Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Items where Subject is "N3 - Labor and Consumers, Demography, Education, Health, Welfare, Income, Wealth, Religion, and Philanthropy"

Group by: Creators Name | Language
Number of items at this level: 107.


Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): Assessment of the Foreign Non-Government Organizations' Role in Sudan.


Ager, Philipp and Brückner, Markus and Herz, Benedikt (2014): Effects of Agricultural Productivity Shocks on Female Labor Supply: Evidence from the Boll Weevil Plague in the US South.

Ali, Amjad and Ahmad, Khalil (2014): The Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Life Expectancy for Sultanate of Oman: An Empirical Analysis. Published in:

Ali, Amjad and Ahmad, Khalil (2014): The Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Life Expectancy for Sultanate of Oman: An Empirical Analysis. Published in: Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research , Vol. 22, No. 2 (2014): pp. 218-224.

Alshareef, Leena and Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Florian, Urmetzer (2024): Coopetition For The Greater Good. Exploratory study of coopetition management mechanisms in the pharmaceutical industry.

Alvi, Mohsin (2019): Difference in choice of occupation among linguistic communities of Karachi.

Andrianady, Josué R. (2023): Divine Development: The Impact of Religion on Madagascar’s Growth.

Aoki, Shuhei (2008): Was the Barrier to Labor Mobility an Important Factor for the Prewar Japanese Stagnation?

Audi, Marc and Ali, Amjad (2016): Socio-Economic Status and Life Expectancy in Lebanon: An Empirical Analysis.

Awan, Masood Sarwar and Waqas, Muhammad and Aslam, Muhammad Amir (2011): Why do Parents Make their Children Work? Evidence from Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey. Published in: International Journal of Academic Research , Vol. 2, No. 3 (2011): pp. 545-549.

Basuchoudhary, Atin and Allen, Sam and Siemers, Troy (2008): Civilization and the evolution of short sighted agents.

Battiston, Diego (2018): The Persistent Effects of Brief Interactions: Evidence from Immigrant Ships.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour Management in China: Legislation, Stratification, and Wages. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 17, No. 2014 (8 November 2014): pp. 419-424.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour-centred Politics and Judicial Institutionalisation: The Lineaments of an Early Proto-Regulatory State Model in Australia. Published in: Discourses on Global Studies , Vol. 1, No. 4 (14 September 2014): pp. 42-60.

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Origin of Minimum Wage Determination in Australia: The Political and Legal Institutions. Published in: Journal of Global Politics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (1 December 2012): pp. 163-198.

Benassi, Federico and Boeri, Marco and Elezi, Pranvera and Zindato, Donatella (2016): The importance of spatial adjustment processes in the labour force: the case of Albania. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 1 (October 2016): pp. 82-103.

Brie, Ioan and Brie, Mircea (2008): The Interreligious Dialogue in the Context of the New Europe: The European Ecumenical Movement. Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. 5, No. Religious frontiers of Europe (2008): pp. 95-107.

Brie, Mircea (2009): Birth dynamics and structure in the romanian village in north-western Transylvania (former half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century). Published in: Romanian Journal of Population Studies , Vol. vol. I, (2009): pp. 70-95.

Brie, Mircea (2009): Contemporary Ecumenism between the Theologians’ Discourse and the Reality of Inter-confessional Dialogue. Case Study: Bihor. Published in: Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies , Vol. 8, No. 24 (2009): pp. 257-283.

Brie, Mircea (2008): Crizele de mortalitate şi vulnerabilitatea comunităţilor bihorene şi sătmărene în faţa morţii (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX). Published in: Caiete de Antropologie Istorică , Vol. anul V, No. Lume rurală şi modernitate (2009): pp. 103-128.

Brie, Mircea (2011): Ethnic Identity and the Issue of Otherness through Marriage in Northwest Transylvania (Second Half of the XIX - Early XX Century). Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. Suppli, No. Mircea Brie, Sorin Şipoş, Ioan Horga, Ethno-Confessional Realities in the Romanian Area: Historical Perspectives, Editura Universităţii din Oradea, supliment Eurolimes, Oradea (2011): pp. 89-104.

Brie, Mircea (2011): Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Dialogue in the European Border Space. Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. Suppli, No. Mircea Brie, Ioan Horga, Sorin Şipoş, Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border, Editura Universităţii din Oradea/Editura Universităţii din Debrecen, supliment Eurolimes, Oradea/Debrecen (2011): pp. 11-18.

