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Items where Subject is "D89 - Other"

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Number of items at this level: 42.


Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2007): Innovations spread more like wildfires than like infections.


Bales, Adam and Cohen, Daniel and Handfield, Toby (2013): Decision theory for agents with incomplete preferences. Forthcoming in: Australasian Journal of Philosophy

Bayrak, Oben (2016): Another Solution for Allais Paradox: Preference Imprecision, Dispersion and Pessimism.

Bukvić, Rajko (2021): Оценка состояния и перспективы цифровой трансформации экономики Сербии. Forthcoming in: I Международная научно-практическая конференция «Развитие сервисной деятельности в условиях цифровизации экономики: актуальные проблемы и их решение», 30 апреля 2021 г., «Нижегородский государственный инженерно-экономический университет» Факультет сервиса (2021): pp. 1-10.

Butzbach, Olivier (2014): Trust in banks: a tentative conceptual framework.


Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Dwibedi, Jayanta (2014): Horizontal and Vertical Linkages between Formal and Informal Credit Markets in Backward Agriculture: A Theoretical Analysis.


Diani, Morad (2012): Architectures mondiales de la connaissance et de la créativité : Stratégies symétriques et dissonances cognitives.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2014): From degrees of belief to binary beliefs: Lessons from judgment-aggregation theory.

Dorman, Peter and Nolte, Heike (2015): Worker problem-solving and the nature of the firm: new theory, new evidence.


Erbes, Analía and Tacsir, Ezequiel and Yoguel, Gabriel (2008): Endogenous competences and linkages development.

Estrada, Fernando (2011): The Carnapian Aufbau model: epistemology of the sense-data.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Networks information in the civil wars.


Fernando Estrada, Fernando (2014): Networks information in the civil wars.

Fioretti, Guido (2009): Credit rationing with symmetric information.

Fioretti, Guido (2009): Either, Or. Exploration of an Emerging Decision Theory.

Fioretti, Guido (2009): Passing the buck in the garbage can model of organizational choice.


Gerling, Charlotte and Schöttker, Oliver and Hearne, John (2022): The ”climate adaptation problem” in biodiversity conservation: the role of reversible conservation investments in optimal reserve design under climate change.

Ghossoub, Mario (2011): Monotone equimeasurable rearrangements with non-additive probabilities.


Handfield, Toby (2013): Rational choice and the transitivity of betterness. Forthcoming in: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research

Hunka, Frantisek and Hucka, Miroslav and Kasik, Josef and Vymetal, Dominik (2008): Could a Resource be Simultaneously a Schedule according to the REA Ontology. Published in: Working papers on REA workshop 2008


Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część III – Obliczenia cen i zysków dla hipotetycznych danych. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 69-80.


Kannan, Srinivasan (2010): Rebordering the borders created by multidisciplinary sciences: A study.

Kannan, Srinivasan (2007): Technology based Health care an Indian perspective : opportunities and challenges.


Manuel, Eduardo (2006): Microeconomics of Knowledge: African Case. Published in: Social Science Research Network (12 June 2006)

Manuel, Eduardo (2006): Microeconomics of Knowledge: African Case. Published in: Social Science Research Network (12 June 2006)

Mazurek, Jiří (2013): On application of multi-criteria decision making with ordinal information in elementary education.


Neeraj Parnami, Neeraj Parnami and Bandyopadhyay, T.K. (2008): Collaborative Research in India: Academic Institution v/s Industry. Published in: SSRN


Orazbayev, Sultan (2017): Sequential order as an extraneous factor in editorial decision.


Pachankis, Yang (2022): Jeopardies in human security and politicization of COVID-19. Forthcoming in: Ethics, Medicine and Public Health


Rodet, Cortney S. (2011): Fact Finding Trips to Italy: An experimental investigation of voter incentives.

Rodet, Cortney S. (2011): Voter Behavior and Seniority Advantage in Pork Barrel Politics.

Rodet, Cortney Stephen (2013): Seniority, Information and Electoral Accountability.


Sabatini, Fabio and Sarracino, Francesco (2015): Online social networks and trust.

Sharma, Shashidharan (2022): Cheating in Second Price Auctions and Emotional Responses.

Stefanescu, Razvan and Dumitriu, Ramona (2015): Alegerea soluţiilor pentru expunerile faţă de risc.

Stefanescu, Razvan and Dumitriu, Ramona (2013): Procese decizionale în cadrul managementului riscurilor.

Suchánek, Petr (2008): Výuka webových technologií v souvislosti s potřebami podnikatelského prostředí a státní správy. Published in: Sborník příspěvků mezinárodní vědecké konference - Čtyři roky členství zemí střední a východní Evropy v Evropské unii (14 May 2008): pp. 704-710.


Tarbush, Bassel (2011): Agreeing to disagree: a syntactic approach.

Tarbush, Bassel (2011): Agreement theorems with interactive information: possibilities and impossibilities.

Tarbush, Bassel (2011): Generalisation of Samet's (2010) agreement theorem.


Vaissman Guinsburg, Pedro (2020): Information Design and Sensitivity to Market Fundamentals.

Vătuiu, Teodora and Ţarcă, Naiana and Popeangă, Vasile and Popeangă, Vasile Nicolae (2009): The benefits of utilisation computer system for monitoring the movements of excise (EMCS).

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