Munich Personal RePEc Archive

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Number of items: 83.

11 May 2014

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2014): Choice of strategic variables under relative profit maximization in asymmetric oligopoly: non-equivalence of price strategy and quantity strategy. Published in: Economics and Business Letters

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2014): Equivalance of Cournot and Bertrand equilibria in differentiated duopoly under relative profit maximization with linear demand. Published in:

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2014): Irrelevance of conjectural variation in duopoly under relative profit maximization and consistent conjectures.

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2014): Irrelevance of the choice of strategic variables in duopoly under relative profit maximization. Published in:

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2014): Relative profit maximization and Bertrand equilibrium with quadratic cost functions. Published in:

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2014): Relative profit maximization and irrelevance of leadership in Stackelberg model. Forthcoming in:

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2014): Relative profit maximization in asymmetric oligopoly: Cournot and Bertrand equilibria.

Tanaka, Yasuhito and Satoh, Atsuhiro (2014): A constructive analysis of convex-valued demand correspondence for weakly uniformly rotund and monotonic preference. Published in:

17 May 2014

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2014): Relative profit maximization and equivalence of Cournot and Bertrand equilibria in asymmetric duopoly. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 34, No. 2 (2014): pp. 819-827.

27 July 2014

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2014): Relative profit maximization in asymmetric oligopoly. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 34, No. 3 (27 July 2014): pp. 1653-1664.

4 September 2014

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2014): Incentive for adoption of new technology in duopoly under absolute and relative profit maximization. Published in: Economics Bulletin (October 2014)

17 March 2015

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2015): Relative profit maximization and the choice of strategic variables in duopoly. Forthcoming in: Keio Economic Studies

3 May 2015

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2015): Free entry oligopoly, Cournot, Bertrand and relative profit maximization. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Business and Economics

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2015): Relative profit maximization in duopoly: difference or ratio. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Business and Economics

9 June 2015

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2015): Subsidy or tax policy for new technology adoption in duopoly with quadratic and linear cost functions. Published in: Economics Bulletin

1 January 2016

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2016): Choice of strategic variables by relative profit maximizing firms in oligopoly. Published in: Economic Review (経済研究)

1 May 2016

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2016): License or entry with vertical differentiation in duopoly. Forthcoming in: Economics and Business Letters

2 May 2016

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2016): Subsidizing new technology adoption in a Stackelberg duopoly: Cases of substitutes and complements. Forthcoming in: Italian Economic Journal

20 August 2016

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2016): Two person zero-sum game with two sets of strategic variables.

6 September 2016

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2016): License or entry in oligopoly.

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2016): License or entry in oligopoly.

13 October 2016

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2016): Taxation or subsidization policy for new technology adoption in oligopoly. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Business and Economics

21 October 2016

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2016): Competitiveness and subsidy or tax policy for new technology adoption in duopoly. Forthcoming in: Global Economic Review: Perspectives on East Asian Economies and Industries

28 December 2016

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2016): Symmetric multi-person zero-sum game with two sets of strategic variables.

21 January 2017

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): Maximin and minimax strategies in symmetric multi-players game with two strategic variables.

Tanaka, Yasuhito and Satoh, Atsuhiro (2017): Maximin and minimax strategies in two-players game with two strategic variables.

27 January 2017

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): License and entry strategies for outside innovator in duopoly.

May 2017

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): License and entry strategies for an outside innovator in duopoly with combination of royalty and fixed fee under vertical differentiation.

1 May 2017

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): License and entry strategies for an outside innovator under duopoly with combination of royalty and fixed fee.

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): Robustness of subsidy in licensing under vertical differentiation: General distribution and cost functions.

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): Royalty and license fee under oligopoly with or without entry of innovator: Two-step auction.

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): Royalty and license fee under vertical differentiation in oligopoly with or without entry of innovator: Two-step auction.

7 May 2017

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): License and entry decision for innovating firm in international duopoly under vertical differentiation.

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): License fees in oligopoly when outside innovator can enter the market: two-step auction.

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): License or entry decision for innovator in international duopoly with convex cost functions.

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): Negative royalty in duopoly and definition of license fee: general demand and cost functions.

Hattori, Masahiko and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): Vertical differentiation in oligopoly and license fees when outside innovator can enter the market: Two-step auction.

31 July 2017

Tanaka, Yasuhito and Hattori, Masahiko (2017): Convexity, concavity, super-additivity, and sub-additivity of cost function without fixed cost.

3 August 2017

Tanaka, Yasuhito and Hattori, Masahiko (2017): On a strictly convex and strictly sub-additive cost function with positive fixed cost.

26 December 2017

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2017): Sion's minimax theorem and Nash equilibrium of symmetric multi-person zero-sum game.

13 February 2018

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2018): Sion's minimax theorem and Nash equilibrium of symmetric multi-person zero-sum game.

