Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "R20 - General"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 73.


Arbelaez, Maria Angelica and Camacho, Carolina and Fajardo, Johanna (2011): Low-income housing finance in Colombia. Published in: IDB WORKING PAPER SERIES No. 256

Asare-Nuamah, Peter and Amoah, Anthony and Asongu, Simplice (2021): Achieving food security in Ghana: Does governance matter?

Bande, Roberto and Riveiro, Dolores (2012): Private Saving Rates and Macroeconomic Uncertainty: Evidence from Spanish Regional Data.

Bell, Peter Newton (2014): Book Review – Rethinking Housing Bubbles.

Berk, Mehmet Gokhan (2005): The Concept of Neighbourhood in Contemporary Residential Environments: An Investigation of Occupants' Perception.

Bohateret, Valentin - Mihai and Bruma, Ioan Sebastian (2015): The future of the Romanian rural household from the perspective of agricultural censuses. Published in: Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 6, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2015): pp. 54-60.

Bosch, Martí and Chenal, Jérôme and Joost, Stéphane (2019): Addressing urban sprawl from the complexity sciences.

Canback, Staffan and D'Agnese, Frank (2007): Where in the world is the market? : The income distribution approach to understanding consumer demand in emerging countries. Published in: Problems and Perspectives in Management , Vol. 6, No. 2 (2007): pp. 21-30.

Cebula, Richard (2006): PAC Congressional Election Campaign Contributions and Other Political or Economic Influences on the Voter Participation Rate. Published in: The American Journal of Economics and Sociology , Vol. 66, No. 2 (30 April 2007): pp. 399-412.

Cebula, Richard and Alexander, Gigi and Koch, James (1991): A Further Note on Determinants of Geographic Living-Cost Differentials. Published in: Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance , Vol. 32, No. 4 (15 December 1992): pp. 144-147.

Cerami, Alfio (2023): In the Shadow of War: Social, Distributive and Civil Conflicts in Belarus, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan and Ukraine.

Chițea, Lorena Florentina and Dona, Ion (2017): Defining aspects concerning the rural household and the sustainable socio-economic development in Romania. Published in: "Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania" , Vol. 8, No. ISSN 2285-6803, ISSN-L 2285-6803 (16 September 2017): pp. 92-99.

Daniela, Antonescu (2021): Romania’s urban policy in the context of COVID-19 pandemic time. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 3, No. 2 (24 December 2021): pp. 85-102.

Daras, Tomasz and Tyrowicz, Joanna (2009): Breeding Ones' Own Subprime Crisis: The effects of labour market on financial system stability.

Das, Khanindra Ch. (2009): Access to Finance and Its Association with Development in Rural India.

Ercolano, Salvatore and Gaeta, Giuseppe Lucio and Romano, Oriana (2012): Environmental fiscal reform and willingness to pay for the environment: an empirical analysis on European micro data.

Fatima, Kiran and Qayyum, Abdul (2016): Remittances and Asset Accumulation of Household in Pakistan.

Fu, Shihe and Liao, Yu and Zhang, Junfu (2015): The effect of housing wealth on labor force participation: evidence from China.

Furtado, BERNARDO (2007): Real estate market and the relevance of local features in a hedonic prices quantil-spatial analysis – the case of Belo Horizonte – Brazil.

Garcia-López, Miquel-Àngel and Jofre-Monseny, Jordi and Martínez Mazza, Rodrigo and Segú, Mariona (2019): Do short-term rent platforms affect housing markets? Evidence from Airbnb in Barcelona.

Gong, Yifan and Leung, Charles Ka Yui (2023): Does space natter? The case of the housing expenditure cap.

Hameed, Abdul and Padda, Ihtsham ul Haq and Karim, Shahid (2016): Multidimensional Poverty Mapping for Rural Pakistan. Forthcoming in:

Hameed, Abdul and Qaiser, Zara (2017): Estimating Sustainable Development and Social Exclusion in Rural Pakistan. Forthcoming in:

Handy, Christopher and Shester, Katharine (2022): Local Changes in Intergenerational Mobility. Forthcoming in: Labour Economics

He, Yong (2018): A Testable Theory of Institutional Change in Authoritarian Regimes.

Immergluck, Dan (2007): Large-Scale Redevelopment Initiatives and Home Values: The Case of the Atlanta Beltline Project.

