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Items where Subject is "O4 - Economic Growth and Aggregate Productivity"

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AMEDANOU, Yawovi M. Isaac (2019): Taxation Optimale et Croissance Economique au Togo : une Evidence Empirique en Séries Temporelles. Published in: HAL Archives (22 January 2019)

ATOI, VICTOR NGOZI (PhD) (2023): Assessing the Drivers of Steady State Economic Growth in Nigeria.

Abassi, Boutheina (2015): International R&D spillovers, R&D offshoring and economic performance: A survey of literature.

Abeti, Wilson (2020): The State of Ghana's Economy: A Comparative Analysis.

Abito, Jose Miguel (2019): Estimating Production Functions with Fixed Effects.

Abu-Qarn, Aamer and Abu-Bader, Suleiman (2001): The Validity of the ELG Hypothesis in the MENA Region: Cointegration and Error Correction Model Analysis. Published in: Applied Economics , Vol. 36, No. 15 (August 2004): pp. 1685-1695.

Abugamea, Gaber (2018): مساهمة قطاعي الزراعة و الصناعة في النمو الاقتصادي و التنمية في الاقتصاد الفلسطيني خلال الفترة 1968-2012.

Accolley, Delali (2015): Altruistic Overlapping Generations of Households and the Contribution of Human Capital to Economic Growth.

Accolley, Delali (2015): A Review of Some Postwar Economic Growth Theories and Empirics.

Adagblenya, Barbara Dzidzornu (2017): Assessing Ghana’s trade under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).

Adenutsi, Deodat E. (2010): Financial development, bank savings mobilization and economic performance in Ghana: evidence from a multivariate structural VAR. Published in: International Journal of Development Research and Quantitative Techniques , Vol. 1, No. 2 (2011): pp. 3-24.

Adesete, Ahmed and Osinloye, Adelanfe and Abolade, Modupeoluwa and Nwachukwu, Christian and Onyejeaka, Emmanuel and Ojo, Dolapo and Ogungbemi, Tosin and Phillips, Martins (2018): Thirlwall Law: Validity of the Law in Nigeria. Published in: International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research , Vol. 9, No. 4 (April 2018): pp. 899-903.

Adom, Philip Kofi (2016): The DDT Effect: The case of Economic Growth, Public Debt and Democracy Relationship.

Agya Adi, ATABANI and Friday Ogbole, OGBOLE (2013): Foreign direct investment in China: It's sectoral and aggregate impact on Economic growth. Published in: Asian academic research Journal of social science & humanities , Vol. 18, No. Vol, 1 (15 December 2013): pp. 23-35.

Ahmad, Arslan and Ahmad, Najid and Ali, Sharafat (2013): Exchange Rate and Economic Growth in Pakistan (1975-2011). Published in: Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research , Vol. 3, No. 8 (29 August 2013): pp. 740-746.

Ahmed, Khalid and Bhutto, Niaz Ahmed and Kalhoro, Muhammad Ramzan (2017): Decomposing the links between oil price shocks and macroeconomic indicators: Evidence from SAARC region.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2021): Business Excellence through the Theory of Accountability. Published in: International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE) , Vol. 5, No. 1 (21 May 2021): pp. 88-115.

Ajayi, Patricia and Ogunrinola, Adedeji (2020): Growth, Trade Openness and Environmental Degradation in Nigeria.

Akram, Naeem (2009): Short run and long run dynamics of impact of health status on economic growth Evidence from Pakistan.

Al-Dhukair, Mogbil (1993): القواعد الاقتصادية لتقدير حصيلة الزكاة من خلال نظام الحسابات القومية وصلتها بالنمو الاقتصادي. Published in: Submitted for a Ph.D at Umm Al-Qura University in 1993

Alali, Walid Y. (2011): The Contribution of Education to Economic Development.

Alali, Walid Y. (2009): Economic Performance and Institutions: Measuring Technical Efficiency Using SPF Approach.

Alali, Walid Y. (2010): Impact of Institutions and Policy on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence.

Alali, Walid Y. (2012): Influence The Education Levels on Income Worldwide: Empirical Evidence.

Alali, Walid Y. (2010): Institutions, Policies, and Economic Growth: Overview.

Alali, Walid Y. (2010): Role of Political Institutions on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence.

