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Number of items at this level: 188.


Adewuyi, Adeolu and Emmanuel, Zachariah (2018): Electricity Outages and Firm Performance Across the Six Geo-Political Zones in Nigeria: The Role of Corruption.

Adewuyi, Adeolu and Emmanuel, Zachariah (2018): Electricity Outages and Firm Performance Across the Six Geo-Political Zones in Nigeria: The Role of Corruption.

Aguirregabiria, Victor and Ho, Chun-Yu (2009): A Dynamic Oligopoly Game of the US Airline Industry: Estimation and Policy Experiments.

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph (2017): Integrated vs. add-on: A multidimensional conceptualisation of technology obsolescence. Published in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2017)

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph (2020): Talent Management and Global Competition for Top Talent: A Co-Opetition-Based Perspective. Published in: Thunderbird International Business Review

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph and Debrah, Yaw A. and Honyenuga, Ben Q. and Adzoyi, Paulina N. (2017): Business and government interdependence in emerging economies: Insights from hotels in Ghana. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Tourism Research

Amendola, Giovanni Battista and Pupillo, Lorenzo Maria (2008): The Economics of Next Generation Access Networks and Regulatory Governance: Towards Geographic Patterns of Regulation. Published in: Communications & Strategies No. 69 (March 2008): pp. 85-105.

Amundsen, Eirik S. and Bergman, Lars (2007): Provision of operating reserve capacity: Principles and practices on the Nordic Electricity Market. Published in: Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (Intersentia) , Vol. Vol. 2, No. 1 (2007): pp. 73-98.

Angelopoulos, Michail and Kontakou, Christina and Pollalis, Yannis (2019): Digital Transformation and Lean Management. Challenges in the Energy Industry of Utilities. A Review.

Antelo, Manel and Bru, Lluís (2016): Option contracts in a vertical industry.

Anton, Roman (2015): An Integrated Strategy Framework (ISF) for Combining Porter's 5-Forces, Diamond, PESTEL, and SWOT Analysis. Forthcoming in: Open Science , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2016): pp. 21-26.

Arby, Muhammad Farooq (2003): Structure and Performance of Commercial Banks in Pakistan. Published in: Journal of Institute of Bankers Pakistan , Vol. Vol 70, No. No 4 (2003)

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2018): Testing the Quiet Life Hypothesis in the African Banking Industry. Forthcoming in: Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade

Audi, Marc (2015): South American Cluster: A Practical Case Study.

Azar, Ofer H. (2006): Behavioral industrial organization, firm strategy, and consumer economics.

Azar, Ofer H. (2007): The effect of relative thinking on firm strategy and market outcomes: A location differentiation model with endogenous transportation costs. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Psychology




Barbos, Andrei (2009): Information Acquisition and Innovation under Competitive Pressure.

Barbos, Andrei (2009): Information acquisition and innovation under competitive pressure.

Barbos, Andrei and Deng, Yi (2012): The Impact of a Public Option in the Health Insurance Market.

Basher, Syed Abul and Raboy, David G. and Kaitibie, Simeon and Hossain, Ishrat (2012): Understanding challenges to food security in dry Arab micro states: evidence from Qatari micro data.

Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo (2007): Competitive effects of it innovation on bank strategy,, 1985-1995.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour-centred Politics and Judicial Institutionalisation: The Lineaments of an Early Proto-Regulatory State Model in Australia. Published in: Discourses on Global Studies , Vol. 1, No. 4 (14 September 2014): pp. 42-60.

Beck, Dominik (2024): The dominance of reputation in continuous time: Experimental insights from a market entry game.

Ben Hammouda, Hakim and Karingi, Stephen and Njuguna, Angelica and Sadni Jallab, Mustapha (2006): Diversification: towards a new paradigm for Africa’s development.

Ben Slimane, FATEN (2007): L'Evolution des Marchés Boursiers Européens: Enjeux et limites.

Bukvić, Rajko (2023): Кволсетов индекс као нова мера концентрације: неке емпиријске провере. Published in: 50. Симпозијум о операционим истраживањима, SYM-OP-IS 2023 (2023): pp. 1005-1010.

