Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "H72 - State and Local Budget and Expenditures"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 160.




ASUAMAH YEBOAH, SAMUEL (2018): Do government activities determine electricity consumption in Ghana? An empirical investigation.

Abdul Jalil, Ahmad Zafarullah (2009): The political economics of the Malaysian subnational governments’ fiscal behavior. Published in: International Journal of Management Studies , Vol. 16, No. 1 (2009): pp. 261-283.

Abdul Jalil, Ahmad Zafarullah and Abdul Karim, Noor Al-Huda (2008): Constraining the spending behavior of subnational governments through borrowing limitation: The case of Malaysia. Published in: The IUP Journal of Public Finance , Vol. 4, No. 3 (2008): pp. 7-28.

Abdul Jalil, Ahmad Zafarullah and Abdul Karim, Noor Al-Huda (2009): Understanding Malaysian State Governments Fiscal Behavior: The Role of Intergovernmental Transfers. Published in: Chulalongkorn Journal of Economics , Vol. 20, No. 2 (2009): pp. 113-141.

Abuselidze, George (2013): Areas of Improvement of Finance Policy in the Process of Advancing of upgrading the Territorial Economic Activity and Financial Capacity. Published in: International Bussines research , Vol. 6, No. 5 (17 April 2013): pp. 194-200.

Ahmad, Iftikhar and Mustafa, Usman and Khalid, Mahmood (2007): National Finance Commission Awards in Pakistan: A Historical Perspective.

Aritenang, Adiwan F. (2009): The Impact of Government Budget shifts to Regional Disparities in Indonesia: Before and After Decentralisation.

Barja, Gover and Villarroel, Sergio and Zavaleta, David (2013): Institutional design and implicit incentives in Bolivia's decentralization model. Published in: Latin American Journal of Economic Development No. 19 (May 2013): pp. 137-211.

Baskaran, Thushyanthan (2011): Tax decentralization and public deficits in OECD countries. Forthcoming in: Publius: The Journal of Federalism

Baskaran, Thushyanthan (2012): The flypaper effect: evidence from a natural experiment in Hesse.

Bassetti, Thomas and Caruso, Raul and Cortes, Darwin (2015): Behavioral Differences in Violence: The Case of Intra-Group Differences of Paramilitaries and Guerrillas in Colombia.

Bednarska-Olejniczak, Dorota and Olejniczak, Jaroslaw (2017): Participatory Budgeting in Poland – Finance and Marketing Selected Issues. Published in: Hradec Economic Days 2017 (31 January 2017): pp. 55-67.

Boggio, Margherita (2012): Municipal Capitalism: from State to Mixed Ownership in Local Public Services Provision.

Caseette, Aurélie and Farvaque, Etienne (2013): Are Elections Debt Brakes? Evidence from French Municipalities.

Cassette, Aurélie and Farvaque, Etienne and Héricourt, Jérôme (2011): Two-round elections, one-round determinants? Evidence from the French municipal elections.

Cassidy, Traviss (2017): Revenue Persistence and Public Service Delivery.

Cassidy, Traviss (2017): Do Intergovernmental Grants Improve Public Service Delivery in Developing Countries?

Cebula, Richard (1985): Was Proposition 4 Really a Tax Reduction Mirage? A Correction and Reinterpretation of Earlier Findings. Published in: The Americam Journal of Economics and Sociology , Vol. 46, No. 1 (30 January 1987): pp. 107-108.

Cebula, Richard and Nair-Reichert, Usha and Coombs, Christopher (2013): Total State In-Migration and Public Policy in the United States: A Comparative Analysis of the Great recession and the Pre- and Post-Great Recession Years. Published in: Regional Studies, Regional Science , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2 June 2014): pp. 102-115.

Chalil, Tengku Munawar (2018): Political Cycles, Government Spending, and Efficiency of Indonesia' Local Governments.