Albuquerque Sant'Anna, André (2015): A spectre has haunted the west: did socialism discipline income inequality?

Aldieri, Luigi and Vinci, Concetto Paolo (2015): R&D Migration: a cross-national analysis.

Ali, Amjad and Sumaira, Sumaira and Siddique, Hafiz Muhammad Abubakar and Ashiq, Saima (2023): Impact of Economic Growth, Energy Consumption and Urbanization on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Ali, Sharafat (2014): Inflation, Income Inequality and Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Cointegration Analysis. Published in: International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories , Vol. 1, No. 4 (January 2014): pp. 33-42.

Alimi, R. Santos (2014): A Time Series and Panel Analysis of Government Spending and National Income.

Alomar, Ibrahim (2005): الدور التنموي للمصارف والوسطاء الماليين.

Alomar, Ibrahim (2006): النمو الاقتصادي العالمي وأثره في اقتصاديات النفط خلال الفترة 1980-2005.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2014): Knowledge = Technology + Human Capital and the Lucas and Romer Production Functions.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2015): Productivity and technical change according to Salter – A note.

Aminu, Umaru and Ahmad Aminu, Hamidu and Salihu, Musa (2013): External Debt and Domestic Debt impact on the growth of the Nigerian Economy. Published in: International Journal of Educational Research , Vol. 1, No. 2 (June 2013): pp. 70-85.

Angus C., Chu and Guido, Cozzi (2016): Growth Accounting and Endogenous Technical Change.

Angus C., Chu and Lei, Ning and Dongming, Zhu (2016): Human Capital and Innovation in a Monetary Schumpeterian Growth Model.

Antoci, Angelo and Sabatini, Fabio and Sodini, Mauro (2009): Will growth and technology destroy social interaction? The inverted U-shape hypothesis.

Aoki, Shuhei (2008): Was the Barrier to Labor Mobility an Important Factor for the Prewar Japanese Stagnation?

Ardic, Oya Pinar and Damar, H. Evren (2006): Financial Sector Deepening and Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkey. Published in: Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies (MEEA Online Journal) , Vol. 9, (2007)

Arif, Shawky (2010): A Simple Model of Capital Imports.

Aristovnik, Aleksander (2012): Fiscal decentralization in Eastern Europe: a twenty-year perspective. Published in: Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences , Vol. Octobe, No. 37E (October 2012): pp. 5-22.

Aruga, Osamu (2009): The Allocation of Investment across Vintages of Technology.

Aruga, Osamu (2009): The Allocation of Investment across Vintages of Technology.

Asaduzzaman, Md (2021): Relationship between threshold level of inflation and economic growth in Bangladesh- a multivariate quadratic regression analysis. Published in: ERN: Other Development Economics: Macroeconomic Issues in Developing Economies (Topic) (18 March 2021): pp. 1-21.

Atanda, Akinwande A. and Aminu, Salaudeen B. and Alimi, Olorunfemi Y. (2012): The role of population on economic growth and development: evidence from developing countries.

Atella, Vincenzo and Carbonari, Lorenzo (2012): When elders rule: is gerontocracy harmful for growth?

Atella, Vincenzo and Carbonari, Lorenzo (2012): When elders rule: is gerontocracy harmful for growth?

Awaworyi, Sefa and Ugur, Mehmet and Yew, Siew Ling (2015): Does government size affect per-capita income growth? A Hierarchical meta-regression analysis.

Azimi, Mohammad Naim (2016): An economic growth model: Evaluating the interaction of market consumption with GDP growth rate in Afghanistan. Published in: ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research , Vol. 6, No. 2 (1 February 2016): pp. 13-19.

Azizi, Karim and Canry, Nicolas and Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Tinel, Bruno (2013): Government Solvency, Austerity and Fiscal Consolidation in the OECD: A Keynesian Appraisal of Transversality and No Ponzi Game Conditions.

Azzouzi, asmae and Bousselhamia, Ahmed (2021): Impact des chocs d'incertitude liés au Covid-19 sur l’économie marocaine.


BAH, Mamadou Mouminy (2021): Agglomeration Economies and Labour Misallocation in Cote d’Ivoire.

BEN YOUSSEF, Adel and Hammoudeh, Shawkat and Omri, Anis (2016): Simultaneity Modeling Analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis. Published in: Energy Economics , Vol. 60, (17 October 2016): pp. 266-274.

