Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "H40 - General"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 93.


Alfano, Maria Rosaria and Cantabene, Claudia and de Iudicibus, Alessandro (2024): The effectiveness of a certification of legality. Evidence from Italian firms.

Alwasiak, Stanislaw and Lewandowska-Kalina, Monika and Kalina, Lech and Kowalewski, Oskar and Mozdzen, Michal and Rybinski, Krzysztof (2013): What Determines State Capture in Poland?

B Ferreira Neto, Amir (2018): Do public libraries impact local labor markets? Evidence from Appalachia. Forthcoming in: Spatial Economic Analysis (2022)

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Beladi, Hamid (2021): On the Existence of an Equilibrium in Models of Local Public Good Use by Cities to Attract the Creative Class.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Herath, Gamini (2010): A stochastic analysis of goods allocation by queuing and the prevention of violence. Published in: Economics Bulletin , Vol. 30, (27 November 2010): pp. 3141-3151.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Kourtit, Karima and Nijkamp, Peter (2019): Using Local Public Goods to Attract and Retain the Creative Class: A Tale of Two Cities.

Batabyal, Amitrajeet and Yoo, Seung Jick (2019): Using a Local Public Good to Attract Representative Creative Class Members: The Inefficient Equilibrium Case.

Bearse, Peter and Cardak, Buly/A and Glomm, Gerhard and Ravikumar, B (2009): Why do education vouchers fail at the ballot box?

Beja Jr, Edsel (2012): Two explanations to the willingness to accept and willingness to pay gap plus an alternative.

Bjornskov, Christian and Dreher, Axel and Fischer, Justina A.V. and Schnellenbach, Jan and Gehring, Kai (2013): Inequality and happiness: When perceived social mobility and economic reality do not match. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (JEBO)

Bjornskov, Christian and Dreher, Axel and Fischer, Justina AV (2008): Formal Institutions and Subjective Well-Being: Revisiting the Cross-Country Evidence.

Bjornskov, Christian and Dreher, Axel and Fischer, Justina AV and Schnellenbach, Jan (2010): Inequality and happiness: When perceived social mobility and economic reality do not match.

Bjornskov, Christian and Dreher, Axel and Fischer, Justina AV and Schnellenbach, Jan (2009): On the relation between income inequality and happiness: Do fairness perceptions matter?

Bjornskov, Christian and Dreher, Axel and Fischer, Justina AV and Schnellenbach, Jan (2009): On the relation between income inequality and happiness: Do fairness perceptions matter?

Bjornskov, Christian and Fischer, Justina AV and Dreher, Axel (2008): Formal Institutions and Subjective Well-Being: Revisiting the Cross-Country Evidence.

Boggio, Margherita (2011): Municipal capitalism, regulatory federalism and politics.

Braakmann, Nils (2013): Crime, health and wellbeing – Longitudinal evidence from Mexico.

Braakmann, Nils (2012): The link between non-property crime and house prices – Evidence from UK street-level data.

Caruso, Raul (2008): Al Qaeda as a Tournament: Empirical Evidence.

Cepparulo, Alessandra and Giuriato, Luisa (2009): Aid Financing of Global Public Goods: an Update.

Cucoșel, Constantin and Pop, Izabela Luiza (2017): Financial diagnosis of the „Baia Mare Art Center” County Art Museum. Published in: International Journal of Business and Management Invention , Vol. 6, No. 1 (January 2017): pp. 64-72.

Dhaoui, Iyad (2019): Electronic governance: An overview of opportunities and challenges. Published in:

Di Foggia, Giacomo and Beccarello, Massimo (2024): Designing New Energy Markets to Promote Renewables. Published in: Heliyon , Vol. 10, No. 10 (2024): E31427.

Djumashev, Ratbek (2006): Corrupt Bureaucracy and Growth.

Doerner, William G. and Doerner, William M. (2008): The Diffusion of Accreditation Among Florida Police Agencies. Published in: Policing: An International Journal , Vol. 4, No. 32 (2009): pp. 781-798.

Doerner, William M. and Doerner, William G. (2011): Collective Bargaining and Job Benefits in Florida Municipal Police Agencies, 2000-2009. Published in: American Journal of Criminal Justice , Vol. 4, No. 38 (2013): pp. 657-677.

