Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "F12 - Models of Trade with Imperfect Competition and Scale Economies ; Fragmentation"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 292.


UNSPECIFIED (2017): Trade cost and export diversification: Evidence from Chinese firms.

AKPOILIH, Roland and FARAYIBI, Adesoji (2015): Determinants of Nigeria-China Bilateral Trade in Manufacturing Products.

Abbas, Shujaat (2018): Free Trade Agreements and International Trade Flow of Pakistan: A Gravity Modelling Approach. Published in: Journal Global Policy and Governance , Vol. 7, No. 2 (2018): pp. 71-84.

Aggarwal, Sakshi (2023): Intra-industry trade: Revisiting theory and Literature Survey.

Aggarwal, Sakshi (2017): Smile Curve and its linkages with Global Value Chains.

Ahmed, Shahid (2010): India-Korea CEPA: Potentials and Realities.

Akamatsu, Takashi and Takayama, Yuki and Ikeda, Kiyohiro (2009): Spatial Discounting, Fourier, and Racetrack Economy: A Recipe for the Analysis of Spatial Agglomeration Models.

Antoniou, Fabio and Tsakiris, Nikos (2011): Information and disclosure in strategic trade policy: Revisited.

Appelbaum, Elie and Anam, Mahmudul and Chiang, Shin-Hwan (2024): Risk and Risk Aversion Trade Content, Gains from Trade and Trade Policy.

Appelbaum, Elie and Melatos, Mark (2022): Preferential Trade Agreements as Insurance.

Appelbaum, Elie (2021): Implicit Trade in Risk and Risk Aversion.

Araujo, Ricardo and Trigg, Andrew (2013): A Neo-Kaldorian Approach to Structural Economic Dynamics.

Araujo, Ricardo and Trigg, Andrew (2013): A Neo-Kaldorian Approach to Structural Economic Dynamics.

Athanasoglou, Panayiotis and Backinezos, Constantina and Georgiou, Evangelia (2010): Export performance, competitiveness and commodity composition. Published in: RePEc No. Working Paper 114 (May 2010)

Athanasoglou, Panayiotis and Bardaka, Ioanna (2010): New trade theory, non-price competitiveness and export performance. Published in: Economic Modelling , Vol. 27, No. 1 (January 2010)

Atolia, Manoj and Yoshinori, Kurokawa (2008): Variety Trade and Skill Premium in a Calibrated General Equilibrium Model: The Case of Mexico.

Bajona, Claustre and Pierce, Andrea and Missios, Paul (2010): Trade and the Environment with Heterogeneous Firms.

Bakari, Sayef and Khalfallah, Sirine and Zidi, Ahmed (2020): The Determinants of Agricultural Exports: Empirical Validation for the Case of Tunisia.

Banerjee, Sarmila and Bhattacharyya, Ranajoy (2004): Does economic development cause intra-industry trade? The case of India: 1971 to 2000. Published in: Arthaniti , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2004)

Barua, Alokesh and Chakraborty, Debashis and Hariprasad, C. G. (2010): Entry, Competitiveness and Exports: Evidence from Firm Level Data of Indian Manufacturing.

Bas, Maria and Strauss-Kahn, Vanessa (2010): Does importing more inputs raise exports? Firm level evidence from France.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Beladi, Hamid (2016): Trade Between Creative Regions When the Input Elasticity of Substitution is Less Than Unity.

Bawa, Siraj (2017): Corporate Taxation in the Open Economy without Pareto.

Bayari, Celal (2015): Economic Geography of the Australian Mining Industry. Published in: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie , Vol. 107, No. 5 (1 December 2016): pp. 552-566.

Bayari, Celal (2010): Japanese Hybrid Factories in Australia: Analysing Labor Relations and Reflecting on the Work of Tetsuo Abo. Published in: Euro Asia Journal of Management , Vol. 20, No. 39 (2) (1 December 2010): pp. 111-134.