Chalil, Tengku Munawar (2018): The Size of Flypaper Effect in Decentralizing Indonesia. Published in: The Indonesian Journal of Development Planning , Vol. 2, No. 2 (2 October 2018): pp. 101-119.

Clemens, Jeffrey (2013): State Fiscal Adjustment During Times of Stress: Possible Causes of the Severity and Composition of Budget Cuts.

Clemens, Jeffrey and Miran, Stephen (2011): The role of fiscal institutions in analysis of fiscal policy.

De Silva, Dakshina G. and McComb, Robert P. and Schiller, Anita R. (2014): What blows in with the wind?

Dogaru, Tatiana-Camelia (2014): The Rational Distribution of Public Resources: A Challenge for Public Budgets Reform. Published in: Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş” Arad, Economics Series , Vol. 24, No. 3/2014 (September 2014): pp. 25-36.

Elezi, Shiret (2024): The impact of Fiscal decentralization on regional development.

Fischer, Justina AV (2009): Development of Direct Democracy in Swiss Cantons between 1997 and 2003.

Freinkman, Lev (2007): Intergovernmental relations in Nigeria: improving service delivery in core sectors. Published in: (2007)

Funashima, Yoshito and Hiraga, Kazuki (2016): Wagner's law, fiscal discipline, and intergovernmental transfer: Empirical evidence at the U.S. and German state levels.

Funashima, Yoshito and Horiba, Isao and Miyahara, Shoichi (2015): Local Government Investments and Ineffectiveness of Fiscal Stimulus during Japan's Lost Decades.

Furceri, Davide and Sacchi, Agnese and Salotti, Simone (2014): Can fiscal decentralization alleviate government consumption volatility?

Gabe, Todd and Rubin, Jonathan and Allen, Thomas and Reilly, Catherine (2004): Fiscal Effects of a One-Percent Property Tax Cap on Maine Municipalities and the State Government.

Giannola, Adriano and Scalera, Domenico and Petraglia, Carmelo (2014): Net fiscal flows and interregional redistribution in Italy: a long run perspective (1951-2010).

Giannola, Adriano and Scalera, Domenico and Petraglia, Carmelo (2014): Net fiscal flows and interregional redistribution in Italy: a long run perspective (1951-2010).

Giardina, Emilio and Cavalieri, Marina and Guccio, Calogero and Mazza, Isidoro (2009): Federalism, Party Competition and Budget Outcome: Empirical Findings on Regional Health Expenditure in Italy.

Giertz, J Fred and Giertz, Seth (2004): The 2002 Downturn in State Revenues: A Comparative Review and Analysis. Published in: National Tax Journal , Vol. 57, No. 1 : pp. 111-132.

Goto, Tsuyoshi (2022): Do municipal mergers reduce public expenditure? Evidence from the MTE approach.

Gu, Gyun Cheol (2012): Developing Composite Indicators for Fiscal Decentralization: Which Is The Best Measure For Whom?

Guccio, Calogero and Pignataro, Giacomo and Rizzo, Ilde (2009): The performance of local government in the execution of public works.

Gupta, Arushi (2015): Central Assistance to North Eastern States: A Comparative Analysis.

Gupta, Arushi and Singh, Aruneema (2015): Central Assistance to North Eastern States: A Comparative Analysis.

Göbel, Jürgen (2009): How can the power of Leviathans be measured?

Göbel, Jürgen (2009): How can the power of Leviathans be measured?

Göbel, Jürgen (2009): Local policy, income, and housing prices.

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2017): Fiscal rules and creative accounting: Evidence from Japanese municipalities.

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2016): Evaluation of the fiscal effect on municipal mergers: Quasi-experimental evidence from Japanese municipal data. Published in: Regional Science and Urban Economics , Vol. 66, (September 2017): pp. 132-149.

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2012): Local government expenditure and council size: Quasi-experimental evidence from Japan.

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2019): Public investment and the fiscal common pool problem on municipal mergers in Japan.

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2017): The effects of the new fiscal rule and creative accounting: Empirical evidence from Japanese municipalities.