Doerner, William M. and Doerner, William G. (2009): Collective Bargaining and Job Benefits: The Case of Florida Deputy Sheriffs. Published in: Police Quarterly , Vol. 4, No. 13 (2010): pp. 367-386.

Doerner, William M. and Doerner, William G. (2010): Police Accreditation and Clearance Rates. Published in: Policing: An International Journal , Vol. 1, No. 35 (2012): pp. 6-24.

Duddy, Conal (2017): The structure of priority in the school choice problem.

Falch, Torberg and Fischer, Justina AV (2010): Public sector decentralization and school performance: International evidence.

Fischer, Justina A.V. (2012): The choice of domestic policies in a globalized economy.

Fischer, Justina AV (2010): Accounting for Unobserved Country Heterogeneity in Happiness Research: Country Fixed Effects versus Region Fixed Effects.

Fosgerau, Mogens and Pilegaard, Ninette (2007): Cost-benefit rules for transport projects when labor supply is endogenous and taxes are distortionary.

Freille, Sebastian and Haque, Mohammad Emranul and Kneller, Richard Anthony (2007): Federalism, decentralisation and corruption.

Ghosh, Sugata and Mitra, Anirban (2016): Ethnic Diversity, Public Spending and Political Regimes.

Grechyna, Daryna (2017): Mandatory Spending, Political Polarization, and Macroeconomic Volatility.

Grechyna, Daryna (2017): Public Policy Against Political Frictions.

Grubel, Herbert and Grady, Patrick (2011): Immigration and the Canadian Welfare State 2011. Published in:

Guemmegne, Juliette and Pongou, Roland (2013): A Policy-Based Rationalization of Collective Rules: Dimensionality, Specialized Houses, and Decentralized Authority.

Herbst, Mikolaj (2008): Bottlenecks in the decentralisation of education funding in Poland.

Herrmann, Peter and van der Maesen, Laurent J.G. (2008): Social Quality and Precarity: Approaching New Patterns of Societal (Dis)Integration.

Hessami, Zohal (2010): The Size and Composition of Government Spending in Europe and Its Impact on Well-Being.

Iqbal, Zafar (2000): Economic rationale for the state collection of zakah. Published in: International Journal of Islamic Financial Services , Vol. 2, No. 1 (1 June 2000)

Jackson, Emerson Abraham (2019): Systemic healthcare failure as a symptom of market failure in Sierra Leone. Forthcoming in: South African Journal of Public Health , Vol. 3, No. 4 (19 November 2019)

Jiménez Sotelo, Renzo (2018): The impact of ethics on growth and development: Environmental economics versus ecological economics? Published in: Pensamiento Crítico , Vol. 23, No. 1 (7 September 2018): pp. 153-182.


KASMAOUI, Kamal and BOURHABA, Othmane (2017): Happiness and Public Expenditure: Evidence from a panel analysis.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2012): Taxes, profits, and employment: a structural axiomatic analysis.

Kammas, Pantelis and Kazakis, Pantelis and Sarantides, Vassilis (2017): The effect of culture on fiscal redistribution: Evidence based on genetic, epidemiological and linguistic data.

Kozhurin, Fedir (2011): Supramacroeconomics: the newest management technology.

Kwak, Sungil (2011): The Impact of Taxes on Charitable Giving: Empirical Evidence from the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study.

Leung, Charles Ka Yui and Sarpca, Sinan and Yilmaz, Kuzey (2012): Public housing units vs. housing vouchers: accessibility, local public goods, and welfare.

Levy, Daniel (2007): Price adjustment under the table: Evidence on efficiency-enhancing corruption.

López-Herrera, Carmen and Cordero, José M. and Pedraja-Chaparro, Francisco and Polo, Cristina (2023): Fiscal rules and their influence on public sector efficiency.

MAVROZACHARAKIS, EMMANOUIL (2022): The end of hypocrisy and the questioning of democracy.

MAVROZACHARAKIS, EMMANOUIL and DIMARI, GEORGIA (2018): The Decommissioning of the Middle Class.

Maebayashi, Noritaka (2021): Paces of fiscal consolidations, fiscal sustainability, and welfare: An overlapping generations approach.

Maebayashi, Noritaka (2021): The pace of fiscal consolidations, fiscal sustainability, and welfare: An overlapping generations approach.

