Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "H31 - Household"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 135.


Zoutieding, Tieding (2018): 生育率波动与土地流失对城郊家庭养老的侵蚀性影响.


Ackon, Kwabena Meneabe (2020): Fiscal Policy Innovations In Advanced Economies. Forthcoming in:

Adireksombat, Kampon (2007): The Effects of 1993 EITC Expansion on Marginal Tax Rates. Published in: National Tax Journal - One Hundredth Annual Conference : pp. 307-315.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu (2003): Underground economy modelling: simple models with complicated dynamics. Published in: Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting , Vol. Vol. 1, No. 1 (2003): pp. 79-85.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu (2007): A model to estimate informal economy at regional level: Theoretical and empirical investigation.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu and Kim, Byung-Yeon and Duchene, Gerard (2002): An attempt to estimate the size of informal economy based on household behaviour modeling. Published in: Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting , Vol. 1, : pp. 17-24.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu and Nicolae, Mariana (2003): Use of households survey data to estimate the size of the informal economy in Romania. Published in: The Informal Economy in the EU Accession Countries. Size, Scope, Trends and Challenges to the Process of EU Enlargement (2003): pp. 199-212.

Aldieri, Luigi and Fiorillo, Damiano (2012): Private monetary transfers and altruism: an empirical investigation on Italian families.

Alonso-Ortiz, Jorge (2013): Taxes, Transfers and the Macroeconomy.

Barnett, W. Steven and Belfield, Clive R. (2006): Early childhood development and social mobility. Published in: The Future of Children , Vol. 16, No. 2 (October 2006): pp. 73-98.

Bartels, Koen and Cozzi, Guido and Mantovan, Noemi (2011): Public Spending and Volunteering: "The Big Society", Crowding Out, and Volunteering Capital.

Bernardino, Tiago (2019): Asset Liquidity and Fiscal Consolidation Programs.

Bethencourt, Carlos and Kunze, Lars (2013): The political economics of redistribution, inequality and tax avoidance.

Bilgili, Faik (2010): Energy tax harmonization in EU: Time series and panel data evidence. Published in: Research Journal of International Studies No. 14 (May 2010): pp. 12-20.

Blumkin, Tomer and Ruffle, Bradley J. and Ganun, Yosef (2007): Are Income and Consumption Taxes Ever Really Equivalent? Evidence from a Real-Effort Experiment with Real Goods.

Bolh, Nathalie and Wendner, Ronald (2021): Conspicuous leisure, time allocation, and obesity Kuznets curves.

Borissov, Kirill and Surkov, Alexander (2010): Endogenous growth in a model with heterogeneous agents and voting on public goods.

Brinca, Pedro and Ferreira, Miguel H. and Franco, Francesco and Holter, Hans A. and Malafry, Laurence (2017): Fiscal Consolidation Programs and Income Inequality.

Canegrati, Emanuele (2006): The Single-Mindedness theory: micro-foundation and applications to social security systems.

Canegrati, Emanuele (2007): A formula for the optimal taxation in Probabilistic Voting Models characterized by Single Mindedness.

Cebula, Richard (1990): A Brief Empirical Note on the Impact of Welfare Benefit Levels on Property Crime in the United States. Published in: Public Finance/Finances Publiques , Vol. 46, No. 3 (15 December 1991): pp. 512-516.

Cebula, Richard (1974): A Brief Note on Economic Policy Effectiveness. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 43, No. 2 (28 October 1976): pp. 1174-1176.

Cebula, Richard (2011): Budget Deficits, Economic Freedom, and Economic Growth in OECD Nations: P2SLS Fixed-Effects Estimates, 2003-2008. Published in: The Journal of Private Enterprise , Vol. 28, No. 2 (15 September 2013): pp. 75-96.

Cebula, Richard (2013): Effects of Economic Freedom, Regulatory Quality, and Taxation on Real Income.

Cebula, Richard (1986): Federal Deficits and the Real Rate of Interest in the United States: A Note. Published in: Public Choice , Vol. 53, No. 1 : pp. 97-100.

Cebula, Richard (1975): Local Government Policies and Migration: Reply and Extension. Published in: Public Choice , Vol. 25, No. 2 (22 April 1976): pp. 65-67.

Cebula, Richard (1977): Nonwhite Migration, welfare, and Politics: A Re-Examination. Published in: Public Choice , Vol. 33, No. 4 (28 October 1978): pp. 135-136.