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2017): The effects of the new fiscal rule and creative accounting: Empirical evidence from Japanese municipalities.

Islahi, Abdul Azim (1994): B. R. Ambedkar's contribution to the history of provincial decentralization of imperial finance. Published in: , Vol. Das, D, (2004): pp. 321-329.

Jaimes, Richard (2016): Fiscal Adjustments at the Local Level: Evidence from Colombia.

Jürgen, Göbel (2009): How can the Power of Leviathans be Measured?

K., Jothi Sivagnanam and M., Naganathan (1999): Federal Transfers and the Tax efforts of the States in India. Published in: Indian Economic Journal , Vol. volume, No. part 4 (2000): pp. 101-110.

Kakpo, Eliakim (2018): On the political economy of state corporate tax reforms in the U.S.

Kakpo, Eliakim and Le-Gallo, Julie and Breuillé, Marie and Grivault, Camille (2019): Should French municipalities foster urban densification to reduce their expenditures?

Kaur, Amandeep and Chakraborty, Lekha S (2021): Covid19 and Public Finance for Children: A case study of State of Odisha, India.

Kavese, Kambale and Phiri, Andrew (2018): Are fiscal budgets sustainable in South Africa? Evidence from provincial level data?

Kyriacou, Andreas and Roca-Sagalés, Oriol (2023): Fiscal Decentralization and Health Care Access and Quality: Evidence from Local Governments Around the World.

Köppl Turyna, Monika (2015): Opportunistic politicians and fiscal outcomes: the curious case of Vorarlberg.

Köppl Turyna, Monika and Kula, Grzegorz and Balmas, Agata and Waclawska, Kamila (2015): The effects of fiscal autonomy on the size of public sector and the strength of political budget cycles in local expenditure.

Magontier, Pierre (2020): Does media coverage affect governments' preparation for natural disasters?

Mahmoud, Chowdhury Shameem and Wadood, Syed Naimul and Ahmed, Kazi Sabbir (2008): Addressing Regional Inequality Issues in Bangladesh Public Expenditure. Published in: Centre for Policy Dialogue Occasional Paper Series No. 71 (November 2008)

Makreshanska, Suzana and Petrevski, Goran (2015): Fiscal Decentralization and Inflation in Central and Eastern Europe.

Matei, Ani (2007): Empirical Approaches About the Input-Output Model for the Local Economic Development: Case Study in Braila Municipality. Published in: International Journal of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe No. 1 (15 June 2007): pp. 39-49.

Matei, Ani and Dinu, Teodora (2009): Improvement of Government Financing through Non-Conventional Methods: Reducing the Administrative Costs in the Public Sector.

Matei, Ani and Matei, Lucica (2010): Reducing the administrative expenditures as source for increasing the efficiency of local governance under conditions of the financial crisis. Published in: 2010 Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration (5th) June 14-17, 2010,Xiamen City, P.R. China (17 June 2010)

Matei, Ani and Savulescu, Carmen (2009): The Impact of Reducing the Administrative Costs on the Efficiency in the Public Sector.

Matei, Lucica and Matei, Ani (2002): Specific Issues of the Structure and Relations between Executive and Legislature at Local Level in Romania. Published in: Executive and Legislature at Local Level: Structure and Interrelation in countries of south-east europe (15 May 2002): pp. 22-36.

Maurya, Nagendra Kumar (2014): Debt sustainability of state finances of Uttar Pradesh government.

Mayanja, Abubaker and Mayengo, Israel (2007): Municipal Bonds for Financing Development of infrastructure: A way forward for KCC and Local Governments in Uganda.

Mbanda, Vandudzai and Bonga-Bonga, Lumengo (2019): Municipal infrastructure spending capacity in South Africa: a panel smooth transition regression (PSTR) approach.

Mechtel, Mario and Potrafke, Niklas (2009): Political Cycles in Active Labor Market Policies.

