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Items where Subject is "F53 - International Agreements and Observance ; International Organizations"

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Abdulghaffar, Mahmood and Al-Ubaydli, Omar and Mahmood, Omar (2014): The Malfunctioning of the Gulf Cooperation Council Single Market: Features, Causes and Remedies. Published in: Middle Eastern Finance and Economics No. 19 (2013): pp. 54-67.

Al-Ubaydli, Omar (2014): مجلس ”التنسيق“ وليس ”التعاون“: تحدّيات الاتحاد أمام الدول الأعضاء. Published in: مجلة السياسة الدولية No. 196 (April 2014)

Amundsen, Eirik S. and Lønning, Dag and Rasmussen, Heine (1995): An Analysis of International CO2 agreements.

Andrista, Safira and Widodo, Tri (2017): Welfare Impact of ASEAN Economic Integration: “ASEAN Way” Versus Theory.

Anja, Breitwieser and Neil, Foster (2012): Intellectual property rights, innovation and technology transfer: a survey.


Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Framework for Analisis and Improvement of Agrarian Dynamics.

Bagdasaryan, Kniaz (2016): ПОЗИЦИИ СТРАН ЕВРАЗИЙСКОГО ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО СОЮЗА В МИРОВОЙ ЭКОНОМИКЕ НА СОВРЕМЕННОМ ЭТАПЕ. Published in: Vestnik Universiteta No. 9 (October 2016): pp. 58-65.

Balogun, Emmanuel Dele (2010): Rules of Origin in the Africa-EU Strategic Partnership Agreement and Nigeria’s international trade.

Bitros, George C. (2013): European Union failures in Greece and some possible explanations.

Bonpasse, Morrison (2007): The Single Global Currency - Common Cents for the World (2007 Edition). Published in:

Botezatu, Elena (2006): Regional cooperation in Central and Southeastern Europe: the Romanian experience in fighting corruption.

Breen, Michael and Gillanders, Robert (2013): Political Trust, Corruption and Ratings of the IMF and the World Bank.

Brie, Mircea (2009): Contemporary Ecumenism between the Theologians’ Discourse and the Reality of Inter-confessional Dialogue. Case Study: Bihor. Published in: Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies , Vol. 8, No. 24 (2009): pp. 257-283.

Brie, Mircea (2010): The European Ecumenism. Case Study: Oradea. Published in: Media and European Diversity, Edited by Luminita Soproni & Ioan Horga, Editions Bruylant, Bruxelles (2010): pp. 219-230.

Brie, Mircea (2014): European enlargement and new frontiers of Central and Eastern Europe. Published in: Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Series Europaea, Cluj-Napoca , Vol. LIX, 1, (2014): pp. 113-130.

Buda, Rodolphe (2012): Free Trade under Contractual Development Area (FTCDA) - A First Examination of a Third Way Facing the Dilemma: Free-Trade vs Protectionist Policy.

Bätz, Kerstin and Siegfried, Patrick (2021): Complexity of culture and entrepreneurial practice. Published in: International Entrepreneurship Review , Vol. 7, No. 3 (1 September 2021)


CALISKAN, Ozgur (2011): Lizbon Antlaşması Sonrası Avrupa Birliği'nin Yeni Kurumsal Yapısı.

Cassimon, Danny and Engelen, Peter-Jan and Reyntjens, Filip (2013): Rwanda’s involvement in Eastern DRC: A criminal real options approach. Published in: Crime, Law, and Social Change No. 59 (2013): pp. 39-62.

Ceva, Emanuela and Fracasso, Andrea (2009): Seeking Mutual Understanding. A Discourse Theoretical Analysis of the WTO Dispute Settlement System.

Cheng, Gong (2015): The Global Financial Safety Net through the Prism of G20 Summits.

Cheng, Gong and Lennkh, Rudolf Alvise (2018): RFAs' Financial Structures and Lending Capacities: a Statutory, Accounting and Credit Rating Perspective.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1996): Trade regimes and GATT: resource-intensive vs. knowledge intensive growth. Published in: Economic Systems merged with Journal of International Comparative Economics , Vol. 20, (1996): pp. 147-181.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1996): Trade regimes and Gatt: resource intensive vs. knowledge intensive growth, Chapter 10. Published in: Handbook on Globalization of the World Economy (1998): pp. 226-249.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1993): The abatement of carbon emissions in industrial and developing countries.