Bayari, Celal (2008): Japanese auto manufacturers in the Australian market and the government industry assistance spending. Published in: The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies , Vol. 34, No. 34 (1 December 2008): pp. 87-107.

Bayari, Celal (2011): Manufacturing, Market Policy and Exports in Australia: Emulating the East Asian Economic Miracle. Published in: East Asia: Comparative Perspective , Vol. 1, No. 10 (1 December 2011): pp. 7-32.

Bayari, Celal (2020): The Neoliberal Globalization Link to the Belt and Road Initiative: The State and State-Owned-Enterprises in China [alternative title: Bilateral and Multilateral Dualities of the Chinese State in the Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative].

Bayari, Celal (2020): South Korean Economy and the Free Trade Agreement with China. Published in: The Journal of East Asian Affairs , Vol. 33, No. 1 (30 July 2020): pp. 89-122.

Beladi, Hamid and Chakrabarti, Avik and Marjit, Sugata (2010): Cross-border Merger, Vertical Structure, and Spatial Competition.

Bera, Soumitra Kumar (2010): Globalisation and sustainable exports of Indian medicinal and aromatic plants: A protection study.

Bera, Soumitra Kumar (2008): International Trade Modeling Indices and Measurement Issues. Published in: SSRN

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2023): Market size, trade, and productivity reconsidered: Poverty traps and the home market effect.

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2024): Market size, trade, and productivity reconsidered: poverty traps and the home market effect.

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2024): Market size, trade, and productivity reconsidered: poverty traps and the home market effect.

Berliant, Marcus and Tabuchi, Takatoshi (2024): Market size, trade, and productivity reconsidered: poverty traps and the home market effect.

Berliant, Marcus and Kung, Fan-chin (2009): Bifurcations in Regional Migration Dynamics.

Bista, Raghu (2005): Direction and Effectiveness of Trade Policy reform: a case of Indo Nepal Trade Development. Published in: Economic Journal of Development Issues , Vol. 6, No. 2 (8 September 2005): pp. 26-35.

Biswas, Rajit (2014): Metzler paradox and home market effects in presence of internationally mobile capital and non-traded goods.

Biswas, Rajit (2014): Tariffs that may fail to protect: A model of trade and public goods.

Borin, Alessandro and Lamieri, Marco (2007): Estimating Product Quality in International Trade.

Boussard, Jean-Marc (2006): Consequences of price volatility in evaluating the benefits of liberalisation.

Bradford, Scott C. and Das, Satya and Saha, Anuradha (2022): Country size, per-capita income, and comparative advantage: services versus manufacturing.

Bruna, Fernando (2024): Market Potential, panel data, and aggregate fluctuations: All that glitters is not gold.

Bruna, Fernando and Faíña, Andrés and Lopez-Rodriguez, Jesus (2014): Market Potential and the curse of distance in European regions.

Cadogan, Godfrey (2010): A Trade Policy Perspective On Import Quotas And The Substitution Effect.

Candau, Fabien (2006): The Spatial and Public Economics of Regions, a Theoretical and Empirical Survey.

Chakrabarty, Subhajit and Nag, Biswajit (2013): Empirical study to segment firms and capture dynamic business context using LCA. Published in: The Empirical Economics Letters , Vol. 12, No. 11 (November 2013)

Chakrabarty, Subhajit and Nag, Biswajit (2014): Perceptions of international trade barriers: Empirical study of small apparel firms. Published in: International Journal of Marketing and Technology , Vol. 4, No. 1 (1 January 2014): pp. 77-101.

Chatterjee, Tonmoy and Gupta, Kausik (2016): Health Care Quality, Income Transfer and International Trade: A Theoretical Analysis.

Chen, Hung-Ju (2015): Innovation and imitation in a product-cycle model with FDI and cash-in-advance constraints.

Chen, Hung-Ju (2015): Innovation and imitation: effects of intellectual property rights in a product-cycle model of skills accumulation.