Mechtel, Mario and Potrafke, Niklas (2009): Political Cycles in Active Labor Market Policies.

Meloni, Osvaldo (2016): Turning a blind eye to policy prescriptions. Exploring the sources of procyclical fiscal behavior at subnational level.

Miyaki, Miki and Kimura, Masaki (2018): Do the Elderly Support Public Educational Expenditure? An Empirical Analysis Focusing on the Characteristics of Spending.

Moreno, Frede (2023): Gender-responsive budgeting in the Philippines: Comparative review of best practices and challenges.

Mukherjee, Sacchidananda and Chakraborty, Debashis (2016): Do Public Policy Dynamics Stimulate Anti-Incumbency Waves? Results from Indian States.

Narayan, Laxmi (2016): Analysis of Public Debt and Fiscal Sustainability for Haryana.

Narayan, Laxmi (2015): Some Aspects of Haryana State Finances –An Exploratory Analysis.

Nikolov, Marjan and Trenovski, Borce and Dimovska, Gabriela (2015): Open and transparent budget process in Western Balkan countries. Published in: CEA Journal of Economics , Vol. 10, No. 19 (June 2015): pp. 5-21.

Pacheco, Francisca and Sanchez, Rafael and Villena, Mauricio (2014): A Longitudinal Parametric Approach to Estimate Local Government Efficiency.

Pacheco, Francisca and Sanchez, Rafael and Villena, Mauricio G. (2017): Estimating Local Government Efficiency using a Panel Data Parametric Approach: The Case of Chilean Municipalities.

Pacheco, Francisca and Sanchez, Rafael and Villena, Mauricio G. (2017): Estimating Local Government Efficiency using a Panel Data Parametric Approach: The Case of Chilean Municipalities.

Parag, Waknis (2012): Political economy of sub-national spending in India.

Parag, Waknis (2012): Political economy of sub-national spending in India. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Public Policy

Penev, Slagan and Trenovski, Borce (2016): Policy on Balanced Regional Development in Macedonia - Goals, Challenges, Trends. Forthcoming in: Research study within the USAID Civil Society Project, Publisher: Foundation Open Society – Macedonia , Vol. 1, No. 1 (February 2017): pp. 1-47.

Petersen, John and Tirtosuharto, Darius (2012): Capital Financing by Indonesian Local Governments: Will Subnational Bonds (Finally) Play a Part? Forthcoming in: Decentralization Support Facility Conference Proceedings (March 2012): pp. 201-220.

Pethe, Abhay and Karnik, Ajit and Lalvani, Mala and Kelkar, Hemangi (2024): Instilling cooperation in turbulent times: some issues before the 16th Finance Commission.

Ponce, Aldo Fernando (2006): Unemployment and Clientelism: The Piqueteros of Argentina.

Ponce, Aldo Fernando (2006): Unemployment and Clientelism: The Piqueteros of Argentina.

Popescu, Razvan-Florin and Prodan, Sergiu (2010): The analysis of budget rules and macroeconomic implications in several developed economies. Published in: Budgetary Research Review , Vol. 2, No. 2/2010 (2010): pp. 60-91.

Raut, Dirghau and Raju, Swati (2019): Size of Expenditure Multipliers for Indian States: Does the Level of Income and Public Debt Matter?

Rickman, Dan S. and Wang, Hongbo (2022): Estimating the Economic Effects of US State and Local Fiscal Policy: A Synthetic Control Method Matched Regression Approach.

Rickman, Dan S. and Wang, Hongbo (2018): U.S. State and Local Fiscal Policy and Economic Activity: Do We Know More Now?

Rigon, Massimiliano and Tanzi, Giulia M. (2011): Does gender matter for public spending? Empirical evidence from Italian municipalities.

Rizzo, Leonzio (2005): Interaction between Vertical and Horizontal tax Competition: Theory and Evidence.

Rizzo, Leonzio (2007): Interaction between vertical and horizontal tax competition: evidence and some theory.