Baafi Antwi, Joseph (2010): Ghana's Economic Growth in perspective: A time series approach to Convergence and Growth Determinants. Published in: DiVA (23 June 2010): pp. 1-72.

Babayev, Bahruz (2019): Building an Innovation Ecosystem as an Alternative of Oil Sector Exports in Azerbaijan (on the basis of the study of Israeli practice). Published in: “Sənayenin müasir vəziyyəti və inkişaf problemləri: texnoparkların və sənaye məhəllələrinin ölkənin iqtisadi inkişafına təsiri” mövzusunda respublika elmi-praktiki konfrans (30 April 2019): pp. 140-143.

Baidoo, Francis and Pan, Lei and Fiador, Vera Ogeh Lassey and Agbloyor, Elikplimi Komla (2022): Importing to Feed International Tourists: Growth Implications for Islands across the Globe.

Bailey, David and Lenihan, Helena and Singh, Ajit (2008): Tiger, tiger, burning bright? industrial policy lessons from Ireland and East Asia for small African economies. Published in: Good growth and governance in Africa: Re-thinking development strategies, Noman, Botchway, Stein and Stiglitz (eds.) (2 March 2012): pp. 406-436.

Bakari, Sayef (2021): Reinvest the relationship between exports and economic growth in African countries: New insights from innovative econometric methods.

Bakari, Sayef and Fakraoui, Nissar and Mabrouki, Mohamed (2020): The Contribution of Domestic Investment, Exports and Imports on Economic Growth: A Case Study of Peru.

Bakari, Sayef and Fakraoui, Nissar and Tiba, Sofien (2019): Domestic Investment, Export, Import and Economic Growth in Brazil: An Application of Vector Error Correction Model.

Bakari, Sayef and Mabrouki, Mohamed and elmakki, asma (2017): The Impact of Domestic Investment in the Industrial Sector on Economic Growth with Partial Openness: Evidence from Tunisia.

Bakari, Sayef and Othmani, Abdelhafidh and Mabrouki, Mohamed (2017): Do Incidences of Contamination Hurt Tunisian Economic Flourishing?

Bakari, Sayef and Tiba, Sofien (2019): The Impact of Internet on Economic Growth: Evidence from North Africa.

Bakari, Sayef and Tiba, Sofien (2019): Long run and Short run Macroeconomics Determinants of Economic Growth in the USA: Cointegration and VECM Analysis.

Bakari, Sayef and Tiba, Sofien and Fakraoui, Nissar (2019): Does Domestic Investment Contribute to Economic Growth in Uruguay? What did the Empirical Facts Say?

Bakari, Sayef and Tiba, Sofien and Fakraoui, Nissar (2019): Does Domestic Investment Contribute to Economic Growth in Uruguay? What did the Empirical Facts Say?

Balasubramanyam, V N and Virmani, Swati (2018): The Enigmatic Services Sector of India.

Balyakno, Alice (2014): Инвестирование в кирпичный завод в городе Калачинске Омской области.

Banerjee, Rajabrata (2011): Population growth and endogenous technological change: Australian economic growth in the long run.

Barnett, William A. and Ghosh, Taniya (2013): Stability analysis of Uzawa-Lucas endogenous growth model.

Barón Ortegón, Brayan Alexander (2018): Educación superior y crecimiento económico en Colombia (1971-2016): una relación de cointegración.

Baumöhl, Eduard and Výrostová, Eva (2016): Do people gamble more in good times? Evidence from 27 European countries.

Becherair, Amrane (2014): Institutions and Economic Growth in the MENA Countries: An Empirical Investigation by Using Panel data model.

Beja, Edsel Jr. (2016): The asymmetric effects of macroeconomic performance on happiness: Evidence for the EU.

Beja Jr., Edsel (2013): Does economic prosperity bring about a happier society? Empirical remarks on the Easterlin Paradox debate.

Beja Jr., Edsel (2013): Does economic prosperity bring about a happier society? Empirical remarks on the Easterlin Paradox debate sans Happiness Adaptation.

Belegri-Roboli, Athena and Michaelides, Panayotis G. (2007): Technology and Sector Clustering in the Greek Economy.