Brie, Mircea (2008): Family and society in north-western Transylvania (2nd Half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century). General framework: concepts, methods and approaches. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula Istorie (2008): pp. 105-128.

Brie, Mircea (2009): Inter-confessional dialogue and ecumenical movement in the latter half of the 20th century. case study: Oradea. Published in: Histria Urbana (2009): pp. 297-322.

Brie, Mircea (2009): Life Expectancy in North-Western Transylvania (latter half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century). Published in: Transylvanian Review , Vol. XIX, n, (2010): pp. 34-49.

Brie, Mircea (2009): Male authority vs. female authority in traditional rural society. Published in: Romanian Journal of Population Studies , Vol. Supple, No. Ioan Bolovan (coord.), Families Europe between the 19th and the 21st Centuries. From the Traditional Model to Contemporary PACS (2009): pp. 657-670.

Brie, Mircea (2010): Parish registers of civil status in Transylvania in the second half of the nineteenth century. Documentary signification. Published in: Transylvanian Review , Vol. vol. X, (2011): pp. 187-208.

Brie, Mircea and Horga, Ioan and Şipoş, Sorin (2011): Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border. Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. Suppli, (2011): pp. 1-502.

Brie, Mircea and Polgar, Istvan (2011): Infantile mortality and life expectancy: vulnerability indicators in north-western Transylvanian communities (second half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century). Published in: Romanian Journal of Population Studies , Vol. VI, No. no. 1 (2012): pp. 103-122.

Brie, Mircea and Polgar, Istvan and Chirodea, Florentina (2012): European union. identity, diversity and integration. Published in: Annals University of Oradea. International Relations and European Studies No. Suppliment 2012 (2012): pp. 1-342.

Brie, Mircea and Pop, Cosmin Adrian and Polgar, Istvan (2012): Interculturality and ethnodiversity in post-comunist Romania. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Seria Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Europene , Vol. IV, (2012): pp. 111-121.

Clark, Gregory (2010): 1381 and the Malthus Delusion.

Clark, Gregory (2010): The Consumer Revolution: Turning Point in Human History, or Statistical Artifact?

Clark, Gregory and Cummins, Joe and Smith, Brock (2010): The Surprising Wealth of Pre-industrial England.

Clark, Gregory and Cummins, Neil (2010): Malthus to Modernity: England’s First Fertility Transition, 1760-1800.

Dev, Pritha and Mberu, Blessing and Pongou, Roland (2013): Communitarianism, Oppositional Cultures, and Human Capital Contagion: Theory and Evidence from Formal versus Koranic Education.

Dev, Pritha and Mberu, Blessing and Pongou, Roland (2015): Ethnic Inequality: Theory and Evidence from Formal Education in Nigeria. Forthcoming in: Economic Development and Cultural Change

Dhas, Albert Christopher and Helen, Mary Jacqueline (2008): Impact of Globalisation and Economic Reforms on Employment in India.

Dixon, Keith (2013): Growth and dispersion of accounting research about New Zealand before and during a National Research Assessment Exercise: Five decades of academic journals bibliometrics.

Fachinger, Uwe / UF (2009): New Forms of Employment and the Social Security System: The Case of Germany.

Glaser, Darrell and Rahman, Ahmed (2015): Human Capital on the High Seas - Job Mobility and Returns to Technical Skill During Industrialization.

Graves, Philip E. and Linneman, Peter D. (1979): Human migration: theoretical and empirical results. Published in: Journal of Urban Economics , Vol. 6, No. 3 : pp. 383-404.

Groot, Loek and Peeters, Marga (2011): A global view on demographic pressure and labour market participation.

Gutiérrez, José Manuel and Quiroga Valle, Gloria (2023): Gender gap and spatial disparities in the evolution of literacy in Spain, 1860-1910.

Guzmán, Ricardo Andrés (2008): The Neolithic Revolution from a price-theoretic perspective.

HARIT, ADITYA (2024): The Economic Implications of AI-Driven Automation: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis.

Haq, Rashida and Arshad, Nabeela (2007): Poverty and Access to Maternal Health Care Services in Pakistan: Evidence from Perception Based Data. Published in: Population and Regional Development Nexus: 8th Annual Population Research Proceedings, December 17-18, 2007 Islamabad, Pakistan (2008): pp. 241-259.