Bukvić, Rajko (2023): Market Concentration in banking sector of Serbia: decomposition of the Changes in 2016–2021. Published in: Journal of Business and Economics , Vol. 14, No. 6 (2023): pp. 287-295.

Bukvić, Rajko and Hinić, Branko (1995): Oblici konkurencije na robnim tržištima u Jugoslaviji. Published in: Mesečne analize i prognoze , Vol. 2, No. 5 (1995): pp. 58-66.

Bukvić, Rajko and Nikolenko, Polina and Bocharov, Vladimir (2024): Цифровая экономика и развитие сельских территорий (на примере Сербии). Published in: Московский экономический журнал , Vol. 9, No. 2 (2024): pp. 306-334.

Bukvić, Rajko (2022): Влияние интернета и цифровой экономики на развитие конкуренции: что мы можем сказать о Сербии. Published in: International Conference E-Business Technologies, Belgrade: Faculty of organizational sciences, 2022 (2022): pp. 156-164.

Bukvić, Rajko (2020): Концентрация и конкуренция в современном банковском секторе Сербии: анализ индексов концентрации. Published in: Вестник НГИЭИ No. 5 (2020): pp. 63-79.

Bukvić, Rajko (2002): Утврђивање типова тржишних структура у југословенској прехрамбеној индустрији. Published in: Zbornik radova Više poslovne škole u Novom Sadu No. 4 (2002): pp. 35-47.

Bukvić, Rajko (2020): Концентрация и конкуренция в современном банковском секторе Сербии: анализ индексов концентрации. Published in: Вестник НГИЭИ No. 5 (2020): pp. 63-79.

Bukvić, Rajko (2020): Шта показују индекси концентрације: пример банковног сектора Србије. Published in: XLVII Simpozijum o operacionim istraživanjima, SYM-OP-IS 2020 Beograd 20–23 septembar 2020, Zbornik radova, ur. Milorad Vidović, Katarina Vukadinović, Dražen Popović, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Saobraćajni fakultet, Beograd, 2020 (2020): pp. 55-60.

Bukvić, Rajko (2020): Показатељи тржишне концентрације и њихова дискриминаторна моћ: пример банковног сектора Србије. Published in: Ekonomski vidici , Vol. 25, No. 3-4 (2020): pp. 187-203.

Bukvić, Rajko (2021): Нови приступи оцењивању степена концентрације и конкуренције: пример сектора осигурања у Србији. Published in: SYM-OP-IS 2021 Simpozijum o operacionim istraživanjima (2021): pp. 93-98.

Bukvić, Rajko (2022): Концентрация и конкуренция в современном банковском секторе Сербии: перемены и декомпозиция индекса Херфиндаля – Хиршмана. Published in: Современная конкуренция , Vol. 16, No. 2 (2022): pp. 51-67.

Bukvić, Rajko (2022): Типови промена концентрације у банковном сектору Србије: декомпозиција индекса Хиршмана-Херфиндала. Published in: XLIX Simpozijum o operacionim istraživanjima, SYM-OP-IS 2022 (2022): pp. 147-152.

Bukvić, Rajko (2022): Дигитална економија као претпоставка бржег развоја руралних подручја у Србији. Published in: 8. Mеђународни научни скуп Туризам: актуелни проблеми и перспективе развоја - туристичка привреда и повезане теме, Требиње, 21–24 септембра 2022 (2022): pp. 30-46.

Bukvić, Rajko (2017): Примена индекса Линда у истраживању концентрације и конкуренције у банковном сектору Србије. Published in: Ekonomska politika i razvoj, Ekonomski fakultet u Beogradu, Katedra za ekonomsku politiku i razvoj, Beograd (2017): pp. 73-94.

Bukvić, Rajko (2017): Concentration and Competition in Serbian Banking Sector. Published in: The Scientific Journal of Cahul State University "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu": Economic and Engineering Studies No. 2 (2017): pp. 4-12.

Bukvić, Rajko (2019): Evolution and Current Status of the Competitive Environment in the Serbian Banking Sector: Concentration Indices Analysis. Published in: Igor Janev (ed.) Serbia: Current Political, Economic and Social Issues and Challenges, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2019 (2019): pp. 23-42.

Bukvić, Rajko (1999): Istraživanja tržišnih struktura u privredi druge Jugoslavije. Published in: Ekonomika , Vol. 35, No. 1–2 (409–410) (1999): pp. 4-16.

