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Items where Subject is "C2 - Single Equation Models ; Single Variables"

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AMBA OYON, Claude Marius and Mbratana, Taoufiki and Gilles Quentin, Kane (2017): Assessing the Current Account Sustainability in ECCAS economies: A Dual Cointegration Analysis.

Agiakloglou, Christos and Polemis, Michael (2017): Evaluating the liberalization process on Telecommunications services for EU countries.

Aguilar, Juan Francisco (2009): Modelo Para El Mejoramiento De La Gestión De Inventarios Del Banco Central Del Ecuador.

Ahmed, Mumtaz and Bashir, Uzma and Ullah, Irfan (2021): Testing for explosivity in US-Pak Exchange Rate via Sequential ADF Procedures.

Ahmed, Mumtaz and Zaman, Asad (2014): A Minimax Bias Estimator for OLS Variances under Heteroskedasticity.

Aiello, Francesco (2013): The effectiveness of R&D support in Italy. Some evidence from matching methods. Published in: Risk governance & control: financial markets & institutions , Vol. 3, No. 4 (December 2013): pp. 7-15.

Akinyemi, Opeyemi and Ogundipe, Adeyemi and Alege, Philip (2012): Energy Supply and Climate Change in Nigeria.

Alali, Walid Y. (2010): Impact of Institutions and Policy on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence.

Alejo, Javier and Gabrielli, Florencia and Sosa Escudero, Walter (2011): The distributive effects of education: an unconditional quantile regression approach. Published in: ANALES DE LA ASOCIACION ARGENTINA DE ECONOMIA POLITICA No. 46 (2011): pp. 1-24.

Alexiadis, Stilianos and Kokkidis, Stilianos (2010): Convergence in Agriculture: Evidence from the regions of an Enlarged EU.

Ali, Sharafat and Ahmad, Najid (2013): Human Capital and Poverty in Pakistan: Evidence from the Punjab Province. Published in: European Journal of Science and Public Policy , Vol. 11, (August 2013): pp. 36-41.

Alvi, Mohsin (2012): The impact of packet size on inventory turnover of fmcg products in Pakistan [wholesaler & retailer perspective]. Published in: International Journal of Empirical Finance , Vol. 4, No. 3 (June 2015): pp. 165-169.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2018): Endogenous constraints, coefficients of economic distance, and economic performance of African countries – An exploratory essay.

Aprile, Maria Carmela and Fiorillo, Damiano (2016): Water Conservation Behavior and Environmental Concerns.

Arevilca Vasquez, Bismarck Javier and Risso Charquero, Adrian Winston (2007): Balance of Payments Constrained Growth Model: Evidence for Bolivia 1953-2002.

Armstrong, J. Scott and Green, Kesten C. and Graefe, Andreas (2014): Golden Rule of Forecasting: Be conservative.

Aziz, Zohaib and Muhammad, Ahsanuddin and Hussain, Ghulam (2010): Global environment and factors affecting the salary of the CEO (chief executive officer) of a goods producing firm: an Econometric modeling approach using STATA.


BAHMANI-OSKOOEE, Mohsen and HALICIOGLU, Ferda and GHODSI, Seyed Hesam (2016): Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rate Changes on British Bilateral Trade Balances.

Bachoc, Francois and Leeb, Hannes and Pötscher, Benedikt M. (2014): Valid confidence intervals for post-model-selection predictors.

Baraldi, Anna Laura and Cantabene, Claudia and De Iudicibus, Alessandro (2023): Fighting crime for improved recycling: evaluating an anti-mafia policy on source separation of waste.

Baraldi, Anna Laura and Cantabene, Claudia and Perani, Giulio (2013): Reverse causality in the R&D – patents relationship: an interpretation of the innovation persistence.

Barraez, Daniel and Pagliacci, Carolina (2009): A Markov-Switching Model of Inflation: Looking at the future during uncertain times. Published in: Analisis Economico , Vol. XXV, No. 59 (March 2010): pp. 25-46.

Beja, Edsel Jr. (2015): Subjective well-being approach for testing money illusion: Evidence using data from Social Weather Stations.

Bellalah, Mondher and Masood, Omar and Thapa, Priya Darshini Pun and Levyne, Olivier and Triki, Rabeb (2012): Economic forces and stock exchange prices: pre and post impacts of global financial recession of 2008. Published in: Journal of Computations & Modelling (2012)

Bensalma, Ahmed (2013): Simple Fractional Dickey Fuller test. Published in: Procceding of 29th European Meeting of Statisticians : pp. 46-47.

