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Items where Subject is "D53 - Financial Markets"

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Number of items at this level: 157.


Accinelli, Elvio and Covarrubias, Enrique (2014): Smooth economic analysis for general spaces of commodities.

Accinelli, Elvio and Covarrubias, Enrique (2013): An extension of the Sard-Smale Theorem to domains with an empty interior.

Ahmad, Usman (2011): Efficiency Analysis of Micro-finance Institutions in Pakistan. Forthcoming in:

Ahmed, Walid M.A. (2011): Comovements and Causality of Sector Price Indices: Evidence from the Egyptian Stock Exchange.

Ajello, Andrea (2010): Financial intermediation, investment dynamics and business cycle fluctuations.

Alasrag, Hussien (2010): Global Financial crisis and Islamic finance.

Alcalde, Pilar and Vial, Bernardita (2016): Willingness to Pay for Firm Reputation: Paying for Risk Rating in the Annuity Market.

Alimi, R. Santos (2014): DOLS Cointegration Vector Estimation of the Effect of Inflation and Financial Deepening on Output Growth in Nigeria.

Antoci, Angelo and Galeotti, Marcello and Geronazzo, Lucio (2007): Visitor and firm taxes versus environmental options in a dynamical context. Published in: Journal of Applied Mathematics , Vol. Articl, No. Volume 2007 : pp. 1-15.

Asavoaei, Alexandru (2012): Criza economică – un fenomen previzibil.

Avadanei, Andreea (2011): Analiza inițiativelor de promovare a integrării financiare la nivelul Uniunii Economice și Monetare. Forthcoming in:

Avadanei, Andreea (2010): Dinamica integrarii pietelor europene de obligatiuni. Forthcoming in:

Avadanei, Andreea (2011): Integrarea pietei bursiere europene in contextul UEM. Forthcoming in:

Avadanei, Andreea (2010): Perspectives on Single Euro Payments Area adoption in the light of the financial crisis. Published in: Politici financiare de relansare in conditiile crizei economice mondiale , Vol. ISBN 9, (29 April 2010): pp. 90-95.

Awdeh, Ali (2013): Impact of financial deregulation on bank productivity: Evidence from a panel of Arab banks. Published in: Journal of Asian Development Studies , Vol. 2, No. 4 (2013): pp. 6-22.

Ayoki, Milton (2014): Inclusive Financial System Reforms in Uganda: Unveiling Ambiguity. Published in:

Ayoki, Milton (2009): Promoting Financial Inclusion in Africa: The Two Ambiguities. Published in:


Bacha, Obiyathulla I. (1999): Derivative Instruments and Islamic Finance: Some Thoughts for a Reconsideration. Published in: International Journal of Islamic Financial Services , Vol. 1, No. 1 (April 1999): pp. 9-25.

Bacha, Obiyathulla I. (2008): The Islamic Inter bank Money Market and a Dual Banking System : The Malaysian Experience. Published in: International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management , Vol. 1, No. 3 (2008): pp. 210-226.

Bacha, Obiyathulla I. (2004): Value Preservation through Risk Management - A Shariah Compliant Proposal for Equity Risk Management. Published in: The European Journal Of Management And Public Policy , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2004): pp. 65-83.

Bacha, Obiyathulla I. and Abdullah, Mimi H. (2001): Halal Stock Designation and Impact on Price and Trading Volume. Published in: The Journal of Accounting, Commerce & Finance – Islamic Perspective , Vol. 5, No. 1 (June 2001): pp. 66-97.

Bischoff, Johanna (2010): Spekulation mit Nahrungsmittelprodukten als Ursache für Welternährungskrisen: Untersuchung am Beispiel des Reismarktes.

Bosi, Stefano and Ha-Huy, Thai and Le Van, Cuong and Pham, Cao-Tung and Pham, Ngoc-Sang (2018): Financial bubbles and capital accumulation in altruistic economies.

Bossaerts, Peter and Shachat, Jason and Xie, Kuangli (2018): Arbitrage Opportunities: Anatomy and Remediation.


Cantillo, Miguel (2017): A Reconsideration of the Equity Premium Puzzle.