Chen, Hung-Ju (2013): Intellectual Property Rights and Skills Accumulation: A North-South Model of FDI and Outsourcing.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1990): Global models and North-South relations. Published in: International Political Science Review , Vol. 11, No. No. 2 (1990): pp. 177-185.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1995): Strategies for trade liberalization in the Americas. Published in: Trade Liberalization in the Western Hemisphere (1995): pp. 165-188.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1994): Traditional comparative advantage vs. increasing returns to scale: NAFTA and the GATT. Published in: International Problems of Economic Interdependence (1994): pp. 161-197.

Chichilnisky, Graciela (1993): Traditional comparative advantages vs. economies of scale: NAFTA and GATT. Published in: Rivista Di Politica Economica (April 1993): pp. 161-197.

Choi, Kangsik and Lee, Ki-Dong and Lim, Seonyoung (2014): Strategic Trade Policies in International Rivalry When Competition Mode is Endogenous.

Choi, Kangsik and Lim, Seonyoung (2014): Strategic Trade Policies with Endogenous Choice of Competition Mode under a Vertical Structure.

Cieslik, Andrzej and Hagemejer, Jan (2009): Assessing the impact of the EU-sponsored trade liberalization in the MENA countries. Published in: Journal of Economic Integration , Vol. 24, No. 2 (June 2009): pp. 344-369.

Colacicco, Rudy (2012): Strategic Trade Policy in General Oligopolistic Equilibrium.

Colburn, Christopher and Zhou, Haiwen (2021): The Partition of Production between Households and Markets.

Cornes, Richard and Sepahvand, Mehrdad (2005): Market distortions and public enterprise strategies in an international mixed oligopoly.

Costa Cabral, Nazare (2022): The European Monetary Integration Trap: incomplete sovereignty and the State-mimicking method.

Creane, Anthony (2019): Shipping the good apples under strategic competition.

Crespo, Aranzazu (2012): Trade, Innovation and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis of Europe.

Cristobal, Adolfo (2007): Trade and migration: a U-shaped transition in Eastern Europe.

Das, Gouranga G. (2002): Cross-Country Analysis of Empirical Evidences of Intra-industry Trade in Manufactures for Dynamic Asian and Other Developing Economies: Implications for Economic Growth and Development. Published in: The Korean Journal of Policy Studies , Vol. 2, No. 17 (2003): pp. 49-75.

Das, Gouranga G. (2003): Growth and Pattern of Intra-Industry Trade in Manufactures in Inida's Overall Trade:A Quantitative Analysis. Published in: Indian Journal of Economics and Business , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2005): pp. 161-184.

De Sousa, Jose and Mayer, Thierry and Zignago, Soledad (2011): Market access in global and regional trade.

Deger, Cagacan (2003): The Possible Trade Effects of the Third Enlargement: The Case of Turkish Exports to EU.

Deng, Zhongqi and Chen, Yongjun (2016): Markups and Firm-Level Export Status: Comment.

Dewitte, Ruben (2020): From Heavy-Tailed Micro to Macro: on the characterization of firm-level heterogeneity and its aggregation properties.

Dewitte, Ruben and Dumont, Michel and Rayp, Glenn and Willemé, Peter (2020): Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Productivity Distribution and Gains From Trade.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2012): Factors Determining FDI in Nigeria: Role of Emerging Economies. Published in: Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities , Vol. 2, No. 9 (4 September 2012): pp. 1-10.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2006): Globalization and Environment: Can Pollution Haven Hypothesis alone explain the impact of Globalization on Environment?

Donado, Alejandro (2020): Why do they just do it? A theory of outsourcing and working conditions. Forthcoming in: Open Economies Review

Dumont, Michel (2005): Do we have to look at China to tell our fortune?

Dutta, Sourish (2022): Horizontal and Vertical Intra-industry Trade.

Dutta, Sourish (2022): The Problem of Measuring Intra-industry Trade.

Dutta, Sourish (2022): Two Approaches of Measuring Intra-industry Trade.