Hauner, Thomas and Milanovic, Branko and Naidu, Suresh (2017): Inequality, Foreign Investment, and Imperialism.

Jaelani, Aan (2016): Cirebon as the Silk Road: A New Approach of Heritage Tourisme and Creative Economy. Published in: Journal of Economics and Political Economy , Vol. 3, No. 2 (14 June 2016): pp. 264-283.

Jaelani, Aan (2016): Economic Philosophy of al-Mawardi: Economic Behavior in Adab al-Dunya wa-al-Din and al-Ahkam al-Sulthaniyah.

Jaelani, Aan (2017): Economic philosophy of al-Mawardi: Review of economic behaviour in Islamic economic. Published in: The Social Sciences , Vol. 13, No. 2 (19 January 2018): pp. 305-315.

Jaelani, Aan (2016): Religion, Economy, and State: Economic Thought of al-Mawardi in Adab al-Dunya wa-al-Din. Published in: Journal of Economics Library , Vol. 3, No. 3 (30 September 2016): pp. 508-523.

Jaelani, Aan (2016): Zakah Management for Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. Published in: Turkish Economic Review , Vol. 3, No. 3 (30 September 2016): pp. 495-512.

Johnson, Paa-Nii T. and Yawson, Robert M. (2000): Enhancing the food security of the peri-urban and urban poor through improvements to the quality, safety and economics of street-vended foods. Published in: Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, UK: : pp. 1-63.

Kendrick, Neil (2013): Educação para todos –“free to those who can afford it”: human capital and inequality persistence in 21st c Brazil. Published in: The Economic History Working Paper Series No. 2013 (2013)

Khan, Haider and Schettino, Francesco (2018): Income Polarization in the USA (1983-2016): what happened to the middle class?

Khan, Haider and Schettino, Francesco and Gabriele, Alberto (2017): Polarization and the Middle Class in China: a Non-Parametric Evaluation Using CHNS and CHIP Data.

Khan, Shahrukh R. and Mohammad, Irfan (1990): Disaggregating rates of return to education.

Kim, Steven (2016): Complex Factors Behind Misguided Policies in Socioeconomics: From Mass Migration and Persistent Alienation to Rampant Crime and Economic Malaise. Published in: Journal of Economic and Social Thought , Vol. 3, No. 3 (September 2016): pp. 376-399.

Kohnert, Dirk (1996): Magic and Witchcraft: Implications for Democratization and Poverty-Alleviating Aid in Africa. Published in: World Development , Vol. 24, No. 8 (1 September 1996): 1347 -1355.

Lambert, Thomas (2019): Game of Thrones or Game of Class Struggle? Revisiting the Demise of Feudalism and the Dobb-Sweezy Debate.

Le Bris, David and Tallec, Ronan (2021): The European Marriage Pattern and its Positive Consequences Montesquieu-Volvestre, 1660-1789.

Leigh, Andrew (2024): The Shortest History of Economics (published in the US as How Economics Explains the World). Published in: Book , Vol. N/A, No. N/A (2024)

Leon, Vicente and Bird, Matthew (2018): A Will in Search of a Way: Philanthropy in Education in Peru.

Ly, Bora (2018): The impact of TVET on Cambodia’s economic development. Published in:

Mamoon, Dawood (2020): How Capitalism and Islamic Economics Supplement Each Other.

Milanovic, Branko (2009): Global inequality and global inequality extraction ratio: The story of the last two centuries.

Milanovic, Branko (2016): Towards an explanation of inequality in pre-modern societies:the role of colonies and high population density.

Milanovic, Branko and Lindert, Peter and Williamson, Jeffrey (2007): Measuring Ancient Inequality.

Milanovic, Branko and Mijatovic, Bosko (2019): Real urban wage in an agricultural economy without landless farmers: Serbia, 1862-1910.

Okoye, Dozie and Pongou, Roland and Yokossi, Tite (2017): On the Dispensability of New Transportation Technologies: Evidence from the Heterogeneous Impact of Railroads in Nigeria.

Olimid, Anca Parmena (2010): Religious affiliation and economic development: a recent literature review.

Pezzuto, Roberto (2015): The age distribution of the labor force as evidence of prior events: The Italian data for 1911 and the long swing in investment from Unification to the Great War.

