkargkavouzi, Anastasia and Matsiori, Steriani (2018): A multi-dimensional measure of environmental behavior: Exploring the predictive power of connectedness to nature, ecological worldview and environmental concern.

Halkos, George and Roditi, Kyriakoula and Matsiori, Steriani and Vafidis, Dimitrios (2018): Sustainable management of fish stock: An assessment of small-scale fishing in Greece.

Halkos, George and Skouloudis, Antonios (2016): Corporate responsibility and national institutions: A quantitative assessment.

Halkos, George and Skouloudis, Antonis (2016): Bouncing back from extreme weather events: Some preliminary findings on resilience barriers facing small and medium-sized enterprises.

Halkos, George and Skouloudis, Antonis (2016): Cultural dimensions and corporate social responsibility: A cross-country analysis.

Halkos, George and Skouloudis, Antonis (2015): Exploring corporate disclosure on climate change: Evidence from the Greek business sector.

Halkos, George E (2001): Determinants of environmental management systems standards implementation: evidence from Greek industry. Published in: Business Strategy and The Environment , Vol. 11, (2002): pp. 360-375.

Haradinova, Anelia and Ivanova, Daniela and Vasileva, Elka (2015): Системите за управление на околната среда и еко-иновациите – опитът на бизнеса в България. Forthcoming in: Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference, New Bulgarian University, 2015, 4 June, Sofia, Bulgaria

Haradinova, Anelia and Ivanova, Daniela and Vasileva, Elka (2015): Ползите за бизнеса от внедряването на Системите за управление на околната среда. Published in: Международна научна конференция „Посткризисно управление в бизнеса“, ХТМУ – София, 27 ноември 2015 г. (2015): pp. 41-53.

Hernández, Karla and Madeira, Carlos (2021): The impact of climate change on economic output across industries in Chile. Published in: PLoS ONE , Vol. 4, No. 17 (28 April 2022): pp. 1-21.


Ivanova, Nevena and Vasileva, Elka (2023): Стандарти за устойчиви системи за управление: картографиране на водещи ISO стандарти в подкрепа на по-доброто им прилагане в българския контекст. Published in: Сборник доклади от ХIV-та Научна конференция с международна участие на тема: Стокознание – традиции и перспективи, 20 октомври 2023 г., Икономически университет - Варна , Vol. 1, No. Издателство „Наука и икономика“, Икономически университет – Варна (20 October 2023): 123 -129.

Ivanova, Nevena and Vasileva, Elka (2021): Модели за устойчиво корпоративно управление - изследване на казуси. Published in: Сборник доклади от Седма научна конференция "Икономически предизвикателства: криза, възстановяване, устойчивост", УНСС; Proceedings of Seventh Scientific Conference "Economic Challenges: Crisis, Recovery, Sustainability", UNWE , Vol. 1, No. Издателски комплекс на УНСС, София; Publishing complex - UNWE, Sofia (2022): pp. 252-259.

Ivanova, Nevena and Vasileva, Elka (2021): Неизбежно бъдеще, нови възможности за пазарно развитие или идеализъм? Анализ на успешни модели на устойчиво управление на организациите. Published in: Сборник доклади на CD от ХХXII Национална научно-практическа конференция “Качеството – за по-добър живот”; Proceedings CD of XXXII National scientific and practical conference "Quality - for a better life" , Vol. 1, No. Издателски комплекс на УНСС, София; Publishing complex - UNWE, Sofia (2022): pp. 72-83.


Lema, Bizuayehu (2017): Critiques on ‘‘Mining and Local Corruption in Africa’’.


McManus, Walter (2006): Can proactive fuel economy strategies help automakers mitigate fuel price risk?

Meena, M.S.. and Singh, K.M. (2012): Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainable Natural Resource Management.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Lamasanu, Andreea (2013): Spatial analysis of dumpsites volumes from rural territory Case study: Neamt County, Romania. Published in: Forum Geografic. Geographical studies and environment protection research , Vol. 12, No. 1 (2013): pp. 59-66.


Necula, Diana (2014): Analysis economic indicators main crops in the South-West Oltenia. Published in: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 5, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2014): pp. 327-331.

Nogueira, Leticia and Wigger, Karin and Jolly, Suyash (2021): Common‐pool Resources and Governance in Sustainability Transitions. Published in: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions , Vol. 41, No. Celebrating a decade of EIST: What’s next for transition studies? (December 2021): pp. 35-38.


Subandi, Muhammad (2017): Penelitian Serat Alami Untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Industri Textil di Indonesia.

Suppa, Alberto (2017): L’impegno della UE per l’ambiente e il clima: l’esperienza del programma LIFE. Published in: Aggiornamenti Sociali , Vol. 68, No. 4/2017 (9 April 2017): pp. 318-326.


Tsurumi, Tetsuya and Managi, Shunsuke and Hibiki, Akira (2015): Do Environmental Regulations Increase Bilateral Trade Flows? Forthcoming in: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy


Vasileva, Elka (2020): Ролята на стандартите в прехода към „зелени“ модели на управление. Published in: Сборник доклади от Юбилейна конференция, посветена на 30-ата годишнина от възстановяването на Стопанския факултет на Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“; Proceeding Book of Anniversary conference of the Faculty of Economics of the Sofia Univ. , Vol. 1, No. University Publishing House "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia (2022): pp. 41-57.

Vasileva, Elka (2020): Стандартизацията и отговорното управление. Ролята на стандартите за налагане на „зелени“ модели на управление. Published in: Сборник доклади от Шестата научна конференция "Икономически предизвикателства: криза, шокове, преструктуриране, политики", УНСС; Proceedings of Sixth Scientific Conference "Economic Challenges: Crisis, Shocks, Restructuring, Policies", UNWE , Vol. 1, No. Publishing complex - UNWE, Sofia (2021): pp. 283-296.

Vasileva, Elka (2018): Устойчиво производство и потребление – ролята на стандартизацията, ИК “Ран-Р”, София, 2018 (Sustainable production and consumption - the role of standardization, Ed. "Ran-R", Sofia, 2018). Published in:

Vasileva, Elka (2021): Standardization of sustainable agriculture practices (Стандартизация на устойчиви земеделски практики). Published in: Proceedings book of International scientific conference "Innovative development of agricultural business and rural areas" No. Publishing complex - UNWE, Sofia (22 April 2021): 175 -183.

Vasileva, Elka and Hristova – Pesheva, Juliya (2019): Green communications through ISO 14 000 standards series and other voluntary initiatives. Published in: Proceedings book of 15th International Conference on ‘Standardization, Protypes, and Quality’, A Means of Balkan Collaboration” , Vol. № 218, No. Trakya University Publication (24 October 2019): pp. 593-600.

Vasileva, Elka and Ivanova, Daniela (2003): Знаците за екопродукти – източници на информация или съмнениe? Published in: Alternativi , Vol. 4, No. 58 (2003): pp. 12-16.

Vasileva, Elka and Ivanova, Daniela and Tipova, Nina and Stefanov, Stilian (2012): Устойчиво потребление в България, Издателски комплекс – УНСС, София, 2012 (Sustainable consumption in Bulgaria, Publishing complex - University of National and World Economy, Sofia, 2012), ISBN 978-954-644-389-2. Published in:

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