Gradzewicz, Michal and Hagemejer, Jan (2007): Marże monopolistyczne i przychody skali w gospodarce polskiej. Published in: Ekonomista , Vol. 4, (2007): pp. 515-540.
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This article estimates returns to scale and monopolistic markups on a large sample of Polish firms in the manufacturing and services sectors during 1996-2004. Methodology based on instrumental variables allows joint estimation of both, scale elasticities as well as markups, while the unobserved changes in firm-specific productivities are under control. Results show significant and positive markups in the aggregate manufacturing sector and in several narrowly defined industries. Returns to scale vary, but they are more pronounced in manufacturing, than in service sectors. Markups in service sector are lower than expected. Sensitivity analysis suggests sufficient overall stability of results.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Marże monopolistyczne i przychody skali w gospodarce polskiej |
English Title: | Monopolistic markups and returns to scale in the Polish economy |
Language: | Polish |
Keywords: | Poland, returns to scale, monopolistic markups, sectoral returns to scale and markups |
Subjects: | L - Industrial Organization > L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance > L10 - General L - Industrial Organization > L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing |
Item ID: | 46496 |
Depositing User: | Jan Hagemejer |
Date Deposited: | 23 Apr 2013 21:36 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 17:58 |
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