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Items where Subject is "F16 - Trade and Labor Market Interactions"

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Abraham, Vinoj and Sasikumar, S.K. (2010): Labour Cost and Export Behaviour of Firms in Indian Textile and Clothing Industry.

Abueg, Luisito (2018): Survey of gravity models of trade and labour, and a proposed trade-employment gravity model for the Philippines.

Acharyya, Rajat (2004): Product Standards, Exports and Employment An Analytical Study. Published in: (2005)

Acharyya, Rajat (2010): Successive Trade Liberalization and Wage Inequality. Published in: Keio Economic Studies , Vol. 46, (2010): pp. 29-42.

Acheampong, Theophilus and Omane-Achamfuor, Michael and Anang Tawiah, Nii (2014): The Economic Partnership Agreement Between Ghana and the European Union: A Developmental Game Changer? Published in: Ghana Growth and Development Platform No. Working Paper (July 2014)

Aggarwal, Sakshi (2023): Intra-industry trade: Revisiting theory and Literature Survey.

Aggarwal, Sakshi (2023): The empirical measurement and determinants of intra-industry trade for a developing country.

Agnese, Pablo (2009): Employment effects of offshoring. An application to Japanese industries, 1980-2005.

Agnese, Pablo (2009): Japan and her dealings with offshoring: An empirical analysis with aggregate data.

Agnese, Pablo and Hector, Sala (2008): Unemployment in Japan: A look at the ‘lost decade’. Published in: Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business , Vol. 12, No. 1 (2008): pp. 16-35.

Aisbett, Emma and Harrison, Ann and Zwane, Alix (2006): Globalization and poverty: what is the evidence? Published in: Trade, Globalization, and Poverty (December 2007): pp. 33-61.

Akhter, Naseem and Ali, Amanat (2007): Does Trade Liberalization Increase the Labor Demand Elasticities? Evidence from Pakistan.

Alcala, Francisco and Hernandez, Pedro J. (2009): Firms' Main Market, Human Capital and Wages. Published in: Fundación BBVA - Documentos de Trabajo No. 06 (2009)

Amjad, Rashid (2006): Employment strategies and labor market policies: interlinkages with macro and sectoral policies. Published in: PAKISTAN: DECENT EMPLOYMENT GENERATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT No. Papers, Synthesis and Recommendations of the National Tripartite Forum on Employment and Skills (April 2006): pp. 63-92.

Andrianady, Josué R. and Rajaonarison, Njakanasandratra R. and Rasolofomanana, Gerzhino H. (2023): Analyse des impacts de la tension Russie-Ukraine à Madagascar.

Arce, Rafael de and Mahia, Ramón (2004): Estimación Analítica de los efectos de la creación de un área de libre comercio agrícola entre la UE y Marruecos. Published in: Información Comercial Española ICE , Vol. 819, (December 2004): pp. 191-210.

Arseneau, David and Epstein, Brendan (2017): Offshoring, Mismatch, and Labor Market Outcomes. Published in: Globalization: Strategies and Effects (2017)

Atif, Syed Muhammad (2012): Critical Review of 'A Simple Model of Firm Heterogeneity, International Trade and Wages'.

Atolia, Manoj and Yoshinori, Kurokawa (2008): Variety Trade and Skill Premium in a Calibrated General Equilibrium Model: The Case of Mexico.

Autor, David and Dorn, David and Hanson, Gordon and Majlesi, Kaveh (2016): A Note on the Effect of Rising Trade Exposure on the 2016 Presidential Election.

Aysan, Ahmet Faruk and Hacihasanoglu, Yavuz Selim (2007): The Competitiveness of Turkey with Respect to the Slovak Republic for the 1995-1999 Period.

Aysan, Ahmet Faruk and Hacihasanoglu, Yavuz Selim (2007): Investigation on the Determinants of Turkish Export-Boom in 2000s.


BLINOV, Sergey (2014): Причины британской промышленной революции.

BLINOV, Sergey (2014): Causes of the British Industrial Revolution.

Balogun, Emmanuel Dele and Dauda, Risikat O. S. (2012): Poverty and employment impact of trade liberalization in Nigeria: empirical evidence and policy implications.

Banga, Rashmi and Bansal, Renu (2009): Impact of trade in services on gender employment in India.

