Mailu, Stephen and Wachira, Ann (2009): The influence of prices on market participation decisions of indigenous poultry farmers in four districts of Eastern Province, Kenya. Forthcoming in: Journal of Agriculture and Social Research
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Over 70% of the domesticated birds in Kenya are indigenous chicken (IC) providing meat and table eggs. They are frequently raised through the free range, backyard production system. Small flock sizes are characteristic of this production system and often, sales are mainly at the farmgate. Although IC production possesses enormous potential at livelihood improvement, marketing systems are undefined and variable. The influence of prices on market engagement has frequently been assumed. A study of 68 farmers conducted in Machakos, Kibwezi, Nzaui and Mwala District in 2008 revealed that 70% of all IC sales were conducted at the farmgate while only 19% of the sales were at the local market. This study also investigates the probability of market participation by employing a binary logistic regression model. The results suggests that while farmers complain of poor farm gate prices for indigenous chicken offered by middlemen, low volumes are an important drawback to market participation.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | The influence of prices on market participation decisions of indigenous poultry farmers in four districts of Eastern Province, Kenya |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Market; Price; Indigenous chicken; Farm-gate |
Subjects: | Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics ; Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q1 - Agriculture > Q13 - Agricultural Markets and Marketing ; Cooperatives ; Agribusiness Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics ; Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q1 - Agriculture > Q12 - Micro Analysis of Farm Firms, Farm Households, and Farm Input Markets C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods > C2 - Single Equation Models ; Single Variables > C25 - Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models ; Discrete Regressors ; Proportions ; Probabilities |
Item ID: | 21312 |
Depositing User: | Stephen Mailu |
Date Deposited: | 14 Nov 2010 09:17 |
Last Modified: | 29 Sep 2019 06:20 |
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