Bensalma, Ahmed (2018): Two Distinct Seasonally Fractionally Differenced Periodic Processes.

Benzarour, Choukri (2014): صياغة السياسات الاقتصادية الكلية في الجزائر: هل من حاجة إلى الاسترشاد بالنماذج الاقتصادية القياسية؟.

Berman, Yonatan (2018): Inclusive Growth and Absolute Intragenerational Mobility in the United States, 1962-2014.

Bigerna, Simona and D'Errico, Maria Chiara and Polinori, Paolo (2022): Environmental variables and power firms' productivity: micro panel estimation with time-Invariant variables.

Bilgili, Faik (1998): Stationarity and cointegration tests: Comparison of Engle - Granger and Johansen methodologies. Published in: Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Erciyes University No. 13 (1998): pp. 131-141.

Blankmeyer, Eric (2022): A bias test for heteroscedastic linear least squares regression.

Blazejowski, Marcin and Kwiatkowski, Jacek (2020): Bayesian Model Averaging for Autoregressive Distributed Lag (BMA_ADL) in gretl.

Bonga-Bonga, Lumengo (2024): Assessing the impossible trinity principle in BRICS grouping.

Bose, Sukanya (2001): Monetary Policy and the Credit Channel: Evidence from India.

Brooks, Robert and Harris, Mark and Spencer, Christopher (2007): An Inflated Ordered Probit Model of Monetary Policy: Evidence from MPC Voting Data.

Bădilă, Andreea Iuliana and Sucilă căs. Pahoni, Cipriana and Mihuţ, Cosmin and Filip, Dan Andrei and Ciubotaru, Iulian Marcel and Luca, Cătălin-Viorel and Mănescu, Alexandra Florina and Pipoș, Cristina and Popa (Lupu), Diana Gabriela and Dinu (Dragomir), Maria Magdalena and Petric, Paulian Timotei and Bran, Răzvan and Constantin, Veronica and Postăvaru, Gianina Ioana and Ciolan, Ioana Monica and Papuc, Valentin and Moșoi, Ștefan Cristian and Gheorghe, Anamaria Elena and Clucerescu (Tănase), Emilia Elena and Marin, Ştefan Claudiu and Ciorei, Mihaela Andreea and Mărcău, Flavius Cristian and Mihaela, Ruxanda and Marin, Camelia and Enescu, Camelia and Ealangi, Ionuț and Purcaru, Mihai and Pop, Alexandra Raluca and Bojincă, Moise (2012): Research and Science Today Supplement No.1(3)/2012. Published in: Research and Science Today


Chang, Jinyuan and Chen, Songxi (2011): On the Approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Diffusion Processes. Published in:

Chen, Songxi and Peng, Liang and Yu, Cindy (2013): Parameter Estimation and Model Testing for Markov Processes via Conditional Characteristic Functions. Published in:

Chen, Songxi and Qin, Jing and Tang, Chengyong (2013): Mann-Whitney Test with Adjustments to Pre-treatment Variables for Missing Values and Observational Study. Published in:

Chen, Songxi and Van Keilegom, Ingrid (2012): Estimation in semiparametric models with missing data. Published in:

Chong, Terence Tai Leung and Ding, Yue and Pang, Tianxiao (2017): Extreme Risk Value and Dependence Structure of the China Securities Index 300. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 37, No. 1 (20 March 2017): pp. 520-529.

Chong, Terence Tai Leung and Pang, Tianxiao and Zhang, Danna and Liang, Yanling (2017): Structural change in non-stationary AR(1) models. Forthcoming in: Econometric Theory

Coleman, Stephen (2018): Geographical Distributions and Equilibrium in Social Norm-Related Behavior in the United States.

Craigwell, Roland and Mathouraparsad, Sebastien and Maurin, Alain (2011): Unemployment hysteresis in the English-speaking Caribbean: evidence from non-linear models. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 65 (2011): pp. 98-111.

Cuesta, Lizeth and Ruiz, Yomara (2021): Efecto de la globalización sobre la desigualdad. Un estudio global para 104 países usando regresiones cuantílicas.


Dadakas, Dimitrios (2020): Quantifying the Impact of Exporter-Specific, Importer-Specific and only Time-Varying Variables in Structural Gravity.

