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Items where Subject is "Q12 - Micro Analysis of Farm Firms, Farm Households, and Farm Input Markets"

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Number of items at this level: 411.


Abdulai, Awudu and Owusu, Victor and Goetz, Renan (2008): Property rights and investment in agriculture: Evidence for Ghana.

Acosta Reveles, Irma Lorena (2005): De campesinos a multifuncionales. La pequeña explotación agrícola en México. Published in: Revista Vínculo Jurídico , Vol. Enero-, No. Número 61 (March 2005): pp. 38-48.

Ahmad, Munir and Bravo-Ureta, Boris and Wackernagel, Rick (1993): Factor Substitution in Dairy Farming: A Comparison of Allen and Morishima Elasticities.

Ahmad, Munir and Chaudhry, Ghulam Mustafa and Iqbal, Muhammad (2002): Wheat Productivity, Efficiency, and Sustainability: A Stochastic Production Frontier Analysis. Published in: The Pakistan Development Review , Vol. 4, No. 41 (2002): pp. 643-663.

Ahmad, Nasim and Singh, K M and Sinha, D K (2020): An Economic Analysis of Crop Diversification and Its Determinants in Bihar Agriculture.

Ahmad, Nasim and Singh, K.M. and Sinha, D.K. (2018): Role of Women in Agricultural Sector of Bihar: A Socio-Economic Mapping. Published in: Indian Journal of Extension Education , Vol. 55, No. 3 (1 September 2019): pp. 154-157.

Ahmad, Nasim and Sinha, D.K. and Singh, K.M. and Mishra, R.R. (2017): Growth Performance and Resource Use Efficiency of Maize in Bihar: An Economic Perspectives.

Ahmed, Shakil and Mallick, Debdulal and Roy Chowdhury, Prabal (2025): Marshall Meets Lewis: Efficiency of Sharecropping in the Presence of Surplus Labor.

Akamin, Ajapnwa and Bidogeza, Jean-Claude and Minkoua N, Jules René and Afari-Sefa, Victor (2017): Efficiency and productivity analysis of vegetable farming within root and tuber-based systems in the humid tropics of Cameroon. Published in: Journal of Integrative Agriculture , Vol. 16, No. 8 (August 2017): pp. 1865-1873.

Aldanondo, Ana M. and Casasnovas, Valero L. and Almansa, M. Carmen (2016): Cost-constrained measures of environmental efficiency: a material balance approach.

Anwar, A. and A.Shamma, T. and Soliman, I. (1977): Economical Efficiency of Poultry Projects for Chicken Meat Production. Published in: World's Poultry Science Journal , Vol. 33, No. 4 (4 November 1977): pp. 186-192.

Aravindakshan, Sreejith (2011): Socioeconomic and livelihood impact of invasive species on marginal homesteads: the case of aceria guerreronis on coconut palms in India. Published in: Proceedings of “Development on the margin”, Tropentag, October 5-7, 2011, Bonn (7 October 2011)

Areal, Francisco J and Balcombe, Kelvin and Tiffin, R (2010): Integrating spatial dependence into stochastic frontier analysis.

Areal, Francisco J and Tiffin, Richard and Balcombe, Kelvin (2010): Provision of an environmental output within a multi-output distance function approach.

Asare-Nuamah, Peter and Amoah, Anthony and Asongu, Simplice (2021): Achieving food security in Ghana: Does governance matter?

Attavanich, Witsanu (2017): Effect of climate change on Thailand’s agriculture: New results.

Attavanich, Witsanu (2013): The Effect of Climate Change on Thailand’s Agriculture. Published in: 7th International Academic Conference Proceedings No. ISBN: 978-80-905241-7-0 : pp. 23-40.

Azad, Abul Kalam and Choudhury, Nayeema Nusrat and Wadood, Syed Naimul (2022): Impact of Agricultural Credit on Agricultural Production: Evidence from Bangladesh. Published in: Social Science Review , Vol. 40, No. 1 (June 2022): pp. 109-128.