Ecochard, Pierre and Fontagné, Lionel and Gaulier, Guillaume and Zignago, Soledad (2005): Intra-industry trade and regional integration.

Edwards, Lawrence and Rankin, Neil A. and Schöer, Volker (2008): South African exporting firms: What do we know and what should we know? Published in: Journal of Development Perspectives , Vol. 1, No. 4 (October 2008): pp. 67-92.

Elbek, Abdullaev and Taguchi, Hiroyuki (2022): Global value chains’ participation and logistics performance: the case of post-Soviet economies.

Eromenko, Igor (2011): Accession to the WTO. Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: the Case of Ukraine. Published in: Lambert Academic Publishing No. ISBN 978-3-8433-9100-9 (2011)

Eromenko, Igor (2010): Accession to the WTO. Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: the Case of Ukraine. Part I. Published in: Ventus Publishing ApS No. ISBN 978-87-7681-664-3 (2010)

Eromenko, Igor (2010): Accession to the WTO. Computable General Equilibrium Analysis: the Case of Ukraine. Part II. Published in: Ventus Publishing ApS No. ISBN 978-87-7681-667-4 (2010)

Escaith, Hubert (2020): Contrasting Revealed Comparative Advantages when Trade is (also)in Intermediate Products.

Esposito, Federico (2020): Demand Risk and Diversification through Trade.

Esposito, Federico (2020): Demand Risk and Diversification through International Trade.

Fadinger, Harald and Fleiss, Pablo (2008): Trade and Sectoral Productivity. Published in: ECORE Discussion Paper No. 2008/4 (January 2008)

Fan, Haichao and Li, Yao Amber and Yeaple, Stephen (2013): Trade Liberalization, Quality, and Export Prices.

Farmanesh, Amir (2009): Regional dimensions of economic development in Iran: A new economic geography approach.

Ferreira-Lopes, Alexandra and Sousa, Cândida and Carvalho, Helena and Crespo, Nuno (2013): Trade Protectionism and Intra-industry Trade: A USA - EU Comparison.

Ferreira-Lopes, Alexandra and Sousa, Cândida and Carvalho, Helena and Crespo, Nuno (2013): Trade Protectionism and Intra-industry Trade: A USA - EU Comparison.

Fukushima, Marcelo and Kikuchi, Toru (2008): Competing Communications Networks and International Trade.

Fukushima, Marcelo and Kikuchi, Toru (2008): A Simple Model of Trade with Heterogeneous Firms and Trade Policy.

Gao, Xiang (2009): Macroeconomic Analysis on the Basis of Trade Theory: A Review Essay.

Gong, Binglin and Zhou, Haiwen (2023): The Choice of Technology and International Trade.

Gong, Binglin and Zhou, Haiwen (2017): Financial Development, the Choice of Technology, and Comparative Advantage. Published in: Journal of International Trade and Economic Development , Vol. 23, No. 8 (2014): pp. 1238-1261.

Gruber, Stefan and Marattin, Luigi (2008): Taxation, infrastructure, and endogenous trade costs in New Economic Geography.

Haidar, Jamal Ibrahim (2020): Late-Movers Outperform First-Movers in Export Markets.

Hallak, Juan Carlos and Sivadasan, Jagadeesh (2008): Productivity, quality and exporting behavior under minimum quality constraints.

Hossain, Md Ekram and Dechun, Huang and Quangdung, Tran (2012): The rise of offshore IT outsourcing industry: An attempt to assess Bangladesh’s competitive advantages. Published in: HHIS Journal of Science and Technology (HHIS-JST) , Vol. 04, No. 01 (18 November 2012): pp. 72-84.

Hu, Cui and Parsley, David and Tan, Yong (2017): Exchange Rate Induced Export Quality Upgrading: A Firm-Level Perspective.

Hu, Zhongzhong and Rodrigue, Joel and Tan, Yong and Yu, Chunhai (2017): Product Churning, Reallocation, and Chinese Export Growth. Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization No. 143 (23 September 2017): pp. 147-164.