Cappellini, Alessandro and Ferraris, Gianluigi (2007): Waiting Times in Simulated Stock Markets. Forthcoming in: Advance in Complex Systems

Carfì, David and Musolino, Francesco (2011): Game complete analysis for financial markets stabilization.

Carfì, David and Musolino, Francesco (2012): A coopetitive approach to financial markets stabilization and risk management.

Cea-Echenique, Sebastián and Torres-Martínez, Juan Pablo (2014): General Equilibrium with Endogenous Trading Constraints.

Chandra, Situmeang and Erlina, Erlina and Maksum, Azhar and Supriana, Tavi (2018): Effect of corporate governance on cost of equity before and after international financial reporting standard implementation. Published in: Junior Scientific Researcher , Vol. 4, No. 1 (May 2018): pp. 1-13.

Chang, Jin-Wook and Chuan, Grace (2021): Contagion in debt and collateral markets.

Ciuiu, Daniel (2011): Homogeneity tests for Levy processes and applications. Published in: Romanian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science , Vol. 1, (December 2011): pp. 37-50.

Coskun, Yener (2010): Aracı Kurumların Risk Haritası (Risk Maps of Securities Firms). Published in: Sermaye Piyasası Dergisi , Vol. 3, No. 1 (July 2010): pp. 52-74.


Danilov, Vladimir and Koshovoy, Gleb and Page, Frank and Wooders, Myrna (2011): Existence of equilibrium with unbounded short sales: A new approach.

Davidson, Paul (2008): How To Solve The U.S. Housing Problem and Avoid A Recession: A Revived HOLC and RTC. Published in: Schwartz Center For Public Policy Analysis: Policy Note (January 2008): pp. 1-5.

De Koning, Kees (2021): Quantitative Easing Home Equity An Alternative Economic Management Tool.

De Koning, Kees (2020): U.S. Households' Balance Sheet and the link to economic policies.

De Koning, Kees (2021): Who manages savings in the U.S. and why should they be managed?

De Koning, Kees (2012): The world's dream: economic growth : the balance sheet approach.

Dell'Era, Mario (2010): Geometrical Considerations on Heston's Market Model. Forthcoming in: Quantitative Finanace

Deng, Binbin (2015): Regime Learning and Asset Prices in A Long-run Model: Theory. Published in: Proceedings, 2015 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference (2015)

Derveeuw, Julien (2005): Market dynamics and agents behaviors: a computational approach. Published in: (2005)

Dobrota, Gabriela and Chirculescu, Felicia Maria (2009): Long term financing decision at the level of companies. Published in: Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, 1/2009 , Vol. Econom, No. ISSN 1844-7007 (2009): pp. 35-48.

Dominique, C-René and Rivera-Solis, Luis Eduardo (2011): Mixed fractional Brownian motion, short and long-term Dependence and economic conditions: the case of the S&P-500 Index. Forthcoming in: International Business and Management , Vol. Vol.3, No. No.2 (30 November 2011): pp. 1-13.

Donna, Javier and Espin-Sanchez, Jose (2018): The Illiquidity of Water Markets: Efficient Institutions for Water Allocation in Southeastern Spain.

Drine, Imed (2010): Food and Global Crises impacts on Middle East and North African Region: What lesson can we learn for the future?

de-Ramon, Sebastián and Iscenko, Zanna and Osborne, Matthew and Straughan, Michael and Andrews, Peter (2012): Measuring the impact of prudential policy on the macroeconomy: A practical application to Basel III and other responses to the financial crisis. Published in: FSA Occasional Paper series No. 42 (May 2012)


Effiong, Ekpeno L. (2016): Nonlinear Dependence between Stock Prices and Exchange Rate in Nigeria. Forthcoming in:

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Estabilidad política y tributación.

Ezzat, Hassan (2012): The Application of GARCH Methods in Modeling Volatility Using Sector Indices from the Egyptian Exchange. Published in: Journal of Money, Investment and Banking No. 27 (March 2013): pp. 68-85.

Ezzat, Hassan (2013): Long Memory Processes and Structural Breaks in Stock Returns and Volatility: Evidence from the Egyptian Exchange. Published in: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics No. 113 (August 2013): pp. 136-146.