Bell, William Paul and Zheng, Xuemei (2018): Inclusive growth and climate change adaptation and mitigation in Australia and China : Removing barriers to solving wicked problems.

Ben Hamouda, Abderrazek (2018): La qualité de gouvernance et le triangle croissance-inégalité-pauvreté.

Bharati, Preeti and Fulginiti, Lilyan (2007): Institutions and Agricultural Productivity in Mercosur. Published in: (20 October 2008): pp. 139-169.

Bhattacharya, Prabir (2019): India in the Rise of Britain and Europe: A Contribution to the Convergence and Great Divergence Debates.

Bigerna, Simona and D'Errico, Maria Chiara and Polinori, Paolo (2022): Environmental variables and power firms' productivity: micro panel estimation with time-Invariant variables.

Bilgili, Faik (2001): The Keynesian-Monetarist Debate on Business Cycles: A Case Study of The Great Depression. Published in: Erciyes University, Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences , Vol. 17, (2001): pp. 54-71.

Bishnu, Monisankar and Ghate, Chetan and Gopalakrishnan, Pawan (2011): Distortionary Taxes and Public Investment in a Model of Endogenous Investment Specific Technological Change.

Bista, Raghu (2019): Accounting Total Factor Productivity of FDI Firm in Nepal. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Business Law and Technology Management , Vol. 2, No. 1 (13 July 2019): pp. 1-6.

Bista, Raghu (2017): Economic Liberalization in Nepal: Determinants, Structure and Trends of FDI. Published in: The Winners , Vol. 18, No. 1 (2017): pp. 33-41.

Bloch, Harry and Madden, Gary G (1995): Productivity growth in Australian manufacturing: a vintage capital model. Published in: International Journal of Manpower , Vol. 16, No. 1 (1995): pp. 22-31.

Bolhuis, Marijn (2019): Catch-Up Growth and Inter-Industry Productivity Spillovers.

Bonga-Bonga, Lumengo and Phume, Maphelane (2017): Assessing the relationship between total factor productivity and foreign direct investment in an economy with a skills shortage: the case of South Africa.

Borissov, Kirill and Bosi, Stefano and Ha-Huy, Thai and Modesto, Leonor (2018): Heterogeneous human capital, inequality and growth: the role of patience and skills.

Borissov, Kirill and Surkov, Alexander (2010): Common and private property to exhaustible resources: theoretical implications for economic growth.

Borissov, Kirill and Surkov, Alexander (2010): Endogenous growth in a model with heterogeneous agents and voting on public goods.

Bos, Frits (2013): Meaning and measurement of national accounts statistics.

Bouoiyour, Jamal and Toufik, Said (2003): Productivité des industries manufacturières marocaines et investissements directs étrangers. Published in: Critique Economique No. no: 9 (January 2003)

Bournakis, Ioannis and Christopoulos, Dimitris and Mallick, Sushanta (2015): Knowledge Spillovers and Output per Worker: An Industry-level Analysis for OECD Countries. Published in: Economic Inquiry

Bournakis, Ioannis and Christopoulos, Dimitris and Mallick, Sushanta (2015): Knowledge Spillovers, Absorptive Capacity and Growth: An Industry-level Analysis for OECD Countries.

Brinca, Pedro and Duarte, João B. and Holter, Hans A. and Oliveira, João G. (2019): Technological Change and Earnings Inequality in the U.S.: Implications for Optimal Taxation.

Brito, Joao (2015): Country Size and Determinants of Economic Growth: A Survey with Special Interest on Small States.

Bruhns, Ramona (2006): The Long-run Effects of HIV/AIDS in Kenya.


Callanta, Daphney Shane and Moreno, Frede (2024): The Socioeconomic Implications of Farm-to-Market Road Infrastructure on Rural Development in Zamboanga Sibugay Province, Philippines: An Analysis of Policy and Community Outcomes.

Calub, Renz Adrian (2011): Linking Financial Development and Total Factor Productivity of the Philippines.

Carillo, Maria Rosaria and Lombardo, Vincenzo and Zazzaro, Alberto (2019): The Rise and Fall of Family Firms in the Process of Development.

Carvelli, Gianni and Trecroci, Carmine (2021): Is government debt good or bad for labor productivity? A dynamic panel analysis over 1972-2019.