Hu, Zhongzhong and Rodrigue, Joel and Tan, Yong and Yu, Chunhai (2017): Product Churning, Reallocation, and Chinese Export Growth. Published in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization No. 143 (23 September 2017): pp. 147-164.

Huang, Chien-Yu and Yang, Yibai and Zheng, Zhijie (2019): Patent protection, innovation, and technology transfer in a Schumpeterian economy.

Huria, Sugandha (2020): Gains from Free Trade Agreements: A Theoretical Analysis.

Ikeda, Kiyohiro and Akamatsu, Takashi and Kono, Tatsuhito (2009): Spatial Period-Doubling Agglomeration of a Core-Periphery Model with a System of Cities.

Ismail, Abdul Ghafar and Gharleghi, Behrooz and Jafari, Yaghoob and Hosseinidoust, Ehsan and Shafighi, Najla (2009): The Impact of Domestic Resource Cost on the Comparative Advantages of Iran Crude Steel Sector.

Iwasa, Kazumichi and Kikuchi, Toru (2009): Indirect Network Effects and Trade Liberalization.

Iwasa, Kazumichi and Kikuchi, Toru (2007): Indirect Network Effects, Trade Liberalization, and Excess Standardization.

Iwasa, Kazumichi and Kikuchi, Toru (2008): Software Provision and the Impact of Market Integration.

Iwasa, Kazumichi and Kikuchi, Toru (2008): Software Provision and the Impact of Market Integration: A Note.

Iwasa, Kazumichi and Kikuchi, Toru (2007): Strategic Divisionalization, Product Differentiation and International Competition.

Iwasa, Kazumichi and Kikuchi, Toru and Shimomura, Koji (2007): A Dynamic Chamberlin-Heckscher-Ohlin Model with Endogenous Time Preferences: A Note.

Jiangyong, Lu and Yi, Lu and Zhigang, Tao (2011): Pure Exporter: Theory and Evidence.

Jo, Seung-gyu and den Butter, Frank A. G. (2009): Pros and Cons of Backing Winners in Innovation Policy.

Kamei, Keita (2013): Trade Liberalization, Division of Labor, and Firm Productivity.

Kanehara, Daishoku and Kamei, Keita (2019): Transport Price, Product Differentiation and R&D in an Oligopoly.

Kant, Chander (1995): Minority ownership, deferral, perverse intrafirm trade and tariffs. Published in: International Economic Journal , Vol. 9, No. 1

Kato, Hayato and Okoshi, Hirofumi (2022): Economic Integration and Agglomeration of Multinational Production with Transfer Pricing.

Kato, Hayato and Okoshi, Hirofumi (2021): Economic Integration and Agglomeration of Multinational Production with Transfer Pricing.

Kato, Hayato and Okoshi, Hirofumi (2021): Economic Integration and Agglomeration of Multinational Production with Transfer Pricing.

Kato, Hayato and Okubo, Toshihiro (2021): The Resilience of FDI to Natural Disasters through Industrial Linkages.

Kato, Hayato and Okubo, Toshihiro (2021): The Resilience of FDI to Natural Disasters through Industrial Linkages.

Kazumichi, Iwasa and Kikuchi, Toru (2008): Indirect Network Effects and the Impact of Trade Liberalization: A Note.

Keshari, Pradeep Kumar and Saggar, Mridul (2013): A firm level study of the determinants of export performance in machinery and transport equipment industry of India. Published in: Indian Economic Journal , Vol. 36, No. 3 (1989): pp. 36-48.

Khan, Haider and Akram, Tanweer and Holladay, J. Scott (2008): U.S. Intra-Firm International Trade.

Kikuchi, Toru (2008): Distribution Costs, International Trade and Industrial Location.

Kikuchi, Toru (2008): Footloose Capital and Locational Advantage of a Hub.