Bukvić, Rajko (2020): Measuring of Concentration and Competition: Serbian Banking Sector. Published in: Synaxa No. 6-7 (2020): pp. 65-90.

Bukvić, Rajko (2002): Oblici konkurencije u prehrambenoj industriji Jugoslavije. Published in: Proizvodnja hrane – činilac regionalne integracije na Balkanu, Beograd, 2002 (9 December 2002): pp. 129-141.

Bukvić, Rajko (2002): Primena klaster analize u istraživanju tržišnih struktura u jugoslovenskoj prehrambenoj industriji. Published in: Statistička revija (Statistical Review) , Vol. 51, No. 1–4 (2002): pp. 56-70.

Bukvić, Rajko and Pavlović, Radica and Gajić, Аlеksаndаr M. (2014): Possibilities of Application of the Index Concentration of Linda in Small Economy: Example of Serbian Food Industries. Published in: Annals of the Oradea University. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering , Vol. 23 (13, No. 3 (2014): pp. 159-164.


Cadogan, Godfrey (1994): Do Public Sector Contracts And Policy Towards Small Firms Matter?: Evidence From Women Business Enterprises.

Cesaroni, Giovanni (2010): Contestability and collateral in credit markets with adverse selection.

Chang, Chia-Yu and Dinh, Tran Ngoc Huy and Benjamin, Pekaric (2010): Should SA Tour, A Singapore Travel company, Use External financing to Expand the MICE business in the China and Singapore markets?

Cocioc, Paul (2000): Foundations of a revisited concept of perfect competition. Published in: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica , Vol. 45, No. 1 (2000): pp. 107-110.

Correani, Luca and Garofalo, Giuseppe (2008): Chaos in the tourism industry.

Currarini, Sergio and Marini, Marco A. (2002): Sequential play and cartel stability in a Cournot oligopoly.


Delis, Manthos D and Staikouras, Christos and Varlagas, Panagiotis (2008): On the measurement of market power in the banking industry. Published in: Journal of Business Finance and Accounting , Vol. 35, No. 7 (September 2008): pp. 1023-1047.

Donna, Javier and Espin-Sanchez, Jose (2017): Complements and Substitutes in Sequential Auctions: The Case of Water Auctions. Published in: RAND Journal of Economics , Vol. 1, No. 49 (2018): pp. 87-127.

Donna, Javier D. and Espin Sanchez, Jose (2014): The Illiquidity of Water Markets: The Global Water Forum.

Donna, Javier and Espin-Sanchez, Jose (2018): Complements and Substitutes in Sequential Auctions: The Case of Water Auctions. Published in: RAND Journal of Economics , Vol. 49, No. 1 (2 February 2018): pp. 87-127.

Dumont, Michel (2022): Public support to business research and development in Belgium: fourth evaluation.


Ely, Regis Augusto and Tabak, Benjamin Miranda and Teixeira, Anderson Mutter (2019): Heterogeneous effects of the implementation of macroprudential policies on bank risk.

Emma M., Iglesias and J. Carles, Maixé-Altés (2021): Money Market Integration in Spain in the Ninetheen Century: The Role of the 1875-1885 Decade.

Erzan, Refik and Filiztekin, Alpay and Zenginobuz, Unal (2003): Customs Union with EU and the Impact of Foreign Competition on the Structure and Performance of Turkish Manufacturing Industry.


Fiona, Tregenna (2006): An empirical investigation of the effects of concentration on profitability among US banks.


Gao, Yanyan and Liu, Zhibiao and Song, Shunfeng and Zheng, Jianghuai (2009): Technology capacity, product position and firm’s competitiveness: an empirical analysis.

Garcia-Clemente, Javier and Congregado, Emilio (2022): Effects of Short-time Work Schemes on firm survival during the Covid-19 crisis: insights from new Spanish data. Forthcoming in: Eurasian Business Review

Glavan, Bogdan (2007): Coordination Failures, Cluster Theory and Entrepreneurship: A Critical View.

Golonka, Monika (2012): Emerging Asian ICT global players: natural born collaborators or stuck with aliens? Forthcoming in: International Journal of Management And Business , Vol. XX, No. XX (2012): X-X.

