Farhang, Shimon (2014): Study of the conditions for the development of CBI corridor and examining their validity in the Middle East. Published in: International Research Journal of York University , Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 2014): pp. 73-106.
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The study purposes are: to understand and establish a link between various cross-border infrastructure (CBI) phenomena around the world by exposing their true implications and by presenting ways by which decision-making and practice of CBI development, can be influenced; To propose a new interpretative paradigm for processes in the Middle East and their impact on development of the region; To propose a new practice for changing courses of action in the development of CBI.
CBI development is a result of regional thinking and territorial cooperation which aims strengthening the socio-economic and regional integration between two countries or more, while protecting the common interests and coping with obstacles existing in the process of developing and implementing CBI.
The economic contribution of CBI (JICA, 2009): Enhancing regional connectivity, reducing trading costs, moderating economic gaps between neighboring regions, improving utilization efficiency, fostering comprehensive economic growth, poverty reduction, developing regional integration by eliminating or moderating regulation barriers.
Dissertation presents two essential conclusions to bridge over gaps between CBI project partners: • Build mutual trust and consensus, based on three important elements: confidential negotiations at the beginning of the process, local initiative based process, joint Strategic Plan as a platform for mutual trust • "Lifeline" Strategy - Developing interdependence on the existence of CBI corridor vital to all partners. Formulating a critical mass of interests, powerful and significant to all Shareholders, that turns the lifeline corridor essential to all.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Study of the conditions for the development of CBI corridor and examining their validity in the Middle East |
English Title: | Study of the conditions for the development of CBI corridor and examining their validity in the Middle East |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | cross-border infrastructure, regional integration, economic growth, mutual trust. |
Subjects: | Y - Miscellaneous Categories > Y8 - Related Disciplines > Y80 - Related Disciplines |
Item ID: | 61485 |
Depositing User: | Naime Simsek Yuksekbilgili |
Date Deposited: | 20 Jan 2015 15:29 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 17:48 |
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URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/61485 |