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Items where Year is 1993

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Number of items: 94.


Addison, John T. and Chilton, John B. (1993): Can We Identify Union Productivity Effects? Published in: Industrial Relations , Vol. 32, No. 1 (1 January 1993): pp. 124-132.

Ahmad, Munir and Bravo-Ureta, Boris and Wackernagel, Rick (1993): Factor Substitution in Dairy Farming: A Comparison of Allen and Morishima Elasticities.

Al-Dhukair, Mogbil (1993): القواعد الاقتصادية لتقدير حصيلة الزكاة من خلال نظام الحسابات القومية وصلتها بالنمو الاقتصادي. Published in: Submitted for a Ph.D at Umm Al-Qura University in 1993

Albu, Lucian-Liviu (1993): Exploration of economic systems in the transition period. Published in: Revue Roumaine des Sciences Economiques , Vol. 37, No. 1 : pp. 9-23.

Amsden, Alice and Singh, Ajit (1993): The optimal degree of competition and dynamic efficiency in Japan and Korea. Published in: European Economic Review , Vol. 38, No. 3/4 (1994): pp. 940-951.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Coviello, Nicole and Safranek, Barbara (1993): Escalation bias: does it extend to marketing? Published in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science No. 21 (1993): pp. 247-253.


Bai, Jushan (1993): Least squares estimation of a shift in linear processes. Published in: Journal of Time Series Analysis , Vol. 15, No. 5 (September 1994): pp. 453-472.

Bilgili, Faik (1993): Arz iktisadı yaklaşımında nisbi fiyatların etkisi ve Keynezyen sisteme getirilen eleştiriler. Published in: Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Erciyes University No. 10 (1993): pp. 183-197.

Bos, Frits (1993): Implementing the revised SNA in the Dutch national accounts. Published in: National accounts occasional papers , Vol. 63,

Bos, Frits (1993): Standard national accounting concepts, economic theory and data compilation issues; on constancy and change in the UN-Manuals on national accounting (1947, 1953, 1968, 1993). Published in: National Accounts Occasional Paper , Vol. NA-61, (1993)

Brown, Annette N. (1993): A note on industrial adjustment and regional labor markets in Russia. Published in: Comparative Economic Studies , Vol. 35, No. 4 (1993): pp. 147-157.


Calzolari, Giorgio and Fiorentini, Gabriele (1993): Estimating variances and covariances in a censored regression model. Published in: Statistica No. 53 (1993): pp. 323-339.

Calzolari, Giorgio and Fiorentini, Gabriele and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1993): Alternative estimators of the covariance matrix in GARCH models. Published in: Universita' di Messina, Istituto di Economia, Statistica e Analisi del Territorio No. Quaderno No. 11 (1993): pp. 1-33.

Canário, Teresa and Cerveira, Fátima and Moniz, António (1993): Organização do trabalho e controlo de qualidade numa estação de soldadura robotizada. Published in: Proceedings das Jornadas de PPP/AC, Ordem dos Engenheiros , Vol. 4, (November 1993): pp. 1-8.

Cavalieri, Duccio (1993): Napoleoni: oltre lo stereotipo. Published in: Il pensiero economico italiano , Vol. 1993, No. 2 : pp. 137-152.

Cebula, Richard (1993): Manufacturing on the Move. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 61, No. 2 (7 October 1994): pp. 540-542.

Cebula, Richard (1993): The Regional Distribution of Bank Closings in the United States: An Extension of the Amos Analysis. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 61, No. 1 (17 July 1994): pp. 202-208.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1993): Property Rights on Biodiversity and the Pharmaceutical Industry. Published in: (1993)

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1993): Topoloy and economics: the contributions of S. Smale. Published in: Topology to Computation, Proceedings of the Smalefest (1993): pp. 147-161.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1993): Traditional comparative advantages vs. economies of scale: NAFTA and GATT. Published in: Rivista Di Politica Economica (April 1993): pp. 161-197.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1993): The abatement of carbon emissions in industrial and developing countries.

Chichilnisky, Graciela and Heal, Geoffrey (1993): Energy-Capital Substitution: A General Equilibrium Analysis.

Chipman, John S. and Tian, Guoqiang (1993): Closed-Form Solution of General Intertemporal Consumption Maximization Models. Published in: Mathematical Modeling in Economics (1993): pp. 95-109.

Cyrenne, Philippe (1993): Vertical Integration versus Vertical Separation: An Equilibrium Model.