Golonka, Monika (2011): UWARUNKOWANIA KULTUROWE A POWIĄZANIA MIĘDZYFIRMOWE W SEKTORACH GLOBALNYCH. PERSPEKTYWA EMPIRYCZNA. Published in: Wydawnictwa Naukowe WSB w Gdańsku , Vol. Vol 12, No. Działanie współczesnych przedsiębiorstw, determinanty kulturowe, zasobowe i samorządowe. (3 November 2011): pp. 4-23.

Gonzales-Martínez, Rolando (2008): Estructura de Mercado, Condiciones de Entrada y Número Óptimo de Bancos en el Sistema Bancario Boliviano: Una Aproximación de Indicadores de Concentración y Movilidad Intra-industrial.

Gorecki, Paul (2019): Reforming the Regulation of Household Waste Collection Services in Ireland: the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission Study.

Gradzewicz, Michal and Hagemejer, Jan (2007): Marże monopolistyczne i przychody skali w gospodarce polskiej. Published in: Ekonomista , Vol. 4, (2007): pp. 515-540.

Gurnani, Haresh and Ray, Tridip (2003): A Procurement Auction Model Under Supplier Uncertainty.

Guven Lisaniler, Fatma and Tumer, Mustafa (2011): Competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises in North Cyprus: A firm level analysis.


Hakimi, Abdelaziz and Hamdi, Helmi (2013): The duration of bank relationships and the performance of Tunisian firms. Published in: Journal of Applied Business Research , Vol. 30, No. 01/2014. , p 59-64 (2014): pp. 59-64.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2011): A conditional full frontier approach for investigating the Averch-Johnson effect.

Han, Jianyu and Ma, Yeqing and Tan, Yong (2014): Multi-Product Firms, Product Scope, and the Policy of Export Tax Rebate.

Harkat, Tahar (2019): The Impact of Natural Gas Consumption on Industry Value Added in the Mediterranean Region.

Hasan, Iftekhar and Karavitis, Panagiotis and Kazakis, Pantelis and Leung, Woon Sau (2019): Corporate Social Responsibility and Profit Shifting.

Hawawini, Gabriel (2005): The future of business schools. Published in: Journal of Management Development , Vol. 24, No. 9 (November 2005): pp. 770-782.

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): Brand Tokenization and Monetization Through Cryptocurrencies. Published in: Capital Markets: Asset Pricing & Valuation eJournal , Vol. 09, No. 194 (27 October 2017)

Heijs, Joost and Arenas Díaz, Guillermo and Vergara Reyes, Delia Margarita (2019): Impact of innovation on employment in quantitative terms: review of empirical literature based on microdata.

Herrmann, Peter and van der Maesen, Laurent J.G. (2008): Social Quality and Precarity: Approaching New Patterns of Societal (Dis)Integration.

Huynh, Cong Minh and Vo, Long Kiet (2023): The Effects of Dynamic Capabilities on Operational Performance: An Empirical Study from Manufacturing Enterprises in Vietnam. Published in:


Islahi, Abdul Azim (1983): Book review: public duties in Islam. Published in: Journal of Research in Islamic Economics , Vol. 1, No. 1 (1983): pp. 61-63.

Ivanov, Alexey (2013): Генезис синергетического подхода в исследованиях слияний и поглощений: развенчание главного мифа о синергии. Forthcoming in:


Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część I – Propozycje podziału. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 43-57.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część II – Formuły cen węgla brunatnego. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 59-68.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część III – Obliczenia cen i zysków dla hipotetycznych danych. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 69-80.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Influence of structure and ownership of lignite opencast mine and power plant bilateral monopoly on its operation. Published in: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection MPES/06 (20 September 2006): pp. 26-31.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Lignite price and split of profit negotiation in bilateral monopoly of lignite opencast mine and power plant. Published in: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection MPES’06 (20 September 2006): pp. 32-37.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Schemat arbitrażowy Nasha, a podział zysków w bilateralnym monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Cześć druga – zastosowania w negocjacjach strategicznych i taktycznych. Published in: Górnictwo Odkrywkowe (Opencast Mining) , Vol. XLIX, No. No.1-2 (January 2007): pp. 81-88.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Schemat arbitrażowy Nasha, a podział zysków w bilateralnym monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Cześć pierwsza – podstawy teoretyczne. Published in: Górnictwo Odkrywkowe (Opencast Mining) , Vol. Vol. X, No. No.1-2 (January 2007): pp. 73-80.


