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Items where Subject is "Y80 - Related Disciplines"

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Number of items at this level: 67.


Al-Jarhi, Mabid (2016): The Islamic Political System: A Basic Value Approach.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Metaphysical.

Albers, Scott (2019): An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox.

Alcantud, José Carlos R. (2013): Fuzzy sets from the ethics of social preferences. Published in: ESTYLF 2014 - Libro de actas (January 2014): pp. 469-474.

Alves, Vasco (2020): Endogenous queue number determination in G/M/s systems. Forthcoming in: 4OR A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2012): The Caldwellian Methodological Pluralism: Wishful Thoughts and Personal Tendencies.

Atilano-Tang, Lesley Ann (2023): Disaster risk management: Vulnerability and resilience in the coastal barangays of Zamboanga City, Philippines.


Bhattacherjee, Sanjay and Sarkar, Palash (2017): Cryptocurrency Voting Games.


Branea, Silvia (2003): Receptarea soap-opera de către tineri. Studiu de caz: „Beverly Hills”. Published in: Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication , Vol. Year 2, No. Spring (2003): pp. 121-128.

Buda, Mariana (2012): L'application du multilinguisme dans l'Union Europeenne - un probleme sans issue? Published in: Media and European Diversity (2012)

Buda, Mariana (2017): Mastering Languages, the Guarantee for a better Job? Published in: Education, Social Values and European Integration , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2017): pp. 135-143.

Buda, Mariana (2015): The Valencian Linguistic Conflict: Dialect or Regional Language? Instrument or Argument for the Catalans independence? Published in: The European Space, Borders and Issues (2016): pp. 211-222.


Cantillo, Andres (2011): The Problem of Points.

Chan, Kemin and Hong, Yu (2018): Simulation of Spar Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Subjected to Misaligned Wind-Wave Loading Using Conservation of Momentum Method.

Collan, Mikael (2007): Lazy User Behaviour.


Da Silva, Sergio and Matsushita, Raul and Seifert, Guilherme and De Carvalho, Mateus (2015): Atheists Score Higher on Cognitive Reflection Tests. Published in: Open Access Library Journal , Vol. 2, (2015): e2235.

Dill, Alexander and Gebhart, Nicolas (2016): Redundancy, Unilateralism and Bias beyond GDP – results of a Global Index Benchmark.

Dobra, Alexandra (2009): Identifying the key issues focusing on the costs and benefits of immigration in developed countries.

Drakopoulos, Stavros (2011): Hierarchical Needs, Income Comparisons and Happiness Levels. Published in: Quality of Life: A Positive Psychology Perspective, A. Efklides and D. Moraitou (eds), New York: Springer (2013): pp. 17-32.

Drakopoulos, Stavros A. and Grimani, Katerina (2013): Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy and the Effect of Income on Happiness Levels. Published in: The Happiness Compass: Theories, Actions and Perspectives for Well-Being, F. Sarracino (ed), Nova Science Publ., New York, (October 2013): pp. 295-309.


Escudé, Guillermo J. (2016): Un Marco General para la Ciencia de la Sociedad Humana. Forthcoming in: TEORIA Y POLITICA ECONOMICA Ensayos en honor del Profesor Dr. Julio H. G. Olivera No. Book. Publisher: EUDEBA

Estrada, Fernando (2014): The logic of the violence in the civil war: The armed conflict in Colombia. Published in: Perfil de Coyuntura Económica , Vol. 17, No. I (2011): pp. 165-194.


Farhang, Shimon (2014): Study of the conditions for the development of CBI corridor and examining their validity in the Middle East. Published in: International Research Journal of York University , Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 2014): pp. 73-106.


Haley, Jackie Earle and Miller, Jonny Lee (2018): Is Scopus polluting its own database by indexing junk articles? A case study of five journals.

Hardiansyah, Suteja (2009): The Death of Theology: The Complexity of the New Islamic Theology (Al-Kalam Al-Jadid) in Philosophy of Moral (Kematian Teologi: Kompleksitas Teologi Islam Baru dalam Dimensi Etika).

Hardiansyah, Suteja (2009): Meninjau Ulang Diskursus Teologi Islam dalam Dunia Modern.

Heinemann, Isabel and Reckendrees, Alfred (2023): Gendering the Company: A Critical Perspective on German Business History.

Hibbs, Douglas A. (2010): The 2010 Midterm Election for the US House of Representatives.


Jones, Randall J. and Armstrong, J. Scott and Cuzan, Alfred G. (2007): Forecasting elections using expert surveys: an application to U.S. presidential elections.



Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2001): Общая теория систем и научная интерпретация социальной реальности.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (1997): Новая парадигма теории самоорганизации. Published in: Динамика систем, машин и механизмов: Тезисы докладов II междунар. конференции. , Vol. 3, (1997): p. 62.

Kotroyannos, Dimitrios (2016): Alexis Tsipras und der rhetorische Diskurs als Politik.

Kovács, Ilona and Moniz, António (2002): The Sociology of Work and the work of sociologists in Portugal.

Kroeger, Sarah and Monahan, Tess and Perry, Brendan (2022): How Can Research Improve Foster Care Policy and Practice?

Kurrild-Klitgaard, Peter and Klemmensen, Robert and Pedersen, Mogens N. (2008): Højre, venstre eller midte? Et empirisk perspektiv på partirummet i dansk politik. Published in: (2008)


Lupia, Arthur (2006): How Elitism Undermines the Study of Voter Competence. Forthcoming in: Critical Review , Vol. 18,


Marandici, Ion (2021): Nostalgic Voting? Explaining the Electoral Support for the Political Left in Post-Soviet Moldova. Published in: Eurasian Geography and Economics , Vol. 4, No. 63 (2022): pp. 514-542.