Russo, Giuseppe and Senatore, Luigi (2011): Who Contributes? A Strategic Approach to a European Immigration Policy.

SAHIBI, YOUNESS and HAMZAOUI, Moustapha (2016): Local fiscal policy and poverty reduction.

SCHAKEL, ARJAN H. (2008): Validation of the Regional Authority Index. Published in: Regional and Federal Studies , Vol. Vol. 1, No. 2&3 (3 June 2008): pp. 143-166.

Sacchi, Agnese and Salotti, Simone (2014): The asymmetric nature of fiscal decentralization: theory and practice.

Saibal, Ghosh (2010): Does Political Competition Matter for Economic Performance? Evidence from Sub-national Data. Published in: Political Studies , Vol. 58, No. 5 (December 2010): pp. 1030-1048.

Salustri, Andrea (2013): The sustainability of the Italian public finances: an overview.

Santolini, Raffaella (2011): Do electoral rules and elections matter in expenditure fragmentation? Empirical evidence from Italian regions.

Stone, Joe and Bania, Neil (2009): Brains, drains, and roads, growth hills: complementarity between public education and infrastructure in a half-century panel of states.

Tamayo, Adrian (2017): Assignment of powers and number of states in Federal Philippines Discussion paper on federalizing Philippines.

Tedds, Lindsay M. (2017): User charges for Municipal Infrastructure in Western Canada. Published in: Enid Slack and Richard Bird (Eds.). Financing Municipal Infrastructure: Who Should Pay? (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Toronto, ON)

Torbenko, Alexander (2014): Interregional Inequality and Federal Expenditures and Transfers in Russia.

Torrisi, Gianpiero (2009): Infrastructures and economic performance: a critical comparison across four approaches. Published in: Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2010): pp. 86-96.

Trenovski, Borce (2014): Monitoring Report on the Transparency and Accountability of The Budget Users. Published in: Center for Economic Analyses – CEA (research monograph) No. ISBN 978-608-4731-16-0 : pp. 1-40.

Uppal, Yogesh and Glazer, Amihai (2011): Legislative turnover, fiscal policy, and economic growth: evidence from U.S. state legislatures.

Vasvári, Tamás (2012): The deficit mechanism of the Hungarian municipalities. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 283-305.

Vukovic, Vuk (2013): Persistent electoral success with endogenous rents.

Wenshuang, Yu and Lindsay M., Tedds and Gillian, Petit (2022): Assessing Trends and Patterns of the Effect of COVID-19 on Public Transit Revenues in the City of Calgary.

Winkler, Hernan (2021): When Coal Leaves Town: Can Local Governments Help?

Xie, Zoe (2020): Changes in State Unemployment Insurance Rules during the COVID-19 Outbreak in the U.S. Published in: Atlanta Fed Policy Hub No. 02-2020 (April 2020): pp. 1-11.

Yim, Andrew (2009): Efficient Committed Budget for Implementing Target Audit Probability for Many Inspectees. Published in: Management Science , Vol. 55, No. 12 : pp. 2000-2018.


Achten-Gozdowski, Jennifer (2018): Geschichte und Politökonomie deutscher Theatersubventionen.



Catapano, Cristina and Cesaroni, Tatiana and Fontana, Alessandro and Monacelli, Daniela (2008): L'individuazione di un benchmark per il fabbisogno di spesa dei comuni italiani: un'analisi per gruppi omogenei.

Ferrarese, Cataldo and Nannariello, Guido (2014): Fondi strutturali: un’analisi della concentrazione degli interventi su base regionale.

Liberati, Paolo and Paradiso, Massimo (2012): Teoria positiva del beneficio e finanza locale responsabile: il contributo di Sergio Steve.

Pica, Federico and Amatucci, Angela and Villani, Salvatore (2009): Il “patto” di stabilità interno: le prospettive del “patto” e le questioni del contesto. Published in: Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno , Vol. XXIII, No. 3 (September 2009): pp. 627-650.

