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La condition de Marshall-Lerner-Robinson est-elle stable ? Approche par le test GLS cointégration à niveau et puissance améliorés

Ghassan, Hassan B. (2007): La condition de Marshall-Lerner-Robinson est-elle stable ? Approche par le test GLS cointégration à niveau et puissance améliorés. Published in: Revue des Economies Nord Africaines , Vol. 5, No. 1 (15 January 2008): pp. 21-48.

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The aim of the paper is to test the Marshall-Lerner-Robinson condition by using the unit-root test of Ng-Perron (2001) and cointegration test of Perron-Rodriguez (2001). These tests are based on procedures for removing the trend using the GLS, leading to remove no-stochastic components. By examining the existence of LR relationship between the exchange rate and net-exports using the Moroccan quarterly data, it appears that there is no complementary relationship between the two variables. The rigidity of nominal and real behaviors of both private and public sectors explains to some extent the absence of a long-run equilibrium in the temporal evolution of the exchange rate. These discrepancies related in particular to markets mechanism and economic policies of the government.

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