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Items where Subject is "P28 - Natural Resources ; Energy ; Environment"

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Number of items at this level: 96.


Aktas, Erkan (2006): Küreselleşme, Yoksulluk ve Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Tarım Ürünleri. Published in: VII. National Congress of Agricultural Economics, University of Akdeniz , Vol. cilt 2, (2006): pp. 614-620.

Albanese, Marina and Varlese, Monica (2024): Smart grids: impacts and challenges on energy sector.

Antonakakis, Nikolaos and Chatziantoniou, Ioannis and Filis, George (2015): Energy Consumption, CO2 Emissions, and Economic Growth: A Moral Dilemma.

Arazmuradov, Annageldy (2011): Energy consumption and carbon dioxide environmental efficiency for former Soviet Union economies. evidence from DEA window analysis.

Asuamah Yeboah, Samuel (2018): Econometric modelling of the link between investment and electricity consumption in Ghana.

Audi, Marc and Ali, Amjad and Kassem, Mohamad (2019): Green House Gases: A Review of Losses and Benefits.


Bachev, Hrabrin (2009): Governing of Agro-Ecosystem Services.

Bagayev, Igor and Najman, Boris (2013): Less quality more costs: Does local power sector reliability matter for electricity intensity?

Bagayev, Igor and Najman, Boris (2014): Money to fill the gap? Local financial development and energy intensity in Europe and Central Asia.

Bakari, Sayef (2024): The Role of Digitalization, Natural Resources, and Trade Openness in Driving Economic Growth: Fresh Insights from East Asia-Pacific Countries.

Basu, Rahul (2014): Implementing Intergenerational Equity in Goa. Published in: Economic & Political Weekly , Vol. XLIX, No. 51 (20 December 2014): pp. 33-37.

Bayari, Celal (2020): The Neoliberal Globalization Link to the Belt and Road Initiative: The State and State-Owned-Enterprises in China [alternative title: Bilateral and Multilateral Dualities of the Chinese State in the Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative].

Bazhanov, Andrei and Tyukhov, Igor (2008): Энергетическая стратегия России и развитие возобновляемой энергетики. Published in: Energoobespechenie i energosberezhenie v sel'skom khozyajstve No. 4 (12 May 2008): pp. 3-8.

Bielsa, Jorge and Duarte, Rosa (2003): Modelling water resource allocation: a case study on agriculture versus hydropower production. Published in: Economy & Environment: Economics of Sustainable Energy in Agriculture , Vol. 24, No. IV (2003): pp. 157-175.

Bukvić, Rajko (2007): Транзиција и судбина руских природних богатстава. Published in: Економика (Ekonomika) , Vol. 53, No. 5–6 (2007): pp. 9-22.

Bukvić, Rajko (2007): Транзиција у Русији: либерализам у изведби „породице“. Published in: Нова српска политичка мисао (New Serbian Political Thought) , Vol. 14, No. 3–4 (2007): pp. 291-315.


Castiglione, Concetta and Infante, Davide and Smirnova, Janna (2012): Rule of law and its implications for the environmental taxation-income path across European Countries.

Chelaru, Dan-Adrian and Ursu, Adrian and Rosca, Bogdan and Mihai, Florin-Constantin (2013): Analysing the spatio-temporal evolution of built-up area in Bistrita subcarpathian valley using G.I.S techniques. Published in: 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference on INFORMATICS, GEOINFORMATICS AND REMOTE SENSING SGEM 2013 , Vol. 1, (June 2013): pp. 637-644.

Covi, Giovanni (2013): A case study of an advanced Dutch disease: The Russian oil.


de Rigo, Daniele and Rizzoli, Andrea Emilio and Soncini-Sessa, Rodolfo and Weber, Enrico and Zenesi, Pietro (2001): Neuro-dynamic programming for the efficient management of reservoir networks. Published in: Proceedings of MODSIM 2001, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation , Vol. 4, (December 2001): pp. 1949-1954.


Eren, Ozlem (2005): Oligarchs and the Russian government: fight against corruption or the private business?

Eshchanov, Bahtiyor and Kochkorova, Djamilya (2023): The causal relationship between energy supply deficiency and energy poverty: a case study of Kyrgyzstan.