Pica, Federico and Villani, Salvatore (2012): Debito, Mezzogiorno e sviluppo. A trivial exercise. Forthcoming in: Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno , Vol. XXVI, No. 3 (31 September 2012): -.

Pica, Federico and Villani, Salvatore (2010): Questioni concernenti la nozione di costo standard: la mobilità dei pazienti e le mode sanitarie. Published in: Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno , Vol. a. XXI, No. n. 3 (1 January 2011): pp. 397-421.

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): La spesa sanitaria Ssn in Italia e nel Lazio. Ricostruzione con la metodologia Ecofin-Ocse, 1990 - oggi.

SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): Un Test sulle Ipotesi delle Proiezioni a Medio-Lungo Termine della Spesa Farmaceutica.

Villani, Salvatore (2010): Elementi ai fini della definizione della nozione di costo standard: una rassegna della letteratura e delle principali esperienze estere. Published in: Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno , Vol. XXIII, No. nn. 1-2 (2010): pp. 63-93.

Villani, Salvatore (2010): Per un giusto equilibrio tra efficacia ed efficienza nell’attuazione della legge delega sul federalismo fiscale: verso la definizione dei LEP e dei costi standard delle Regioni.

Villani, Salvatore and D'alessio, Lidia and Pica, Federico (2008): La questione dei costi standard ed i problemi del Mezzogiorno. Published in: Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno , Vol. anno X, No. 3-4 (December 2008): pp. 631-666.


Adachi, Yoshimi and Saito, Hitoshi (2015): 乳幼児医療費助成制度におけるヤードスティック競争.

Adachi, Yoshimi and Saito, Hitoshi (2015): 妊婦健診公費負担額における相互参照行動.

Hirota, Haruaki and Yunoue, Hideo (2011): 平成の大合併と歳出削減‐類似団体別市町村財政指数表を用いた実証分析‐.


Kwasnicki, Witold (2014): Jak wspierać rozwój innowacji społecznych? Published in: Innowacje społeczne: od idei do upowszechniania efektu (2014): pp. 27-43.


Abuselidze, George (2017): МЕЖБЮДЖЕТНЫЕ ОТНОШЕНИЯ И ОСНОВНЫЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ ИХ СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЯ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ГРУЗИИ). Published in: (27 November 2017): pp. 143-146.

Daskovskiy, Vadim and Teberdieva, Inna (2000): О выравнивании социально-экономического развития регионов. Published in: Пищевая промышленность (Food processing industry) No. 3 (March 2000): pp. 12-14.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2007): Новый подход к разработке методик анализа региональных экономических процессов. Published in: Вестник филиала ВЗФЭИ в г. Омске. , Vol. 8, No. Конкурентоспособность региональной экономики: опыт, проблемы, перспективы: Материалы междунар. научно-практич. конференции (2007): pp. 57-59.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2000): Стратегия развития системы городского самоуправления в новых экономических условиях. Published in: Информационно-аналитический бюллетень “Портал-инфо” администрации г.Омска No. 3 (2000): p. 6.

Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2009): Перспективы реформирования регионального экономического управления в Российской Федерации на современном этапе. Published in: Социально-экономические проблемы развития рыночной экономики: Сборник научных трудов No. Омск: ОмГТУ, 2009. – С. 80-93. – ISBN 978-5-8149-0706-6. (2009): pp. 80-93.

Kuznetsova, Elena (2013): Изменение социальной сферы в контексте бюджетной реформы. Published in: Россия и мировые тенденции развития, Всеросс. науч.-практ. конф. (2013): pp. 155-159.

Kuznetsova, Elena (2012): Особенности социальной работы на муниципальном уровне. Published in: Омские социально-гуманитарные чтения (2012): pp. 69-72.

Kuznetsova, Elena (2010): Организация опеки и попечительства на муниципальном уровне. Published in: Омские социально-гуманитарные чтения – 2010 (2010): pp. 58-61.