Banik, Nilanjan (2014): India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement: The Untapped Potential.

Barnette, Justin and Park, Jooyoun (2019): Skill and Wage Overshooting in Occupational Training with the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program.

Bayari, Celal (2004): Japanese Business in Australia: A Management Survey of Industry Interaction with Locational Factors. Published in: The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies , Vol. 30, No. 2004 (1 December 2004): pp. 119-149.

Bayari, Celal (2010): Japanese Hybrid Factories in Australia: Analysing Labor Relations and Reflecting on the Work of Tetsuo Abo. Published in: Euro Asia Journal of Management , Vol. 20, No. 39 (2) (1 December 2010): pp. 111-134.

Bayari, Celal (2010): Japanese Manufacturers in Australia: Analysing Their Quality Evaluation and Employee Participation. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 13, (12 October 2010): pp. 369-374.

Bayari, Celal (2008): Japanese auto manufacturers in the Australian market and the government industry assistance spending. Published in: The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies , Vol. 34, No. 34 (1 December 2008): pp. 87-107.

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Origin of Minimum Wage Determination in Australia: The Political and Legal Institutions. Published in: Journal of Global Politics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (1 December 2012): pp. 163-198.

Bayari, Celal (2020): South Korean Economy and the Free Trade Agreement with China. Published in: The Journal of East Asian Affairs , Vol. 33, No. 1 (30 July 2020): pp. 89-122.

Bitros, George C. and Batavia, Bala and Nandakumar, Parameswar (2014): Economic crisis in the European periphery: An Assessment of EMU Membership and home Policy Effects Based on the Greek Experience.

Blyde, Juan (2016): Exports and Labor Skills: The Role of Training.

Blyde, Juan and Santamaria, Julieth (2013): Sharpen your skills: the impact of training employees on backward linkages.

Bonga, Wellington Garikai (2019): Measuring Macroeconomic Uncertainty in Zimbabwe.

Bonga-Bonga, Lumengo and Biyase, Mduduzi (2018): The impact of Chinese textile imports on employment and value added in the manufacturing sector of the South African economy.

Bouoiyour, jamal (2010): Libéralisation commerciale et marché du travail : Cas de la Tunisie.

Broll, Udo and Gilroy, Bernard Michael (1985): International Division of Labour and Intra-Trade.

Burnquist, H. L. and Costa, C. C. and Guilhoto, J. J. M. (2006): Impacto De Alterações Nas Exportações Regionais De Açúcar E Álcool Sobre A Economia Do Brasil. Published in: Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural (2006)

Böckerman, Petri and Riihimäki, Elisa (2009): International outsourcing and labour demand: Evidence from Finnish firm-level data.


Campbell, Douglas L. (2013): Relative Prices, Hysteresis, and the Decline of American Manufacturing.

Castro, Lucio and Olarreaga, Marcelo and Saslavsky, Daniel (2006): The impact of trade with China and India on Argentina’s manufacturing employment.

Cerqua, Augusto and Pellegrini, Guido (2018): Local multipliers at work.

Chaudhuri, Sarbajit and Banerjee, Dibyendu (2006): Economic Liberalization and Informal Wage in a Small Open Economy: Does Capital Mobility count?

Che, Yi and Xu, Xun (2015): The China Syndrome in US: Import Competition, Crime, and Government Transfer.

Chichilnisky, Graciela and Heal, Geoffrey and McLeod, Darryl (1983): Resources, trade and debt: the case of Mexico. Published in: Global Analysis and Projections Division No. No. 1984-5 (September 1983): pp. 10-34.

Chong, Terence Tai Leung and Lo, Vincent Pok Ho (2024): Is Hong Kong still an entrepôt under the Sino-U.S. trade war? Forthcoming in: Pacific Economic Review

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido and Furukawa, Yuichi (2012): Effects of Economic Development in China on Skill-Biased Technical Change in the US.

Chu, Angus C. and Cozzi, Guido and Furukawa, Yuichi (2013): A Simple Theory of Offshoring and Reshoring.

Chung, Sunghoon and Lee, Joonhyung and Osang, Thomas (2014): Did China Tire Safeguard Save U.S. Workers?