Febrian, Erie and Herwany, Aldrin (2007): Co-integration and Causality Among Jakarta Stock Exchange, Singapore Stock Exchange, and Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. Forthcoming in: Co-integration and Causality Among Jakarta Stock Exchange, Singapore Stock Exchange, and Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange No. Management, Causality, Co-integration, Stock Markets : pp. 4-12.

Ferreira, Thiago Revil T. and Torres-Martínez, Juan Pablo (2009): The impossibility of effective enforcement mechanisms in collateralized credit markets.

Fukai, Hiroki (2021): Optimal interventions on strategic fails in repo markets.


Galindo Lucas, ALFONSO (2007): EL INTANGIBLE COMO PROBLEMA CONCEPTUAL Y LA FICCIÓN DEL VALOR RAZONABLE. Published in: Contribuciones a la Economía (15 February 2007): pp. 1-15.

Ghazanchyan, Manuk (2014): Unraveling the Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism in Sri Lanka. Published in:

Ghiselli Ricci, Roberto and Magni, Carlo Alberto (2009): Axiomatization of residual income and generation of financial securities.

Gray, W (2005): Two Essays on Self-Tender Offers.

Guzman, Giselle C. (2007): Using sentiment to predict GDP growth and stock returns. Published in: The Making of National Economic Forecasts No. Edward Elgar Publishing LTD (2009): pp. 319-351.


Hanauske, Matthias and Kunz, Jennifer and Bernius, Steffen and König, Wolfgang (2009): Doves and hawks in economics revisited [An evolutionary quantum game theory-based analysis of financial crises].

Hasan, Zubair (2009): Dubai turmoil before and after the bailout.

Heifetz, Aviad and Meier, Martin and Schipper, Burkhard C (2009): Unawareness, Beliefs and Speculative Trade.

Herwany, Aldrin and Febrian, Erie (2008): Co-integration and Causality Analysis on Developed Asian Markets For Risk Management & Portfolio Selection.

Hopfensitz, Astrid and Wranik, Tanja (2009): How to adapt to changing markets: experience and personality in a repeated investment game.

Hopfensitz, Astrid and Wranik, Tanja (2008): Psychological and environmental determinants of myopic loss aversion.

House, Christopher and Masatlioglu, Yusufcan (2010): Managing Markets for Toxic Assets.

Hunjra, Ahmed Imran and Azam, Muhammad and Niazi, Ghulam Shabbir Khan and Butt, Babar Zaheer and Rehman, Kashif-Ur- and Azam, Rauf i (2010): Risk and return relationship in stock market and commodity prices: a comprehensive study of Pakistani markets. Published in: World Applied Sciences Journal , Vol. 13, No. 3 (2011): pp. 470-481.

Huynh, Cong Minh and Tran, Hoai Nam (2022): Financial development, income inequality and institutional quality: A multi-dimensional analysis. Published in: Cogent Economics & Finance , Vol. 11, No. 2 (30 July 2023): pp. 1-15.

Huynh, Cong Minh and Tran, Hoai Nam (2022): Financial development, income inequality and institutional quality: A multi-dimensional analysis.


Iraola, Miguel and Torres-Martínez, Juan Pablo (2013): Liquidity Contractions, Incomplete Financial Participation and the Prevalence of Negative Equity Non-recourse Loans.

ince, meltem (2011): Financial liberalization, financial development and economic growth: An empirical analysis for Turkey.



Khalfaoui, R and Boutahar, M (2012): Portfolio risk evaluation: An approach based on dynamic conditional correlations models and wavelet multiresolution analysis.

Khasandy, Elleriz Aisha and Badrudin, Rudy (2019): The Influence of Zakat on Economic Growth and Welfare Society in Indonesia. Published in: Integrated Journal of Business and Economics , Vol. 3, No. 1 : pp. 65-79.

Kilenthong, Weerachart and Townsend, Robert (2007): Market Based, Segregated Exchanges with Default Risk.

Kitov, Ivan and Kitov, Oleg (2007): Exact prediction of S&P 500 returns.

Kohnert, Dirk (2024): Les mesures internationales contre le blanchiment d’argent et l’évasion fiscale, ont-elles un impact significatif en Afrique subsaharienne ?