Castellacci, Fulvio and Natera, Jose Miguel (2011): A new panel dataset for cross-country analyses of national systems, growth and development (CANA). Forthcoming in:

Chakraborty, Adrij (2017): Colonial Origins and Comparative Development: Institutions Matter.

Chakraborty, Suparna and Otsu, Keisuke (2012): Business Cycle Accounting of the BRIC Economies.

Chanda, Areendam and Kabiraj, Sujana (2017): Shedding Light on Regional Growth and Convergence in India.

Chang, Juin-Jen and Lai, Ching-Chong and Liao, Chih-Hsing (2017): Welfare Cost of Inflation: The Role of Price Markups and Increasing Returns to Production Specialization.

Charlita de Freitas, Luciano and Euler de Morais, Leonardo and Cervieri Guterres, Egon (2017): Efeitos da desoneração tributária sobre a difusão da banda larga no Brasil: Enfoque na incidência do FISTEL sobre o terminal de acesso individual por satélite.

Chatelain, Jean-Bernard and Ralf, Kirsten and Bruno, Amable (2010): Patents as Collateral. Published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control , Vol. 34, (2010): pp. 1092-1104.

Chen, Ping-ho and Chu, Angus C. and Chu, Hsun and Lai, Ching-Chong (2016): Short-run and Long-run Effects of Capital Taxation on Innovation and Economic Growth.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1976): Economic Development and Efficiency Criteria in the Satisfaction of Basic Needs. Published in: Applied Mathematical Modelling , Vol. 1, No. no. 6 (September 1977): pp. 290-297.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1978): Some results from a model of trade, aid and development in South. Published in: Issues and Analysis of Long Term Development, Proceedings of Seminar at the Institute of Development (1981): pp. 96-112.

Chichilnisky, Graciela and Gruenwald, Paul F. (1994): Existence of an optimal growth path with endogenous technical change. Published in: Economic Letters , Vol. 48, (1995): pp. 433-439.

Chikelu, James Chukwubudom (2016): Impact of Human Capital Development on Poverty Reduction in Nigeria.

Chikelu, James Chukwubudom and Okoro, Valentine Chukwuemeka (2016): Impact of Capital Expenditure on the Manufacturing Sector of the Nigerian Economy.

Choi, Seung Mo (2010): Institutional Foundations for Economic Growth. Published in: Collection of Essays on the Issues of Asia No. 8 (2010): pp. 25-40.

Chowdhury, Emon Kalyan (2024): Capital Market Governance in Bangladesh: A Cornerstone for Growth. Published in: CSE Portfolio , Vol. 2, No. 30 (8 August 2024): pp. 11-22.

Chu, Angus and Cozzi, Guido and Fan, Haichao and Hu, Dongmin (2025): Natural selection and innovation-driven growth. Forthcoming in: Macroeconomic Dynamics

Chu, Angus and Kou, Zonglai and Wang, Xilin (2021): Class Struggle in a Schumpeterian Economy. Forthcoming in: China Economic Review

Chu, Angus and Liao, Chih-Hsing (2023): Optimal Patent Policy and Wealth Inequality in a Schumpeterian Economy.

Chu, Angus and Peretto, Pietro and Furukawa, Yuichi (2023): Political Fragmentation versus a Unified Empire in a Malthusian Economy. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Chu, Angus C. and Furukawa, Yuichi and Peretto, Pietro and Xu, Rongxin (2024): Agricultural trade and industrial development.

Chu, Angus C. and Liao, Chih-Hsing and Peretto, Pietro (2024): Dynamic effects of taxation in an unequal Schumpeterian economy.

Chu, Angus C. and Liao, Chih-Hsing and Xu, Rongxin and Chen, Ping-ho (2021): Dynamic Effects of Tourism Shocks on Innovation in an Open-Economy Schumpeterian Growth Model. Forthcoming in: Economic Modelling

Chu, Angus C. and Peretto, Pietro (2019): Innovation and inequality from stagnation to growth. Forthcoming in: European Economic Review

Chu, Angus C. and Peretto, Pietro and Wang, Xilin (2024): Dynamic effects of productive government spending on industrialization and robust endogenous growth.

Chu, Angus C. and Peretto, Pietro and Xu, Rongxin (2023): Export-Led Takeoff in a Schumpeterian Economy. Forthcoming in: Journal of International Economics

Chu, Angus (2021): Macroeconomic Effects of Intellectual Property Rights: An Updated Survey.