BAGDE, RAKSHIT (2019): भारत मे किसान आत्महत्याये. Published in: Gurukul Journal , Vol. 7(1), No. 4 (31 January 2019): pp. 24-27.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2024): Основи на икономиката на аграрните договори.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2025): Структура на договорите и гавърнанса в българските ферми.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2023): Оценка на институционалната структура на оползотворяване на утайки от ПСОВ в българското земеделие.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2023): Аграрното управление - опит за разбиране и икономическо анализиране.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2023): About governance, production, and territorial dimensions of farm competitiveness – the case of Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2023): Agrarian governance – who, what, why, how, where, when, price?

Bachev, Hrabrin (2023): Comparative and absolute competitiveness of governing structures in Bulgarian farming.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2024): Economic framework for studying and assessing agrarian contracts.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2023): Institutional structure of the agricultural utilization of sludge from wastewater treatment plants in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ito, Fusao (2015): March 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear disaster - impacts on Japanese agriculture and food sector.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bozhidar (2024): Агро-хранителен гавърнанс - същност, елементи, оценка и качество в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bozhidar (2024): Composition and measurement of agro-food governance.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bozhidar (2023): What is agrarian governance and how to assess how good it is?

Bachev, Hrabrin and Mihailova, Mihaela and Terziev, Dimitar and Georgiev, Minko and Dimova, Nadejda and Marinov, Petar and Mikova, Rosiza and Blagoeva, Snejana (2024): Структура и управление на договорните отношения в селското стопанство на България.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Mihailova, Mihaela and Terziev, Dimitar and Georgiev, Minko and Nikolov, Dimitre and Dimova, Nadejda and Marinov, Petar and Mikova, Rosiza and Tzvyatkova, Daniela and Mitov, Anton and Asenov, Stefan and Minchev, Andrey and Petrov, Daniel (2024): Икономически анализи на договорите и договорните отношения в аграрната сфера на България.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2023): Разбиране, оценка и фактори на конкурентоспособността на фермерските управленчески структури - български пример.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2018): Управление на аграрната устойчивост в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Ефективност на икономическите организации и обществената интервенция в земеделието. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. LVII, No. 3 (2012): pp. 24-44.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Управление на договорните отношения на фермата. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. LIV, No. 2 (2009): pp. 38-50.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Управление на риска в аграрния сектор. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. 57, No. 4 (2012): pp. 11-36.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Стратегическо управление на фермата. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. LIV, No. 4 (2009): pp. 35-47.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Оценка на конкурентноспособността на българските ферми. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. LV, No. 6 (2010): pp. 11-26.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Управление на услугите на агро-екосистемите. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. LIV, No. 6 (2009): pp. 3-20.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2003): Организация на реализацията на продукцията в българските ферми. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. XLVIII, No. 6 (2003): pp. 13-23.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2003): Организация на снабдяването с финанси в българските ферми. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. XLVIII, No. 5 (2003): pp. 10-21.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2002): Организация на снабдяването с материални активи в българските ферми. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. IAXXXX, No. 2 (2002): pp. 17-24.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2016): Устойчивост на земеделските стопанства в България. Published in: Институт по икономика на селското стопанство , Vol. 1, No. 1 (December 2016): pp. 1-193.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2020): Управленческа устойчивост на селското стопанство в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2022): Управленчески форми за снабдяване на агро-екосистемни услуги от земеделските стопанства в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2022): Как да оценим управленческата ефективност на българските земеделски стопанства.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2016): Изследване на устойчивостта на земеделските стопанства в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin (1995): Икономически измерения на аграрните транзакции. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 7 (1996): pp. 1-14.