Chung, Sunghoon and Lee, Joonhyung and Osang, Thomas (2014): Did China Tire Safeguard Save U.S. Workers?

Cristobal, Adolfo (2007): Trade and migration: a U-shaped transition in Eastern Europe.


Decreuse, Bruno and Maarek, Paul (2008): FDI and the labor share in developing countries: a theory and some evidence.

Demiroglu, Ufuk (2006): OFFSHORING OF SERVICE JOBS.

Dhamija, Nidhi (2019): Trade Liberalization and Unemployment in India: A State Level Analysis.

Dinçer, Gönül and Çakmak, Umut (2008): GATS Çerçevesinde “Gerçek Kişilerin Geçici Hareketliliğinin Liberalizasyonu” Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Published in: Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi , Vol. 4, No. 63 (October 2008): pp. 135-154.

Dobrota, Gabriela and Busan, Gabriela and Chirculescu, Felicia Maria (2007): Workforce Occupancy – Essential Indicator within the Analysis of the Country Economic Development. Forthcoming in: International Symposium Economy, Society, Civilization

Donado, Alejandro (2020): Why do they just do it? A theory of outsourcing and working conditions. Forthcoming in: Open Economies Review

Dumont, Michel (2004): The Impact of International Trade with Newly Industrialised Countries on the Wages and Employment of Low-Skilled and High-Skilled Workers in the European Union.


Ellalee, Haider and Alali, Walid Y. (2018): FDI, Industrial Policy and Employment Impacts on Brexit. Forthcoming in: (20 October 2018)

Emran, M. Shahe and Shilpi, Forhad and Coulombe, Harold and Blankespoor, Brian (2019): Temporary Trade Shocks, Spatial Reallocation, and Persistence in Developing Countries: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in West Africa.

Estrada, Fernando (2010): The rhetoric of economics.


Faundez, Sebastian and Mulder, Nanno and Carpentier, Nicole (2011): Productivity growth in Latin American manufacturing: what role for international trade intensities? Published in:

Fedotenkov, Igor (2015): International Trade and Migration: Why Do Migrants Choose Small Countries?

Fedotenkov, Igor and van Groezen, Bas and Meijdam, Lex (2012): International trade with pensions and demographic shocks.

Fiandeiro, M. Fatima and Rankin, Neil A. (2008): Trade liberalisation and wages in South African manufacturing.

Fischer, Justina A.V. (2012): Globalization and social networks.

Fischer, Justina A.V. (2013): Globalization, female employment, and regional differences in OECD countries.

Fischer, Justina A.V. (2014): Globalized markets, globalized information, and female employment: accounting for regional differences in 30 OECD countries.

Fischer, Justina A.V. (2012): The choice of domestic policies in a globalized economy: Extended Version.

Fischer, Justina A.V. and Pastore, Francesco (2015): Completing the Monetary Union of Europe as mid-term solution of the Euro crisis.

Fischer, Justina A.V. and Somogyi, Frank (2012): Globalization and protection of employment.

Fischer, Justina AV and Aydıner-Avşar, Nursel (2015): Are women in the MENA region really that different from women in Europe? Globalization, conservative values and female labor market participation.

Fischer, Justina AV and Somogyi, Frank (2009): Globalization and Protection of Employment.

Flückiger, Matthias and Ludwig, Markus (2013): Chinese Export Competition, Declining Exports and Adjustments at the Industry and Regional Level in Europe.

Fu, Dahai and Wu, Yanrui (2011): Wage premium in the exporting sector: evidence from manufacturing firms in China.

Fung, Esabella (2023): A machine learning approach for assessing labor supply to the online labor market.


Ganguly, Shrimoyee and Acharyya, Rajat (2020): Devaluation, Export Quality and Employment in a Small Dependent Economy.

Ganguly, Shrimoyee and Acharyya, Rajat (2019): Emigration, tax on remittances and export quality.

Gharyeni, Abdellatif (2019): Corporate social responsibility through global value chains : behaviour of lead companies and new dynamics of industrial relations.

Giammetti, Raffaele and Papi, Luca and Teobaldelli, Desiree and Ticchi, Davide (2021): The network effect of deglobalisation on European regions.