Cebula, Richard (1976): A Note on Equal Proportional Sacrifice. Published in: The American Economist , Vol. 21, No. 1 (30 April 1977): p. 72.

Cebula, Richard (1975): A Note on Nonwhite Migration, Welfare Levels, and the Political Process. Published in: Public Choice , Vol. 28, No. 1 (16 March 1976): pp. 117-119.

Cebula, Richard (1974): On the Impact of State and Local Government Policies on Human Migration: A Log-Linear Analysis. Published in: The Review of Regional Studies , Vol. 5, No. 3 (15 December 1975): pp. 61-67.

Cebula, Richard (2007): Small Firm Size and Health Insurance: A Private Enterprise Perspective. Published in: The Journal of Private Enterprise , Vol. 24, No. 1 (3 June 2008): pp. 51-77.

Cebula, Richard (2013): The Underground Economy in the U.S.A: Preliminary New Evidence on the Impact of Income Tax Rates (and Other Factors)on Aggregate Tax Evasion, 1975-2008. Published in: PSL Quarterly Review , Vol. 67, No. 271 (21 December 2014): pp. 451-481.

Cebula, Richard (2014): Where Has the Currency Gone? And Why? The Underground Economy and Personal Income Tax Evasion in the U.S., 1970-2008.

Cebula, Richard and Avery, Leslie (1982): The Tiebout Hypothesis in the United States: An Analysis of Black Consumer-Voters, 1970-75. Published in: Public Choice , Vol. 41, No. 2 (22 April 1983): pp. 307-310.

Cebula, Richard and Boylan, Robert and Foley, Maggie and Isard, Douglass (2014): Implications of Recent Federal Personal Income Tax Increases for Income Tax Evasion, Tax Revenues, and Budget Deficits.

Cebula, Richard and Carlos, Christopher and Koch, James (1980): The "Crowding Out" Effect of Federal Government Outlay Decisions: An Empirical Note. Published in: Public Choice , Vol. 36, No. 2 (25 March 1981): pp. 329-336.

Cebula, Richard and Clark, Jeff (2010): Migration, Economic Freedom, and Personal Freedom: An Empirical Analysis. Published in: The Journal of Private Enterprise , Vol. 27, No. 1 (23 June 2011): pp. 43-62.

Cebula, Richard and Coombs, Christopher (2008): Do Government-Spending-Induced Deficits Lower Tax Compliance? Published in: Tax Notes , Vol. 125, No. 9 (30 November 2009): pp. 1007-1012.

Cebula, Richard and Curran, Christopher (1973): Determinants of Migration to Central Cities: A Comment. Published in: Journal of Regional Science , Vol. 14, No. 2 (19 August 1974): pp. 287-290.

Cebula, Richard and Foley, Maggie (2010): Personal Income Tax Evasion Determinants Revisited: An Exploratory Study Using Newly Available Data. Published in: Academy of Economics and Finance Journal , Vol. 2, No. 1 (30 November 2011): pp. 17-24.

Cebula, Richard and Koch, James and Perry, William and Toma, Michael (2003): Federal Government Budget Deficits and the Crowding Out of Private Investment in the United states: Evidence for the 1990s. Published in: The Indian Journal of Economics , Vol. 84, No. 4 (30 April 2004): pp. 587-595.

Cebula, Richard and Kohn, Robert and Vedder, Richard (1972): Some Determinants of Interstate Migration of Blacks, 1965-1970. Published in: Western Economic Journal , Vol. 11, No. 4 (20 December 1973): pp. 500-505.

Cebula, Richard and McGrath, Richard (2000): An Empirical Note on Determinants of Income Tax Evasion, 1973-1997. Published in: The International Business & Economics Research Conference Program and Proceedings , Vol. 11, No. 1 (15 October 2001): pp. 1-5.

Cebula, Richard and McGrath, Richard (2001): A Further Inquiry into Determinants of Aggregate Income Tax Evasion. Published in: Global Business & Economics Review-Anthology 2002 , Vol. 3, No. 1 (3 December 2002): pp. 343-349.

Cebula, Richard and Schaffer, Beverly (1974): Analysis of Net Interstate Migration: Comment. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 41, No. 4 (30 April 1975): pp. 690-693.

Cebula, Richard and Toma, Michael (2004): Do Budget Deficits Reduce Household Taxpayer Compliance? Preliminary Evidence Using the Feige Data. Published in: Journal of Academy of Business and Economics , Vol. 7, No. 1 (31 March 2007): pp. 54-60.