Shorin, Sergei (2023): Правовая социализация как способ предотвращения уклонения от уплаты налогов за счет обеспечения эффективности бюджетных расходов. Published in: Правовое регулирование публичного управления: проблемы, стратегии, вызовы времени: сборник материалов Всероссийской заочной конференции. 23 января 2023 г. (г. Липецк) / под общей ред. В.А. Брусенцевой. Липецк: Липецкий филиал РАНХиГС, 2023 г. 164 с. No. https://lip.ranepa.ru/upload/iblock/a2d/qixbe3btjflr8y10u4vxj2nqi16ikojt/Sbornik_23.01.2023.pdf (2023): pp. 155-162.


Baja Daza, Gover and Villarroel Böhrt, Sergio and Zavaleta Castellón, David (2012): Diseño institucional e incentivos implicitos en la descentralización Boliviana (1994-2008). Published in: Factores economicos e institucionales y su incidencia en el escaso desarrollo nacional y regional: Bolivia 1989-2009. (http://www.pieb.com.bo/factores.php).

Gerardo, Uña and Nicolás, Bertello and Luciano, Strazza (2009): Solvencia fiscal para la sustentabilidad del gasto social: Un desafío pendiente en Argentina. Published in: Fundacion Siena Website No. 08 (2009): 01-12.

Gonzalez-Alvarez, María A. (2020): Emprendimiento, rentas de las familias y políticas activas de empleo.

Huayta Zapata, Katia and Tolentino Huaroto, Cinthia (2013): Evaluación del gasto y análisis de beneficiarios del Programa Nacional de Movimiento para la Alfabetización del Perú.

Huayta Zapata, Katia and Tolentino Huaroto, Cinthia (2013): Evaluación del gasto y análisis de beneficiarios del Programa Nacional de Movimiento para la Alfabetización del Perú.

Ken, Crucita Aurora (2013): Caracterización de la participación ciudadana en la gestión pública municipal en Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo, 2013. Published in: Problemas del desarrollo regional en la región sur sureste de México: política, economía y sociedad , Vol. 1, No. 1 (3 May 2014): pp. 49-60.

Mauro, Raul (2007): Transferencias a los Gobiernos Locales: una mirada a las fuentes de su desigualdad.

Molero, Juan Carlos (2002): Gasto Público y Federalismo Fiscal en España. Período 1984-1998. Published in: Edit: Consejo Económica y Social (CES), España. (June 2002): pp. 1-310.

Sour, Laura (2011): El Sistema de Contabilidad Gubernamental que mejorará la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas en México. Published in: Transparencia y Privacidad. Revista Mexicana de Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos. No. 1 (June 2011): pp. 34-57.

Sour, Laura (2008): Gasto público basado en políticas públicas: ¿Hasta dónde hemos avanzado en México? Published in: Instituto de Administración Pública del Estado de México, A, C. (IAPEM) No. 70 (May 2008): pp. 137-165.

Sour, Laura (2008): Un repaso de conceptos sobre capacidad y esfuerzo fiscal, y su aplicación para los gobiernos locales mexicanos. Published in: Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos, El Colegio de México , Vol. 23, No. 2 (May 2008): pp. 271-297.

Uña, Gerardo and Bertello, Nicolas (2007): Situacion Fiscal y Fondo Anticiclico en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: evolucion y perspectivas.

Villalobos Lopez, Jose Antonio (2020): El Presupuesto Municipal como elemento fundamental de las Finanzas Públicas.


Bilge, Semih and Celikay, Ferdi (2008): Avrupa Birliği Bütçesi Gelir Kalemlerinde Yaşanan Değişim Sürecinin Analizi. Published in: Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi No. 28 (December 2010): pp. 213-226.

Bilge, Semih and Celikay, Ferdi (2007): Avrupa Birliği Bütçesinin Geleceği:Bütçe Revizyon Çalışmaları. Published in: Maliye Dergisi No. 157 (30 December 2009): pp. 150-165.

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