Gould, David and Loening, Josef L. (2008): Central America's Macroeconomic Environment and the Role of the Investment Climate under Free Trade. Published in: Economic Sector Work, Finance and Private Sector Unit, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit, Latin America and the Caribbean Region , Vol. Report, (15 September 2008): pp. 1-15.

Gourdon, Julien (2006): Openness and Inequality in Developing Countries: A New Look at the Evidence.

Grady, Patrick and Macmillan, Kathleen (2007): Interprovincial Barriers to Labour Mobility in Canada:Policy, Knowledge Gaps and Research Issues.

Greaney, Theresa M. and Tanaka, Ayumu (2020): Foreign Ownership, Exporting and Gender Wage Gaps: Evidence from Japanese Linked Employer-Employee Data.

Gu, Ke and Stoyanov, Andrey (2022): Female Labor Supply and International Trade.

Gu, Ke and Stoyanov, Andrey (2018): Skills, Population Aging, and the Pattern of Trade.

Gupta, Ashish (2024): Impact of innovation on employment: A review of literature.

Gyasi, Genevieve (2020): The Impact of Trade Agreement Policy on Employment.

Gál, Zoltán (2010): Future Bangalores? The increasing role of Central and Eastern Europe in the global services offshoring market: evidence from trade statistics.


H, Gopi and K B, Rangappa (2022): Opportunities and Challenges of Youths in a Globalized India. Published in: AJANTA , Vol. XI, No. 03 (July 2022): pp. 66-72.

Harrison, Ann (2005): Has Globalization Eroded Labor’s Share? Some Cross-Country Evidence.

Harrison, Ann and McMillan, Margaret S. and Null, Clair (2006): US multinational activity abroad and US jobs: substitutes or complements? Published in: Industrial RElations , Vol. 46, (2007): pp. 347-365.

Harrison, Ann and Revenga, Ana (1997): Labor markets, foregin investment and trade policy reform. Published in: Trade policy reform: lessons and implications (1998): pp. 247-276.

Harrison, Ann E. and Scorse, Jason (2008): Do foreign-owned firms pay more? Published in: (2009): pp. 319-340.

Hashim, Danish and Banga, Rashmi (2009): Impact of Trade on Labour Productivity and Wage Inequality in India.

He, Xiaobo (2013): Wages and Access to International Markets: Evidence from Urban China.

Hernández, Pedro J. (2012): Is there a producer quality wage premium similar to the exporter wage premium?

Hessami, Zohal (2009): Globalization's Winners and Losers - Evidence from Life Satisfaction Data, 1975 - 2000.

Hossain, Md Ekram and Dechun, Huang and Quangdung, Tran (2012): The rise of offshore IT outsourcing industry: An attempt to assess Bangladesh’s competitive advantages. Published in: HHIS Journal of Science and Technology (HHIS-JST) , Vol. 04, No. 01 (18 November 2012): pp. 72-84.

Huang, Zongye (2011): Structural Transformation under Trade Imbalances: the Case of Postwar U.S.


Judzik, Dario (2014): Heterogeneous labor demand: sectoral elasticity and trade effects in the U.S., Germany and Sweden.

Juravle, Daniel/DD (2012): Aspecte teoretice ale pieței muncii.


Kakarlapudi, Kiran Kumar (2010): The Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Employment: Evidence from India’s Manufacturing Sector.

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2011): Trade, productivity, income, and profit: the comparative advantage of structural axiomatic analysis.

Kamei, Keita (2013): Trade Liberalization, Division of Labor, and Firm Productivity.

Kar, Saibal and Marjit, Sugata (2004): Wages, labour mobility and international trade. Published in: Globalization and the Developing Economies, Edited by Aditya Bhattacharjea and Sugata Marjit , New Delhi: Manohar (2004): pp. 135-156.

Karim, Mohamed and Bouzahzah, Mohamed (2012): Women’s changing participation in the Labor Force. A CGE Model applied to the Moroccan economy.

Kayam, Saime S. (2011): Influence of institutional factors and wage-setting mechanism in a dual labour market with currency union: Northern Cyprus.

Khan, Bilal M. and Xia, Junjie (2016): Export Destination, Skill Utilization and Skill Premium in Chinese Manufacturing sector.