Kohnert, Dirk (2024): Money laundering and tax evasion : Do international measures have a significant impact in sub-Saharan Africa?

Kombarov, Sayan (2021): Action in Economics: Mathematical Derivation of Laws of Economics from the Principle of Least Action in Physics. Published in: Proceedings of International Conference of Eurasian Economies (24 August 2021): pp. 123-129.

Korkmaz, Turhan and Cevik, Emrah Ismail and Gurkan, Serhan (2010): Testing the international capital asset pricing model with Markov switching model in emerging markets. Published in: Investment Management and Financial Innovations , Vol. 7, No. 1 (2010): pp. 37-49.



Lazarevski, Dimche and Mrsik, Jadranka and Smokvarski, Edi (2012): Evolution of the venture capital financing for growing small and medium enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe countries: the case of Macedonia. Published in: Entrepreneurship & Finance eJournal , Vol. 7, No. 47 (7 September 2012)

Lin, William and Sun, David (2007): Liquidity-adjusted benchmark yield curves: a look at trading concentration and information. Published in: Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies , Vol. 4, No. 10 (December 2007): pp. 491-518.

Lo, Yuen and Medda, Francesca (2020): Uniswap and the rise of the decentralized exchange.

Luca, Spinesi and Mario, Tirelli (2018): R&D financing and growth.

Lucarelli, B. (2010): Money and Keynesian Uncertainty.

Lucks, Konstantin (2016): The Impact of Self-Control on Investment Decisions.

Luo, Yulei and Young, Eric (2013): Long-run Consumption Risk and Asset Allocation under Recursive Utility and Rational Inattention.

Lúcio Godeiro, Lucas (2011): Impact of calendar effects in the volatility of vale shares.


Maha, Liviu-George and Mariciuc, Dragos-Florentin (2009): Characteristics of the financial crisis in 2008 and its implications on Romanian economy. Published in: 4th Aspects and Visions of Applied Economics and Informatics , Vol. 2009, (29 March 2009): pp. 610-616.

Malindretos, John and Kasibhatla, Krishna and Rivera-Solis, Luis Eduardo (2008): Evaluating the efficiency of Latin American banks.

Mandiefe Piabuo, Serge and Menjo Baye, Francis and Chupezi Tieguhong, Julius (2015): Effects of credit constraints on the productivity of small and medium-sized enterprises in Cameroon. Published in: Journal of Economics and International Finance , Vol. 7(9), No. 2141 -6672 (30 September 2015): pp. 204-212.

Martínez, Juan and Santiso, Javier (2003): Financial Markets and Politics: The Confidence Game in Latin American Emerging Economies. Published in: International Political Science Review , Vol. 3, No. 24 (2003)

Masci, Martín Ezequiel (2012): Irreversibilidad e incertidumbre de las decisiones financieras en i&d.

McCauley, Joseph L. and Gunaratne, Gemunu H. (2003): On CAPM and Black-Scholes, differing risk-return strategies. Published in: Physica A , Vol. 329, (0203): pp. 170-177.

Meier, Martin and Schipper, Burkhard C (2010): Speculative Trade under Unawareness: The Infinite Case.

Mezgebo, Taddese and Dereje, Fikadu (2010): Structure, conduct and performance of grain trading in Tigray and its impact on demand for commodity exchange: The case Maychew, Mokone, Alemata, Mekelle and Himora.

Miankhel, Adil Khan and Kalirajan, Kaliappa and Thangavelu, Shandre (2010): Integration, decoupling and the global financial crisis: A global perspective.

Michels, Dr. Gerd (2010): Nachhaltigkeit und Ordnungspolitik in der Krise. Published in: West Ost Report , Vol. Volume, No. 1 (1 November 2010): pp. 60-71.

Monostori, Zoltan (2013): Diszkriminatív áras és egyenáras aukciók. Published in: Közgazdasági Szemle , Vol. 10, No. 60 (October 2013): pp. 1048-1074.

Muda, Iskandar (2017): Erception of capital, profit and dividends affect the stock purchase intention in Indonesia public company. Published in: Junior Scientific Researcher , Vol. 3, No. 2 : pp. 9-18.