Degiannakis, Stavros and Xekalaki, Evdokia (2004): Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) Models: A Review. Published in: Quality Technology and Quantitative Management , Vol. 1, No. 2 (2004): pp. 271-324.

Dergiades, Theologos and Martinopoulos, Georgios and Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2011): Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Parametric and Non-Parametric Causality Testing for the Case of Greece. Published in: Energy Economics , Vol. 36, No. c (15 March 2013): pp. 686-697.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2011): Global Economic Crisis: Enter the Dragon.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2006): Globalization and Environment: Can Pollution Haven Hypothesis alone explain the impact of Globalization on Environment?

Dinda, Soumyananda and Coondoo, Dipankor and Pal, Manoranjan (1999): Air Quality and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study. Published in: Ecological Economics , Vol. 34, No. 3 (2000): pp. 409-423.

Dladla, Khumbuzile and Khobai, Hlalefang (2018): The impact of Taxation on Economic Growth in South Africa.

Dominique, C-Rene (2009): On the Computation of the Hausdorff Dimension of the Walrasian Economy:Further Notes.


Flici, Farrid (2016): Projection des taux de mortalité par âges pour la population algérienne.

Forson, Joseph Ato and Janrattanagul, Jakkaphong (2014): Selected Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Market Movements: Empirical evidence from Thailand. Published in: Contemporary Economics , Vol. 8, No. 2 (30 June 2014): pp. 154-174.

Franssen, M.M.E. and Peeters, H.M.M. (1988): Onderzoek naar samenhangen tussen fysieke kenmerken en exploitatiekosten van Rooms-Katholieke kerken.


Gencay, Ramazan and Fan, Yanqin (2007): Unit Root Tests with Wavelets.

Gencay, Ramazan and Fan, Yanqin (2007): Unit Root Tests with Wavelets.

Georgellis, Yannis and Gregoriou, Andros and Tsitsianis, Nikolaos (2009): Reference-dependent preferences in the public and private sectors: A nonlinear perspective.

Gomez-Sorzano, Gustavo (2007): Developing the concept of Sustainable Peace using Econometrics and scenarios granting Sustainable Peace in Colombia by year 2019.

Gonçalves, Vitor and Pinto, Hugo (2010): A Importância da I&D e da Variedade de Capitalismo na Capitalização em Bolsa: Evidência Econométrica das Maiores Empresas Europeias em 2008.

Graves, Philip E. (1978): New evidence on income and the velocity of money. Published in: Economic Inquiry , Vol. 16, No. 1 : pp. 53-68.

Güriş, Burak (2017): A Flexible Fourier Form Nonlinear Unit Root Test Based on ESTAR Model.


HALICIOGLU, Ferda and Ketenci, Natalya (2017): Testing the Productivity Bias Hypothesis in Middle East Countries.

Han, Jinyue and Wang, Jun and Gao, Wei and Tang, Man-Lai (2023): Estimation of the directions for unknown parameters in semiparametric models.


Ibanez, Francisco and Urga, Giovanni (2024): Incorporating Market Regimes into Large-Scale Stock Portfolios: A Hidden Markov Model Approach.

Ismihan, Mustafa (2010): A New Framework for Output-Unemployment Relationship: Okun’s Law Revisited.


JANJHJI, NOOR ZAMAN and MEMON, NOOR AHMED (2007): Pakistan lags behind in technical textile. Published in: Journal of Management and social sciences , Vol. Vol 3, No. Vol 3 (2007): pp. 120-127.

Javier E., Contreras-Reyes (2016): Credit allocation based on journal impact factor and coauthorship contribution.

Jiang, Yi and Lin, Tun and Zhuang, Juzhong (2008): Environmental Kuznets Curves in the People’s Republic of China: turning points and regional differences. Published in: ADB Economics Working Paper Series No. 141 (December 2008)

Jiranyakul, Komain and Opiela, Timothy (2014): An Empirical Test of Money Demand in Thailand from 1993 to 2012.


Keita, Moussa (2015): Introduction à l'Econométrie.

Koloma, Yaya (2012): DETERMINANTS de la pauvreté et genre des bénéficiaires de microfinance au Mali.

Konstantakis, Konstantinos and Michaelides, Panayotis G. (2014): The Political Economy of Car Sales in Athens, Greece.

Konstantakis, Konstantinos and Michaelides, Panayotis G. and Tsionas, Efthymios (2015): The Determinants of Economic Fluctuations in Greece: An Empirical Investigation (1995-2014).

Kossov, Vladimir and Kossova, Elena (2013): Gasoline price as social phenomenon.