Khan, haider (2008): Analyzing Poverty Impact of Trade Liberalization Policies in CGE Models: Theory and Some Policy Experiments in Agricultural and Non-agricultural Sectors in South Asia.

Khobai, Hlalefang and Mavikela, Nomahlubi (2017): The causal linkage between trade openness and economic growth in Argentina: Evidence from the ARDL and VECM techniques.

Khorana, Sangeeta and Caram, Santiago and Biagetti, Marco (2021): Developmental relevance of Everything but Arms: Implications for Bangladesh after LDC graduation.

Kirkpatrick, Colin and Raihan, Selim and Bleser, Adam and Prud'homme, Dan and Mayrand, Karel and Morin, Jean Frederic and Pollitt, Hector and Hinojosa, Leonith and Williams, Michael (2011): Trade sustainability impact assessment (SIA) on the comprehensive economic and trade agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada: Final report. Published in: European Commission Trade Assessments (September 2011)

Klein, Michael A (2020): Trade Secret Protection in a Developing Economy.

Kohnert, Dirk (2024): L’impact des émissions de CO2 des pays industrialisés sur le changement climatique en Afrique subsaharienne: Études de cas d’Afrique du Sud, du Nigeria et de la RD Congo.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): African migrants plight in China: Afrophobia impedes China's race for Africa's resources and markets.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): L'impact de QAnon et d'autres idéologies du complot sur l'Afrique subsaharienne à l'ère du capitalisme mondial.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Le sort des migrants africains en Chine : L'afrophobie entrave la course de la Chine pour les ressources et les marchés de l'Afrique.

Kohnert, Dirk (2021): Le sort des migrants africains en Inde : L'Afrophobie entrave la course de l'Inde aux ressources et aux marchés de l'Afrique.

Kohnert, Dirk (2023): QAnon and other conspiracy ideologies’ impact on Sub-Saharan Africa in the age of Global capitalism.

Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Éthique des machines et identités africaines: Perspectives de l'intelligence artificielle en Afrique.

Koralova, Petya (2015): Perspectives for the development of trade relations between Slovak Republic and Republic of Bulgaria via Danube River. Published in: Public administration and regional development , Vol. 11, No. 2 (3 December 2015): pp. 66-72.

Kox, Henk L.M. (2011): The future of the fence around the European labour market.

Kumaraku, Klajdi and Naqvi, Nadeem and Rexhepi, Sara (2011): Embodied human capital unemployment.

Kurokawa, Yoshinori (2011): Is a Skill Intensity Reversal a Mere Theoretical Curiosum? Evidence from the U.S. and Mexico. Forthcoming in: Economics Letters

Kurokawa, Yoshinori (2010): Variety-Skill Complementarity: A Simple Resolution of the Trade-Wage Inequality Anomaly. Published in: Economic Theory , Vol. 46, (February 2011): pp. 297-325.


Leblebicioglu, Asli and Weinberger, Ariel (2018): Openness and Factor Shares: Is Globalization Always Bad for Labor?

Lee, Kang-Kook and Vu, Trung (2019): Economic Complexity, Human Capital and Income Inequality: A Cross-Country Analysis.

Lee, Kangkook and Vu, Trung (2019): Economic Complexity, Human Capital and Income Inequality: A Cross-Country Analysis.

Letouzé, Emmanuel and Purser, Mark and Rodríguez, Francisco and Cummins, Matthew (2009): Revisiting the Migration-Development Nexus: A Gravity Model Approach. Published in: Human Development Research Paper (HDRP) Series , Vol. 44, No. 2009

Lettieri, Antonio (2012): Diseguaglianza, conflitto sociale e sindacati in America. Published in: Moneta e Credito , Vol. Vol 65, No. N° 258 (June 2012): pp. 115-144.

Lin, Yu-Hsuan (2018): A Classroom Experiment on the Specific Factors Model.

Lindic, Mojca (2015): Global value chains and the effects of outsourcing and offshoring on firms: Evidence from matched firm-employee data.

Lohani, Fazle and Rahman, Mostafizur and Shaturaev, Jakhongir (2023): The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Economic Patterns. Published in: Portfolio , Vol. 4, No. 28 (30 March 2023): pp. 16-28.

