Shiyan, Anatoliy A. (2011): Технологии для HR-менеджеров: Типология для экономического поведения персонала, Применение, Разработка механизмов.
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The book is the first completer description of the typology for person’s economic behavior (the author – Anatoly A. Shiyan). The problem on description of personal behavior has a crucial role for the development of mechanisms design for personnel management, because by elaborated technologies the behavior of a person or large groups of people can be predicted. The material of the book is needed for the design of mechanisms in labor economics, especially for the design of mechanisms for the optimal control on human economical behavior. The book describes a method of constructing an information space based on the economic characteristics of the interior (the context of behavior). Human behavior is defined as a change in the components of the information space, which is the result of human activity. The man's behavior is formally described as a mathematical operator in the information space. The action of this operator changes the values of the components of information. It is proved that the smallest number of operators, which needed to describe any economic behavior, consist from 16 types. These types are called “two-components abstract information automata” (2AIA). The technology for techniques for determine the type is constructed – e.g. the methods for classify the economical behavior of a person to the one and only one type of 2AIA are described. The mathematical description of the joint economic behavior for group of people is obtained. The mathematical description of a hierarchically organized economic behavior for group of people is obtained. In the book, the technologies for solving of the major problems for HR are described: the technologies for selection of persons (as types 2AIA) for a given economic behavior, the optimal technology for teaching people (as types 2AIA), and the technologies to manage a person (as type 2AIA). The technologies for optimization of the functioning of firms with using of the typology 2AIA and developed in the book the hierarchical control systems (“Pyramid of Management”) are described. The many examples for using of the 2AIA-type for optimization of the economic behavior of both the individual and large group of people (the pyramids of management) are described in this book. The book can be used as a textbook as it contains many examples and tasks for independent decision. Note: Downloadable document is in Russian.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Технологии для HR-менеджеров: Типология для экономического поведения персонала, Применение, Разработка механизмов |
English Title: | Technologies for HR-managers: typology for person’s economic behavior, applications and mechanism design |
Language: | Russian |
Keywords: | типология экономического поведения, управление человеческим капиталом, технологии типирования, иерархическое управление, управление фирмой |
Subjects: | L - Industrial Organization > L2 - Firm Objectives, Organization, and Behavior > L21 - Business Objectives of the Firm A - General Economics and Teaching > A2 - Economic Education and Teaching of Economics > A20 - General I - Health, Education, and Welfare > I2 - Education and Research Institutions > I20 - General O - Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth > O1 - Economic Development > O15 - Human Resources ; Human Development ; Income Distribution ; Migration C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods > C9 - Design of Experiments > C90 - General B - History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches > B4 - Economic Methodology > B41 - Economic Methodology |
Item ID: | 32427 |
Depositing User: | Anatoliy A. Shiyan |
Date Deposited: | 27 Jul 2011 07:46 |
Last Modified: | 01 Oct 2019 12:52 |
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