24 March 2018

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2018): Sion's minimax theorem and Nash equilibrium of symmetric three-players zero-sum game.

26 March 2018

Hattori, Masahiko and Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2018): Minimax theorem and Nash equilibrium of symmetric three-players zero-sum game with two strategic variables.

9 June 2018

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2018): The equivalence of mini-max theorem and existence of Nash equilibrium in asymmetric three-players zero-sum game with two groups.

13 September 2018

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2018): Nash equilibrium in asymmetric multi-players zero-sum game with two strategic variables and only one alien.

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2018): On zero-sum game formulation of non zero-sum game.

Satoh, Atsuhiro and Tanaka, Yasuhito (2018): Sion's mini-max theorem and Nash equilibrium in a multi-players game with two groups which is zero-sum and symmetric in each group.

20 October 2018

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2018): Stackelberg type dynamic zero-sum game with leader and follower.


Tanaka, Yasuhito (2019): Continuous time debt dynamics and fiscal policy for full-employment: A Keynesian approach by mathematics and simulation.

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2019): Continuous time debt dynamics and fiscal policy for full-employment: A Keynesian approach by mathematics and simulation.

2 February 2019

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2019): On the equivalence of Stackelberg equilibrium and static equilibrium of symmetric multi-players zero-sum game.

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2019): Stackelberg equilibrium of dynamic symmetric multi-players zero-sum game with a leader and followers without differentiability of payoff functions.

3 February 2019

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2019): Analysis of dynamic symmetric three-players zero-sum game with a leader and two followers without differentiability of payoff functions.

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2019): Stackelberg type dynamic symmetric three-players zero-sum game with a leader and two followers.

29 August 2019

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2019): Fiscal policy for full-employment and debt dynamics: An attempt of mathematical analysis of MMT.

6 September 2019

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2019): Tax reduction for full-employment and debt dynamics: A Keynesian analysis by mathematics and simulation.

3 December 2019

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2019): Indivisible labor supply and involuntary unemployment: Increasing returns to scale case.

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2019): Indivisible labor supply and involuntary unemployment: Monopolistic competition model.

25 December 2019

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2019): Involuntary unemployment under indivisible labor supply: Perfect competition case.

31 January 2020

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): 非自発的失業の存在について:世代重複完全競争モデルを用いて.

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): Divisibility and indivisibility of labor supply, and involuntary unemployment: A monopolistic competition model with homothetic preferences.

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): Divisibility and indivisibility of labor supply, and involuntary unemployment: A perfect competition model.

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): Involuntary unemployment with divisible labor supply with a three-periods overlapping generations model under monopolistic competition.

26 March 2020

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): 非自発的失業の存在 - 3世代重複モデルも含めて -.

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): 非分割的な労働供給のもとでの非自発的失業の存在 - 3世代重複モデルも含めて -.

13 July 2020

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): Fiscal policy under involuntary unemployment and involuntary unemployment as a Nash equilibrium.

26 July 2020

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): Involuntary unemployment as a Nash equilibrium and fiscal policy.

19 August 2020

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): Fiscal policy under involuntary unemployment.

10 October 2020

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): Microeconomic foundation of the Phillips curve.

16 October 2020

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): Microeconomic foundation for Phillips curve with three-periods overlapping generations model and negative real balance effect.

28 October 2020

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): Involuntary unemployment under ongoing nominal wage rate decline in overlapping generations model.

24 November 2020

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2020): Positive or negative real balance effects, involuntary unemployment, three-generations overlapping generations model.

10 March 2021

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2021): 完全雇用実現のための財政政策について: 世代重複モデルによる理論的分析 -MMT(現代貨幣理論)の理論的基礎-.

12 March 2021

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2021): Involuntary unemployment due to instability of the economy and fiscal policy for full-employment: A theoretical foundation for MMT (modern monetary theory).

19 March 2021

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2021): Growth by technical progress and fiscal policy for full-employment: A theoretical foundation for MMT.

18 April 2021

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2021): Budget Deficit to Achieve and Maintain Full-employment Under Growth by Technological Progress.

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2021): Budget deficit for full-employment under growth and inflation by excessive deficit in an OLG model with bequest motive.

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2021): 経済成長下の財政赤字について -MMTの数理モデルを目指して-.

25 April 2021

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2021): A game-theoretic analysis of fiscal policy under economic growth from the perspective of MMT.

23 June 2021

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2021): MMTの数理モデルについて.

1 August 2021

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2021): MMTの数学モデルについて.

2 August 2021

Tanaka, Yasuhito (2021): An elementary mathematical model for MMT (Modern Monetary Theory).


Tanaka, Yasuhito (2022): Budget deficit in a growing monetary economy: ver. 2. Published in: Applied Mathematical Sciences, , Vol. 16, No. 8 (2022): pp. 359-366.

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