Londero, Elio (1997): Trade Liberalization with a Fixed Exchange Rate. Published in: The International Trade Journal , Vol. 11, No. 2 (1997)


MAJUNE, Socrates (2015): A discrete time analysis of export duration in Kenya: 1995 -2014.

Ma, Shuang and Sun, Churen and Tian, Guoqiang (2011): Minimum wage and export: evidence from Chinese firm-level data.

Ma, Xiao (2022): College Expansion, Trade and Innovation: Evidence from China.

Ma, Xiao and Muendler, Marc-Andreas and Nakab, Alejandro (2020): Exporting, Wage Profiles, and Human Capital: Evidence from Brazil.

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Gender Gap is a Trade Trap: The Road Ahead for International Development.

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Globalization, Political Orientation and Wage Inequality: From Donald Trump’s Election to Angela Merkal’s Re-Election.

Mamoon, Dawood (2007): How May International Trade affect Poverty in a Developing Country Setup? The Inequality Channel.

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Policy Review: Is Inequality a Policy Choice?

Mamoon, Dawood (2007): Relative Factor Return Gaps in Labour Markets and Global Integration.

Mamoon, Dawood (2007): Skill Premiums of Trading in International Markets and Equity: Some Lessons for Pro Poor Education Policies in Developing Countries. Published in: Latin American Studies Association (LASA) CD-ROM, No. XXVII International Congress (August 2007)

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Skilled-Unskilled Wage Asymmetries as an Outcome of Skewed International Trade Patterns in the South.

Mamoon, Dawood and Murshed, S. Mansoob (2011): Labour Markets, Education and Duality of Returns.

Mandal, Biswajit (2024): Digital Mobility of Financial Capital Across Different Time Zones, Factor Prices and Sectoral Composition.

Mandal, Biswajit and Marjit, Sugata and Nakanishi, Noritsugu (2015): Outsourcing, Factor Prices and Skill Formation in Countries with Non-overlapping Time Zones.

Mandal, Biswajit and Marjit, Sugata and Nakanishi, Noritsugu (2013): Time Zones, Factor Prices and Inflow of Educational Capital: Changing Sectoral Composition.

Marianne, Ojo (2020): Evaluating and mitigating the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic. Published in: Centre for Innovation and Sustainable Deveopment Economic Review

Marinov, Eduard (2015): Външнотърговски отношения на България с държавите в Африка. Published in: Economics in the Changing World: National, Regional and Global Dimensions, book 1 No. ISBN 978-954-21-0833-7 (т.1) (May 2015): pp. 84-90.

Marjit, Sugata and Kar, Saibal and Maiti, Dibyendu (2008): Labor market reform and poverty – the role of informal sector. Published in: NEW AND ENDURING THEMES IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS: edited by Bhaskar Dutta, Tridip Ray & E Somanathan: NY: World Scientific, 2009 (May 2009): pp. 229-240.

Mazumder, Debojyoti (2013): Trade and Labor Market Imperfection: A Model with Status Conscious Preference.

Mbondo, Georges Dieudonné and Bouwawe, Duclo and Awoutcha Tchieuzing, Romuald Fernand (2023): Le capital humain est-il important pour la diversification des exportations ? : L’expérience des économies d’Afrique Sub-Saharienne(ASS).

Mendoza, Adrian (2018): Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Insights from Philippine Manufacturing Firms. Published in: Philippine Journal of Public Policy: Interdisciplinary Development Perspectives , Vol. 2018, No. 1 (2019): pp. 25-65.

Michalak, Katja and Naqvi, Nadeem (2019): Child Labor: Theory of Foreign Trade and Investment Intervention.

Mitra, Sudeshna and Gupta, Kausik (2017): Liberalization and Welfare Conditions of a Developing Economy: A General Equilibrium Analysis.

Molintas, Dominique Trual (2010): Globalisation impact on Danish SME: Offshore Outsourcing & local competitiveness.

Monte, Ferdinando (2009): Skill Bias, Trade, and Wage Dispersion.

Moore, Robert E. (1990): Can trade liberalization lead to an increase in poverty in Central America? Published in: Journal of Economic Development , Vol. 15 (19, No. 2 (December 1990): pp. 83-92.

Moore, Robert E. (1997): Learning-by-Doing and trade policy in a developing economy. Published in: The Journal of Developing Areas 31 No. Summer (1997): pp. 515-528.

