Polcyn, Jan (2017): Edukacja jako dobro publiczne - próba kwantyfikacji. Published in: (2017)
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The analysis involved the construction of synthetic measures of quantity and quality of public goods in education and synthetic measures of economic and social development. The synthetic measures were built using the Hellwig method. Taxonomic analyses were performed with respect to the quantity, quality and effectiveness of public goods at the local level in Poland. An attempt was made to determine the education production function in the Polish context. Analysis techniques also included multivariate analysis of variance, regression models for quality and effectiveness of education and multilevel analysis of regression.Drawing conclusions based on the methodology adopted in this study is certainly burdened with error due to the considerable level of aggregation of measures used for illustrating the existing dependencies. However, it should be noted that the analysis covered all local government units (poviats) responsible for upper-secondary school education in Poland. In the Polish political system, the units fulfil the state’s function related to the provision of public goods in education. The efforts undertaken by researchers worldwide to find the ways to improve the quality and effectiveness of educational processes have focused on modelling the education production function. The attempts made in this study to implement the education production function in the Polish context have confirmed the results of global research in this field. However, models constructed on the basis of literature data were characterised by low explanatory power, which prompted the author to search for new methods that use the findings of research on education production function in order to identify the factors shaping the quality of public goods in education and effectiveness of education. Econometric analyses have pointed to the inefficiency of the teacher remuneration system. The expenditure on teacher remuneration was negatively correlated with the measure of quality. The negative impact of teacher remuneration on the synthetic measure of quality may be indicative of the incorrect explanatory properties of the analysed econometric models.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Edukacja jako dobro publiczne - próba kwantyfikacji |
English Title: | Education as a public good – an attempt at quantification |
Language: | Polish |
Keywords: | public goods, economics of education, educational funcion production |
Subjects: | A - General Economics and Teaching > A2 - Economic Education and Teaching of Economics P - Economic Systems > P3 - Socialist Institutions and Their Transitions > P36 - Consumer Economics ; Health ; Education and Training ; Welfare, Income, Wealth, and Poverty P - Economic Systems > P4 - Other Economic Systems > P46 - Consumer Economics ; Health ; Education and Training ; Welfare, Income, Wealth, and Poverty |
Item ID: | 76606 |
Depositing User: | Jan Polcyn |
Date Deposited: | 07 Feb 2017 21:55 |
Last Modified: | 06 Oct 2019 10:56 |
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