Clifton, Judith and Diaz Fuentes, Daniel and Revuelta, Julio (2013): Financing Utilities: How the Role of the European Investment Bank shifted from regional development to making markets.

Clifton, Judith and Diaz Fuentes, Daniel and Revuelta, Julio (2013): Financing Utilities: How the Role of the European Investment Bank shifted from regional development to making markets.

Clifton, Judith and Díaz-Fuentes, Daniel (2011): La Nueva Política Económica de la OCDE ante el cambio en la Economía Mundial.

Costas, Antón and Lago-Peñas, Santiago (2013): La crisis de la deuda, el euro y la construcción política europea: reflexiones desde la economía.


Dabrowski, Marek and Radziwill, Artur (2007): Regional vs. Global Public Goods: The Case of Post-Communist Transition. Published in: CASE Network Studies and Analyses No. 336 (February 2007)

De Kort, Joop and Dragneva, Rilka (2006): Russia's role in fostering the CIS trade regime. Published in: Department of Economics Research Memorandum No. 2006.03 (2006): pp. 1-10.

Dhingra, Swati (2006): Reconciling Observed Tariffs and the Median Voter Model.

Drobot, Elena and Klevleeva, Aziza (2016): Risk management in customs control.

Duduiala-Popescu, Lorena (2009): General guidelines and specific contributions of Romania's Foreign Policy and Security Policy and the European Security and Defense of the EU in terms of the sustainable development.


Escaith, Hubert (2022): From Hyper-globalization to Global Value Chains Decoupling: Withering Global Trade Governance?


Galindo Lucas, Alfonso (2004): Pasado, presente y futuro del fondo monetario internacional. Published in: Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales No. Programa Organismos Internacionales WP (2006)

Genchev, Vassil (2005): Economic Development in the Maghreb States in the Context of their Relations with the EU.

Georgescu, George (2005): Criza comerţului mondial. Published in: Revista Bilant No. 15-16 (23 December 2005): pp. 72-73.

Georgescu, George (2005): Criza organizaţiilor internaţionale. Published in: Revista Bilant No. 14 (20 November 2005): pp. 62-65.

Ghassan, Hassan B. and Alhajhoj, Hassan R. (2015): Long Run Dynamic Volatilities between OPEC and non-OPEC Crude Oil Prices. Published in: Applied Energy , Vol. 169, No. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.02.057 (8 February 2016): pp. 384-394.

Gibogwe, Vincent and Nigo, Ayine R.S. and Kufuor, Karen (2022): Institutional Quality and Economic Growth in Tanzania.

Gorga, Carmine (2017): What To Do If The Stock Market Crashes? Published in: TalkMarkets , Vol. NA, No. Daily newsletter (14 March 2017): NA.

Goyal, Ashima (2002): Reform proposals from developing Asia: finding a win-win strategy. Published in: Chapter 7 from DEBATING THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL ARCHITECTURE (2002)

Grady, Patrick (2009): Were Canadian Exports to the U.S. Curtailed by the Post-9/11 Thickening of the U.S. Border?


Hagen-Zanker, Jessica and McCord, Anna (2010): Financing Social Protection in the Light of International Spending Targets: A Public Sector Spending Review. Published in:

Hajkowicz, Stefan and Bratanova, Alexandra and Schleiger, Emma and Brosnan, A (2020): Global trade and investment megatrends. Published in:

Harashima, Taiji (2021): The Root Cause of Sovereign Default.

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): Blockchains and Extra-Terrestrial Nations: Role of Blockchains in the Socio-Political Milieu of Future Extra-Terrestrial Settlements. Published in: Conflict Studies: International Cooperation eJournal , Vol. 04, No. 17 (18 May 2017)

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): IBSES: International Bank for Space Exploration and Sciences. Published in: International Institutions: Politics of International Institutions & Global Governance eJournal , Vol. 04, No. 15 (28 April 2017)

Heinrich, Gregor (2006): Determinación de estándares internacionales: Hacia la certidumbre jurídica y la estabilidad financiera. (enlace al documento publicado: http://biblio.juridicas.unam.mx/libros/5/2332/13.pdf). Published in: Panorama internacional de derecho mercantil - Culturas y sistemas jurídicos comparados. , Vol. 1, (2006): pp. 129-150.

Heinrich, Gregor (2013): El posible impacto de las reformas internacionales en América Latina y el Caribe.

Hendrix, Cullen and Noland, Marcus (2023): The West versus Beijing? Determinants of the UN Human Rights Council vote (not) to debate human rights in Xinjiang.