Kikuchi, Toru (2007): Network Externalities and Comparative Advantage. Forthcoming in: Bulletin of Economic Research

Kikuchi, Toru (2009): A Simple Model of Foreign Brand Penetration under Monopolistic Competition.

Kikuchi, Toru (2008): Switching Costs and the foreign Firm's Entry.

Kikuchi, Toru and Iwasa, Kazumichi (2008): Competing Industrial Standards and the Impact of Trade Liberalization.

Kikuchi, Toru and Iwasa, Kazumichi (2009): Interregional Trade, Industrial Location and Import Infrastructure.

Kikuchi, Toru and Iwasa, Kazumichi (2008): A Simple Model of Service Trade with Time Zone Differences.

Kikuchi, Toru and Marjit, Sugata (2010): Time Zones and Periodic Intra-Industry Trade.

Kikuchi, Toru and Marjit, Sugata and Mandal, Biswajit (2015): Time Zones and FDI with Heterogeneous Firms.

Kikuchi, Toru and Marjit, Sugata and Mandal, Biswajit (2011): Trade with Time Zone Differences: Factor Market Implications.

Kikuchi, Toru and Shimomua, Koji (2008): Comparative Advantage and Trade Liberalization in a Chamberlinian-Ricardian Model.

Kishi, Keiichi and Okada, Keisuke (2018): Trade Liberalization, Technology Diffusion, and Productivity.

Konchyn, Vadym (2006): The evolution of Ukrainian economy: new trade theory evidence. Published in: The IUP Journal of Applied Economics. , Vol. 2 (Mar, No. VII (2008) (March 2008): pp. 80-110.

Koska, Onur A. and Staehler, Frank (2015): Factor Price Differences in a General Equilibrium Model of Trade and Imperfect Competition. Published in: Research in Economics , Vol. 69, No. 2 (24 February 2015): pp. 248-259.

Kox, Henk L.M. (2012): Export decisions of services firms between agglomeration effects and market-entry costs.

Kox, Henk L.M. and Nordås, Hildegunn Kyvik (2007): Services trade and domestic regulation.

Kox, Henk L.M. and Rojas Romasgosa, Hugo (2010): Exports and productivity selection effects for Dutch firms.

Kurokawa, Yoshinori (2010): Variety-Skill Complementarity: A Simple Resolution of the Trade-Wage Inequality Anomaly. Published in: Economic Theory , Vol. 46, (February 2011): pp. 297-325.

Lawless, Martina and Whelan, Karl (2007): A Note on Trade Costs and Distance.

Lee, Sang-Ho and Xu, Lili (2017): Tariffs and Privatization Policy in a Bilateral Trade Model with Corporate Social Responsibility.

Leitão, Nuno Carlos (2012): Globalization and United States’ Intra-Industry Trade.

Leitão, Nuno Carlos and Tripathi, Sabyasachi (2013): Portuguese Trade and European Union: The Gravity Model.

Li, Yao (2007): Capital liberalization, industrial agglomeration and wage inequality.

Li, Yao (2008): Industrial Agglomeration and Wage Inequality in China.

Lim, Seonyoung and Choi, Kangsik (2014): Strategic Subsidy Policies with Endogenous Choice of Competition Mode.

Liu, Yi and Matsumura, Toshihiro (2024): Payoff interdependence and welfare-improving location diversification.

Liu, Yi and Matsumura, Toshihiro (2022): Welfare effects of common ownership in an international duopoly.

Londero, Elio (2000): The Alleged Countercyclical Nature of Argentina's Export of Manufactures. Published in: Journal of International Trade and Economic Development , Vol. 10, No. 2 (2001): pp. 151-173.

Lord, Montague (2015): Regional Economic Integration in Central Asia and South Asia.

Lord, Montague and Chang, Susan (2019): Pre-Feasibility Study of Sarawak-West Kalimantan Cross-Border Value Chains.

López-Morell, Miguel A. and Segreto, Luciano (2013): The international mercury cartel, 1928-1949.