Moniz, António (2006): Foresight methodologies to understand changes in the labour process: Experience from Portugal. Published in: Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies No. 2 (November 2006): pp. 105-116.


Nwokedi, Miracle Ekpereamaka (2018): Film as a Mass Medium: Audience Perception of Home Video Films as Representation of Realities in Nigeria (Study of Residents in Awka South).


Olimid, Anca Parmena (2009): Democracy promotion in post-communist countries towards congruence between historical and political patterns in EU. Published in: Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Seria Istorie , Vol. 2, No. 16 (2009): pp. 345-352.


Panja, Anindya Sundar and Bandyopadhyay, Bidyut and Maity, Smarajit and Mandal, Shiboprosad (2016): The architectural network for protein secondary structure prediction. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review , Vol. 4, No. 7 (June 2016): pp. 183-190.

Prasetyono, Pipin (2017): Analysing decentralisation and corruption in Indonesia: a fraud triangle approach.


Rao, Srinivas and Kumar, Suresh and Aithal, Sreeramana (2015): Strategic Planning in Higher Education Institutions : A Case Study of SIMS - VISION 2025. Published in: International Journal of Educational Science and Research (IJESR) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (April 2015): pp. 29-42.

Rughinis, Razvan and Rughinis, Cosima and Vulpe, Simona Nicoleta and Rosner, Daniel (2021): From social netizens to data citizens: variations of GDPR awareness in 28 European countries. Published in: Computer Law & Security Review , Vol. 42, (September 2021): p. 105585.


Sandi, H. and Pomonis, A. and Francis, S. and Georgescu, E. S. and Mohindra, R. and Borcia, I. S. (2007): Development of a Nationwide Seismic Vulnerability Estimation System. Published in: Constructii , Vol. 3, No. 2/2008 (1 July 2008): pp. 38-47.

Sandi, H. and Pomonis, A. and Francis, S. and Georgescu, E. S. and Mohindra, R. and Borcia, I. S. (2007): Seismic vulnerability assessment: Methodological elements and applications to the case of Romania. Published in: Constructii , Vol. 3, No. 2/2008 (December 2008): pp. 5-17.

Scartozzi, Cesare M. (2018): A New Taxonomy for International Relations: Rethinking the International System as a Complex Adaptive System. Published in: Journal on Policy and Complex Systems , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2018): pp. 109-133.

Scartozzi, Cesare M. (2017): Political Reforms vs. Undemocratic Institutional Arrangements in Hong Kong. Published in: Seoul National University Journal of International Affairs , Vol. 2, No. 1 (2017): pp. 2-12.

Schulze, Detlef Georgia and Berghahn, Sabine and Wolf, Frieder Otto (2003): Der Rechtsstaat in Deutschland und Spanien: Projektbeschreibung. Published in: StaR P – Neue Analysen zu Staat, Recht und Politik / Serie W: working papers des DFG-Projektes „Der Rechtsstaat in Deutschland und Spanien“ , Vol. 2006, No. 1 : pp. 1-64.

Sergio, Da Silva and Raul, Matsushita and Eliza, Silveira (2013): Hidden power law patterns in the top European football leagues.

Shenkute, Awraris Getachew and Getachew, Yemisrach and Assefa, Dejen and Adgaba, Nuru and Ganga, Gebeyehu and Abebe, Workneh (2012): Honey production systems (Apis mellifera L.) in Kaffa, Sheka and Bench-Maji zones of Ethiopia. Published in: Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development , Vol. 4, No. 19 (September 2012): pp. 528-541.

Silvestri, Paolo (2006): Il buon governo nel pensiero di Einaudi e Mosca: tra governo della legge e governo degli uomini. Published in: Annali della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi , Vol. XL, (2006): pp. 157-196.

Silvestri, Paolo (2012): The ideal of good government in Luigi Einaudi's Thought and Life: Between Law and Freedom. Published in: (2012): pp. 55-95.

Srivastav, Bhanu (2021): The novel Artificial Neural Network assisted models: A review.

Suchánek, Petr (2009): E-commerce Systems and E-shop Web Sites Security. Published in: The Internet, Competitiveness and Organisational Security in Knowledge Society (24 March 2009)

Sulasula, Josephine (2023): Towards algorithmic university: Assessing the readiness of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Zamboanga Peninsula (Region IX), The Philippines.



Tendero, Emerissa Jane (2023): Implementing ISO 9001:2015 in Local Government Units: Controversies and options in Zamboanga Peninsula (Region IX), Philippines.

Tendero, Julieta (2000): Hemispheric dominance and language proficiency levels in the four macro skills of Western Mindanao State university college students.

Timko, Christina and Niederstadt, Malte and Schmidt, Nicholas and Deing, Carina and Pohl, Moritz and Schulte, Marlon and Werbeck, Katharina (2022): Studie über die Nutzung von Newsfeed-Reader-Apps als Grundlage für Verhaltensdesign.

Turner, Grant (2018): Establishing a comprehensive census of undergraduate economics curricula:Foundational and special requirements for major programs in the U.S.


Usman-Laput, Lea (2005): Magison-ison: A parallel reality construction of war among Joloano Muslim Survivors in Sulu, Philippines.


Valente, Jordan and Moreno, Frede (2014): Women’s representation in local politics: Evidence from The Philippines.

Venu Menon, Sudha (2007): Human security: Concept and practice.


Zhao, Liang (2008): Rethinking basically Economic Assumption on Individual Behavior from Empirical Viewpoints of Evolution and Behavior.

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