Immergluck, Dan and Lee, Yun Sang (2008): Homebuying in New Orleans Before and After Katrina: Patterns by Space, Race and Income.

Khaleque, Abdul (2010): Diversion of loan use: who diverts and why?

Konwar, Paranan (2015): Socio-economic conditions, inequality and deprivation in North East India.

Kundu, AMIT (2013): Mobilization of Personal Savings among Microfinance-Participating Households: A Survey in West Bengal, India. Published in: Journal of Rural Cooperation , Vol. 41, No. No.2 2013 (28 December 2013): pp. 199-214.

LEUNG, K. Y. Charles and TANG, C. H. Edward (2011): Comparing two financial crises: the case of Hong Kong real estate markets.

Leung, Charles Ka Yui (2023): Hedonic price formation.

Leung, Charles Ka Yui (2023): Real Estate Market.

Leung, Charles Ka Yui (2022): Housing and Macroeconomics.

Leung, Charles Ka Yui and CHEUNG, W. Y. Patrick and TANG, C. H. Edward (2011): Financial Crisis and the Comovements of Housing Sub-markets: Do relationships change after a crisis?

Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Ma, Wai Yip and Zhang, Jun (2013): The Market Valuation of Interior Design and Developers strategies: a simple Theory and some Evidence.

Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Tang, Edward Chi Ho (2014): Availability, Affordability and Volatility: the case of Hong Kong Housing Market.

Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Tang, Edward Chi Ho (2013): Speculating China economic growth through Hong Kong? Evidence from the stock market IPO and real estate markets.

Mapa, Dennis S. and Albis, Manuel Leonard F. and Lucagbo, Michael (2012): The Link between Extreme Poverty and Young Dependents in the Philippines:Evidence from Household Surveys.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Oiste, Ana-Maria and Chelaru, Dan-Adrian (2014): Rural waste generation : a geographical survey at local scale. Published in: 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference on ECOLOGY, ECONOMICS, EDUCATION AND LEGISLATION SGEM 2014 ,Conference Proceedings , Vol. 1, (June 2014): pp. 585-593.

Mohammad Monirul, Hasan (2013): Does Consumer Behaviour on Meat Consumption Increase Obesity? - Empirical Evidence from European Countries. Published in: International Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , Vol. 2, No. 1 (20 February 2014): pp. 1-5.

Mohey-ud-din, Ghulam (2017): Exploring Spatial Trends in Wealth Inequalities in Punjab, Pakistan. Published in: Pakistan Journal of Urban Affairs , Vol. 1, No. 6 (October 2017): pp. 45-57.

Nguyen Viet, Cuong (2010): Ethnic minority children’s access to public services in Vietnam.

Nomatye, Anelisa and Phiri, Andrew (2017): Investigating the macroeconomic determinants of household debt in South Africa.

Pandey, Alok Kumar (2007): Survey of BPL Families in Aonla Tehsil: Preliminary Findings.

Raval, Vishvesh and Vyas, Khyati (2013): Financial freedom experience of Indian Male and Female Executives.

Roy, Chandan and Dey, Arindam (2017): Murshidabad Silk Industry in West Bengal: A Study of its Glorious Past & Present Crisis. Published in: Indian Journal of Social Research , Vol. 59, No. 02 (April 2018): pp. 225-244.

Roy, Chandan and Roy Mukherjee, Sanchari (2014): Land Productivity, Artisanal Efficiency & Income Generation in Artisanal Silk Industry of West Bengal. Published in: North Bengal Development Perspective (ISBN : 978-93-81757-12-3 , Vol. 1, No. 1 (December 2014): pp. 178-209.

Sandi, H. and Pomonis, A. and Francis, S. and Georgescu, E. S. and Mohindra, R. and Borcia, I. S. (2007): Development of a Nationwide Seismic Vulnerability Estimation System. Published in: Constructii , Vol. 3, No. 2/2008 (1 July 2008): pp. 38-47.

Sandi, H. and Pomonis, A. and Francis, S. and Georgescu, E. S. and Mohindra, R. and Borcia, I. S. (2007): Seismic vulnerability assessment: Methodological elements and applications to the case of Romania. Published in: Constructii , Vol. 3, No. 2/2008 (December 2008): pp. 5-17.