Ma, Shuang and Sun, Churen and Tian, Guoqiang (2011): Minimum wage and export: evidence from Chinese firm-level data.

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Globalization, Political Orientation and Wage Inequality: From Donald Trump’s Election to Angela Merkal’s Re-Election.

Mandal, Biswajit (2024): Digital Mobility of Financial Capital Across Different Time Zones, Factor Prices and Sectoral Composition.

Mandal, Biswajit and Marjit, Sugata (2010): Transaction Cost, Technology Transfer and Mode of Organization.

Mandal, Biswajit and Marjit, Sugata and Nakanishi, Noritsugu (2015): Outsourcing, Factor Prices and Skill Formation in Countries with Non-overlapping Time Zones.

Mandal, Biswajit and Marjit, Sugata and Nakanishi, Noritsugu (2013): Time Zones, Factor Prices and Inflow of Educational Capital: Changing Sectoral Composition.

Marcelo, Fukushima (2008): Non-Homothetic Preferences and Labor Heterogeneity: The Effects of Income Inequality on Trade Patterns.

Marvasi, Enrico (2013): Protection for Sale, Monopolistic Competition and Variable Markups.

Maxim, Belenkiy (2008): Robustness of the Extensive Margin in the Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein (HMR) Model.

Mercenier, Jean and Voyvoda, Ebru (2018): On Barriers to Technology Adoption, Appropriate Technology and Deep Integration (with implications for the European Union).

Miao, Zhuang and Li, Yifan and Duan, Sisong (2020): Income inequality of destination countries and trade patterns: Evidence from Chinese firm-level data.

Missios, Paul and Saggi, Kamal and Yildiz, Halis Murat (2014): External Trade Diversion, Exclusion Incentives and the Nature of Preferential Trade Agreements.

Missios, Paul and Yildiz, Halis Murat (2006): The Role of MFN under Asymmetries in Environmental Standards. Published in: Economics Letters , Vol. 93, No. 2 (2006): pp. 297-304.

Mizuno, Tomomichi and Takauchi, Kazuhiro (2013): Rules of origin and uncertain cost of compliance.

Mohler, Lukas (2009): Globalization and the gains from variety: size and openness of countries and the extensive margin.

Mohler, Lukas and Seitz, Michael (2009): The gains from variety in the European Union.

Molintas, Dominique Trual (2010): Globalisation impact on Danish SME: Offshore Outsourcing & local competitiveness.

Morales, Eduardo and Sheu, Gloria and Zahler, Andrés (2011): Gravity and extended gravity: estimating a structural model of export entry.

Moreno, L and Rodríguez, D (2009): The effect of international trade on mark-ups distribution.

Movahedi, Mohammad and Gaussens, Olivier (2011): Innovation, productivity, and export: Evidence from SMEs in Lower Normandy, France. Forthcoming in:

Mueller-Langer, Frank (2010): An analysis of the ambiguous welfare effects of parallel trade freedom.

Mukherjee, Soumyatanu (2013): Sector-specific foreign direct investment, factor market distortions and non-immiserising growth.

Mukherjee, Soumyatanu (2011): Special Economic Zones and Agriculture with Increasing Returns.

Mulholland, Sean (2010): A Classroom Experiment on Import Tariffs and Quotas Under Perfect and Imperfect Competition.

Mundaca, Gabriela (2015): Multi-product firms, exports and exchange rate policies. Evidence from an emerging economy.

Nagamachi, Kohei (2015): A Simple Model of Functional Specialization of Cities.

Ndubuisi, Gideon and Mensah, Emmanuel and Owusu, Solomon (2020): Export Variety and Imported Intermediate Inputs: Industry-Level Evidence from Africa.

Ngouhouo, Ibrahim and Tchoffo, Rodrigue and Younchawou, Ngouwouo and Tafakeu, Marie-Josée (2021): Opening of alcoholic drink establishments during the Coronavirus period in Cameroon: scope and economic consequences.