Cheron, Arnaud and Khaskhoussi, Fouad and Khaskhoussi, Tarek and Langot, François (2004): Voluntary and involuntary retirement decision : does real wage rigidity affects the effectiveness of pension reforms ?

Chiwaula, Levison/S (2009): Child labour and poverty linkages: A micro analysis from rural Malawian data. Forthcoming in: African Economic Research Consortium Research Paper

Cozzi, Guido and Mantovan, Noemi (2021): To get Rich is Glorious, but only if Fairly.

El Khalifi, Ahmed and Ouakil, Hicham (2024): Aligning Public Spending and Taxes in the Moroccan Economy: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model analysis.

Emanuele, Canegrati (2007): A Single-Mindedness model with n generations.

Emanuele, Canegrati (2007): The Single-mindedness theory: empirical evidence from the U.K.

Engen, Eric and Gale, William and Uccello, Cori (1999): The Adequacy of Household Saving. Published in: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity , Vol. 1999, No. 2 (1999): pp. 65-187.

Eozenou, Patrick and Fishburn, Burke (2001): Price Elasticity Estimates of Cigarette Demand in Vietnam.

Erard, Brian and Langetieg, Patrick and Payne, Mark and Plumley, Alan (2020): Ghosts in the Income Tax Machinery.

Ferrara, Ida and Missios, Paul (2016): Reduce, Reuse or Recycle? Household Decisions over Waste Prevention and Recycling.

Freitas, Bruno (2020): Labour Share Heterogeneity and Fiscal Consolidation Programs.

Funashima, Yoshito (2014): A Comprehensive Analysis of the Response of Private Consumption to Government Spending.

Gaeta, Giuseppe Lucio (2011): In the mood for redistribution. An empirical analysis of individual preferences for redistribution in Italy.

Gelber, Alexander (2010): Taxation and the Earnings of Husbands and Wives.

Gelber, Alexander (2010): Taxation and the Earnings of Husbands and Wives.

Gelber, Alexander M. (2010): How do 401(k)s Affect Saving? Evidence from Changes in 401(k) Eligibility.

Giertz, Seth (2005): A Sensitivity Analysis of the Elasticity of Taxable Income.

Giovannini, Enrico and Malgarini, Marco (2012): What do Italian consumers know about Economic Data? An analysis based on the ISTAT Consumers Survey.

Greco, Salvatore and Ishizaka, Alessio and Resce, Giuliano and Torrisi, Gianpiero (2017): Measuring well-being by a multidimensional spatial model in OECD Better Life Index framework.

Hu, Yunfang and Mino, Kazuo (2004): Fiscal Policy, Home Production and Growth Dynamics.

Jain, Tarun (2009): Where there is a will: Fertility behavior and sex bias in large families.

Jakobsen, Kristian Thor and Kaarsen, Nicolai and Vasiljeva, Kristine (2016): Does reduced cash beneit worsen educational outcomes of refugee children?

Jariani, Farzaneh (2021): The Crowding Out and Crowding In Effects of the Government Fiscal Policy on the Real Estate Investment and Public Prosperity in Iran.

Kakkar, Shrey (2021): Significant movements in the debate on the Minimum Wage (1994 - 2019).

Kaygusuz, Remzi (2011): Social security and two-earner households.

Kopiec, Pawel (2019): Household Heterogeneity and the Value of Government Spending Multiplier: an Analytical Characterization.

Kopiec, Paweł (2018): Employment Prospects and the Propagation of Fiscal Stimulus.

Kurita, Kenichi and Hori, Nobuaki and Katafuchi, Yuya (2019): Model of endogenous welfare stigma: Statistical discrimination view.

Kurita, Kenichi and Hori, Nobuaki and Katafuchi, Yuya (2019): Model of endogenous welfare stigma: Statistical discrimination view.

Kurita, Kenichi and Hori, Nobuaki and Katafuchi, Yuya (2020): Stigma model of welfare fraud and non-take-up: Theory and evidence from OECD panel data. Published in: International Journal of Economic Theory (4 November 2020): pp. 1-29.

Kurita, Kenichi and Katafuchi, Yuya and Hori, Nobuaki (2020): Stigma model of welfare fraud and non-take-up: Theory and evidence from OECD panel data.

Lupia, Arthur and Prior, Markus (2005): What Citizens Know Depends on How You Ask Them: Political Knowledge and Political Learning Skills.