Henrich, Gregor (1991): Building a universal payments law?: The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Credit Transfers. Published in: Payment Systems Worldwide No. Summer (1991): pp. 4-16.

Hessami, Zohal (2011): What determines trust in international organizations? An empirical analysis for the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO.

Hlavac, Marek (2010): Has EU Enlargement Been, and Will It Continue to Be, a Success? An Evaluation of EU Enlargement's Effects on Policies Pursued by Candidate Countries.

Hlavac, Marek (2010): Less Than a state, more than an international organization: The Sui generis nature of the European Union.

Horga, Ioan (2011): European Union between the Constraint of Borders and Global Competition. Published in: European Union between the Constraint of Borders and Global Competition No. Supplement of Eurolimes (2011): pp. 5-13.

Horga, Ioan (2011): Multilevel Governance (MLG) and Subsidiary Principle in White Paper of MLG of the Committee of the Regions (COR). Published in: Regional and Cohesion Policy Insights into the role of the Partnership Principle in the New Policy Design (2011): pp. 158-165.

Horga, Ioan (2010): The multilevel governance (MLG) and the respect of the subsidiarity principle. Published in: Cross Border Partnership with Special Regard to the Hungarian-Romanian-Ukrainian Tripartite Border (2010): pp. 167-172.

Hou, Jia (2020): Independence Status of Territories and the Estimated Trade Effects of Regional Trade Agreements.


Iulia Monica, Oehler-Șincai (2018): 16+1, a New Issue in China-EU Relations? Published in: Working paper series of the China-CEE Institute Budapest (2018): pp. 1-11.

Iulia Monica, Oehler-Șincai and Costin, Lianu and Irina Gabriela, Rădulescu (2017): European Union and Big Four’s Position Towards the 16+1 Cooperation Platform.


J., Julio (2019): Brexit trade impacts' and Mercosur's negotiations with Europe. Published in: Journal of World Trade , Vol. Vol 53, No. Issue 3 (2019): pp. 343-372.

Jafarli, Said (2017): Moves Towards an Islamic Common Market: Evaluation of the Potentials.


Kartika, Dwintha Maya (2015): The absence of currency-related trade policies in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its future inclusion.

Keshari, Pradeep Kumar and Nair, Tara and Avasthi, Dinesh (2013): Phasing out of Multi-fibre Arrangement: implications for the Indian garment exporting firms. Published in: Foreign Trade Review , Vol. 30, No. 24 (December 1995): pp. 78-88.

Khan, Haider (2023): Is Nonaligned Foreign Policy for a Small Country Possible? The case of Bangladesh from 1972 to 1975 : Achievements and Contradictions.

Khan, Haider (2023): Can BRI be the Road to Peace and Prosperity?

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): Analyse comparative de la performance des missions de maintien de la paix de l'UE et de l'UA en Afrique subsaharienne.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): Comparative Analysis of the Performance of EU and AU Peacekeeping Missions in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Kohnert, Dirk (2025): Impact of Trump 2.0 on Sub-Saharan Africa.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): L'impact des relations extérieures entre l'Afrique subsaharienne et les États arabes du Golfe sur les migrants africains dans la région.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): L'impact des relations subsahariennes d'Israël sur les migrants africains en Israël.

Kohnert, Dirk (2024): Les mesures internationales contre le blanchiment d’argent et l’évasion fiscale, ont-elles un impact significatif en Afrique subsaharienne ?

Kohnert, Dirk (2024): Money laundering and tax evasion : Do international measures have a significant impact in sub-Saharan Africa?

Kohnert, Dirk (2024): Navigating Rivalries: Prospects for Coexistence between ECOWAS and AES in West Africa.

Kohnert, Dirk (2024): Naviguer dans les rivalités: perspectives de coexistence entre la CEDEAO et l'AES en Afrique de l'Ouest.

Kohnert, Dirk (2024): Naviguer dans les rivalités: perspectives de coexistence entre la CEDEAO et l'AES en Afrique de l'Ouest.

Kohnert, Dirk (1983): Zehn Thesen über die Stärken und Schwächen des soziokulturellen Ansatzes in der Entwicklungspolitik. Published in: Loccumer Protokolle , Vol. 27, No. 1983 : pp. 25-32.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): The impact of Israel's Sub-Saharan relations on African migrants in Israel.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): The impact of foreign relations between Sub-Saharan Africa and the Arab Golf states on African migrants in the region.