Bachev, Hrabrin (1996): Ефективни граници на аграрните организации. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 8 (1996): pp. 1-16.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2000): Ефективни форми за организация на аграрните транзакции. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 4 (2000): pp. 3-12.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2000): Икономически граници на фермата. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 5 : pp. 3-17.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2002): Ефективност на аграрните организации с отчитане на транзакционните разходи. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 2 (2003): pp. 13-20.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2005): Подход за оценка на устойчивостта на фермите. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство No. 6 (2005): pp. 24-37.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2015): Изследване на социално-икономическите ефекти на земетресението, цунамито и ядрената авария във Фукушима през март 2011 година върху агро-хранителните вериги в Япония.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Agri-environmental Management during EU Integration of Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2021): Agri-food impacts of Fukushima nuclear accident - lessons learned 10 years after disaster.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Agro-Ecosystem Services – Governance Needs and Efficiency.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2015): An Approach to Assess Sustainability of Agricultural Farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Assessing environmental management in agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2017): An Assessment of Sustainability of Bulgarian Farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2021): Assessment of the competitiveness of agricultural holdings in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2019): Assessments of preparedness, agri-food impacts and implications for disaster risk management of Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Competitiveness of Bulgarian Farms in Conditions of EU CAP Implementation.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Competitiveness of Bulgarian farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2021): Ecosystem services of Bulgarian agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2011): Effects of EU CAP implementation on Bulgarian farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2018): Efficiency of agrarian governance in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2018): Efficiency of sustainability management in Bulgarian agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2014): Environmental Management in Agriculture – Case of Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2014): Environmental management in agriculture - mechanisms, forms and efficiency.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2017): Environmental sustainability of Bulgarian agricultural Farms – assessment, state, factors.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2020): Evaluation of governance sustainability of Bulgarian agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2015): Expert assessment on agri-food implications of March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Farm diversification and market inclusion in East Europe and Central Asia.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2014): Forms, Factors and Efficiency of Eco-management in Bulgarian Farms with High Eco-activity.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Framework for Analisis and Improvement of Agrarian Dynamics.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Framework for Analysis of Agrarian Contracts.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Framework for assessing efficiency of farms and agrarian organizations.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2008): Governance of Bulgarian Farming.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Governance of agrarian sustainability.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2022): Governance of agricultural knowledge and innovation system (AKIS) in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2017): Governance, economic, social and environmental sustainability of farms of different luridical type in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Governing Agrarian Risks.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Governing of Agro-Ecosystem Services.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Governing of agro-ecosystem services - modes, efficiency, perspectives.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2020): Identification of development strategy and intervention needs of AKIS in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2018): Impact of governing modes on agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2008): Impact of institutional modernization and EU integration on Bulgarian farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2018): Institutions and sustainability – insights from Bulgarian agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2008): Integration of dairy farms in supply chain in bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2011): Management of chemical and biological risks in agri-food chain.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Management of farm contracts and competitiveness.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2015): March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear accident impacts on Japanese agri-food sector.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Mechanisms of Governance of Sustainable Development.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2019): Multilevel assessment of agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2013): Natural resources conservation management and strategies in agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Needs, Modes and Efficiency of Economic Organizations and Public Interventions in Agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2020): On how to define, assess and improve the governance of agro-ecosystem services.

Bachev, Hrabrin (1996): Organisation of agrarian transactions in transitional economies. Published in: Redefining the Roles for European Agriculture No. 1 (3 September 1996): pp. 3-20.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2008): Post-communist Transformation in Bulgaria – Implications for Development of Agricultural Specialization and Farming Structures.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2012): Risk Management in Agri-food Chain.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2020): State, development and efficiency of digitalization in Bulgarian agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2020): State, efficiency and factors for development of AKIS in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (1995): Structures for organisation of transactions in Japanese agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): Study on Agrarian Contracts in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2016): Sustainability of Farming Enterprise – Governance and Evaluation.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2017): Sustainability of farms of natural persons in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2021): Understanding and evaluating the “missing” governance pillar of sustainability – the case of the Bulgarian agriculture.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Understanding efficiency of agrarian organisation.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2022): Unpacking the governance of agro-ecosystem services – the case of Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2015): What is Sustainability of Farms?