Marattin, Luigi (2007): Private and public consumption and counter-cyclical fiscal policy. Published in: International Journal of Economics , Vol. 2, No. 1 (June 2008)

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil (2019): Modern Democracy-Welfare State and Public Goods. A current consequence for Greece.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil (2022): The crisis of the social democratic movement.

Merz, Joachim and Osberg, Lars (2006): Keeping in Touch – A Benefit of Public Holidays.

Milicz, Ákos (2012): Current challenges and possibilities to control state’s role in Hungary. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 257-269.

Monge-Navarro, Daniela and Monge, Andrea N (2023): Litigation and access to healthcare: an analysis of universal coverage and judges’ decision making criteria.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2008): Deprivation of Basic Amenities in Andhra Pradesh.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2011): Infrastructure in Andhra Pradesh : Economic and Social Infrastructure.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana and Joe, William (2005): On the Deprivation of Basic Amenities in Rural India: An Analysis of Census 2001.

NWAOBI, GODWIN (2013): African Jobless Growth Morphology:Vulnerabilities and Policy Responses.


Pak, Tae-Young and Babiarz, Patryk (2022): Relative Deprivation and Prosocial Behavior: Evidence from South Korea. Forthcoming in: The Social Science Journal

Pedrosa-Garcia, Jose Antonio (2017): Trends and Features of Research on Foreign Aid: A Literature Review.

Picci, Lucio and Golden, Miriam (2007): Pork Barrel Politics in Postwar Italy, 1953–1994. Forthcoming in: American Journal of Political Science (2008)

Pillai N., Vijayamohanan (2008): Power Sector Reform: Some Lessons for Kerala.

Radax, Wolfgang (2009): The number and size of nations revisited: Endogenous border formation with non-uniform population distributions.

Russo, Giuseppe and Salsano, Francesco (2012): Electoral systems and immigration.

Sasaki, Hiroaki and Mizutani, Aya (2024): Public Services, Welfare, and Growth under Baumol's Cost Disease.

See, Chan Ken (2017): Intangible value in preserving the Sports Arenas.

Senatore, L (2011): Public Good Provision with Convex Costs.

Spash, Clive L. (2008): Ecosystems Services Valuation. Published in: Environmental Values , Vol. 17, No. 2 (2008): pp. 259-284.

Sumarto, Sudarno and Widyanti (deceased), Wenefrida (2008): Multidimensional Poverty in Indonesia: Trends, Interventions and Lesson Learned.

Uppal, Yogesh and Glazer, Amihai (2011): Legislative turnover, fiscal policy, and economic growth: evidence from U.S. state legislatures.

Wang, Zeyang (2024): Evaluating the Impact of National Volume-Based Procurement: Evidence from China.

Zawadzki, Krystian (2013): Euro 2012 economic impact on host cities in Poland. Published in:


Egbert, Henrik and Greiff, Matthias (2023): Pay-What-You-Want für öffentliche Güter: Eine Fallstudie zu vhs.wissen live.

Kotroyannos, Dimitrios (2016): Alexis Tsipras und der rhetorische Diskurs als Politik.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Tzagkarakis, Stylianos Ioannis (2018): Der Wohlfahrtstaat als Grundbestandteil des modernen demokratischen Staatsgefüges.


Cavalieri, Marina and Mangano, Alfia (2009): La valutazione della didattica e della ricerca medica: esperienze a confronto.

Franco, Daniel and LoFazio, Aurelio (2012): Da governo a governance: il possibile ruolo della partecipazione. Published in: Territori No. 10 (August 2012): pp. 1-7.

Salerno, Nicola Carmine (2013): Un Test sulle Ipotesi delle Proiezioni a medio-lungo termine della Spesa Sanitaria.

Schilirò, Daniele (2001): Etica, economia e principi di giustizia.


Angelika, Lavrinenko (2015): Перспективы развития федерального фонда обязательного медицинского страхования.


Hernández Mota, José Luis (2008): La Composición del Gasto Público y el Crecimiento Económico. Published in: Análisis Económico , Vol. XXIV, No. 55 (January 2009): pp. 77-102.

Lopez-Pablos, Rodrigo (2010): Medición fisiológica integral de la pobreza crónica profunda y estrategias de políticas sociales para el desarrollo temprano. Published in: Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social - CISS No. XXVI Asamblea General del CISS, Panamá : pp. 1-18.

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