Pulok, Mohammad Habibullah (2012): Revisiting Health and Income Inequality Relationship:Evidence from Developing Countries.

Razzaq, Sadia and Sadiq, Tayyaba and Naseem, Imran (2012): Assessing Gender Mainstreaming in Developmental Organizations of Abbottabad.

Roy, Chandan and Barman, Jiten (2012): Child Labour & Inclusive Education in Backward Districts of India. Published in: International Journal of Education , Vol. No. 4, No. No. 4 (20 December 2012): pp. 311-327.

Sariipek, Doga Basar and Çuhadar, Seyran Gürsoy (2017): Implementation of a “Self-Sufficient Ageing” Policy and Possible Challenges: Case of Turkey. Published in: Czech-Polish-Slovak Studies in Andragogy and Social Gerontology , Vol. 7, (November 2017): pp. 221-256.

Shah, Iqbal H. and Pullum, Thomas W. and Mohammad, Irfan (1985): Fertility in Pakistan during the 1970s. Published in: Journal of Bio-Social Science, London , Vol. 18, (1986): pp. 215-229.

Shi, Xiangyu (2024): The Long Shadow of the Imperial Examination System and the Historical Root of ``Needham Puzzle'' and the Chinese Growth Miracle.

Silva, Buddhika and Hasan, Amena (2023): Beyond the Glass Ceiling: How Women Leaders Drive Innovation and Performance in Top Management. Forthcoming in: Journal of Gender Equality , Vol. 2, No. 35 (2024): pp. 1-19.

Singh, Vik (2005): Earnings of culture workers: findings from Canadian Census data. Published in: Focus on Culture , Vol. 15, No. 2 : pp. 1-5.

Spenkuch, Jörg L. (2011): The Protestant Ethic and Work: Micro Evidence from Contemporary Germany.

Swamy, Vighneswara and B K, Tulasimala (2013): Women Financing and Household Economics. Published in: Economics, Management, and Financial Markets , Vol. 8, No. 3 (September 2013): pp. 19-36.

Tausch, Arno (2015): Hofstede, Inglehart and beyond. New directions in empirical global value research.

Van Leeuwen, Bas and van Leeuwen-Li, Jieli and Foldvari, Peter (2012): Education as a driver of income inequality in twentieth-century Africa.

Weiss, Volkmar (2007): The Population Cycle Drives Human History - from a Eugenic Phase into a Dysgenic Phase and Eventual Collapse. Published in: The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies , Vol. 32, No. No. 3, Fall (2007): pp. 327-358.

Zhao, Qiyi C. (2023): Rethinking “Distance From”: Lessons from Wittenberg and Mainz.

de Carvalho Filho, Irineu and Monasterio, Leonardo M (2011): Immigration and the origins of regional inequality: Government-sponsored European migration to Southern Brazil before World War I.


Kotroyannos, Dimitrios (2016): Alexis Tsipras und der rhetorische Diskurs als Politik.


Jaelani, Aan (2015): Kontribusi Sarjana Muslim bagi Peradaban Eropa: Melacak Akar Sejarah dan Perkembangan Ekonomi. Published in: Festival & Seminar Tahunan Seni & Peradaban Tingkat Internasional , Vol. 1, No. Menuju Perdamaian Dunia Melalui Islam Berkemajuan Mencerahkan Keadaban Bangsa-bangsa (23 February 2016): pp. 1-28.

Jaelani, Aan (2015): Manajemen Zakat di Indonesia dan Brunei Darussalam. Published in: Nurjati Press Cirebon (1 October 2015): pp. 1-156.


Zanini, Andrea (2019): Filantropia o controllo sociale? Le opere assistenziali di un feudatario del Settecento. Forthcoming in:


Anton, Casian (2012): Dimensiunea Economică a Strategiei Europa 2020. Published in: THE PERSISTENCE OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS: CAUSES, IMPLICATIONS, SOLUTIONS, , Vol. 19th I, No. Student Papers (15 July 2012): pp. 1-10.

Brie, Mircea (2010): Alteritatea confesională prin căsătorie la românii din zona Crişanei (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX). Published in: Romanian Journal of Population Studies , Vol. Supple, No. Ioan Bolovan, Diana Covaci, Daniela Deteşan, Marius Eppel, Elena Crina Holom, În Căutarea fericirii. Viaţa familială în spaţiul românesc în sec. XVIII-XX (2010): pp. 147-166.

