Pinto, Hugo and Cunha, Alexandra (2007): Preservação das Pradarias Marinhas: O Óptimo Social no Caso do Portinho da Arrábida.
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The restoration of seagrass meadows for the recuperation of macro and micro habitats in the area of Portinho da Arrábida is the objective of BIOMARES project, during 2007 and 2011, co-financed by Life-Nature European Commission Programme. But what is the added value of this initiative? This article tries to analyze the benefits and costs that may come from the Project. Marine resources in Portugal and in European Union have a reinforced attention, with the development of several strategic and territorial planning instruments that try to manage the coastal areas and the access and exploitation of resources. The concept of Sea Hyper-cluster achieves relevance nowadays. From the marine resources we focus seagrass meadows and their habitats in Portinho da Arrábida, once its influence in different economic issues, like fisheries or tourism is very important. In the end a undemanding approach to games theory and social optimum analysis will be done for the case of destruction of seagrass meadows in this area.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Preservação das Pradarias Marinhas: O Óptimo Social no Caso do Portinho da Arrábida |
English Title: | Preservation of the Seagrass Meadows: The Social Optimum and the Case of the Portinho Arrábida |
Language: | Portuguese |
Keywords: | Seagrass Meadows, Marine Economics, Sea Hyper-Cluster, Coastal Management Plans, Social Optimum |
Subjects: | D - Microeconomics > D6 - Welfare Economics > D62 - Externalities C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods > C7 - Game Theory and Bargaining Theory > C70 - General Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics ; Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q2 - Renewable Resources and Conservation > Q22 - Fishery ; Aquaculture Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics ; Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q5 - Environmental Economics > Q57 - Ecological Economics: Ecosystem Services ; Biodiversity Conservation ; Bioeconomics ; Industrial Ecology |
Item ID: | 13311 |
Depositing User: | H Pinto |
Date Deposited: | 10 Feb 2009 14:26 |
Last Modified: | 28 Sep 2019 23:28 |
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