Lallmahomed, Naguib and Taubert, Peter (1989): What can we learn from univariate time series models? The case of sugar production in Mauritius 1879-1987. Published in: Bulletin du GREED, Groupe de Recherche en Economie de Developpement, Universite de Paris I (Pentheon-Sorbonne) , Vol. No. 10, No. February 1989 (23 February 1989): pp. 39-51.

Leon, Jorge and Muñoz, Evelyn and Madrigal, Roger (2002): Un Enfoque Monetario de los Efectos Sobre Precios y Tasas de Interés del Tipo de Cambio Fijo.

Li, Jia (2012): On the Empirics of China's Inter-regional Risk Sharing. Published in: Forum of International Development Studies , Vol. 42, (March 2012): pp. 23-42.

Li, Jun and Chen, Songxi (2012): Two Sample Tests for High Dimensional Covariance Matrices. Published in:

Liu, Kaiola (2023): Quantitative and Qualitative Finance Practices: Anomaly Pattern Recognition. Published in: , Vol. 1, (27 August 2023): pp. 1-30.

Liu, Kaiola (2023): Quantitative and Qualitative Finance: ADSM. Published in: , Vol. 001, (27 August 2023): pp. 1-35.

Lord, Montague (1999): Modeling ASEAN Global Linkages.

Lu, Qian and Zhao, Yunhui (2010): Spillover Effects of FDI in China: From the Perspective of Technology Gaps. Published in: Journal of Renmin University of China (English Edition) , Vol. 1, (May 2010): pp. 20-42.

Lusompa, Amaze (2019): Local Projections, Autocorrelation, and Efficiency.


Maxim, Belenkiy (2005): The Determinants of Outsourcing from the U. S.: Evidence from Domestic Manufacturing Industries, 1972-2002. Published in: Explorations: An Undergraduate Research Journal , Vol. 8, (2005): pp. 103-117.

McCauley, Joseph L. and Bassler, Kevin E. and Gunaratne, Gemunu H. (2007): Martingales, Detrending Data, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis.

McCauley, Joseph L. and Gunaratne, Gemunu H. (2003): An empirical model of volatility of returns and option pricing. Published in: Physica A , Vol. 329, (2003): pp. 178-198.

Michaelides, Panayotis G. and Belegri-Roboli, Athena and Arapis, Gerasimos (2010): Estimating a modified nonlinear Hicks model: Evidence from the US economy (1960-2008).

Mishra, SK (2006): Fitting an Origin-Displaced Logarithmic Spiral to Empirical Data by Differential Evolution Method of Global Optimization.

Mishra, SK (2006): Fitting an Origin-Displaced Logarithmic Spiral to Empirical Data by Differential Evolution Method of Global Optimization.

Miura, Shinji (2015): Unified money circulation equation and an analogical explanation for its solvability.

Miura, Shinji (2015): Unified money circulation equation and an analogical explanation for its solvability.

Mohajan, Devajit (2023): Ponderal Index: An Important Anthropometric Indicator for Physical Growth. Published in: Journal of Innovations in Medical Research , Vol. 2, No. 6 (14 June 2023): pp. 15-19.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2023): Obesity and Its Related Diseases: A New Escalating Alarming in Global Health. Published in: Journal of Innovations in Medical Research , Vol. 3, No. 2 (23 March 2023): pp. 12-23.

Mohajan, Devajit and Mohajan, Haradhan (2022): Utility maximization analysis of an emerging firm: a bordered Hessian approach. Published in: Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series , Vol. 22, No. 4 (30 December 2022): pp. 292-308.

Mohajan, Haradhan (2017): Development of Einstein’s Static Cosmological Model of the Universe. Published in: Journal of Scientific Achievements , Vol. 2, No. 7 (30 April 2017): pp. 18-29.

Mohajan, Haradhan (2016): Singularities in Global Hyperbolic Space-time Manifold. Published in: Asian Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , Vol. 1, No. 5 (26 March 2016): pp. 41-58.

Mutascu, Mihai and Tiwari, Aviral and Estrada, Fernando (2011): Taxation and political stability. Forthcoming in:

Muteba Mwamba, John and Mokwena, Paula (2013): International diversification and dependence structure of equity portfolios during market crashes: the Archimedean copula approach.


Nandi, Tushar K. (2013): Intergenerational Persistence of Industry of Employment in India.

Nwaobi, Godwin (2011): Agent-based computational economics and African modeling:perspectives and challenges.