Dahl, Carol A. (1993): A survey of energy demand elasticities in support of the development of the NEMS.


Gilroy, Bernard Michael (1993): Book Review: John H. Dunning Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy.

Goyal, Ashima (1993): The Role of Foreign Aid and the Foreign Exchange Constraint in Growth: Some Extensions. Published in: Journal of Foreign Exchange and International Finance , Vol. 8, No. 1 : pp. 30-43.

Grady, Patrick (1993): Ontario NDP Tax Increases. Published in: Canadian Business Economics , Vol. 2, (1 June 1993): pp. 12-23.

Graves, Philip E. and Mueser, Peter R. (1993): The role of equilibrium and disequilibrium in modeling regional growth and decline: a critical reassessment. Published in: Journal of Regional Science , Vol. 33, No. 1 : pp. 69-84.

Grossbard, Shoshana (1993): On the Economics of Marriage - A Theory of Marriage, Labor and Divorce. Published in: No. book out of print at Westview Press since 1995 (1993)

Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (1993): Estrutura produtiva da economia brasileira, 1960-1985.

Gács, János (1993): A külkereskedelem liberalizálása Indonéziában. Published in: Külgazdaság , Vol. XXXVII, No. 1993. No. 3 (March 1993): pp. 57-76.


Halkos, George (1993): Economic incentives for optimal sulphur abatement in Europe. Published in: Energy Sources , Vol. 17, No. 5 (1995): pp. 517-534.

Halkos, George (1993): An evaluation of the direct costs of abatement under the main desulphurisation technologies.

Halkos, George E (1993): Optimal sulphur emissions abatement in Europe.

Harabi, Najib (1993): Facteurs déterminants la recherche et le développement dans l'industrie: Résultats d'une enquête écrite sur l'industrie suisse. Published in: WWI-Arbeitspapiere, Reihe D No. Nr. 33 : pp. 1-22.

Harabi, Najib (1993): TECHNOLOGISCHE CHANCEN UND TECHNISCHER FORTSCHRITT: EINE EMPIRISCHE UNTERSUCHUNG. Published in: Working Papers Series, Institute of Economics, University of Zurich No. No. 28 (May 1993)

Harabi, Najib (1993): Technischer Fortschritt in der Schweiz: Ein kurzer Ueberblick. Published in: WWI-Arbeitspapiere, Reihe D No. Nr. 26 : pp. 1-24.

Harrison, Ann and Haddad, Mona (1993): Are there dynamic externalities from direct foreign investment? Evidence for Morocco.

Havas, Attila (1993): CMEA and COCOM Abolished: Restructuring Precision Engineering Industry in Hungary.

Hellerstein, Daniel and Mendelsohn, Robert (1993): A Theoretical Foundation for Count Data Models. Published in: American Journal of Agricultural Economics , Vol. 3, No. 75 (August 1993): pp. 604-611.

Hinić, Branko and Bukvić, Rajko (1993): Dometi monetarne politike u uslovima izolacije (testiranje međuzavisnosti dinamike novčane mase, cena i privredne aktivnosti). Published in: Zbornik sa savetovanja Saveza ekonomista Jugoslavije Jugoslovenska preduzeća i privreda u sankcijama, 2–4. jun 1993. Beograd: Savez ekonomista Jugoslavije (1993): pp. 69-84.


Islahi, Abdul Azim (1993): 'Humanomics' of Ranade. Published in: Economic Ideas of M.G. Ranade, by O.P Brahamchary (ed.) New Delhi, Deep and Deep Publications, 1995 (1995): pp. 267-274.


Keane, Michael (1993): Simulation estimation for panel data models with limited dependent variables. Published in: Handbook of Statistics , Vol. 11, (1993): pp. 545-571.

Kebede, Yohannes (1993): The Limits to Common Resource Management: The Bypassed Commons or Commons without Tragedy.

Knack, Stephen (1993): Does motor voter work? Evidence from state-level data. Published in: Journal of Politics , Vol. 57, No. 3 (August 1995): pp. 796-811.

Koch, James and Cebula, Richard (1993): In Search of Excellent Management. Published in: Journal of Management Studies , Vol. 31, No. 5 (30 September 1994): pp. 681-699.

Kohnert, Dirk (1993): Afrikanische Flüchtlinge und Migranten:'Sturm auf die Wohlstandsfeste Europa'? Published in: Vierteljahresberichte der Friedrich Ebert Stiftung , Vol. 132, No. 1993 (1993): pp. 179-192.

