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Items where Subject is "N44 - Europe: 1913-"

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Number of items at this level: 40.


Apostolides, Alexander (2012): Small debt, large problems in Cyprus: How even small debt in a British Colony led to the political crisis and violence in October 1931.


Barros, Gustavo (2019): Geopolítica do minério de ferro brasileiro no entreguerras.

Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo and Hernandez-Borreguero, Julian and Maixe-Altes, J. Carles and NuÑez-Torrado, Miriam (2009): Adoption and diffusion of double entry book-keeping in Mexico and Spain: A related but under-investigated development.

Baubeau, Patrice and Teixeira, Mateo (2024): Inflation without politics: how French prices outsmarted bullets, 1938-1949.

Bos, Frits (2006): De Nederlandse collectieve uitgaven in historisch perspectief.

Bos, Frits (2012): Four centuries of fiscal decentralisation in the Netherlands in view of different economic theoretic perspectives. Published in: OECD Journal on Budgeting , Vol. 2, No. 2012 (2012): pp. 1-52.

Bukvić, Rajko (2012): Ново познанство с „несмењивим” министром. Published in: Зборник Матице српске за друштвене науке (Matica Srpska Social Science Quarterly) , Vol. 63, No. 140 (3) (2012): pp. 393-400.

Bukvić, Rajko (1999): Istraživanja tržišnih struktura u privredi druge Jugoslavije. Published in: Ekonomika , Vol. 35, No. 1–2 (409–410) (1999): pp. 4-16.

Bukvić, Rajko and Pajović, Ivan (2017): Економски односи Србије и Румуније на почетку 21. века и могућности унапређења. Published in: Студије и истраживања ‒ Studii şi cercetări, Радови симпозијума „Банат – историја и мултикултуралност” ‒ Actele simpozionului „Banat ‒ istorie şi multiculturalitate”, Зрењанин 2016, Решица 2017 ‒ Zrenianin 2016, Reçiţa 2017, Издаваштво РДЕФВ ‒ Editura Fun (2017): pp. 403-424.


Chirodea, Florentina (2010): Academia de Drept din Oradea în perioada de Tranziție de la autoritățile maghiare la cele românești(1919 – 1921). Published in: Sorin Șipoș, Mircea Brie, Ioan Horga, Ion Gumenâi, Barbu Ștefănescu (coord.), Politici imperiale în estul și vestul spațiului românesc, University of Oradea Press, Cartdidact Press, Oradea, Chișinău, 2010 (2010): pp. 373-385.

Chirodea, Florentina (2010): Higher education institutions at the Romanian - Hungarian border prior to the war: Academy of Law, Oradea. Published in: Ioan Horga, Istvan Suli-Zakar, Cross-Border Partnership: with special regard to the Hungarian – Romanian – Ukrainian tripartite border, University of Oradea Press, 2010 (2010): pp. 89-94.

Clifton, Judith and Díaz-Fuentes, Daniel and Comín Comín, Francisco (2011): From national monopoly to Multinational Corporation: how regulation shaped the road towards telecommunications internationalization.


Dafano, Alessandro (2016): A “Statute of the Firm” as an antitrust law during the Seventies. Guido Carli’s chairmanship of the Italian Industrial Association (Confindustria).


Economou, Emmanouil Marios Lazaros and Kyriazis, Nicholas (2014): Property Rights and Democratic Values in pre-Classical Greece.


Fedotenkov, Igor (2019): Terrorist attacks and public approval and confidence in the Russian president: Evidence from time series analysis.

Felice, Emanuele and Lepore, Amedeo (2016): State intervention and economic growth in Southern Italy: the rise and fall of the «Cassa per il Mezzogiorno» (1950-1986).

Fremdling, Rainer (2018): Statistik und Organisation der NS-Kriegswirtschaft und der DDR-Planwirtschaft 1933-1949/50.


Gay, Victor (2020): Mapping the Third Republic. A Geographic Information System of France (1870–1940).

Georgescu, George (2023): The strange case of Romania’s Nicolae Ceaușescu: when the liquidation of sovereign debt results in country total damaging.

Georgescu, George (2018): O retrospectivă analitică a contextului crizei datoriei externe a României din anii 1980.

Georgescu, George (2017): Paradigmele istoriei. Datoria publică a României în ultimii 100 de ani.


Hantke, Max and Spoerer, Mark (2010): The imposed gift of Versailles: the fiscal effects of restricting the size of Germany’s armed forces, 1924–1929. Forthcoming in: Economic History Review

Hoffstadt, Martin (2022): The Start of Yugoslavia’s Disintegration: Where Borders Cut Commuting Spheres.


Kakpo, Eliakim and Le Gallo, Julie and Grivault, Camille and Breuillé, Marie (2019): Does railway accessibility boost population growth? Evidence from unfinished historical roadways in France.

Kohnert, Dirk (2007): African Migration to Europe:Obscured Responsibilities and Common Misconceptions.

Kohnert, Dirk (2006): Vom Nutzen afrikanischer Zuwanderer für Europa. Wende in der EU-Einwanderungspolitik?


Lambert, Thomas (2024): Horses, Serfs, Slaves and Transitions.


Magazzino, Cosimo (2010): Wagner's law and Italian disaggregated public spending: some empirical evidences.

Magazzino, Cosimo (2010): Wagner's law and augmented Wagner's law in EU-27. A time-series analysis on stationarity, cointegration and causality. Published in: C.R.E.I. Working Papers No. 05 (October 2010)

Magazzino, Cosimo (2011): The nexus between public expenditure and inflation in the Mediterranean countries.

Marinov, Eduard (2016): Европейска икономическа интеграция. Published in: (2017): pp. 1-128.

Matoshi, Ruzhdi and Mulaj, Isa (2020): Resurgence of transition economics: Brexit as an expected example, experience and lesson. Forthcoming in:

Munro, John H. (2004): Before and after the Black Death: money, prices, and wages in fourteenth-century England. Published in: New Approaches to the History of Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Selected Proceedings of Two International Conferences at The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters in Copenhagen, Historisk-filosofiske Meddelser , Vol. 104, (February 2009): pp. 335-364.

Munro, John H. (2002): Gold, guilds, and government: the impact of monetary and labour policies on the Flemish cloth industry, 1390-1435. Published in: Jaarboek voor middeleeuwse geschiedenis , Vol. 5, No. 1 (2002): pp. 153-205.


Noel D., Johnson and Mark, Koyama (2012): Standardizing the fiscal state: cabal tax farming as an Intermediate Institution in early-modern England and France.


Pasimeni, Paolo (2011): Measuring Europe 2020: a new tool to assess the strategy. Published in: International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development , Vol. 4, No. 5 (10 August 2012): pp. 365-385.


Rota, Mauro (2009): Long Run Loans and Industrial Policy in Italy in the 1960s.


Stäglin, Reiner and Fremdling, Rainer (2014): Wirtschaftsforschung in der Weimarer Republik und im Nationalsozialismus – Materialien zur Geschichte des Instituts für Konjunkturforschung (IfK) und des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) 1925 bis 1945, Berlin 2016.


Toms, Steven (2014): ‘Cold, Calculating Political Economy’: Fixed costs, the Rate of Profit and the Length of the Working Day in the Factory Act Debates, 1832-1847.

Tyabji, Nasir (1976): Operations Research: Some Experimental Applications. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 11, No. 48 (27 November 1976): M-108-M-111.

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