Eshchanov, Bahtiyor and Grinwis, Mona and Salaev, Sanatbek (2011): Price and Income Elasticity of Residential Electricity Consumption in Khorezm. Published in: (2011): pp. 155-167.


Fakhri, Hasanov (2010): The Impact of Real Effective Exchange Rate on the Non-oil Export: The Case of Azerbaijan. Forthcoming in: Economic Journal of Economic Cooperation Organization No. 2nd issue

Fujii, Hidemichi and Iwata, Kazuyuki and Kaneko, Shinji and Managi, Shunsuke (2012): Corporate environmental and economic performances of Japanese manufacturing firms: Empirical study for sustainable development. Forthcoming in: Business Strategy and the Environment


Gerasimchuk, Ivetta (2006): Экологическая практика транснациональных корпораций. Published in: (8 November 2007): pp. 1-93.

Gerasimchuk, Ivetta and Ilyumzhinova, Kamila and Schorn, Alistair and Kraft, Georg and Smith, Kevin and Lottmann, Juergen and Eckstein, Mark and Khmeleva, Ekaterina and Perelet, Renat and Shvarts, Evgeny (2009): Pure Profit for Russia: Benefits of Responsible Finance.

Ghaninejad, Mousa (2020): عرضه، تقاضا، و پیشنهاد قیمت در بازار برق ایران.


Halkos, George and Managi, Shunsuke and Tsilika, Kyriaki (2018): Spatiotemporal distribution of inclusive wealth data: An illustrated guide.

Halkos, George and Paizanos, Epameinondas (2015): Environmental Macroeconomics: A critical literature review and future empirical research directions.

Halkos, George and Tsilika, Kyriaki (2016): Climate change impacts: Understanding the synergetic interactions using graph computing.

Halkos, George and Tsilika, Kyriaki (2017): Computational analysis of source receptor air pollution problems.

Halkos, George and Tsirivis, Apostolos (2019): Using Value-at-Risk for effective energy portfolio risk management.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2011): Kuznets curve and environmental performance: evidence from China.

Halkos, George and Tzirivis, Apostolos (2018): Effective energy commodities’ risk management: Econometric modeling of price volatility.

Harkat, Tahar (2020): Causality between Energy Consumption and Economic Development: Empirical Evidence from Morocco.

Harkat, Tahar (2020): Nexus between Energy Consumption, Economic Development, and CO2 Emissions: Empirical Evidence from Morocco.

Hayat, Arshad (2017): FDI, natural resource and economic growth: A Threshold model approach.

Hayat, Arshad and Cahlik, Tomas (2017): FDI and Economic Growth: A Changing Relationship Across Country and Over Time.

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): Mars: Economic Analysis of Constructing Sustainable Open-Air Human Settlements in The Martian Environment. Published in: Environmental Anthropology eJournal , Vol. 02, No. 72 (28 April 2017)

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): Planning and Construction of Canop-E Networks for Inclusive, Sustainable Growth in Developing Countries (E.g.- India). Published in: Urban Research eJournal , Vol. 06, No. 39 (17 May 2017)

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Broblems of Agro-based Industry of Tharparkar and Barrge Area of Sindh. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy No. Ph.D Thesis Chapter-5. MPRA Paper : pp. 91-98.

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): A Comparison of Demographic, Social and Economic Conditions of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Area Sindh (1988-2000): An Introduction. Published in: An Agro-based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Area, Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to An Industrial Economy , Vol. Chapte, No. Ph.D Thesis : pp. 1-50.

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Earlier Research Work on Tharparkar and Sindh Barrage, and Similar Studies Related to Demographic, Social and Economic Conditions. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy No. Chapter-2. MPRA Paper 12133 : pp. 51-75.

Herani, Gobind M. (2008): Earlier research work on tharparkar and sindh barrage, and similar studies related to demographic, social and economic conditions.

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Importance of Agro based Industry of Tharparkar and Barrage Area of Sindh. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy No. Chapter-6, Ph.D Thesis (MPRA paper)

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Perspective of Agro-based Industry of Tharparkar. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy No. Ph.D Thesis Chapter-3. MPRA Paper : pp. 76-82.

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Perspectives of Agro-based Industry of Barrge Area of Sindh. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy No. Ph.D Thesis Chapter-4. MPRA Paper : pp. 83-90.