Brie, Mircea (2008): Concubinajul – formă a erodării şi disoluţiei familiei în spaţiul Crişanei (începutul secolului XX). Published in: Supliment al Masteratului de istoria şi socio-antropologia epocii moderne , Vol. X, No. Ioan Bolovan, Cornelia Mureşan, Mihaela Hărăguş (coordonatori), Perspective demografice, istorice şi sociologice. Studii de populaţie, Omagiu profesorului Traian Rotariu la împlinirea vârstei de 65 ani, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca (2008): pp. 151-181.

Brie, Mircea (2008): Căsătoria mixtă – punct de trecere a „frontierei” comunitare (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX - debutul secolului XX). Published in: Sorin Şipoş, Mircea Brie, Florin Sfrengeu, Ion Gumenâi (coord.), Frontierele spaţiului românesc în context European, Editura Universităţii din Oradea/ Editura Cartdidact, Oradea/Chişinău (2008): pp. 192-219.

Brie, Mircea (2009): Căsătoria în nord-vestul Transilvaniei (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX - începutul secolului XX). Condiţionări exterioare şi strategii maritale. Published in: (2009): pp. 1-435.

Brie, Mircea (2011): Căsătorie, mentalităţi colective şi reglementări cutumiare în nord-vestul Transilvaniei (a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea). Published in: Crisia , Vol. suplim, No. Interferenţe intercultural. Studia in honorem Aurel Chiriac Sexagenarii (2012): pp. 173-186.

Brie, Mircea (2007): Divorţul ca formă de erodare a familiei în comitatele Bihor şi Sătmar (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX). Published in: Corneliu Pădurean, Ioan Bolovan (coord.), Studii de demografie istorică (secolele XVII-XXI), Editura Gutemberg Univers, Arad (2010): pp. 77-98.

Brie, Mircea (2008): Familie şi societate în nord-vestul Transilvaniei (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX).

Brie, Mircea (2010): Profesiuni rurale versus profesiuni urbane. Determinismele socio-profesionale şi opţiunile maritale în Crişana (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX). Published in: Iosif Marin Balog, Rudolf Graf, Ioan Lumperdean, Relaţia rural-urban: ipostaze ale modernităţii, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, p. 373-394 (2010): pp. 373-394.

Brie, Mircea (2010): Registrele parohiale de stare civilă din Transilvania în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea. Semnificaţie documentară. Published in: Dan Octavian Cepraga, Sorin Șipoș (coord.), Interpretazioni del documento storico. Valore documentario e dimensioni letterarie, Padova/Oradea (2010): pp. 164-193.

Brie, Mircea (2010): Reglementări juridice privitoare la familie în legislaţia austriacă şi maghiară din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea. Published in: Sorin Şipoş, Mircea Brie, Ioan Horga, Igor Şarov, Ion Gumenâi (coord.) Politici imperiale în estul şi vestul spaţiului românesc, Editura Universităţii din Oradea/Editura Cartdidact, Oradea/Chişinău (2010): pp. 301-310.

Gheorghe, Anamaria Elena and Manole, Andrada Ligia and Andronache, Alin and Cristescu, Cătălin and Luca, Cătălin Viorel and Constantin, Pompiliu Nicolae and Rogojanu, Dumitru Cătălin and Luca, Constantin and Duţă, Andeea Emilia and Mărcău, Flavius Cristian and Ciorei, Mihaela Andreea and Marin, Ştefan Claudiu and Mihalache, Gabriela and Liţoiu (MurăriIţa), Cristina and Cigăreanu, Elena and Purcaru, Mihai and Bușe, Dan and Papuc, Valentin (2012): Research and Science Today No.3. Published in: Research and Science Today

Şipoş, Sorin and Brie, Mircea and Horga, Ioan and Şarov, Igor and Gumenâi, Ion (2010): Politici imperiale în Estul şi Vestul Spaţiului Românesc. Published in: No. Collective volume. University of Oradea Press, Cartdidact Press. Oradea/Chisinau (2011): pp. 1-583.


Stukach, Victor and Lalova, Elena (2014): Человеческий капитал в сельском хозяйстве: формирование и развитие в животноводческих фермах Сибири.


Ossandón, José (2012): Destapando la Caja Negra: Sociologías de los Créditos de Consumo en Chile. Published in: (January 2012): pp. 1-132.

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