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Items where Subject is "L44 - Antitrust Policy and Public Enterprises, Nonprofit Institutions, and Professional Organizations"

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Number of items at this level: 29.


Bendikov, Mikhail and Kolesnik, Georgiy (2013): Конкуренция саморегулируемых организаций и эффективность рынков.


Congedo, Pierluigi (2015): Functional or structural separation to deal with vertical foreclosure effects in the electronic communications industry, pending the Second British Telecoms Review (2015). Published in: Italian Antitrust Review , Vol. 2, No. 3 (30 December 0201): pp. 65-90.

Congedo, Pierluigi and ghezzi, federico (2010): I rimedi nelle operazioni di concentrazione. Disciplina e prassi comunitaria. Cenni sulla disciplina e prassi italiana. Published in: Trattato dei contratti Rescigno Gabrielli UTET Giuridica , Vol. c IX, No. volume "Contratti della concorrenza" (2010)


Donna, Javier and Pereira, Pedro (2023): Rivals’ Exit and Vertical Merger Evaluation. Published in: Journal Of Competition Law & Economics , Vol. 2, No. 19 (2023): pp. 220-249.

Donna, Javier and Pereira, Pedro (2024): Structural Presumptions for Non-horizontal Mergers in the 2023 Merger Guidelines: A Primer and a Path Forward. Published in: Review of Industrial Organization , Vol. 64, No. 5 (15 July 2024): pp. 1-43.


Garcia, Arturo and Leal, Mariel and Lee, Sang-Ho (2019): Cooperation with a multiproduct corporation in a strategic managerial delegation. Forthcoming in: Managerial and Decision Economics

Garcia, Arturo and Leal, Mariel and Lee, Sang-Ho (2020): Welfare-improving cooperation with a consumer-friendly multiproduct corporation.

Garrod, Luke and Olczak, Matthew (2016): Collusion, Firm Numbers and Asymmetries Revisited.

Gedai, Endre and Kóczy, László Á. and Zombori, Zita (2012): Cluster games: A novel, game theory-based approach to better understand incentives and stability in clusters.

Gomez-Martinez, Francisco (2016): Partial Cartels and Mergers with Heterogeneous Firms: Experimental Evidence.

Gorecki, Paul (2021): Reforming Non-Notifiable Mergers in Ireland: the Kantar Media/Newsaccess Transaction.


Haraguchi, Junichi and Matsumura, Toshihiro (2017): Optimal Privatization Policy with Asymmetry among Private Firms.

Haraguchi, Junichi and Matsumura, Toshihiro and Yoshida, Shohei (2017): Competitive Pressure from Neighboring Markets and Optimal Privatization Policy.


Jellal, Mohamed and Souam, Said (2014): Incentives and optimal antitrust policy.

Johnson, Paa-Nii T. and Yawson, Robert M. (2000): Enhancing the food security of the peri-urban and urban poor through improvements to the quality, safety and economics of street-vended foods. Published in: Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, UK: : pp. 1-63.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Influence of structure and ownership of lignite opencast mine and power plant bilateral monopoly on its operation. Published in: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection MPES/06 (20 September 2006): pp. 26-31.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Schemat arbitrażowy Nasha, a podział zysków w bilateralnym monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Cześć druga – zastosowania w negocjacjach strategicznych i taktycznych. Published in: Górnictwo Odkrywkowe (Opencast Mining) , Vol. XLIX, No. No.1-2 (January 2007): pp. 81-88.


Keramidou, Ioanna and Mimis, Angelos (2023): Enjoying a quiet life even during a great recession? Evidence from the Greek olive oil industry.


Levy, Daniel (2013): Discussion of "Local News Online: Aggregators, Geo-Targeting and the Market for Local News" by George, L. and C. Hogendorn.


Marini, Marco A. and Corchon, Luis (2016): Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization: An Introduction. Forthcoming in: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization (10 September 2017): pp. 1-15.

Merino Troncoso, Carlos (2021): Consumer Demand Estimation. Forthcoming in:

Merino Troncoso, Carlos (2021): Macroeconomic effects of EU Competition Policy.

Merino Troncoso, Carlos (2021): Macroeconomic effects of EU Competition Policy.

Mumcu, Ayşe and Oğur, Serhan and Zenginobuz, Unal (2001): Competition between regulated and non-regulated generators on electric power networks.

Mumcu, Ayşe and Zenginobuz, Unal (2001): Competition Policy in Turkey. Published in: Conference Proceedings, ERF Eighth Annual Conference, Cairo, Egypt (January 2002)


Proctor, Adrian (2015): Conglomerate Mergers: Comparison with Vertical Foreclosure. Published in: World Competition , Vol. 4, No. 38 (2015): pp. 571-596.


Scopelliti, Alessandro Diego (2009): Competition and Economic Growth: an Empirical Analysis for a Panel of 20 OECD Countries.


Tonnerre, Antoine (2017): Merger Simulations in the American Airline Industry.


Xu, Lili and Lee, Sang-Ho (2021): Port integration and competition under public and private ownership.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 11:03:01 2025 CET.
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