MAVROZACHARAKIS, EMMANOUIL (2022): The end of hypocrisy and the questioning of democracy.

Mahmud, Mir Nahid and Ahmed, Mansur (2012): Government expenditure and household consumption in Bangladesh through the lens of economic theories: an empirical assessment.

Mahmud, Sakib and Barbier, Edward (2014): Role of Public Programs and a Natural Barrier in Relative Valuation of Households’ Storm-inflicted Health Outcomes under Optimal Private Defensive Strategies: Evidence from the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh.

Malafry, Laurence and Soares Brinca, Pedro (2021): Climate Policy in an Unequal World: Assessing the Cost of Risk on Vulnerable Households.

Marino, Immacolata and Pericoli, Filippo and Ventura, Luigi (2010): Tax incentives and household investment in complementary pension insurance: some recent evidence from the Italian experience. Published in: Risk Management and Insurance Review , Vol. 14, No. 2 (2011): pp. 247-263.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil (2022): The crisis of the social democratic movement.

McGee, M Kevin (2017): The economic distortions of a border-adjusted corporate cash flow tax.

Mohammad, Irfan and Farooq, G. M. and Khan, Zubaida and Mohammad, Rafiq and Tariq, Javed Khan and Nasir, Mueen (1983): An Investigation of Household Reproductive Behaviour in Pakistan. Published in: Studies in Population, Labour Force and Migration Project Report No. 4 (1983)

Moore, Winston (2008): The Responsiveness of Taxable Income to Changes in Marginal Tax Rates in Barbados.

Munro, John H. (2007): The usury doctrine and urban public finances in late-medieval Flanders (1220 - 1550): rentes (annuities), excise taxes, and income transfers from the poor to the rich. Published in: La fiscalità nell’economia Europea, secc. XIII - XVIII, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Prato, Serie II: Atti delle “Settimane de Studi” et altri Convegni , Vol. 39, No. 1 (2008): pp. 973-1026.

Müller, Tobias (2004): Evaluating the economic effects of income security reforms in Switzerland: an integrated microsimulation - computable general equilibrium approach.

Neustadt, Ilja and Zweifel, Peter (2010): Is the Welfare State Sustainable? Experimental Evidence on Citizens' Preferences for Redistribution.

Niimi, Yoko (2016): To Avoid or Not to Avoid Inheritance Taxes? That Is the Question for Parents: Empirical Evidence from Japan.

Oikonomou, Rigas (2013): Optimal Unemployment Insurance with Private Insurance.

Ozili, Peterson K (2019): Financial Stability: Does Social Activism Matter? Forthcoming in: Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance

Pacifico, Daniele (2009): On the role of unobserved preference heterogeneity in discrete choice models of labor supply.

Pacifico, Daniele (2009): A behavioral microsimulation model with discrete labour supply for Italian couples.

Petit, Gillian and Tedds, Lindsay M. (2020): Income Assistance in British Columbia: Reforms Along Basic Income Lines.

Petit, Gillian and Tedds, Lindsay M. (2020): Interactions between income and social support programs in B.C.

Pfarr, Christian and Schneider, Udo (2011): Choosing between subsidized or unsubsidized private pension schemes: a random parameters bivariate probit analysis.

Pfau, Wade Donald (2006): Comparing the Impacts of Social Security Benefit Reductions on the Income Distribution of the Elderly. Published in: National Tax Journal , Vol. LIX, No. 2 (June 2006): pp. 195-210.

Piergallini, Alessandro and Rodano, Giorgio (2009): Public Debt, Distortionary Taxation, and Monetary Policy.

Piergallini, Alessandro and Rodano, Giorgio (2010): Public Debt, Distortionary Taxation, and Monetary Policy.

Roy, Satyaki (2011): Trends and Patterns in Consumption Expenditure: A Review of Class and Rural-Urban Disparities.

Sergio, Reuben (2005): Family evolution and contemporary social transformations. Published in: Journal of comparative Family Studies , Vol. 37, No. No. 4

Skribans, Valerijs (2009): Modelling crediting volume by using the system dynamic method. Published in: Humanities and social sciences: Latvia No. 4(57)/2008 (26 January 2009): pp. 114-123.

Smith, Mark W. (1999): The impact of state welfare policies on women's cohabitation.

Stöwhase, Sven (2009): Pareto-Inefficiencies in Intrahousehold-Decision-Making: Empirical evidence from Germany.

Subramaniam, Viswanatha (2021): Poverty - A Simple Approach to Eradicate IT.