Shams, Khadija (2012): What does a well-being perspective add to our understanding of poverty?

Tomini, Florian and Hagen-Zanker, Jessica (2010): How has internal migration in Albania affected the receipt of transfers from family and friends?

Tripathi, Sabyasachi (2018): Does Higher Economic Development Reduce Household Size? Evidence from India.

Tscharaktschiew, Stefan and Hirte, Georg (2009): An urban general equilibrium model with multiple household structures and travel mode choice.

Voigtländer, Michael (2012): The Stability of the German Housing Market.

Xu, Hangtian (2016): Multiple Equilibria in the Urban Spatial Structure: Evidence from the Hanshin Earthquake.

Yoshida, Jiro (2007): Technology Shocks and Asset Price Dynamics: The Role of Housing in General Equilibrium.

Zhu, Guozhong and Vuralz, Gulfer (2012): Inter-generational effect of parental time and its policy implications.

van Ommeren, Jos and Fosgerau, Mogens (2008): Workers' marginal costs of commuting. Published in: Journal of Urban Economics , Vol. 65, No. 1 (2008): pp. 38-47.


Biloa Essimi, Jean Aristide and Chameni Nembua, Celestin (2011): L’Inégalité de Pauvreté Au Cameroun : Une Analyse Empirique à L’aide de la décomposition en sous-groupes de Dagum.

Diagne, Youssoupha Sakrya and Diagne, Babacar (2015): Etude de la migration interne au Senegal: determinants et impact sur la pauvrete. Published in: dpee.sn


Böhm, Paul and Merz, Joachim (2008): Reichtum in Niedersachsen und anderen Bundesländern – Ergebnisse aus der Einkommensteuer-Geschäftsstatistik 2003 für Selbständige (Freie Berufe und Unternehmer) und abhängige Beschäftigte.

Wieland, Thomas (2014): Räumliches Einkaufsverhalten und Standortpolitik im Einzelhandel unter Berücksichtigung von Agglomerationseffekten: Theoretische Erklärungsansätze, modellanalytische Zugänge und eine empirisch-ökonometrische Marktgebietsanalyse anhand eines Fallbeispiels aus dem ländlichen Raum Ostwestfalens/Südniedersachsens. Published in: (22 October 2014)


Skribans, V. and Počs, R. (2008): Latvijas būvniecības nozares attīstības prognozēšanas modelis. Published in: Monography (2008): pp. 1-110.

Skribans, V. and Počs, R. (2008): Latvijas būvniecības nozares attīstības prognozēšanas modelis. Published in: Monography (2008): pp. 1-110.

Skribans, V. and Počs, R. (2008): Latvijas būvniecības nozares attīstības prognozēšanas modelis. Published in: Monography (2008): pp. 1-110.


Antonescu, Daniela (2017): Dimensiunea economică a orașului confortabil.

Antonescu, Daniela (2014): Quantitative and qualitative aspects regarding housing in the European Union and Romania. Published in: Regionalizare si politici regionale , Vol. 1, No. Editura Lumen (2014)

Antonescu, Daniela (2014): Quantitative and qualitative aspects regarding housing in the European Union and Romania. Published in: Regionalizare si Politici Regionale , Vol. 1, (1 April 2014)

Branea, Silvia (2003): Receptarea soap-opera de către tineri. Studiu de caz: „Beverly Hills”. Published in: Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication , Vol. Year 2, No. Spring (2003): pp. 121-128.


Nartikoev, Alan and Peresetsky, Anatoly (2020): Эндогенная классификация домохозяйств в регионах России. Published in: Voprosy Ekonomiki No. 5 (2021): pp. 107-128.


Idrovo Aguirre, Byron (2007): Los Ciclos del Mercado Inmobiliario y su Relación con los Ciclos de la Economía. Published in: Documentos de Trabajo , Vol. 45, No. 45 (28 September 2007): pp. 1-18.

Uña, Gerardo and Cogliandro, Gisell and Bertello, Nicolas (2009): Inequidades y Ausencia de Criterios Explícitos de Reparto: La distribución del Presupuesto Nacional a las provincias en el periodo post crisis (2004-2007). Published in: Fundacion Siena Website No. Publicación No. 7 (2009): 01-48.

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