Kohnert, Dirk (2007): African Migration to Europe:Obscured Responsibilities and Common Misconceptions.

Kohnert, Dirk (2014): Horse trading? EU-African Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs).

Kohnert, Dirk (2006): Vom Nutzen afrikanischer Zuwanderer für Europa. Wende in der EU-Einwanderungspolitik?

Kratzsch, Uwe and Sieg, Gernot and Stegemann, Ulrike (2010): A full participation agreement on global emission reduction through strategic investments in R & D.

Kratzsch, Uwe and Sieg, Gernot and Stegemann, Ulrike (2011): An international agreement with full participation to tackle the stock of greenhouse gases.


Libman, Alexander and Vinokurov, Evgeny (2016): Региональные организации: типы и логика развития. Published in: EDB Centre for Integration Studies' Report No. 37 (5 April 2016): pp. 1-88.

Lord, Montague (2013): Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners - Australia and New.

Lord, Montague (2013): Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners – India.

Lord, Montague (2013): Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners – Japan.

Lord, Montague (2013): Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners – People’s Republic of China.

Lord, Montague (2014): Trading Costs in East Asia’s Global Value Chains.

Lord, Montague (2013): Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners – Republic of Korea.


MUYA, Jonathan (2024): Geopolitical Fragmentation in the world and its consequences on Developing Countries: a game of chess on a fractured board.

Malah, Yselle and Asongu, Simplice (2021): An empirical analysis of human trafficking in an era of globalization. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Studies

Marinov, Eduard (2019): Африканската континентална зона за свободна търговия: защо Африка се връща към мултилатерализма. Published in: Годишник „Икономика и бизнес“ на департамент „Икономика“ , Vol. 2019, (2021): pp. 135-147.

Marinov, Eduard (2019): Провалът на СТО и променящите се модели в световната търговия. Published in: Годишник „Икономика и бизнес“ 2020 , Vol. 5, No. ISSN 2534-9651 (February 2022): pp. 89-98.

Marinov, Eduard (2007): Нормативна рамка на икономическите отношения между България и Русия. Published in: Biznes kontaktai No. 3/2007, ISSN 1312-109X (2007): pp. 30-31.

Marinov, Eduard (2013): Регионалните интеграционни общности в Африка. Published in: Proceedings of Scientific Seminar “The New Economic Geography: Theory and Practice” No. ISBN 978-954-490-434-0 (2014): pp. 143-154.

Marinov, Eduard (2013): Успехи и предизвикателства на регионалната икономическа интеграция в Африка. Published in: Political and Economic Transformations in the 21st Century No. ISBN 978-954-715-620-3 (2013): pp. 79-90.

Marinov, Eduard (2017): България и Споразуменията за преференциална търговия на ЕС. Published in: Panusheff, E. (ed.). The Bulgarian Economy: 10 Years in the EU (2017): pp. 207-212.

Marinov, Eduard (2016): Споразумение за свободна търговия между Европейския съюз и Виетнам – възможности и перспективи за България. Published in: Stefanov, N. (ed.). 2017. Asia and the World – Interrelations and Interactions (2017): pp. 75-80.

Marinov, Eduard (2013): Impact of the European Union on Regional Integration in Africa. Published in: Financial and Monetary Economics – EFM 2013 No. ISSN 2344-3642 (2013): pp. 229-239.

Meinzer, Markus (2017): Automatic Exchange of Information as the new global standard: the end of (offshore tax evasion) history? Forthcoming in: Submitted for publication in the following edited Volume: Automatic Exchange of Information and Prospects of Turkish-German Cooperation, Istanbul (ed. Leyla ATEŞ & Joachim ENGLISCH) No. Based on a presentation given on 3 March 2016 at the 2nd Turkish-German Biennial on International Tax Law in Istanbul.

Mihalyi, David and Mate, Akos (2019): Text-mining IMF country reports - an original dataset.

Mikic, Mia (2007): Preferential trade agreements and agricultural trade liberalization in Asia and the Pacific.

Mina, Wasseem (2013): United Arab Emirates FDI Outlook.


Nakao, Keisuke (2015): Indirect Policing: Its Theory, Mechanism, and Application to Combatting Elusive Perpetrators.

Nakao, Keisuke (2016): Transnational Policing: Preemption and Deterrence against Elusive Perpetrators.

Nguema-Affane, Thierry (2016): Assessing the CPIA-Based Classification of Low-Income Countries in the Joint IMF-World Bank Debt Sustainability Framework.