Bachev, Hrabrin (2010): A case of integration of organic dairy sheep farm in value chains in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2022): A framework for assessing the governance efficiency of agricultural farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2016): A holistic approach for assessing the system of governance of agrarian sustainability.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2021): A study on impacts of the institutional environment and climate change on sustainability of agriculture – the case of Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2015): A study on market inclusion through enhanced eco-management in Bulgarian farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin (2021): A study on type, volume and governance of ecosystem services in Bulgarian farms.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ito, Fusao (2013): Fukushima nuclear disaster – implications for Japanese agriculture and food chains.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bodjidar (2015): Подход за анализ и оценка на системата за управление и на равнището на аграрна устойчивост.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bodjidar and Toteva, Desislava and Sokolova, Emilia (2017): Framework for analyzing and assessing the system of governance and the level of agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria and China.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bodjidar and Toteva, Dessislava (2019): Sustainability of agricultural sub-sectors in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bodjidar and Toteva, Dessislava (2019): Sustainability of agro-ecosystems in Bulgaria.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bojidar (2021): Оползотворяване на утайки в селското стопанство на България.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bojidar and Mitova, Dilyana and Boevski, Ivan and Marinov, Petar and Sarov, Angel and Zvetkova, Daniela and Kostenarov, Krasimir and Vanev, Dimitar (2021): Емпирично изследване на управлението на услугите на агроекосистемите в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bojidar and Mitova, Dilyana and Boevski, Ivan and Marinov, Petar and Todorova, Kristina and Mitov, Anton (2020): Методически въпроси на икономическото изучаване на услугите на агроекоситемите.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bojidar and Radev, Teodor and Dung, Nguen and Atanasova, Maria and Slavova, Yanka and Toteva, Dessislava (2009): Сравнителен анализ на аграрната политика на България и Виетнам. Published in: Avangard Prima, Sofia No. 1 (2009): pp. 1-126.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bojidar and Sarov, Angel (2020): Как да измерим управленческата устойчивост на българското селско стопанство?

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bojidar and Sarov, Angel (2019): Framework for assessing the governance pillar of agrarian sustainability.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bojidar and Terziev, Dimitar and Toteva, Dessislava and Che, Shengquan and Koleva, Lyubka (2018): China-Bulgaria Rural Revitalization Development Cooperation Forum.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bojidar and Toteva, Dessislava and Sokolova, Emilia and Terziev, Dimitar and Nikolov, Dimitar and Radeva, Donka and Chopeva, Minka and Li, Hongfei and Che, Shengquan (2018): Управление и оценка на аграрната устойчивост – опит, предизвикателства и уроци от България и Китай.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bozhidar (2021): Подход за оценка на ефектите, ефективността и факторите на оползотворяване на утайки в селското стопанство на България.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Ivanov, Bozhidar (2021): Efficiency and factors for agricultural use of sludge in the circular Bulgarian economy.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Koteva, Nina (2021): Равнище на конкурентоспособност на българските ферми през 2020г.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Koteva, Nina and Ivanov, Bodjidar and Mitova, Dilyana and Boevski, Ivan and Marinov, Petar and Sarov, Angel and Kostenarov, Krassimir and Dimova, Nadejda and Soyanova, Natalia and Terziev, Dimitar (2022): Въпроси на конкурентоспособността на земеделските стопанства на България.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Koteva, Nina and Ivanov, Bojidar and Mitova, Dilyana and Boevski, Ivan and Terziev, Dimitar and Dimova, Nadejda and Dimitrova, Reneta and Marinov, Petar and Zvyatkova, Daniela and Sarov, Angel and Kostenarov, Krasimir and Yanevska, Emilia (2021): Холистичен подход за дефиниране, оценяване и подобряване на конкурентоспособността на земеделските стопанства в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Koteva, Nina and Mitova, Dilyana and Ivanov, Bojidar and Chopeva, Minka and Sarov, Angel and Toteva, Dessislava and Todorova, Kristina and Yovchevska, Plamena and Kaneva, Krasimira and Aleksandrova, Svetlana and Mitov, Anton (2019): Устойчивост на селското стопанство в България.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Labonne, Michel (2000): About the organisation of agrarian innovations. Published in: INRA_ERS No. 1 (March 2000): pp. 1-33.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Nanseki, Teruaki (2007): Environmental Management in Bulgarian Agriculture – Risks, Modes, Major Challenges. Published in: Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kyushu University , Vol. 53, No. 1 (2007): pp. 363-373.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Terziev, Dimitar (2002): Организация на снабдяването с услуги в българските ферми. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. IIAXXX, No. 3 (2002): pp. 20-28.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Terziev, Dimitar (2001): Организация на снабдяването със земя в българските ферми. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. XXXXVI, No. 6 : pp. 17-27.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Terziev, Dimitar (2002): Организация на снабдяването със труд в българските ферми. Published in: Икономика и управление на селското стопанство , Vol. 47, No. 1 (2002): pp. 21-39.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Tsuji, Masao (2001): Structures for organisation of transactions in Bulgarian agriculture. Published in: Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kyushu University , Vol. 46, No. 1 (2001): pp. 123-151.

