Horga, Ioan (2011): European Union between the Constraint of Borders and Global Competition. Published in: European Union between the Constraint of Borders and Global Competition No. Supplement of Eurolimes (2011): pp. 5-13.
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The sovereign debt crisis, which currently affects especially the European Union, challenges on the one side the actuality of hard borders and the reexamination of soft borders (Horga & Brie, 2008), and on the other side the need for the European Union to deal with an even more complex global competition, where only a strong actor with strategy and vocation and not reduced national entities can be viable. A major obstacle – the financial crisis – has made many of the researchers, who saw the EU as a vocational actor in the international system and who sustained institutional neoliberal conceptions and attitudes, start doubting such hypotheses by clinging to neorealist solutions. The disfunctionalities between the EU member states within the crisis have fueled a lot of positions, from euro -skepticism, federalism to interguvernamentalism, but also severe critics addressed to the supranationalists, the constructivists and to the people supporting the integration theories, such as governance and policy networks. Starting from this ambivalence, with which the EU has to deal, the volume which we are putting forward introduces the papers of young Romanian researchers who aim to analyze the actuality of the EU borders and the challenges for the beginning of the 21st century on the one hand, and on the other, the pace of the EU in the global competition.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | European Union between the Constraint of Borders and Global Competition |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | EU; financial crisis; economic crisis; competitiveness; economic policy; economic development (on national level); cross-border cooperation; Europeanization; European integration; energy policy |
Subjects: | F - International Economics > F5 - International Relations, National Security, and International Political Economy F - International Economics > F5 - International Relations, National Security, and International Political Economy > F53 - International Agreements and Observance ; International Organizations F - International Economics > F6 - Economic Impacts of Globalization |
Item ID: | 44852 |
Depositing User: | Ioan Horga |
Date Deposited: | 08 Mar 2013 14:08 |
Last Modified: | 04 Oct 2019 22:41 |
References: | Contogeorgis, George (2009), “Etat, Marche et societe. La question de l’equilibre dans la relation entre societe et politique” in Dogot, C-M.; Perchoc, Ph.; Tokes, T. (eds.), Leaders of the Borders, Borders of the Leaders (Eurolimes, vol.11), 129-139. Dogot, Cristina-Maria (2011), “Eastern European Frontier and Cross-Border Cooperation” in Dogot, C-M.; Perchoc, Ph.; Tokes, T. (eds.), Leaders of the Borders, Borders of the Leaders (Eurolimes, vol.11), 206-210. Dolghi, Dorin I. (2010), “Geopolitics and security in the European Neighbourhood”, in Dolghi, Dorin I.; Ilies, Alexandru; Katiskides, Savvas; Suli-Zakar, Istvan (eds.), The Geopolitics of the European Union (Eurolimes, vol. 10), 181-190. Horga, Ioan; Brie, Mircea (2008), ”La cooperation interuniversitaire aux frontieres exterueres de l'Union Europeennes et la contribution a la Politique Europeenne de Voisinage” in Rouet, Gilles; Terem, Peter (eds.), Enlargement and European nieghbourhood Policy, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 203-233. Horga, Ioan; Brie, Mircea (2010), “Europe: A Cultural Border or a Geo-Cultural Archipelago” in Stoica, A.; Francfort, D.; Csaba Simonne, J. (eds.), The cultural Frontiers of Europe (Eurolimes, vol. 9), 155-169. Horga, Ioan; Pantea, Dana (2007), “Europe from Exclusive Borders to Inclusive Frontiers. Introduction” in Delanty, G.; Pantea, D.; Teperics, Karoly (eds.), Europe from Exclusive Borders to Inclusive Frontiers (Eurolimes, vol. 4), 5-11. Mucha-Leszko, Bogumila; Kakaol, Magdalena (2009), “Will the financial-economic crisis of 2008-2009 accelerate monetary integration in the EU?” in Soproni, L.; Santaugustino, A.; Molnar, E. (eds.), Europe and its Economic Frontiers (Eurolimes, vol. 8), 9-16. Pantea, Dana (2010), “Building the European Identity” in Dolghi, Dorin I.; Ilies, Alexandruș Katiskides, Savvas; Suli-Zakar, Istvan (eds.), The Geopolitics of the European Union (Eurolimes, vol. 10), 195-199. Pop, Irina (2009), “The Assessemnt of the European Neighbourhood Policy in the South Caucasus: What the European Union can do?” in the Dolghi, D.; Rouet, G.; Radics, Z. (eds.), Europe and the Neighbourhood, (Eurolimes, vol.7), 22-34. Remeny, Peter (2011), “An Emerging Border of Emerging State? The case of the IEBL and Republika Sarbska of Bosnia-Herzegovina” in Dogot, C-M.; Perchoc, Ph.; Tokes, T. (eds.), Leaders of the Borders, Borders of the Leaders (Eurolimes, vol.11), 129-141. Soproni, Luminita; Horga, Ioan (2009), “The Romanian-Hungarian Border, link or delimitation for the post-adhesion process of Romania and Hungary”, in Soproni, L.; Santaugustino, A.; Molnar, E. (eds.), Europe and its Economic Frontiers (Eurolimes, vol. 8), 43-56. Toca, Constantin-Vasile; Popoviciu, Adrian-Claudiu (2010), “The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC), Instruments of Cross-Border Cooperation. Case Study Romania-Hungary” in Dolghi, Dorin I.; Ilieş, Alexandru; Katiskides, Savvas; Suli-Zakar, Istvan (eds.), The Geopolitics of the European Union (Eurolimes, vol. 10), 79-88. Toca, Constantin-Vasile (2011), “Regional Development and Cross-Border Cooperation: A Basis for the Multilevel Governance?” in Dogot, C-M.; Perchoc, Ph.; Tokes, T. (eds.), Leaders of the Borders, Borders of the Leaders (Eurolimes, vol.11), 210-215. |
URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/44852 |