Meacci, Ferdinando (2004): The competition-of-capitals doctrine and the wage-profit relationship. Published in: Economic Growth and Distribution: On the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (2006): pp. 58-74.
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The wage-profit relationship is usually linked up with Ricardo and his notion of “proportional wages” (Principles, Chapters I, VI and passim). This relationship is based on Ricardo’s theory of value and supports his diminishing-returns-to-agriculture theory of the falling rate of profit. A wage-profit relationship, however, exists also in the Wealth of Nations (Book I, Chapter IX and passim). Here it is related to the alternative competition-of-capitals theory of the falling rate of profit which in turn is based on Smith’s different theory of value. The purpose of this chapter is to reconstruct Smith's competition-of-capitals doctrine. This reconstruction, however, is not intended to provide a faithful assembly of what Smith actually wrote or a 'rational' view of what he must have thought in this connection. Rather, it is to extract from his faulty exposition and with the benefit of hindsight what is necessary to make Smith's doctrine consistent with his system of thought and vision of the future in order to determine whether, or to what extent,Ricardo's dissatisfaction is justified. This reconstruction will be based on the fragmentary statements by which the doctrine is presented in the Wealth of Nations and will try to highlight not only some of the ambiguities incorporated in these statements but also the links between these statements and other crucial parts of Smith's system of thought. This purpose will be achieved by considering the Malthus-Ricardo disputes on the falling rate of profit as well as their relevance for understanding the impact of growth on wages and profits in past and modern economies.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | The competition-of-capitals doctrine and the wage-profit relationship |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Competition of capitals, wage-profit relationship, Smith and Ricardo |
Subjects: | O - Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth > O1 - Economic Development > O11 - Macroeconomic Analyses of Economic Development B - History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches > B1 - History of Economic Thought through 1925 > B12 - Classical (includes Adam Smith) O - Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth > O4 - Economic Growth and Aggregate Productivity > O40 - General |
Item ID: | 20124 |
Depositing User: | Ferdinando Meacci |
Date Deposited: | 19 Jan 2010 00:20 |
Last Modified: | 16 Oct 2019 20:59 |
References: | Bailey, S. (1825) [1931], A Critical Dissertation on the Nature, Measures, and Causes of Value, London: London School of Economics Reprints Cannan, E. (1917)[1967], A History of the Theories of Production and Distribution in English Political Economy from 1776 lO 1848, New York: Kelley Reprints of economic classics De Quincey, T. (1844), The Logic of Political Economy, Edinburgh: Blackwood Eatwell, 1. (1975), 'The interpretation of Ricardo's Essay on Profits', Economica, 42:182-7 Garegnani, P. (1982), 'On Hollander's interpretation of Ricardo's early theory of profits', Cambridge Joumal of Economics, 6:65-77 Garegnani, P. (1983), 'The classical theory of wages and the role of demand schedules in the determination of relative prices', American Economie Review, Papers and Proceedings, 73:309-13 Garegnani, P. (2003), 'Professor Blaug on understanding classical economics', Centro di Ricerche e Documentazione Piero Sraffa, Quaderno di Ricerca no. 3 Hollander, S. (1973a), 'Ricardo's analysis of the profit rate 1813-15', Economica,40:260-82 Hollander, S. (1973b), The Economics of Adam Smith, London: Heinemann Hollander, S. (1983), 'Professor Garegnani's defence of Sraffa on the material rate of profit', Cambridge Joumal of Economics, 7:167-74 Jevons, S. (1879), The Theory of Political Economy, London: Macmillan, 2nd edn Malthus, T.R. (1836) [1986], Principies of Political Economy, in E.A. Wrigley and D.Souden (eds), The Works of Thomas Robert Malthus, London: Pickering, 1986 Marx, K. (1969-72), Theories of Surplus-Value, London: Lawrence Wishart Meacci, F. (2003), 'Positive profit, relative profit and capital as command of productive labour', Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, Paris, January 30-February 2, 2003,mimeo McCulloch, J.R. (1864) [1965], The Principles of Political Economy, New York: Kelley Reprints of economic classics O'Brien, D.P. (1975), The Classical Economists, Oxford: Clarendon Press O'Donnell, R. (1990), Adam Smith's Theory of Value and Distribution. A Reappraisal, London: Macmillan Ricardo, D. (1820) [1951], Notes an Malthus's Principles of Political Economy, in P.Sraffa (ed.), (1951-73), Vol. II Ricardo, D. (1821), On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, in P. Sraffa (ed.), (1951-73), Vol.I Peach, T. (1993), Interpreting Ricardo, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Schumpeter, J. (1954), History of Economic Analysis, Londan: Allen & Unwin Senior, N.W. (1836) [1965], An Outline of the Science of Political Economy, New York: Kelley Reprints of economic classics Smith, A. (1776) [1976], An Inquiry into the Nature ond Couses of the Wealth of Nations, Campbell and Skinner edition, Oxford: Clarendon Press Sraffa, P. (1951), 'Introduction', in Sraffa (1951-73), Vol.I, pp. XIII-LXII Sraffa, P. (ed.) (1951-73), The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 11 Vols Steuart J. (1767) [1966], An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,London: Oliver & Bayd Vianello, F. (1999), 'Social Accounting with Adam Smith', in G. Mangiovi and F.Petri (eds), Value, Distribution and Capital. Essays in Honour of Pierangelo Garegnani, London: Routledge, pp. 165-80. |
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The competition-of-capitals doctrine and the wage-profit relationship. (deposited 19 Jan 2010 00:17)
- The competition-of-capitals doctrine and the wage-profit relationship. (deposited 19 Jan 2010 00:20) [Currently Displayed]