Bachev, Hrabrin and Yovchevska, Plamena and Mitova, Dilyana and Toteva, Desislava and Mitov, Anton (2013): Еко-управление в българското селското стопанство.

Baidoo, Samuel Tawiah and Yusif, Hadrat and Anwar, Umar (2016): The effect of smallholder livestock production on income of farm households in Northern Ghana. Published in: Journal of Science and Technology , Vol. 36, No. 3 (December 2016): pp. 8-19.

Bairagi, Subir (2014): Productivity and Efficiency Analysis of Microfinance Institutions (MFIS) in Bangladesh.

Bantilan, MCS and Anand Babu, P and Anupama, GV and Deepthi, H and Padmaja, R (2006): Dryland Agriculture: Dynamics, Challenges and Priorities. Published in:

Barrett, Christopher B. and Bachke, Maren E. and Bellemare, Marc F. and Michelson, Hope C. and Narayanan, Sudha and Walker, Thomas F. (2010): Smallholder Participation in Agricultural Value Chains: Comparative Evidence from Three Continents.

Beard, Rodney (2008): End-Point versus Point of Sale Levying of Plant Breeding Royalties: An Economic Analysis using Optimal Control Theory.

Bellemare, Marc F. (2010): Agricultural Extension and Imperfect Supervision in Contract Farming: Evidence from Madagascar. Forthcoming in: Agricultural Economics

Bellemare, Marc F. (2010): As You Sow, So Shall You Reap: The Welfare Impacts of Contract Farming.

Bellemare, Marc F. (2010): As You Sow, So Shall You Reap: The Welfare Impacts of Contract Farming.

Bellemare, Marc F. (2009): The (Im)Possibility of Reverse Share Tenancy.

Bellemare, Marc F. and Barrett, Christopher B. and Just, David R. (2010): The Welfare Impacts of Commodity Price Fluctuations: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia.

Bellemare, Marc F. and Novak, Lindsey (2015): Contract Farming and Food Security.

Benzarour, Choukri (2022): تطوير الغذاء الحرفي: رؤى من تجارب دولية.

Bequet, Ludovic (2021): Agricultural productivity and land inequality. Evidence from the Philippines.

Bequet, Ludovic (2020): Biotech Crops, Input Use and Landslides: The case of Genetically Modified Corn in the Philippine Highlands.

Berevoianu, Rozi Liliana (2014): Computer model for agricultural holdings-useful tool in the evaluation and implementation of a high performance management. Published in: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development – Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 5, No. ISSN – 2285 – 6803; ISSN – L – 2285 – 6803 (20 November 2014): pp. 169-172.

Berevoianu, Rozi Liliana (2014): Computer model for evaluating performance and economic risk at the level of farms of different sizes. Published in: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania , Vol. 5, No. ISSN 2285–6803 ISSN-L 2285–6803 (20 November 2014): pp. 247-254.

Bezu, Sosina and Barrett, Christopher B. (2010): Activity Choice in Rural Non-farm Employment (RNFE): Survival versus accumulative strategy.

Bhatta, Kiran Prasad and Ishida, Akira and Taniguchi, Kenji and Sharma, Raksha (2008): Profitability and Sustainability of the Emerging Poultry Business in Developing Countries: A Case of a Poultry Grower of Nepal. Published in: Japanese Journal of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics , Vol. 59, No. 1 (1 August 2008): pp. 89-100.

Bishu, Kinfe and O'Reilly, Seamus and Lahiff, Edward and Steiner, Bodo (2016): Cattle farmers’ perceptions of risk and risk management strategies. Forthcoming in: Journal of Risk Research

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