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Items where Subject is "N4 - Government, War, Law, International Relations, and Regulation"

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Number of items at this level: 78.


Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph (2014): Against all odds! Why the ‘three darlings’ failed? Published in: Presented at the 41st Academy of International Business (AIB-UK & Ireland) Conference (2014)


Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour-centred Politics and Judicial Institutionalisation: The Lineaments of an Early Proto-Regulatory State Model in Australia. Published in: Discourses on Global Studies , Vol. 1, No. 4 (14 September 2014): pp. 42-60.

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Patterns of Japanese FDI in Australia after the Lehman Shock: Perspectives of the Eclectic Paradigm and Institutional Economics. Published in: Euro Asia Journal of Management , Vol. 22, No. 41 (7 October 2012): pp. 29-47.

Bista, Raghu (2015): Conflict and Internal Displacement in Nepal:Socio-Economic Query. Published in: Journal of South Asian Studies , Vol. 3, No. 3 (3 March 2015): pp. 307-314.

Bitros, George C. (2020): Thinking ahead of the next big crash: Clues from Athens in classical times.

Bos, Frits (2012): Four centuries of fiscal decentralisation in the Netherlands in view of different economic theoretic perspectives. Published in: OECD Journal on Budgeting , Vol. 2, No. 2012 (2012): pp. 1-52.

Brie, Mircea (2009): Europe from Exclusive Borders to Inclusive Frontiers: Case Study Romanian - Ukrainian Frontier. Published in: Ioan Horga, Istvan Suli-Zakar (coord.), Cross-Border Partnersip with Spacial Regard to the Hungarian-Romanian-Ukrainian Tripartite Border (2010): pp. 23-36.

Brie, Mircea (2010): Reglementări juridice privitoare la familie în legislaţia austriacă şi maghiară din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea. Published in: Sorin Şipoş, Mircea Brie, Ioan Horga, Igor Şarov, Ion Gumenâi (coord.) Politici imperiale în estul şi vestul spaţiului românesc, Editura Universităţii din Oradea/Editura Cartdidact, Oradea/Chişinău (2010): pp. 301-310.

Brie, Mircea and Horga, Ioan (2009): The european union external border. an epistemological approach. Published in: Revista Română de Geografie Politică (2009): pp. 15-31.

Brie, Mircea and Polgar, Istvan (2011): Dual Citizenship Granted to Hungarian Ethnics. Context and Arguments in the Romanian and Hungarian Mass Media. Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. Suppli, No. Mircea Brie, Ioan Horga, Sorin Şipoş, Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border, Editura Universităţii din Oradea/Editura Universităţii din Debrecen, supliment Eurolimes, Oradea/Debrecen (2011): pp. 151-162.


Cerami, Alfio (2006): The Politics of Reforms in Bismarckian Welfare Systems: The Cases of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Published in: Conference Paper presented at the conference “A long good bye to Bismarck? The politics of welfare reforms in Continental Europe”At: Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies Harvard University Cambridge, Massachussets June 16 - 17, 2006. No. Published in Bruno Palier (ed.), A Long-Good Bye to Bismarck? The Politics of Reforms in Continental Europe, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 233

Cohen, Joseph N and Linton, April (2010): The historical relationship between inflation and political rebellion, and what it might teach us about neoliberalism.


Depetris-Chauvin, Emilio and Özak, Ömer (2015): Population Diversity, Division of Labor and the Emergence of Trade and State.


Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros (2021): Kaiserin Theophano’s: The political, economic and cultural deeds of a Byzantine princess who became empress of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas (2015): Athenian fiscal expansionary policy and peace versus war strategy.

Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas and Metaxas, Theodore (2014): Warfare at sea and profit: Corsairs, institutions and partnership companies.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Lógicas de argumentación e instituciones internacionales.

Estrada, Fernando (2014): Ronald Coase 1910-2013, In memoriam.

Evers, Hans-Dieter (2013): Understanding the South China Sea: An explorative cultural analysis. Published in: International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies , Vol. 10, No. 1 (2014): pp. 77-93.


Fedotenkov, Igor (2019): Terrorist attacks and public approval and confidence in the Russian president: Evidence from time series analysis.


Gheorghe, Anamaria Elena and Manole, Andrada Ligia and Andronache, Alin and Cristescu, Cătălin and Luca, Cătălin Viorel and Constantin, Pompiliu Nicolae and Rogojanu, Dumitru Cătălin and Luca, Constantin and Duţă, Andeea Emilia and Mărcău, Flavius Cristian and Ciorei, Mihaela Andreea and Marin, Ştefan Claudiu and Mihalache, Gabriela and Liţoiu (MurăriIţa), Cristina and Cigăreanu, Elena and Purcaru, Mihai and Bușe, Dan and Papuc, Valentin (2012): Research and Science Today No.3. Published in: Research and Science Today

Glaser, Darrell and Rahman, Ahmed (2015): Ex Tridenti Mercatus? Sea-power and Maritime Trade in the Age of Globalization.