Karaaslan, Mehmet E. (2007): Monopoly, Diversification through Adjacent Technologies, and Market Structure. Forthcoming in: Contributions to Game Theory and Management , Vol. Vol 1, (2008)

Kazakis, Pantelis (2023): Uncertainty and Market Power: An Empirical Investigation.

Kim, Jaesoo (2007): The Intensity of Competition in the Hotelling Model: A New Generalization and Applications.

Kjenstad, Einar and Su, Xunhua (2012): Product Market Predatory Threats and the Use of Performance-sensitive Debt.

Kobylko, Alexander (2023): Функции стратегии в контексте размера предприятия. Published in: Strategic Planning and Development of Enterprises , Vol. 1, No. 24 (April 2023): pp. 137-139.

Kobylko, Alexander (2023): Management in crisis and pacific periods: strategy or tactics? Forthcoming in: GSOM Economy&Management Conference 2023 , Vol. 10,

Kokovin, Sergey and Nahata, Babu and Zhelobodko, Evgeny (2010): All solution graphs in multidimensional screening. Forthcoming in: Journal of New Economic Association, Russia

Krupskyi, Oleksandr and Dzhusov, Oleksii and Meshko, Nataliіa and Britchenko, Igor and Prytykin, Artem (2018): Key sources when formulating competitive advantages for hotel chains. Published in: Turizam: međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis , Vol. 1, No. 67 (March 2019): pp. 34-46.


Lamieri, Marco and Bertacchini, Enrico (2006): What if Hayek goes shopping in the bazaar?

Lamieri, Marco and Ietri, Daniele (2004): Innovation creation and diffusion in a social network: an agent based approach.

Lea, Kubíčková (2012): Identification of the risk factors of the internationalitaion process of SMEs operating in the textile industry.

Lee, Neil (2011): Free to grow? Assessing the barriers faced by actual and potential high growth firms.

Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Ng, Joe Cho Yiu and Tang, Edward Chi Ho (2019): What do we know about Housing Supply? The case of Hong Kong.

Levy, Daniel (2013): Discussion of "Local News Online: Aggregators, Geo-Targeting and the Market for Local News" by George, L. and C. Hogendorn.

Levy, Daniel and Young, Andrew (2004): The Real Thing: Nominal Price Rigidity of the Nickel Coke, 1886–1959. Published in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking , Vol. Volume, No. Issue No. 4 (August 2004): pp. 765-799.

Li, Youping (2011): Timing of investments and third degree price discrimination in intermediate good markets.

Liu, Mengxiao and Wang, Luhang and Yi, Yimin (2022): Quality Innovation, Cost Innovation, Export, and Firm Productivity Evolution: Evidence from the Chinese Electronics Industry.

Luna, Ivette and de Souza Luz, Manuel Ramón and Hiratuka, Celio and Fracalanza, Paulo Sérgio (2015): Variação da produtividade do trabalho numa perspectiva evolucionária: aplicação da equação de Price para análise da indústria de transformação no Brasil entre 2007 e 2011. Published in: Revista Brasileira de Inovação , Vol. 14, No. 2 (2015): pp. 383-414.


Malikov, Emir and Zhao, Shunan and Kumbhakar, Subal C. (2020): Estimation of Firm-Level Productivity in the Presence of Exports: Evidence from China's Manufacturing.

Marcus, J. Scott and Elixmann, Dieter (2008): Regulatory Approaches to NGNs: An International Comparison. Published in: Communications&Strategies No. 69 (March 2008): pp. 19-40.

Mario, Cuevas (2007): A Practical Guide to the Assessment of the Vulnerability of the Non-Financial Private Sector. Forthcoming in: Banca & Finanzas: Documentos de Trabajo , Vol. 1, No. 2 (January 2007): pp. 1-18.