Muda, Iskandar (2017): Perception of capital, profit and dividends affect the stock purchase intention in Indonesia public company. Published in: Junior Scientific Researcher , Vol. 3, No. 1 (May 2017): pp. 9-18.

Musolino, Francesco and Carfì, David (2012): A game theory model for currency markets stabilization.


NWAOBI, GODWIN C (2008): The Economics of Financial Derivative Instruments.

Nath, Golaka (2012): Indian corporate bonds market –an analytical prospective.


Obregon, Carlos (2020): New Economics. Published in:

Ocran, Mathew and Mlambo, Chipo (2009): Excess co-movement in asset prices: The case of South Africa. Published in: Journal of Studies in Economics & Econometrics , Vol. 33, No. 1 (2009): pp. 25-39.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Extending the scope of prudential supervision: Regulatory developments during and beyond the “effective” periods of the Post BCCI and the Capital Requirements directives. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics , Vol. 1, No. 1 (July 2010)

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Extending the scope of prudential supervision: Regulatory developments during and beyond the “effective” periods of the Post BCCI and the Capital Requirements directives. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2010)

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Measures aimed at enhancing the loss absorbency of regulatory capital at the point of non viability. Forthcoming in: (2016)

Ojo, Marianne (2016): Measures aimed at mitigating pro cyclical effects of the Capital Requirements Framework: counter cyclical capital buffer proposals. Forthcoming in:

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Social rights and economic objectives: The importance of competition at supra national level.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): Social rights and economic objectives: The importance of competition at supra national level.

Ojo, Marianne (2010): The impact of capital and disclosure requirements on risks and risk taking incentives. Published in: European Finance, Risk Management, Banking and Financial Institution Journals [(CMBO) and Financial Economics Network (FEN) eJournals] (February 2010)

Ojo, Marianne and Rodriguez-Miguez, Jose (2010): Juridical and financial considerations on the public re capitalisation and rescue of financial institutions during periods of financial crises.

Ojo, Marianne and Rodríguez-Miguez, Jose (2010): Juridical and financial considerations on the public re capitalisation and rescue of financial institutions during periods of financial crises (Part I).

Olkhov, Victor (2022): Price and Payoff Autocorrelations in a Multi-Period Consumption-Based Asset Pricing Model.

Olkhov, Victor (2021): Three Remarks On Asset Pricing.

Olkhov, Victor (2022): Three Remarks On Asset Pricing.

Onour, Ibrahim (2009): Rational bubbles and volatility persistence in India stock market.


Perlin, Marcelo and Dufour, Alfonso and Brooks, Chris (2010): A Microstructure Model for Spillover Effects in Price Discovery: A Study for the European Bond Market.

Petrushchak, Bohdan (2011): The influence of metallurgical sector on Ukrainian economy. Published in: Studenckie Prace Prawnicze, Administratywistyczne i Ekonomiczne No. 10 (2011): pp. 11-16.

Pfeffer, Claus-Peter (2011): Resolving economic deadlock.

Porzecanski, Arturo C. (2006): The role of professional economists in the financial markets.

Pérez Fernández, Víctor and Torres-Martínez, Juan Pablo (2012): Incomplete financial participation: exclusive markets, investment clubs and credit risk.


Raghibi, Abdessamad and Oubdi, Lahsen (2020): Shari’ah-compliant Stock Screening: A Financial Perspective. Published in: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance , Vol. 37, No. 1 (March 2020): pp. 86-98.

Reinhart, Carmen (2002): Sovereign Credit Ratings Before and After Financial Crises. Published in: in Richard Levich, Giovanni Majnoni, and Carmen M.Reinhart, eds. Ratings, Rating Agencies and the Global Financial System, (New York: Kluwer Academic Press. (2002): pp. 251-268.

Reinhart, Carmen and Levich, Richard and Majoni, Giovanni (2002): Ratings, rating agencies and the global financial system: Summary and policy implications.

Rufai, Aliyu and Udaah, Isaiah and Salisu, Afees (2023): Financial stress and exchange rate volatility in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from new datasets.