Nyamwange, Mathew (2012): Economic Growth and Public Healthcare Expenditure in Kenya (1982 - 2012). Published in:

Nzingoula, Gildas (2005): LES déterminants des dépenses de santé des ménages pauvres au CAMEROUN. Published in: Online database of ENSEA


Ojo, Marianne (2012): The need for global adoption and adaptation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): post Enron consequences and the restoration of confidence to capital markets following the 2008 financial and stock market crises.

Onyenweaku, C.E and Okoye, B.C and Okorie, K.C (2007): Determinants of Fertilizer Adoption by Rice Farmers in Bende Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. Published in: Nigerian Agricultural Journal , Vol. 41, No. 2 (18 October 2010)


Paradiso, Antonio and Rao, B. Bhaskara (2011): Flattening of the Phillips Curve and the Role of Oil Price: An Unobserved Components Model for the USA and Australia.

Paradiso, Antonio and Rao, B. Bhaskara (2011): How Rational are the Expected Inflation Rate in Australia?

Patel, Abhishek and Anand, Rajesh (2019): Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Multispectral Image Fusion for Minimizing Spectral Loss.

Patnaik, Unmesh and Narayanan, K (2010): Vulnerability and Coping to Disasters: A Study of Household Behaviour in Flood Prone Region of India.

Pavlyuk, Dmitry (2008): An Efficiency Analysis of European Countries' Railways. Published in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication (October 2008): pp. 229-236.

Pedauga Sánchez, Luis Enrique (2003): Modelo de intervención cambiaria para el caso venezolano. Published in: Serie Documentos de Trabajo No. 50 : pp. 1-21.

Piergallini, Alessandro and Postigliola, Michele (2011): Fiscal Policy and Public Debt Dynamics in Italy.

Pincheira, Pablo and Hardy, Nicolas (2021): The Mean Squared Prediction Error Paradox.

Pincheira, Pablo and Hardy, Nicolas (2020): The Mean Squared Prediction Error Paradox: A summary.

Pincheira, Pablo and Hardy, Nicolas (2018): The predictive relationship between exchange rate expectations and base metal prices.

Pincheira, Pablo and Hardy, Nicolas and Bentancor, Andrea and Henriquez, Cristóbal and Tapia, Ignacio (2021): Forecasting Base Metal Prices with an International Stock Index.

Pincheira, Pablo and Hardy, Nicolás (2019): Forecasting Aluminum Prices with Commodity Currencies.

Pincheira, Pablo and Hernández, Ana María (2019): Forecasting Unemployment Rates with International Factors.

Pincheira, Pablo and Jarsun, Nabil (2020): Summary of the Paper Entitled: Forecasting Fuel Prices with the Chilean Exchange Rate.

Pötscher, Benedikt M. and Leeb, Hannes (2007): On the distribution of penalized maximum likelihood estimators: The LASSO, SCAD, and thresholding.

Pötscher, Benedikt M. and Preinerstorfer, David (2020): How Reliable are Bootstrap-based Heteroskedasticity Robust Tests?


Qiu, Yumou and Chen, Songxi (2012): Test for Bandedness of High Dimensional Covariance Matrices with Bandwidth Estimation. Published in:


Rahal, Imen (2023): Analyse de la gestion des stocks de produits périssables en utilisant le modèle EOQ en Tunisie.

Rahal, Imen (2023): Analyse de la gestion des stocks de produits périssables en utilisant le modèle EOQ en Tunisie Analysis of the management of stocks of perishable products using the EOQ model in Tunisia.

Razzak, Weshah (2013): An Empirical Study of Sectoral-Level Capital Investments in New Zealand. Forthcoming in: New Zealand Treasury Working Papers (2014)

Razzak, Weshah (2013): New Zealand Labour Market Dynamics Pre- and post-global financial crisis. Forthcoming in: New Zealand Treasury Working Papers (2014)

Razzak, Weshah (2021): Research Effort and Economic Growth. Forthcoming in: Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Remoundou, Kyriaki and Adaman, Fikret and Koundouri, Phoebe and Nunes, Paulo A.L.D. (2011): Are Stated Preferences Sensitive to Funding Sources? A Tax Reallocation Scheme to Value Marine Restoration. Published in:

Ruiz-Porras, Antonio (2006): Financial systems and banking crises: An assessment. Published in: Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas (Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance) , Vol. v.5, No. Issue 1 (March 2006): pp. 13-27.


