Wilson, Chris M (2009): Market Frictions: A Unified Model of Search and Switching Costs.

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Despite the existence of two vast literatures, very little is known about the potential differences or interactions between search and switching costs. This paper demonstrates the benefits of examining the two frictions in unison. First, the paper shows how subtle distinctions between the two costs can provide important differences in their effects upon consumer behaviour and market prices. In many cases, policymakers may prefer to reduce search costs rather than switching costs. Second, the paper illustrates a simple methodology for estimating the magnitude of both costs while demonstrating the potential bias that can arise from a single-cost approach.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Market Frictions: A Unified Model of Search and Switching Costs |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Search costs, Switching Costs, Market Friction |
Subjects: | L - Industrial Organization > L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance > L10 - General |
Item ID: | 13672 |
Depositing User: | Chris M Wilson |
Date Deposited: | 28 Feb 2009 11:49 |
Last Modified: | 28 Sep 2019 13:14 |
References: | Anderson S. and Renault R. (1999) "Pricing, Product Diversity, and Search Costs: A Bertrand-Chamberlin-Diamond Model" RAND Journal of Economics vol.30 p.719-735 Armstrong M., Vickers J. and Zhou J. (2007) "Prominence and Consumer Search" Working Paper Baye M.R., Morgan J. and Scholten P. (2006) "Information, Search and Price Dispersion" in Handbook on Economics and Information Systems, T. Hendershott (ed.), Elsevier Press, Amsterdam Cabral L. (2008) "Switching Costs and Equilibrium Prices" Working Paper Chang T.C. and Waddams Price C. (2008) "Gain or Pain: Does Consumer Activity Reflect Utility Maximisation?" ESRC CCP Working Paper 08-15 Christou C. and Vettas N. (2008) "On Informative Advertising and Product Differentiation" International Journal of Industrial Organization vol.26 p.92-112 De los Santos, B. I. (2008) "Consumer Search on the Internet" Working Paper Doganoglu T. (2005) "Switching Costs, Experience Goods and Dynamic Price Competition" Working Paper Dubé J-P., Hitsch, G.J. and Rossi P.E. (2008) "Do Switching Costs Make Markets Less Competitive?" Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming Farrell J. and Klemperer P. (2007) "Coordination and Lock-In: Competition with Switching Costs and Network Effects" Handbook of Industrial Organization Vol 3, M. Armstrong and R. Porter (eds), North-Holland Giulietti M., Waddams Price C. and Waterson M. (2005) "Consumer Choice and Competition Policy: A Study of UK Energy Markets" Economic Journal vol. 115 p.949-968 Giulietti M., Otero J. and Waterson M. (2007) "Pricing Behaviour under Competition in the UK Electricity Supply" Working Paper Grossman G. and Shapiro C. (1984) "Informative Advertising with Differentiated Products" Review of Economic Studies vol. 51 p.63-81 Hong, H. and Shum, M. (2002) "Using Price Distributions to Estimate Search Costs" RAND Journal of Economics vol.37 p.257-275 Hortaçsu A. and Syverson C. (2004) "Product Differentiation, Search Costs, and Competition in the Mutual Fund Industry: A Case Study of S&P 500 Index Funds" Quarterly Journal of Economics vol. 119 p.403-456 Klemperer P. (1995) "Competition When Consumers Have Switching Costs: An Overview with Applications to Industrial Organization, Macroeconomics and International Trade" Review of Economic Studies vol.62 p.515-539 Knittel C.R. (1997) "Interstate Long Distance Rates: Search Costs, Switching Costs and Market Power" Review of Industrial Organisation vol.12 p.519-536 Kohn M.G. and Shavell S. (1974) "The Theory of Search" Journal of Economic Theory vol. 9 p.93-123 Moshkin N.V. and Shachar R. (2002) "The Asymmetric Information Model of State Dependence" Marketing Science vol. 21(4) p.435-454 Moraga-González J.L. and Wildenbeest, M. (2008) "Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Search Costs" European Economic Review vol.52 p.820-848 Padilla A. (1992) "Mixed Pricing in Oligopoly with Consumer Switching Costs" International Journal of Industrial Organization vol.10 p.393-411 Perloff, M.J. and Salop, S. (1985) "Equilibrium with Product Differentiation" Review of Economic Studies vol.52 p.107-120 Schlesinger H. and von der Schulenberg J.G. (1991) "Search Costs, Switching Costs and Product Heterogeneity in an Insurance Market" Journal of Risk and Insurance vol.58 p.109-19 Shy, O. (2002) "A Quick-and Easy Method for Estimating Search Costs" International Journal of Industrial Organization vol.20 p. 71-87 Sturluson J.T. (2002a) "Price Duopoly in a Default Service Market with Search and Switching Costs" Working Paper Sturluson J.T. (2002b) "The Importance of Consumer Search and Switching Costs for Competition in Electric Power Retailing" Working Paper Waterson M. (2003) "The Role of Consumers in Competition and Competition Policy" International Journal of Industrial Organization vol.21 p. 129-150 Wolinsky A. (1986) "True Monopolistic Competition as a Result of Imperfect Information" Quarterly Journal of Economics vol.101 p.493-512 |
URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/13672 |
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- Market Frictions: A Unified Model of Search and Switching Costs. (deposited 28 Feb 2009 11:49) [Currently Displayed]