Bouoiyour, Jamal (2013): Transferts de fonds, éducation et travail des enfants au Maroc: Une analyse par score de propension. Published in:
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of remittances on child labor and demand of education using survey data on the Souss-Massa-Draa region (South of Morocco). Based on an instrumental variables probit model, we find a positive and significant effect of remittances on the investments in education. Furthermore, the number of children living in migrant households who accumulate employment and schooling is clearly less raised compared with the children of the households of group of control (non migrant households). Moreover, our results show the positive effect of remittances on the schooling of the poor children. It also seems that the partial participation of poor children or teenagers in work declines more significantly through migrant remittances.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Transferts de fonds, éducation et travail des enfants au Maroc: Une analyse par score de propension |
English Title: | Remittances, Education and Child labor in Morocco: A propensity score matching approach |
Language: | French |
Keywords: | Children time allocation, Education attainments, Propensity-Score Matching, Remittances, Morocco |
Subjects: | F - International Economics > F2 - International Factor Movements and International Business > F22 - International Migration F - International Economics > F2 - International Factor Movements and International Business > F24 - Remittances I - Health, Education, and Welfare > I2 - Education and Research Institutions > I25 - Education and Economic Development |
Item ID: | 46063 |
Depositing User: | jamal bouoiyour |
Date Deposited: | 10 Apr 2013 23:01 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 10:42 |
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