Guerriero, Carmine and de Oliveira, Guilherme (2014): Extractive States: The Case of the Italian Unification.


Hamanaka, Shingo (2009): Public Opinion behind the Deterrence: An Evolutionary Game Theoretic Study of the Israeli Policy towards Lebanon.

Hauner, Thomas and Milanovic, Branko and Naidu, Suresh (2017): Inequality, Foreign Investment, and Imperialism.

Hillebrand, Evan and Bervoets, Jeremy (2013): Economic Sanctions and The Sanctions Paradox: A Post-Sample Validation of Daniel Drezner’s Conflict Expectations Model.

Horga, Ioan and Brie, Mircea (2010): Europe between Exclusive Borders and Inclusive Frontiers. Published in: Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Series Europaea (2010): pp. 63-86.

Horga, Ioan and Brie, Mircea (2009): La coopération interuniversitaire aux frontières extérieures de l’Union Européenne et la contribution à la politique européenne de voisinage. Published in: Ioan Horga, Grigore Silaşi, Istvan Suli-Zakar Stanislaw Sagan (editors), The European Parliament, Intercultural Dialogue and European Neighbourhood Policy, Oradea (2009): pp. 232-251.

Husain, Fazal and Rashid, Abdul (2006): Significant Shift in Causal Relations of Money, Income, and Prices in Pakistan: The price Hikes in the Early 1970s. Published in:


Jaelani, Aan (2015): Kontribusi Sarjana Muslim bagi Peradaban Eropa: Melacak Akar Sejarah dan Perkembangan Ekonomi. Published in: Festival & Seminar Tahunan Seni & Peradaban Tingkat Internasional , Vol. 1, No. Menuju Perdamaian Dunia Melalui Islam Berkemajuan Mencerahkan Keadaban Bangsa-bangsa (23 February 2016): pp. 1-28.

Jakee, Keith (2013): The 1992-93 Swedish Crisis Debate: How Economic Consensus Overturns Tradition. Published in:

Jebwab, Remi and Johnson, Noel D and Koyama, Mark (2017): Negative Shocks and Mass Persecutions: Evidence from the Black Death.

Jomadar, Dinesh (2008): European Union.


Kim, Steven (2016): Complex Factors Behind Misguided Policies in Socioeconomics: From Mass Migration and Persistent Alienation to Rampant Crime and Economic Malaise. Published in: Journal of Economic and Social Thought , Vol. 3, No. 3 (September 2016): pp. 376-399.

Kimbrough, Erik and Laughren, Kevin and Sheremeta, Roman (2017): War and Conflict in Economics: Theories, Applications, and Recent Trends. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Klimov, Blagoy (2010): Challenging path dependence? Ideational mapping of nationalism and the EU’s transformative power: The case of infrastructural politics in SEE.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis and Tcheta-Bampa, Albert (2014): Cold War and Institutional Quality: Some Empirical Evidence.

Koffi, Siméon (2019): Nonlinear Impact of Public Debt on Economic Growth: Evidence from Sub-Saharan African Countries.

Kohnert, Dirk (2007): On the Articulation of Witchcraft and Modes of Production among the Nupe, Northern Nigeria. Published in: In: Schmidt, Burghart et al (eds.): Witchcraft in Modern Africa: Witches, witch-hunts and magical imaginaries”, Veröffentlichungen des Arbeitskreis für Historische Hexen- und Kriminalitätsforschung in Norddeutschland, Band 5, Verlag Dokumentation & No. 2007: 62-94 (December 2007): pp. 62-94.

Kohnert, Dirk (2021): The socio-economic impact of Brexit on CANZUK and the Anglosphere in times of Corona : The case of Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Kotroyannos, Dimitrios (2016): Alexis Tsipras und der rhetorische Diskurs als Politik.

Kyriazis, Nicholas and Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros (2013): A Comparative analysis of federations: The Achaean federation and the European Union.

Kyriazis, Nicholas and Metaxas, Theodore (2013): The emergence of democracy: a behavioural perspective.


Leigh, Andrew (2024): The Shortest History of Economics (published in the US as How Economics Explains the World). Published in: Book , Vol. N/A, No. N/A (2024)


MUREŞAN, Adriana Rodica and CRISTESCU, Cătălin and RUSU, Anca-Elena and MĂRCĂU, Flavius-Cristian and CIOREI, Mihaela Andreea and CIUBOTARU, Iulian Marcel and DAMIAN, Irina and ŞERBAN, Ileana Daniela and POPA (LUPU), Diana-Gabriela and GHEORGHE, Anamaria Elena and GHERVASE, Denis – Gabriela and IOSIF, Daniel and MARIN, Ştefan - Claudiu and MARIN, Camelia and RUXANDA, Mihaela (2011): Research and Science Today No.2. Published in: Research and Science Today