Marta, Najda-Janoszka and Jacek, Gancarczyk (2018): Addressing the Challenges of Industrial Transition Processes – the Case of Photovoltaics Industry. Published in: Problemy Zarządzania - Management Issues , Vol. 17, No. 1 (April 2019): pp. 42-56.

Martin, Ludivine and Penard, Thierry (2005): Investing in a Website: A Top Dog or a Resource-Based Strategy for Firms? Published in: International Journal of Digital Economics No. 59 (September 2005): pp. 77-98.

Masuyama, Ryo (2023): Endogenous privacy and heterogeneous price sensitivity.

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Masuyama, Ryo (2024): Endogenous targeted pricing with vertical structure.

Maudos, Joaquin and Solisa, Liliana (2009): The determinants of net interest income in the Mexican banking system: an integrated model. Forthcoming in: Journal of Banking and Finance

Merino Troncoso, Carlos (2023): Introduction to Competition Economics.

Miao, Zhuang (2019): Income Distribution, Vertical Differentiation, and the Quantity Competition.

Miao, Zhuang and Long, Ngo Van (2017): Multiple-Quality Cournot Oligopoly and the Role of Market Size.

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Miniaoui, Hela and Schilirò, Daniele (2016): Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the growth and diversification of the GCC Economies.

Munro, John H. (2007): Hanseatic commerce in textiles from the Low Countries and England during the Later Middle Ages: changing trends in textiles, markets, prices, and values, 1290 - 1570. Published in: Von Nowgorod bis London: Studien zu Handel, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im mittelalterlichen Europa: Festschrift für Stuart Jenks zum 60. Geburtstag, Nova Mediaevalia, Quellen und Studien zum europäischen Mittelalter , Vol. 4, No. 1 (September 2008): pp. 97-182.

Munro, John H. (1999): The Low Countries’ export trade in textiles with the Mediterranean basin, 1200-1600: a cost-benefit analysis of comparative advantages in overland and maritime trade routes. Published in: The International Journal of Maritime History , Vol. 11, No. 2 (December 1999): pp. 1-30.

Munro, John H. (2004): Spanish Merino wools and the Nouvelles Draperies: an industrial transformation in the late-medieval Low Countries. Published in: Economic History Review , Vol. 58, No. 3 (August 2005): pp. 431-484.

Musca, Maria and Schilirò, Daniele (2013): An investigation into medium-sized multinational enterprises. Published in: AAPP | Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali , Vol. Vol.91, No. Suppl. No. 2, B3 (2013) (2013): pp. 1-17.


Olamade, O. O. and Oyebisi, T. O. and Egbetokun, A. A. and Adebowale, B. O. (2009): Environmental scanning strategy of manufacturing companies in Southwestern Nigeria. Published in: Technology Analysis and Strategic Management , Vol. 23, No. 4 (2011): pp. 367-384.

Oliveira, Livio Luiz Soares de (2015): Uma perspectiva sobre a evolução do sistema de inovação industrial gaúcho: análise dos resultados das pesquisas de inovação (pintec) 2000 e 2011.

Osipov, Vasiliy and Zhukova, Nataly and Miloserdov, Dmitriy (2019): Neural Network Associative Forecasting of Demand for Goods. Published in: CEUR Workshop Proceedings , Vol. 2479, (26 September 2019): pp. 100-108.


P. M., Suresh Kumar and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Time as a Strategic Resource in Management of Organizations. Published in: ICTACT Journal on Management Studies , Vol. 6, No. 1 (20 February 2020): pp. 1138-1143.

Parinduri, Rasyad (2012): The effect of publishing hospital charges on healthcare costs: Evidence from Singapore.

Peroni, Chiara and Gomes Ferreira, Ivete (2010): Market competition and innovation in Luxembourg.

Polemis, Michael (2018): How effective are remedies in merges cases? A European and national assessment.

Polemis, Michael and Stengos, Thanasis (2017): Does Competition Prevent Industrial Pollution? Evidence from a Panel Threshold Model.

Pollock, Rufus (2007): Forever Minus a Day? Some Theory and Empirics of Optimal Copyright.

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Pop, Izabela Luiza (2015): Cartels: a Good or a Bad Strategy? Published in: Economy-Innovation-Communication-University, 7th International Symposium Workshop – A cross cultural model , Vol. 6, No. 9 (June 2015): pp. 29-38.

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