Kohnert, Dirk (1993): Demokratisierung im frankophonen Afrika - "Freie Bahn dem Liberalismus !". Published in: Jahrbuch Dritte Welt , Vol. 1993, (18 October 1993): pp. 137-156.

Kohnert, Dirk (1993): 'Wer hat Angst vorm Schwarzen Mann' ? Afrikanische Flüchtlinge in Europa - Spielball der Politiker. Published in: Afrika-Jahrbuch 1992 (1993): pp. 65-76.

Kollmann, Robert (1993): Comment on 'A Forecasting Equation for the Canada-US Dollar Real Exchange Rate'. Published in: 'The Exchange Rate and the Economy', Proceedings of 1992 Bank of Canada Conference; Bank of Canada, 1993, Ottawa (ISBN 0-660-15195-2) (1993): pp. 266-271.

Krichel, Thomas (1993): Seigniorage, taxation and myopia in EMU.

Krickhahn, Thomas (1993): Lobbyismus und Mittelstand: Zur Identifikation der Interessenverbände des Mittelstands in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.


Landabaso, Mikel (1993): The European community's regional development and innovation: Promoting ‘innovative milieux’ in practice. Published in: European Planning Studies , Vol. 1-3, (September 1993)

Lang, Kevin (1993): Ability Bias, Discount Rate Bias and the Return to Education.

Lawrence, Craig (1993): Airline Strategies: An Empirical Analysis of Profitability and Market Share.

Lin, Y. Joseph and Tian, Guoqiang (1993): Minimax inequality equivalent to the Fan-Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz Theorem. Published in: Applied Mathematics and Optimization , Vol. 28, (1993): pp. 173-179.


Madden, Gary G and Bloch, Harry and Hensher, David (1993): Australian telephone network subscription and calling demands: evidence from a stated-preference experiment. Published in: Information Economics and Policy No. 5 (1993): pp. 207-230.

Mariam, Yohannes and Coffin, Garth (1993): Crop and Milk Production Structure of Smallholders in Ethiopia.

Mariam, Yohannes and Coffin, Garth (1993): Production Efficiency and Agricultural Technologies in the Ethiopian Agriculture.

Mariam, Yohannes and Coffin, Garth and Eisemon, Thomas (1993): Production efficiency in Peasant Agriculture: The Case of Mixed Farming System in the Ethiopian Highlands.

Mariam, Yohannes and Eisemon, Thomas and Coffin, Garth (1993): Production Efficiency in Peasant Agriculture: An Application of LISREL Model.

Mariam, Yohannes and Galaty, John (1993): Agricultural Information and Indigenous Knowledge in Peasant Economy.

Mariam, Yohannes and Galaty, John and Coffin, Garth (1993): The Contribution of Non-Physical Resources and Strategic Household Decision-making to Environmental and Policy Risks.

Mariam, Yohannes and Galaty, John and Coffin, Garth (1993): Goals and Strategies of Peasants in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia.

Mariam, Yohannes and Galaty, John and Coffin, Garth (1993): Strategic Decision-Making: Adoption of Agricultural Technologies and Risk in a Peasant Economy.

Mason, Patrick L. (1993): Variable labor effort, involuntary unemployment, and effective demand. Published in: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics , Vol. 15, No. 3 (1993): pp. 427-442.

Merz, Joachim (1993): Market and Non-market Labor Supply and Recent German Tax Reform Impacts - Behavioral Response in a Combined Dynamic and Static Microsimulation Model.

Merz, Joachim (1993): Microsimulation as an Instrument to Evaluate Economic and Social Programmes.

Merz, Joachim (1993): Statistik und Freie Berufe im Rahmen einer empirischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialforschung.

Mirakhor, Abbas (1993): Equilibrium in a Non-Interest Open Economy. Published in: Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics , Vol. 5, (1993): pp. 3-23.

Moniz, António (1993): Concepção de postos de trabalho em novos sistemas produtivos: o exemplo da robÓtica industrial. Published in: Proceedings das Jornadas de PPP/AC, Ordem dos Engenheiros No. 5 (May 1993): pp. 1-9.

Moniz, António (1993): Trabalho Operário e Novas Tecnologias de Produção: Alguns resultados de investigações internacionais. Published in: APS: Estruturas sociais e desenvolvimento, Lisboa, Fragmentos/APS , Vol. 1, (October 1993): pp. 489-516.