Marongiu, Federico (2007): LA PROMOCIÓN INDUSTRIAL DURANTE EL GOBIERNO JUSTICIALISTA DE 1973 – 1976. Published in: Anales de las 1as Jornadas de Historia de la Industria y los Servicios (August 2007)

Marongiu, Federico (2007): La reforma del sistema financiero argentino de 1977 como factor fundamental para la instauración del modelo económico neoliberal en la Argentina. Published in: Anales del 1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Historia Económica (December 2007)

Marongiu, Federico (2006): Políticas de shock en la agonía del estado peronista: el Rodrigazo y el Mondelliazo. Published in: Anales de las V Jornadas Nacionales de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea (September 2006)

Matić, Branko (2001): Commemorative Metal Money and Monetary Economy. Published in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Numismatic Congress in Croatia (2002): pp. 179-187.

Mazumdar, Surajit (2022): The Crisis of Globalization and India’s Economic Prospects.

Mo, Pak-Hung (2013): Geography, Writing System and History of Ancient Civilizations.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): إستعراض للموقف في الصومال ، الجشع ، الاستعمار والآثار الاقتصادية والاجتماعية.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2010): Property Rights, Land Disputes and Social Discontent in Sudan.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. and Osman, Kamal M. (2011): Humanitarian aid, internal displacement and social impacts in Sudan.

Morris, Sebastian (2001): Issues in Infrastructure Development Today: The Interlinkages. Published in: India Infrastructure Report (2001): pp. 9-32.

Mărcău, Flavius-Cristian and Ciorei, Mihaela (2012): Research and Science Today No. 4. Published in: Research and Science Today No. 2(4)/2012


NWAOBI, GODWIN (2013): Global Insecurity,Transparency and Sustainable Development:African Challenges.

Nitzan, Jonathan and Bichler, Shimshon (2005): The scientist and the church.


Pau, Louis-François (2010): Botnet economics and devising defence schemes from attackers’ own reward processes.

Paul, Duguid (2013): An anniversary to mark: the who, what, when, and why of California's trademark registration law of 1863.

Paxman, Andrew (2016): Symbioses imperative and convenient: The Evolution of Crony Capitalism in Puebla, Mexico, 1920-1940.

Pillai, Neiil (Nehaal) and Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Urmetzer, Florian (2024): Entrepreneurial Ecosystems as an Enabler of Technological Sovereignty: The Case of the Indian Short Form Video Market.

Polterovich, Victor (2018): К общей теории социально-экономического развития.

Popov, Vladimir (2022): Why is the United States so tough on Russia? The answer may be in the Lenin’s brochure of 1920.


Rigterink, Anouk S. (2012): New Wars in Numbers. An exploration of various datasets on intra-state violence.

Rockoff, Hugh and White, Eugene N. (2012): Monetary Regimes and Policy on a Global Scale: The Oeuvre of Michael D. Bordo.

Rowthorn, Robert and Guzmán, Ricardo Andrés and Rodríguez-Sickert, Carlos (2011): The economics of social stratification in premodern societies.


Samanta, Debabrata and Jha, Jitendra Kumar and Dinda, Soumyananda (2013): Assessment of Land Governance in Bihar. Published in: Workshop Contributory Papers at LBSNAA (20 February 2014): pp. 87-108.

Schiltz, Michael (2007): 'As Close as Lips and Teeth' The Daiichi Ginkō and Megata Tanetarō in Korea.

Schiltz, Michael (2007): ‘Separating the Roots of the Chrysanthemum’: Nishihara Kamezō and the Abortive China Loans, 1917-18.

Srb, Vladimir and Matić, Branko and Marković, Branimir (1999): DAS MONETÄRE SYSTEM DER REPUBLIK KROATIEN IN DER TRANSITION UND SEIN EINFLUSS AUF DAS SYSTEM DES ÖFFENTLICHEN FINANZEN. Published in: XX. Wissenschaftliches Symposium "Systemtransformation und internationale Wettbewerb" (October 1999): pp. 23-35.


Toms, Steven (2014): ‘Cold, Calculating Political Economy’: Fixed costs, the Rate of Profit and the Length of the Working Day in the Factory Act Debates, 1832-1847.

Tyabji, Nasir (1988): State Aid to Industry: Madras 1921-37. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 23, No. 31 (30 July 1988): PE51-PE62.


Vahabi, Mehrdad and Mohajer, Nasser (2019): درنگی سنجشگرایانه درباره‌ی نئولیبرالیسم. Published in: Akhbar Rooz (26 December 2019)

Vandenbroucke, Guillaume (2013): Fertility and Wars: the case of world war I in France.

Vandenbroucke, Guillaume (2012): Optimal fertility during World War I.

Vandenbroucke, Guillaume (2012): Optimal fertility during World War I.


Wenzel, Tina (2009): Beyond GDP - Measuring the Wealth of Nations. Published in: Munich, GRIN Verlag (March 2009)

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