Ma, Xiao and Muendler, Marc-Andreas and Nakab, Alejandro (2020): Exporting, Wage Profiles, and Human Capital: Evidence from Brazil.
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Export activity shapes workers’ experience-wage profiles. Using detailed Brazilian manufacturing employer-employee and customs data, we document that workers’ experience-wage profiles are steeper at exporters than at non-exporters. Aside from self-selection of more capable firms into exporting, we show that workers’ experience-wage profiles are steeper when firms export to high-income destinations. We then develop and quantify a model with firms’ export market entry, worker-firm wage bargaining, and workers’ human capital accumulation to interpret the data and perform counterfactual experiments. We find that human capital growth can explain roughly one-half of the differences in wage profiles between exporters and non-exporters as well as the gains in experience returns after entry into high-income destinations. We also show that increased human capital per worker can account for one-half of the overall gains in real income from trade openness. In slowing human capital accumulation, trade liberalization can induce welfare losses if trade partners are predominantly low-income destinations.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Exporting, Wage Profiles, and Human Capital: Evidence from Brazil |
English Title: | Exporting, Wage Profiles, and Human Capital: Evidence from Brazil |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Export Activity; Wage Profiles; Human Capital Accumulation |
Subjects: | F - International Economics > F1 - Trade > F10 - General F - International Economics > F1 - Trade > F16 - Trade and Labor Market Interactions M - Business Administration and Business Economics ; Marketing ; Accounting ; Personnel Economics > M5 - Personnel Economics > M53 - Training |
Item ID: | 116345 |
Depositing User: | Xiao Ma |
Date Deposited: | 15 Feb 2023 07:47 |
Last Modified: | 15 Feb 2023 07:57 |
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Available Versions of this Item
Learning by Exporting and Wage Profiles: New Evidence from Brazil. (deposited 31 Aug 2021 15:33)
- Exporting, Wage Profiles, and Human Capital: Evidence from Brazil. (deposited 15 Feb 2023 07:47) [Currently Displayed]