Morawczyński, Rafał and Wach, Krzysztof (2004): Does Polish foreign trade impact employment? Empirical investigation. Published in: Entrepreneurship, employmend and beyond 2003, edited by J. Targalski, Cracow University of Economics, Kraków 2004 No. ISBN 83-7252-223-5 (2004): pp. 55-66.

Moreno, L and Rodríguez, D (2010): Markups, bargaining power and offshoring: an empirical assessment.

Mourinho Félix, Ricardo and Almeida, Vanda and Castro, Gabriela (2008): Improving competition in the non-tradable goods and labour markets: the Portuguese case.

Mukherjee, Soumyatanu (2011): Revisiting the Apparent Paradox: Foreign Capital Inflow, Welfare Amelioration and ‘Jobless Growth’ with Agricultural Dualism and Non-traded Intermediate Input.

Mukherjee, Soumyatanu (2013): Sector-specific foreign direct investment, factor market distortions and non-immiserising growth.

Mukherjee, Soumyatanu (2011): Special Economic Zones and Agriculture with Increasing Returns.

Mukherjee, Soumyatanu and Zafar, Sameen (2014): Technological progress with segmented factor markets and welfare implications for the urban poor.

Mukherjee, Soumyatanu and Zafar, Sameen (2014): Welfare implications of technological progress with segmented factor markets.


Namasaka, Martin (2015): Trade as a Collective Action Problem.

Naqvi, Nadeem (2010): International economic theory and politics: world structure before, during and after the early 21st Century Crisis.

Naqvi, Nadeem (2009): Structure versus Agency in the Great Deprivation of 21st Century.

Newland, Kathleen (2009): Circular Migration and Human Development. Published in: Human Development Research Paper (HDRP) Series , Vol. 42, No. 2009

Ngozo, Thandokuhle I. (2006): Openess and Economic Growth: The case of European Expansion.

Nguyen, Anh and Jones, Nicola (2006): Vietnam’s Trade Liberalisation: Potential Impacts on Child Well-being.

Nguyen, Cuong (2013): Poverty, Inequality and Trade Facilitation in Low and Middle Income Countries.

Nogues, Julio (2020): Europa, el comercio de esclavos y el subdesarrollo de África.

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Nolan, Brian and Richiardi, Matteo and Valenzuela, Luis (2018): The Drivers of Inequality in Rich Countries.


Ojo, Marianne (2019): Avoiding a “No Deal” Scenario: Free Trade Agreements, Citizenship and Economic Rights.

Ojo, Marianne (2020): The need for global coordination and cooperation transparency and uncertainty amid the COVID -19 outbreak. Published in: Centre for Innovation and Sustainable Development Economic Review

Ojo, Marianne and Dierker, Theodore (2021): Monetary policy implications of deviations in inflation targeting: the need for a global cooperative, coordinated and correlated response. Forthcoming in:

Oslington, Paul (2005): Trade and the distributional politics of international labour standards.

Oyadeyi, Olajide (2023): A Move Toward a ‘Crawling Peg’ Exchange Rate System in 2023.


Partridge, Mark and Dan S., Rickman and Olfert, M. Rose and Tan, Ying (2014): International Trade and Local Labor Markets: Do Foreign and Domestic Shocks Affect Regions Differently?

Partridge, Mark D. and Rickman, Dan and Olfert, M. Rose and Tan, Ying (2013): International Trade and Local Labor Markets: Are Foreign and Domestic Shocks Created Differently?

Pastore, Mario (1998): "Trade, conflict, institutional reform and economic growth: The long 18th century expansion of world trade and the Iberian-American frontier.". Published in: Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia No. 1 (2002): pp. 1-51.

Pastore, Mario H. (1994): Trade contraction and economic regression: the Paraguayan economy under Francia, 1814-1840. Published in: Journal of Latin American Studies , Vol. 26, No. 3 (October 1994): pp. 539-595.

Paz, Lourenco (2012): The Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Informal Labor Markets.�.

Paz, Lourenco (2013): The Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Informal Labor Markets: A Theoretical and Empirical Evaluation of the Brazilian Case.

Paz, Lourenco (2012): Trade liberalization and the inter-industry wage premia: the missing role of productivity.

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