Nguema-Affane, Thierry (2014): The Principal Components Approach to Quota Formulation at the IMF: 2011 Economic Size and Quota Formula Update.

Nguyen, Binh Giang (2013): Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam Development Triangle: A Viewpoint from Vietnam. Published in: Bangkok Research Report No. 11 (March 2013): pp. 99-132.


Nith, Kosal (2019): Cambodian place in the International trade of Textile and Clothing: Threat and Opportunity.

Nith, Kosal (2019): Cambodian place in the International trade of Textile and Clothing: Threat and Opportunity.

Nizar, Muhammad Afdi (2022): Mengintip Peluang Ekspor Indonesia ke Afrika Selatan.

Noland, Marcus (2022): Asia's push for monetary alternatives. Published in: Asia Pacific Issues No. 156 (1 December 2022): pp. 1-8.


Obregon, Carlos (2022): The Economics of Global Peace. Published in:

Obregon, Carlos (2023): Social Choice and Institutionalism. Published in:


Pachankis, Yang (2022): Why Should LGBTQI Marriage Be Legalized. Published in: Academia Letters No. Article 5157 (April 2022): pp. 1-6.

Pascalau, Razvan and Qirjo, Dhimitri (2017): The Role of TTIP on the Environment.

Pascalau, Razvan and Qirjo, Dhimitri (2017): TTIP and the Environmental Kuznets Curve.

Perju, Genoveva-Elena (2009): Free Trade Agreements with cross-country fixed geo-political constraints.

Petrushchak, Bohdan (2010): Етичні мотиви інвестування в контексті екологізації національної економіки. Published in: Наукові записки Національного університету “Острозька академія”. Серія “Економіка”. No. 15 (2010): pp. 407-415.

Popa, Catalin C. (2008): The tendencies in defining an optimum globalization model. Published in: Knowledge Based Organization 2008 International Conference, November 2008, Sibiu, Romania , Vol. 3, No. ISSN 1843-6722 (15 November 2008): pp. 271-277.

Popa, Diana (2011): Runda Doha: început fără sfârşit.


Qirjo, Dhimitri and Pascalau, Razvan (2019): The Role of TTIP on Other than CO2 Air Pollutants.

Qirjo, Dhimitri and Pascalau, Razvan and Krichevskiy, Dmitriy (2019): CETA and Air Pollution.

Qirjo, Dhimitri and Pascalau, Razvan and Krichevskiy, Dmitriy (2020): The Role of CETA on Carbon Dioxide, F-Gasses, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide.


Raihan, Selim (2017): Enhanced Regional Economic Cooperation through Dealing with NTMs in the BBIN Sub-Region in South Asia: A Political Economy Approach.

Ray, Charles and Janowiak, John and Michael, Judd and Bachev, Hrabrin (2007): Economic and environmental impact assessment of proposed bark-free requirements for wood pallets in international trade. Published in: Journal of Forest Products Business Research , Vol. 4, No. 6 (2007): pp. 1-25.

Reiss, Daniel G (2010): Concessão de crédito entre bancos centrais no âmbito do Convênio de Pagamentos e Créditos Recíprocos.

Reiss, Daniel G (2012): Easing trade costs within Mercosul.

Rixen, Thomas (2005): Internationale Kooperation im asymmetrischen Gefangenendilemma: Das OECD Projekt gegen schädlichen Steuerwettbewerb.

Rixen, Thomas (2008): The institutional Design of international double Taxation Avoidance.

Rixen, Thomas and Rohlfing, Ingo (2005): The Political Economy of Bilateralism and Multilateralism: Institutional Choice in Trade and Taxation.

Ronen, Eyal (2017): Tariffs and Non-Tariff Measures: Substitutes or Complements. A Cross Country Analysis. Published in: Bank i Kredyt, National Bank of Poland , Vol. 48, No. 1 (February 2017): pp. 45-72.

Ronen, Eyal and Dawar, Kamala (2016): How Necessary? A Comparison of Legal and Economic Assessments GATT Dispute Settlements under: Article XX(b), TBT 2.2 and SPS 5.6. Published in: Journal of Trade, Law and Development , Vol. 8, No. 1 (October 2016): pp. 1-28.


Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano and Lamonaca, Emilia (2019): The role of non-tariff measures in the agri-food sector: positive or negative instruments for trade? Forthcoming in:

Schettino, Francesco (2004): The FTAA After The Emergence Of the Euro.