Chu, Angus C. (2020): Advanced Macroeconomics for Undergraduates.

Chu, Angus C. (2020): Inflation, Innovation and Growth: A Survey. Forthcoming in: Bulletin of Economic Research

Chu, Angus C. (2020): Patent Policy and Economic Growth: A Survey. Forthcoming in: Manchester School

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido (2017): Effects of Patents versus R&D Subsidies on Income Inequality. Forthcoming in: Review of Economic Dynamics

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido (2018): Growth: Scale or Market-Size Effects? Forthcoming in: Economics Letters

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido and Fan, Haichao and Furukawa, Yuichi (2013): Inflation, Unemployment and Economic Growth in a Schumpeterian Economy.

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido and Fan, Haichao and Furukawa, Yuichi and Liao, Chih-Hsing (2020): How Minimum Wages Affect Automation and Innovation in a Schumpeterian Economy.

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido and Fan, Haichao and Furukawa, Yuichi and Liao, Chih-Hsing (2018): Innovation and Inequality in a Monetary Schumpeterian Model with Heterogeneous Households and Firms. Forthcoming in: Review of Economic Dynamics

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido and Furukawa, Yuichi and Liao, Chih-Hsing (2017): Inflation and Economic Growth in a Schumpeterian Model with Endogenous Entry of Heterogeneous Firms.

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido and Furukawa, Yuichi and Liao, Chih-Hsing (2018): Should the Government Subsidize Innovation or Automation? Forthcoming in: Macroeconomic Dynamics

Chu, Angus C. and Fan, Haichao and Wang, Xilin (2020): Status-Seeking Culture and Development of Capitalism.

Chu, Angus C. and Furukawa, Yuichi and Mallick, Sushanta and Peretto, Pietro and Wang, Xilin (2019): Dynamic Effects of Patent Policy on Innovation and Inequality in a Schumpeterian Economy. Forthcoming in: Economic Theory

Chu, Angus C. and Furukawa, Yuichi and Wang, Xilin (2020): Rent-Seeking Government and Endogenous Takeoff in a Schumpeterian Economy. Forthcoming in: Journal of Macroeconomics

Chu, Angus C. and Kou, Zonglai and Wang, Xilin (2021): Culture and Stages of Economic Development. Forthcoming in: Economics Letters

Chu, Angus C. and Kou, Zonglai and Wang, Xilin (2019): Dynamic Effects of Minimum Wage on Growth and Innovation in a Schumpeterian Economy. Forthcoming in: Economics Letters

Chu, Angus C. and Peretto, Pietro and Wang, Xilin (2020): Agricultural Revolution and Industrialization. Forthcoming in: Journal of Development Economics

Ciobanu, George and Ciobanu, Andreea Maria (2008): Is economic growth sustainable in Romania?

Clark, Gregory (2010): 1381 and the Malthus Delusion.

Clark, Gregory (2010): The Consumer Revolution: Turning Point in Human History, or Statistical Artifact?

Clark, Gregory and Cummins, Joe and Smith, Brock (2010): The Surprising Wealth of Pre-industrial England.

Cohen, Joseph N (2011): “Economic freedom” and economic growth: questioning the claim that freer markets make societies more prosperous.

Cohen, Joseph N (2010): Neoliberalism’s relationship with economic growth in the developing world: Was it the power of the market or the resolution of financial crisis?

Cohen, Joseph N (2011): Neoliberalism’s relationship with economic growth in the developing world: Was it the power of the market or the resolution of financial crisis?

Cole, Ismail M. (2014): Short- and long-term growth effects of special interest groups in the U.S. states: A dynamic panel error-correction approach.

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Стукач, Виктор and Шумакова, Оксана and Помогаев, Виталий and Гришаев, Егор and Якубенко, Марина and Асташова, Екатерина and Самсонова, Юлия and Ушакова, Елена and Старовойтова, Наталья and Зинич, Алла and Ревякина, Юлия and Флейклер, Инна and Елкина, Виктория and Степанова, Татьяна and Помогаев, Евгений and Гришаева, Людмила and Зинич, Любовь and Храмцова, наталья (2002): Инфраструктура агропродовольственного комплекса региона: новые вызовы.

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