Saadaoui, Jamel (2012): Déséquilibres globaux, taux de change d’équilibre et modélisation stock-flux cohérente.

Saraogi, Ravi (2008): Determinants of FII Inflows:India.

Silva Lopes, Artur C. and Monteiro, Olga Susana (2007): The Expectations Hypothesis of the Term Structure: Some Empirical Evidence for Portugal.

Sinha, Pankaj and Nagarnaik, Ankit and Raj, Kislay and Suman, Vineeta (2016): Forecasting United States Presidential election 2016 using multiple regression models.

Sinha, Pankaj and Sharma, Aastha and Singh, Harsh Vardhan (2012): Prediction for the 2012 United States Presidential Election using Multiple Regression Model.

Sinha, Pankaj and Thomas, Ashley Rose and Ranjan, Varun (2012): Forecasting 2012 United States Presidential election using Factor Analysis, Logit and Probit Models.

Subbotin, Viktor (2008): Essays on the econometric theory of rank regressions. Published in: PQDT Open Access Graduate Works (December 2008)


Todorova, Tamara (2010): Problems Book to Accompany Mathematics for Economists. Published in: (May 2010): pp. 1-66.

Trueck, Stefan and Weron, Rafal and Wolff, Rodney (2007): Outlier Treatment and Robust Approaches for Modeling Electricity Spot Prices.

Tsoulfidis, Lefteris (2018): Ricardo’s Theory of Value is Still Alive and Well in Contemporary Capitalism.


Uppal, Yogesh (2008): Estimation of the Incumbency Effects in the US State Legislatures: A Quasi-Experimental Approach.


Valadkhani, Abbas (2010): Modelling the Price of Unleaded Petrol in Australia’s Capital Cities. Published in: Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal , Vol. 4, No. 2 (2010): pp. 19-38.

Van, Germinal and Barbosa Valdiosera, Emilio (2021): COVID Government-Aid Programs and Wealth Creation.

Von zur Muehlen, Peter (1972): Optimal price adjustment: tests of a price equation in U.S. manufacturing. Published in: Proceedings of the 1972 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 11th Symposium on Adaptive Processes (13 December 1972): pp. 26-30.


Wu, Cheng (2017): Does Clower’s Dual-Decision Hypothesis lead to the change in saving conclusion in Keynes’s General Theory?


Yaya, OlaOluwa S. and Olayinka, Hammed Abiola and Adebiyi, Aliu A and Atoi, Ngozi Victor and Olugu, Mercy U. and Akinkunmi, Wasiu B. (2024): Rural and Urban price inflation components in Nigeria: Persistence, Connectedness and Spillovers.

Yaya, OlaOluwa S (2017): Another Look at the Stationarity of Inflation rates in OECD countries: Application of Structural break-GARCH-based unit root tests. Forthcoming in: Statistics in Transition

Yaya, OlaOluwa S and Ogbonna, Ahamuefula and Atoi, Ngozi V (2019): Are inflation rates in OECD countries actually stationary during 2011-2018? Evidence based on Fourier Nonlinear Unit root tests with Break. Forthcoming in: Journal of Empirical REview , Vol. 9,

Yaya, OlaOluwa S and Ogbonna, Ephraim A (2019): Do we Experience Day-of-the-week Effects in Returns and Volatility of Cryptocurrency?

Yaya, OlaOluwa S and Ogbonna, Ephraim A and Mudida, Robert (2019): Market Efficiency and Volatility Persistence of Cryptocurrency during Pre- and Post-Crash Periods of Bitcoin: Evidence based on Fractional Integration.

Yaya, OlaOluwa S and Olalude, Gbenga A and Olayinka, Hameed A and Jimoh, Toheeb A and Adebiyi, Aliu A (2020): Household Expenditure In Africa: Evidence Of Mean Reversion.

Yener, Coskun and Akinsomi, Omokolade and Gil-Alana, Luis A. and Yaya, OlaOluwa S (2023): Stock Market Responses to COVID-19: The Behaviors of Mean Reversion, Dependence and Persistence. Published in: Heliyon

Yusuf, Sulaiman Adesina and Salau, Adekunle Sheu (2007): Forecasting Mango and Citrus Production in Nigeria: A Trend analysis.


Zdzienicka, Aleksandra (2010): A Re-assessment of Credit Development in European Transition Economies.

Zhu, Ying (2018): Statistical inference and feasibility determination: a nonasymptotic approach.

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