Sumarto, Sudarno and Suryahadi, Asep and Arifianto, Alex (2003): Governance and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Newly Decentralized Indonesia. Published in: SMERU Working Paper

Sysoev, Nikita (2016): The Russian population’s social status defining on the RLMS-HSE polling. Published in: Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, RJOAS , Vol. 59, No. 11 (November 2016): pp. 18-22.

Sztachera, Maciej (2024): Hours, wages, and multipliers.

Sá, Diogo (2022): Liquidity constraints and fiscal multipliers.

Tatom, Jojn and Godsted, David (2006): Targeting the unbanked-financial literacy's magic bullet? Published in: Networks Financial Institute Report No. 20060NFI-02 (14 November 2006)

Tazhitdinova, Alisa (2015): Adjust Me if I Can’t: The Effect of Firm Incentives on Labor Supply Responses to Taxes.

Tazhitdinova, Alisa (2015): Reducing Evasion Through Self-Reporting: Theory and Evidence from Charitable Contributions.

Temel, Tugrul (2011): Family size, human capital and growth: structural path analysis of Rwanda.

Torregrosa, Ramon. J. (2008): Preference for Income Taxation with Several Heterogeneous Consumers.

Vaz de Castro, Afonso (2022): Risk Aversion and Recessive Impacts of Austerity.

Whembolua, Guy-lucien S. and Kambamba, Darly Kambamba and Conserve, Donaldson and Tshiswaka, Daudet Ilunga (2015): Socio-Cultural Factors Associated with Epidemics: The Case of 2014 Ebola Outbreak.

canegrati, emanuele (2007): The single-mindedness of labor unions when transfers are not Lump-Sum.

van de Coevering, Clement and Foster, Daniel and Haunit, Paula and Kennedy, Cathal and Meagher, Sarah and Van den Berg, Jennie (2006): Estimating economic and social welfare impacts of pension reform. Published in: Department for Work and Pensions Technical Working Paper (29 November 2006)

Échevin, Damien (2009): Ricardian or Spender Consumers? Evidence from a Taxpayer Survey Questionnaire.


Breiding, Torsten (2006): Die Arbeitslosenversicherung in Deutschland – Beitrag zur Bekämpfung oder Ursache von Arbeitslosigkeit.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil (2015): Demokratie , öffentliche Güter und Europa.

Pfarr, Christian and Schneider, Udo (2009): Angebotsinduzierung und Mitnahmeeffekt im Rahmen der Riester-Rente. Eine empirische Analyse.


Varga, Gergely and Nobilis, Benedek and Svraka, András (2018): Adóköteles jövedelmek rugalmassága – egy identifikációs kísérlet a családi adókedvezmény 2011-es bevezetése alapján.


Liberati, Paolo and Paradiso, Massimo (2014): Sulla composizione dell'accisa sui tabacchi: un'ipotesi di modifica del sistema di tassazione in Italia.

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Demografia, Occupazione e Produttività in Europa e Us [quarta parte del progetto "Il presente e il futuro del Pay-Go in Italia, Europa e Us"].

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Il Pay-as-You-Go in Europa attraverso i Programmi di Stabilità. Le risorse che gli attivi/occupati dovranno mettere a disposizione per finanziare il welfare.

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): La demografia in Europa e in Us. Uno sguardo alle proiezioni a medio-lungo termine.

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Proiezioni della spesa e del finanziamento dei Sistemi Sanitari Regionali in Italia [2015-2030].


Skribans, Valerijs (2009): Kreditēšanas apjoma modelēšana izmantojot sistēmdinamikas metodi.


Даниелян, Владимир (2016): Детерминанты пенсионного возраста: обзор исследований. Published in: Препринт ЦЭМИ РАН No. WP/2016/319 (2016)


Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero and Sosa-Rubí, Sandra and Rubalcava-Peñafiel, Luis and Panopoulou, Panagiota and Rodriguez-Oliveros, Guadalupe (2013): Efectos heterogéneos en la demanda ante un impuesto al refresco en México.

Cardoso-Vargas, Carlos-Enrique (2019): Combate a la pobreza y a la corrupción e implementación de mejores prácticas, ¿nuevas vías para incrementar la recaudación de predial en los municipios?

Reuben Soto, Sergio (2004): La sociedad civil, el bienestar social y las transformaciones del Estado en Costa Rica. Published in: Reflexiones , Vol. 83, No. 1 (2004): pp. 21-30.

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