Safari, Meysam (2009): Dividend Yield and Stock Return in Different Economic Environment: Evidence from Malaysia.

Saltoglu, Burak and Yenilmez, Taylan (2010): Analyzing Systemic Risk with Financial Networks An Application During a Financial Crash.

Senarathne, Chamil W and Jayasinghe, Prabhath (2017): Information Flow Interpretation of Heteroskedasticity for Capital Asset Pricing: An Expectation-based View of Risk. Published in: Economic Issues , Vol. 1, No. 22 (March 2017): pp. 1-24.

Shamiri, Ahmed and Shaari, Abu Hassan and Isa, Zaidi (2008): Comparing the accuracy of density forecasts from competing GARCH models.

Shamiri, Ahmed and Shaari, Abu Hassan and Isa, Zaidi (2007): Practical Volatility Modeling for Financial Market Risk Management.

Sinha, Pankaj and Sharma, Gopalakrishna and Shah, Akash and Singh, Abhijeet (2011): Algorithms for merging tick data and data analysis for Indian financial market.

Situngkir, Hokky (2012): Indonesian Stock Market Crisis Observation with Spectral and Composite Index. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-1-2012 (14 January 2012)

Subhani, Muhammad Imtiaz and Gul, Ameet and Osman, Amber (2010): Relationship between consumer price index (CPI) and KSE-100 index trading volume in pakistan and finding the endogeneity in the involved data.

Suzuki, Shiba (2018): Inequality and asset fire sales.

Swamy, Vighneswara (2014): Domestic Debt Market in India –Its Resilience in Funding Infrastructure.

Swamy, Vighneswara (2014): Domestic Debt Market in India –Its Resilience in Funding Infrastructure.

Swamy, Vighneswara (2014): Reforms in Institutional Finance for Inclusive Growth. Published in:

Swamy, Vighneswara and S, Sreejesh (2012): Financial Instability, Uncertainty and Banks’ Lending Behaviour. Published in: International Journal of Banking and Finance , Vol. 9, No. 4 (14 March 2013): pp. 74-95.

samy, Pazhani (2019): How to Break the Bandwagon Effect of Corruption.


TOPRAK, METIN (2001): Yükselen Piyasalarda Finansal Kriz. Published in: yeni turkiye No. 42 (2001): pp. 854-889.

Talamo, Giuseppina (2010): Corporate governance and capital flows. Published in: Corporate governance. The international journal of business in society , Vol. Volume, No. Number 3 (2011): pp. 228-243.

Tang, Linyao (2009): 让实体经济和虚拟经济的耦合协调度最优. Published in: Journal of Special Zone Economy , Vol. Vol.25, No. ISSN1004-0714 (November 2009): pp. 291-293.

Toda, Alexis Akira and Walsh, Kieran James (2014): The Equity Premium and the One Percent.


Uslu, Semih (2015): Pricing and Liquidity in Decentralized Asset Markets.


Venier, Guido (2007): A new Model for Stock Price Movements. Published in: Journal of Applied Economic Sciences , Vol. 3, No. 3 (November 2008): pp. 327-347.

Villarreal, Francisco G. (2016): Monetary policy and inequality under household heterogeneity and incomplete markets.


Waśniewski, Krzysztof (2010): Corporate strategies – the institutional approach.

White, Alan (2018): Pricing Credit Default Swap Subject to Counterparty Risk and Collateralization.

Willis, Geoff (2011): Pricing, liquidity and the control of dynamic systems in finance and economics.

Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel, Agnieszka (2005): Stock market as a dynamic game with continuum of players. Published in: Control and Cybernetics , Vol. 37, No. 3 (2008): pp. 617-647.


Xiao, Qin (2010): Systemic Stability of Housing and Mortgage Market: A state-dependent four-phase model.

Xiao, Tim (2017): A New Model for Pricing Collateralized Financial Derivatives. Published in: The Journal of Derivatives , Vol. 24, No. 4 (1 July 2017): pp. 8-20.


Zainal Abidin, Shahida Nadia and Wan Mahmood, Wan Mansor (2007): Day-of-the-Week Effect on the Bursa (Bourse) Malaysia: Further Evidence from Robust Estimations.

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