Musso, Fabio (1993): La Qualità Totale nel terziario: problemi e prospettive. Published in: Servizi No. 1 (1993): pp. 1-20.


Palm, Franz C. and Peeters, Marga and Pfann, Gerard A. (1993): The dynamics of investment and labour demand: Theoretical issues and an application to the Dutch manufacturing industry.

Pastore, Mario H. (1993): Estado e industrializacion: dos hipotesis y la evidencia sobre el Paraguay, 1852-1870. Published in: Journal of Latin American Studies , Vol. Part I, No. 26 (1994)

Petranov, Stefan and Roussinov, Kiril (1993): Credit for agriculture during the transition. Published in: (June 1994): pp. 375-401.

Polterovich, Victor (1993): Экономическая реформа 1992 г.: Битва правительства с трудовыми коллективами. Published in: Economics and Mathematical Methods , Vol. 29, No. 4 (1993): pp. 533-547.

Polterovich, Victor and Gelman, Lev and Levin, Mark and Spivak, Vladimir (1993): Моделирование динамики распределения предприятий отрасли по уровням эффективности (на примере черной металлургии). Published in: Economics and Mathematical Methods / Ekonomika i matematicheskie metody , Vol. 29, No. 3 (1993): pp. 460-469.


Quaas, Georg (1993): Massenkonsum oder Unterentwicklung in der "Dritten Welt"? Randbemerkungen zu den polit-ökonomischen Thesen von Hartmut Elsenhans. Published in: COMPARATIV , Vol. 3-3, No. ISSN 0940-3566 (1993): pp. 106-121.


Reinhart, Carmen (1993): Output fluctuations and monetary shocks in Colombia: A reply to Garcia. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 40, No. 4 (December 1993): pp. 876-877.

Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1993): Af1uencia de capital y apreciacion del tipo de cambio real en America Latina: E1 papel de los factores externos. Published in: Macroeconomia de los Flujos de Capital en Colombia y América Latina (1993): pp. 15-84.

Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1993): “Capital Inflows and Real Exchange Rate Appreciation in Latin America: The Role of External Factors. Published in: ” IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 40, No. 1 (March 1993): pp. 108-151.

Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1993): El problema de la afluencia de capital: Conceptos y temas. Published in: Afluencia de Capitales y Estabilización en América Latina (1995): pp. 1-24.

Reinhart, Carmen and Calvo, Guillermo and Leiderman, Leonardo (1993): Formulating a policy response: Reply to Snowden. Published in: IMF Staff Papers , Vol. 40, No. 4 (December 1993): pp. 865-868.


Sambracos, Evangelos and Yannelis, Dimitris (1993): On Non-Tatonnement Processes.

Sexton, Robert L. and Graves, Philip E. and Lee, Dwight R. (1993): The short-and long-run marginal cost curve: a pedagogical note. Published in: Journal of Economic Education , Vol. 21, No. 4 : pp. 34-37.

Singh, Ajit (1993): The Anglo-Saxon market for corporate control, the financial system and international competitiveness: notes for the Notre Dame conference on "strengthening U.S. competitiveness". Published in: Book Chapter in Howes, C. and Singh, A. (eds.), Competitiveness Matters, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor (2000): pp. 1-19.

Spash, Clive L. (1993): Future harm and current obligations: the case of global warming. Published in: Ecological Economics , Vol. 10, No. 1 (1994): pp. 27-36.


TOPRAK, METIN (1993): Türk Finans Sisteminin Yapısı. Published in:

Taguchi, Hiroyuki (1993): Financial deepening and economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region: a lesson from financial deregulation in Indonesia. Published in: Working Paper No. 31 Economic Research Institute, Economic Planning Agency No. No. 31 (25 August 1993)

Toprak, Metin (1993): Finansal Kaynakların Kullanımında Kamu Kesiminin Ağırlığı ve Özel Sektörün Dışlanması. Published in:


Weinrich, Gerd (1993): A Business Cycle Model Based on Efficiency Wages, Monopolistic Competition and Nondecreasing Returns. Published in: Economic Notes , Vol. 22, (1993): pp. 535-551.


Ziesemer, Thomas (1993): Dynamic Oligopolistic Pricing with Endogenous Change in Market Structure and Market Potential in an Epidemic Diffusion Model.

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