Schilirò, Daniele (2016): Rules, Imbalances and Growth in the Eurozone.

Schubert, Samuel R. (2007): Being rich in energy resources – a blessing or a curse. Published in: EP Policy Department Studies , Vol. 614, No. 386 (31 January 2007): pp. 1-60.

Schubert, Samuel R. (2006): Revisiting the oil curse: are oil rich nations really doomed to autocracy and inequality? Published in: Oil and Gas Business , Vol. 2006, (1 August 2006): pp. 1-16.

Schultes, Anselm and Piontek, Franziska and Soergel, Bjoern and Rogelj, Joeri and Baumstark, Lavinia and Kriegler, Elmar and Edenhofer, Ottmar and Luderer, Gunnar (2020): Economic damages from on-going climate change imply deeper near-term emission cuts.

Shafaeddin, Mehdi (2009): Impact of Selectivity and Neutrality of trade Policy Incentives on Industrialization of Developing Countries; Implications for NAMA Negotiations. Forthcoming in: As a booklet by TWN (2009)

Shafaeddin, Mehdi (2009): NAMA as a Tool of De-industrialization of Africa.

Shah, Mumtaz Hussain and Jamil, Iqra (2016): Trade Agreements and Transnational Corporations Presence in the Developing Asia. Published in: International Journal of Business Studies Review , Vol. 1, No. 1 (December 2016): pp. 56-65.

Silverstein, David N. (2011): Using a harmonized carbon price framework to finance the Green Climate Fund.

Silverstein, David N. (2010): A method to finance a global climate fund with a harmonized carbon tax.

Soliman, Ibrahim and Bassiony, Hala (2012): Egyptian Agricultural Exports Competitiveness. Published in: Quarterly review Of the Egyptian Society of Political Economy Statistics and Legislation , Vol. 103, No. 505 (18 October 2012)

Soyak, Alkan and Bahçekapılı, Cengiz (1998): Economic Crises and IMF’s Economic Policies: The Reflections on a Quarterly Publication of IMF and World Bank “Finance and Development. Published in: İktisat, İşletme ve Finans Dergisi No. 144 (1998): pp. 48-61.


Stegaroiu, Valentin (2009): Problems Concerning Pension Policies in the EU Member States.

Suleymanov, Elchin and Hasanov, Fakhri and Nuri Aras, Osman (2013): Trans Anadolu Dogal Gaz Boru Hattı Projesinin Ekonomik ve Stratejik Beklentileri. Published in:


Tonus, Özgür and Baykal, Sanem (2003): Avrupa Birliği Anayasa Taslağı Üzerine Değerlendirmeler. Published in: Anadolu Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi , Vol. XIX, No. 1-2 (2003): pp. 115-132.

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Tsvetanova, Yulia (2014): Features of Internal Audit in Pharmaceutical Industry. Forthcoming in: Pharmacia , Vol. 61, No. 2 (2014): pp. 30-34.

Tsvetanova, Yulia (2014): Internal Audit in the Pharmaceutical Sector: International and National Good Practices. Published in: Aktiv , Vol. 4, No. April (April 2014): pp. 13-15.


Ugur, Mehmet (2007): Migration without borders: the ethics, economics and governance of free movement. Published in: Migration without Borders, edited by A. Pecoud and P. de Guchteneire, New York and Oxford: Bergham Books in Association with UNESCO Publishing, 2007 (2007): 65.-94.


Verico, Kiki (2017): Indonesia towards 2030 and beyond: A Long-Run International Trade Foresight.

Vinokurov, Evgeny and Korshunov, Dmitry and Pereboev, Vladimir and Tsukarev, Taras (2017): Евразийский экономический союз. Published in: EDB Centre for Integration Studies' Publications (17 October 2017): pp. 1-297.

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Vinokurov, Evgeny and Libman, Alexander (2017): Eurasian integration and its institutions: possible contributions to security in Eurasia.

Viviani, Carlo (2010): The Italian Position in the Energy and Climate Change Negotiations. Published in: Review of Economic Conditions in Italy , Vol. 2010, No. 2 (January 2011): pp. 231-278.

Vértesy, László (2009): A hitel-kölcsön, a lízing és a faktoring ügyletek nemzetközi szabályai. Published in: Jogtudományi Közlöny , Vol. 4, No. 2009 (2009)


Wabenga Yango, James (2011): La CEPGL et l'économie de la R.D.Congo: Une analyse en équilibre général calculable.

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