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El impacto del teletrabajo en el bienestar laboral: Evidencia para Alemania

Dolado, Marina (2025): El impacto del teletrabajo en el bienestar laboral: Evidencia para Alemania.

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This paper analyzes the impact of telework on job well-being in Germany, using data from the 2015 European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS). Using an empirical analysis based on Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) models, four key dimensions of job well-being are examined: job satisfaction, work-family balance, anxiety and fatigue. The results show that factors such as age, education and hours worked have a significant impact on these dimensions. In addition, a non-linear pattern is observed in the influence of age, where the initial negative effects diminish in later stages of working life. This study contributes to the understanding of telework dynamics in an advanced European context and suggests the need for policies that promote an appropriate balance between work demands and personal well-being.

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