Kuikeu, Oscar (2021): Ré-appréhension de la conception de norme du Taux de change: le rôle du facteur capital, facteur travail et de la position extérieure de la nation.
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The main difference on the distinct issue about the Rex considering mainly the development made since the Advent and occurrence of these Models of Behavourial Exchange Rate, BEER and NATRex, the main purpose have been the treatment of such variables as unemployment or the external position as asserted by the “debt”. Therefore considering one of the obvious challenge and address concerning the Behavourial rex as pertains by this context of Coronavirus crisis who gives some Insight and believe to these kind of treatement on the basis of the dynamics and recent trend on unemployment and debt It’s therefore conveniable to have an New broad concept of the Rex, here we introduce the CoVRex namely “the coronavirus exchange rate”. Because one of the main prospect on the desirability of those BEER Rex’s Models concerns the “soutenability” the main aim on this paper is to study the consideration on the “soutenability” of the proposed BEER namely CoVRex as matched or convenient to this contemporaneous Coronavirus crisis. Following the development made this Obvious challenge is well addressed on the Old literature on BEER Rex’s because mainly it’s well conceive that during these concerns of crisis the main prospect concerning the way by which the crisis have effect on the economy is by the way of country’s Openness as taking into account in this Old BEER Rex’s Model by the RexR (Real exchange Rate) on the way to discuss about the “Money” judged as relevant for the contemporaneous crisis where monetary instrument acts as engine with the main consequence to have effect on the nation’s relative price thus on it’s RexR.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Ré-appréhension de la conception de norme du Taux de change: le rôle du facteur capital, facteur travail et de la position extérieure de la nation. |
English Title: | Re-assessment on the concept of Exchange Rate soutenability: role of capital, labor and external position. |
Language: | French |
Keywords: | coronavirus exchange rate “soutenability” |
Subjects: | F - International Economics > F3 - International Finance > F33 - International Monetary Arrangements and Institutions |
Item ID: | 106971 |
Depositing User: | Oscar KUIKEU |
Date Deposited: | 03 Apr 2021 07:47 |
Last Modified: | 03 Apr 2021 07:47 |
References: | Adda J. (2001) La Mondialisation de l’économie – 2, Problèmes, 4e éd., Paris, La Découverte, Coll. « Repères ». Baffes J., Elbadawi I.A. et O’Connel S. (1999) ‘Single equation estimation of the equilibrium real exchange rate’, Hinkle L. and Montiel P. (eds), Exchange rate misalignment: concepts and measurement for developing countries. World Bank Research Publication, Washington DC. Kuikeu O.V. (2011) “A New Explanation on Real Exchange Rate Misalignment Effect on Economic Growth: Evidence from Cameroon” (August 29, 2011). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1919206 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1919206. Kuikeu O.V. (2008) Quatre essais sur la stabilité monétaire. Thèse de Doctorat ès sciences économiques, Université de Pau (France). Mann C.L. (1999) “Is the US Trade Deficit Sustainable?”, Washington: Institute for International Economics. Montiel P.J. (1999) “Determinants of the long-run equilibrium real exchange rate: an analytical model”, Hinkle L. and Montiel P. (eds), Exchange rate misalignment: concepts and measurement for developing countries. World Bank Research Publication, Washington DC. The Economist (2020) “Where are the world’s most expensive cities?” |
URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/106971 |