Ning, Haokai (2020): Choice of Trade Policy for International Oligopoly with Incomplete Information.

Noblet, Sandrine and Belgodere, Antoine (2010): Coordination cost and the distance puzzle.

Obregon, Carlos (2022): The Economics of Global Peace. Published in:

Ojo, Marianne (2017): Diamonds and “the Golden Flute”: from the Golden Age of prodigies and geniuses to the Knowledge Based Digital Economy.

Osawa, Minoru and Akamatsu, Takashi and Takayama, Yuki (2015): Harris and Wilson (1978) Model Revisited: The Spatial Period-doubling Cascade in an Urban Retail Model.

Oyama, Daisuke (2006): Agglomeration under Forward-Looking Expectations: Potentials and Global Stability.

Parenti, Mathieu and Sidorov, Alexander and Thisse, Jacques-Francois and Zhelobodko, Evgeny (2015): Cournot, Bertrand or Chamberlin: Toward a reconciliation.

Paz, Lourenco (2012): The Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Informal Labor Markets.�.

Paz, Lourenco (2013): The Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Informal Labor Markets: A Theoretical and Empirical Evaluation of the Brazilian Case.

Paz, Lourenco (2012): The impacts of trade liberalization on informal labor markets: an evaluation of the Brazilian case.

Pohit, Sanjib (2003): Globalization of the Indian Economy: Effects on Sectoral/Regional/Employment Realignments.

Pohit, Sanjib (2013): India-Pakistan Trade Liberalization: A CGE Modelling Apporach.

Ponce, Aldo Fernando (2006): Openness and Foreign Direct Investment: The Role of Free Trade Agreements in Latin America.

Rahman, Mizanur and Kalirajan, Kaliappa (2008): The effect of a collective exchange rate adjustment on East Asian exports.

Ramírez Grajeda, Mauricio and Sheldon, Ian (2009): Trade openness and city interaction.

Ramírez Grajeda, Mauricio and de León Arias, Adrián (2009): Spatial implications of international trade under the new economic geography approach.

Rubaszek, Michal (2005): Fundamental equilibrium exchange rate for the Polish zloty.

Rubaszek, Michał (2008): Economic convergence and the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate in Poland.

Rubini, Loris (2009): Innovation and the Elasticity of Trade Volumes to Tariff Reductions.

Saggi, Kamal and Wong, Woan Foong and Yildiz, Halis Murat (2017): Preferential Trade Agreements and Rules of the Multilateral Trading System.

Saggi, Kamal and Yildiz, Halis Murat (2008): Bilateral trade agreements and the feasibility of multilateral free trade.

Saggi, Kamal and Yildiz, Halis Murat (2009): Bilateralism, multilateralism, and the quest for global free trade.

Saggi, Kamal and Yildiz, Halis Murat (2005): The Case for MFN under Asymmetries of Cost and Market Structure. Published in: Canadian Journal of Economics , Vol. 1, No. 38 (1 February 2005): pp. 242-254.

Saggi, Kamal and Yildiz, Halis Murat (2005): Welfare effects of preferential trade agreements under optimal tariffs.

Santacreu, Ana Maria (2011): Innovation, Diffusion, and Trade: Theory and Measurement.

Schröder, Philipp J.H. and Jørgensen, Jan G. (2007): Fixed Export Cost heterogeneity, Trade and Welfare. Forthcoming in:

Schröder, Philipp J.H. and Jørgensen, Jan G. (2001): Reductions in Real versus Tariff Barriers: The Effects on Industry Concentration. Published in: Journal of Industry Competition and Trade , Vol. 3, No. 4 (2003): pp. 251-268.

Seker, Murat (2010): Rigidities in Employment Protection and Exporting.

Shahbaz, Muhammad and Leitão, Nuno Carlos (2011): Intra-industry trade: The Pakistan experience. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Applied Economics (2010)

Shintaku, Koji (2015): Decision on the number of export markets firms enter and the optimal division of labor within firms.

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