Hirota, Keiko and Shibuya, Satoshi and Sakamoto, Shogo and Kashima, Shigeru (2011): A methodology of estimation on air pollution and its health effects in large Japanese cities. Published in: Air Quality Monitoring and Modeling - In Tech , Vol. Chapte, No. ISBN 978-953-51-0161-1 (2012): pp. 145-166.

Hori, Takeo and Yamagami, Hiroaki (2014): Intellectual property rights protection in the presence of exhaustible resources.

hayat, arshad (2017): FDI and economic growth: Evidence on the Role of the Size of Natural Resource Sector.


Janda, Karel and Stankus, Elena (2017): Biofuels Markets and Policies in Belarus.

Janda, Karel and Stankus, Elena (2017): Biofuels Markets and Policies in Russia.

Janda, Karel and Stankus, Elena (2017): Biofuels Markets and Policies in Ukraine.

Janda, Karel and Stankus, Elena (2017): Quantification of Biofuels Potential of Post-Soviet Countries in the Context of Global Biofuels Development.


Kakhkharov, Jakhongir (2013): Central Asian Security and Water/ Energy Relations between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Published in: “POLITYKA & BEZPIECZEŃSTWO” No. ISSN 2300-1569 (2013)

Karakara, Alhassan and Osabuohien, Evans and Asongu, Simplice (2021): Domestic Energy Consumption in Ghana: Deprivation versus Likelihood of Access. Forthcoming in: Management of Environmental Quality

Karousakis, Katia and Koundouri, Phoebe (2006): A Typology of Economic Instruments and Methods for Efficient Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions. Published in: Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2006)

Khazaee, Saeed and Hayerikhiyavi, Mohammadali and Montaser Kouhsari, Shahram (2020): A direct-based method for real-time transient stability assessment of power systems. Published in: Computational Research Progress in Applied Science & Engineering , Vol. 06, No. 02 (28 February 2020): pp. 108-113.


Mishra, SK (2010): On harnessing natural resources for sustainable development.

Mohammadi, Teymour and Jahangard, Fateme and Khani Hoolari, Seyed Morteza (2014): The relationship between reserves of oil endowment and economic growth from the resource curse viewpoint: a case study of oil producing countries. Forthcoming in: Journal of Applied Science and Agriculture (June 2014)

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Lean, Hooi Hooi and Muhammad, Shahbaz Shabbir (2011): Environmental Kuznets Curve and the role of energy consumption in Pakistan.

Muhammad, Shahbaz and Tiwari, Aviral and Muhammad, Nasir (2011): The effects of financial development, economic growth, coal consumption and trade openness on environment performance in South Africa.

Mukherjee, Sacchidananda and Chakraborty, Debashis (2010): Is there any Relationship between Environment, Human Development, Political and Governance Regimes? Evidences from a Cross-Country Analysis.

Murshed, Muntasir and Tanha, Muntaha Masud (2020): Oil Price Shocks and Renewable Energy Transition: Empirical evidence from net oil-importing South Asian economies. Published in: Energy, Ecology & Environment (2020)


NYONI, THABANI (2019): Modeling and forecasting demand for electricity in Zimbabwe using the Box-Jenkins ARIMA technique.

Nepal, Rabindra (2011): Energy efficiency in transition: do market-oriented economic reforms matter?

Nguyen, Trung Thanh and Nguyen, Thanh-Tung and Hoang, Viet-Ngu and Wilson, Clevo (2019): Energy transition, poverty and inequality: panel evidence from Vietnam. Published in: Energy Policy , Vol. 132, (12 June 2019): pp. 536-548.

Nyamdash, Batsaikhan and Denny, Eleanor (2011): The impact of electricity storage on wholesale electricity prices.


Obeng, George Yaw and Evers, Hans-Dieter (2009): Solar PV rural electrification and energy-poverty: A review and conceptual framework with reference to Ghana. Published in: ZEF Working Paper Series No. 36 (2 February 2009): pp. 1-18.

Orkodashvili, Mariam (2010): Shadow economy revisited: logic, morality and intuition in corrupt practices and illegal channels.


Razzak, W A (2007): In The Middle of the Heat:The GCC countries Between Rising Oil Prices and the Sliding Greenback.

Rodríguez González, Guillermo (2011): Civilización, economía y orden espontaneo: La inviabilidad evolutiva del socialismo.


Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano and Di Gioia, Leonardo and Lamonaca, Emilia (2020): Price responsiveness of supply and acreage in the EU vegetable oil markets: policy implications. Forthcoming in: Land Use Policy

Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano and Searle, Stephanie (2018): Linking soy oil demand from the US Renewable Fuel Standard to palm oil expansion through an analysis on vegetable oil price elasticities. Forthcoming in: Energy Policy

Serletis, Apostolos (1997): Is there an East-West split in North-American natural gas markets? Published in: The Energy Journal , Vol. 18, (1997): pp. 47-62.

Serletis, Apostolos (1992): Unit root behavior in energy futures prices. Published in: The Energy Journal , Vol. 13, No. 2 (1992): pp. 119-128.

Serletis, Apostolos and Hulleman, Vaughn (1994): Business cycles and the behavior of energy prices. Published in: The Energy Journal , Vol. 15, No. 2 (1994): pp. 125-134.

Setyawan, Dhani (2020): Energy efficiency in Indonesia's manufacturing industry: a perspective from Log Mean Divisia Index decomposition analysis. Published in: Sustainable Environment Research , Vol. 12, No. Sustainable Environment Research (2020) 30:12 (15 June 2020): pp. 1-11.

Shahbaz, Muhammad and Jalil, Abdul and Dube, Smile (2010): Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC): Times series evidence from Portugal.

Shahbaz, Muhammad and Zeshan, Muhammad and Tiwari, Aviral Kumar (2011): Analysis of renewable and nonrenewable energy consumption, real GDP and CO2 emissions: A structural VAR approach in Romania.

Shcherbakova, Nadezda (2011): Социально-эколого-экономическая оценка эффективности существующей схемы обращения с твердыми бытовыми отходами Санкт-Петербурга. Published in: Modern economy: problems and decisions No. 10 (22) 2011 (October 2011): pp. 109-123.

Shcherbakova, Nadezda (2011): Social-ecological-economic efficiency assessment of the existing scheme of communal solid waste handling in St. Petersburg. Published in: Modern economy: problems and decisions No. 10 (22) 2011 (October 2011): pp. 109-123.

Shkarlet, Serhiy and Petrakov, Iaroslav (2013): Environmental Taxation Evolution in Ukraine: Trends, Challenges and Outlook. Published in: The Herald of Chernihiv State Technological University , Vol. 4 (64), (2012): pp. 287-301.

Soliman, Ibrahim (2016): The Role of Buffalo Production in Sustainable Development of Rural Regions. Published in: 158th Eaae, Ssession 4d Development Of Sustainable Agriculture 9-10th Of Sept., 2016 Maich, Chania, Greece (April 2016)


Tamazian, Artur and Rao, B. Bhaskara (2008): Do Economic, Financial and Institutional Developments Matter for Environmental Degradation? Evidence from Transitional Economies.

Tolstoguzov, Oleg and Belykh, Anastasia (2021): Экономика природо- и землепользования в контексте карбоновой повестки. Published in: Экономика северо-запада: проблемы и перспективы развития No. 4 (67) (2021): pp. 73-84.

Tsatsos, Aristidis (2012): Die Liberalisierung des russischen Gassektors: 3 Szenarios?


Wang, Dong (2012): A Dynamic Optimization on Energy Efficiency in Developing Countries.


Xu, Xiaoran and Wang, Dong (2013): China’s Coal Chemical Industry: In the View of Governance Challenges.


Yeboah Asuamah, Samuel (2017): A Bivariate Modelling of the Electricity Consumption-Financial Development Nexus for Ghana.

Yeboah Asuamah, Samuel (2017): Bivariate modelling of the financial development-fossil fuel consumption nexus in Ghana.

Yeboah Asuamah, Samuel (2015): Government activities and fossil fuel consumption in Ghana.

Yeboah Asuamah, Samuel (2015): An econometric investigation of the effect of financial development on aggregate, and disaggregate energy consumption: time series assessment for Ghana.

Yeboah Asuamah, Samuel (2017): An econometric modelling of financial development-aggregate energy consumption nexus for Ghana.

Yeboah Asuamah, Samuel (2015): An econometric modelling of government activities-total energy demand nexus for Ghana.

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