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Items where Subject is "J8 - Labor Standards: National and International"

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Number of items at this level: 45.


ABALO, Kodzovi (2011): Etude comparative des conditions de travail des enfants issus des ménages agricoles au Burkina Faso, en Cote d’Ivoire et au Mali.

Abalo, Kodzovi (2012): Enquete sur les conditions de travail des enfants issus des ménages agricoles en Afrique de l'Ouest.

Abdih, Yasser and Behar, Alberto and Cevik, Serhan and Chami, Ralph and Dougherty-Choux, Lisa and Furceri, Davide and Janus, Nick and Zimand, Paul (2012): A Template for Analyzing and Projecting Labor Market Indicators. Published in:

Adascalitei, Dragos and Khatiwada, Sameer and Malo, Miguel A. and Pignatti Morano, Clemente (2015): Employment protection and collective bargaining during the Great Recession: A comprehensive review of international evidence.


Bayari, Celal (2015): Economic Geography of the Australian Mining Industry. Published in: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie , Vol. 107, No. 5 (1 December 2016): pp. 552-566.

Bayari, Celal (2001): How Does Labour Work Now? A Quantitative Survey of Labour Practices in Japanese Multinationals Post 1996 Workplace Relations Act (Commonwealth). Published in: Proceedings of the 2001 Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference No. 2001 (1 December 2001): pp. 1-14.

Bayari, Celal (2010): Japanese Manufacturers in Australia: Analysing Their Quality Evaluation and Employee Participation. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 13, (12 October 2010): pp. 369-374.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour Management in China: Legislation, Stratification, and Wages. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 17, No. 2014 (8 November 2014): pp. 419-424.

Bertranou, Fabio (2013): Mecanismos de formulación e implementación de la política de empleo en Argentina.

Bertranou, Fabio (2014): Mechanisms for the Formulation and Implementation of Employment Policy in Argentina.

Boicu, Ruxandra (2007): Pragmatic identity and alterity in political discourse. Published in: University of Bucharest Review, A Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies , Vol. Vol IX, No. no. 4/2007 : pp. 76-83.

Brie, Mircea and Horga, Ioan and Şipoş, Sorin (2011): Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border. Published in: Eurolimes , Vol. Suppli, (2011): pp. 1-502.

Brie, Mircea and Polgar, Istvan (2011): Dual citizenship granted to hungarian ethnics. Context and arguments. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Seria Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Europene , Vol. III, (2011): pp. 214-220.

Brownee, Russell (2006): Transnationalism for Migration Studies: A Critical Review and Analysis. Published in: Pacific Transnationalism , Vol. 22, No. 1 (2006): pp. 76-88.


C, Dr. Jeeva (2017): Women’s Participation and MGNREGP with Special Reference to Coonoor in Nilgiris District: Issues and Challenges. Published in: International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS) , Vol. 7, No. 12 : pp. 34-43.

Charman, Crawford and Owen, Ann (2013): Collective happiness: labor union membership and life satisfaction.


Harding, Don and Harding, Glenys (2004): Minimum wages in Australia: an analysis of the impact on small and medium sized businesses.

Hendrix, Cullen and Noland, Marcus (2021): Economic diplomacy and genocide in Xinjiang. Published in: Asia Pacific Issues No. 150 (November 2021): pp. 1-8.

Horga, Ioan and Brie, Mircea (2010): Europe between Exclusive Borders and Inclusive Frontiers. Published in: Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Series Europaea (2010): pp. 63-86.

Huamaní-Huapaya, Edson Raúl (2019): Persistencia Intergeneracional del Trabajo Infantil y Adolescente en Perú. Published in:


Jellal, Mohamed (2012): A theory of compliance with minimum wage legislation.



Kretsos, Lefteris and Kouzis, Yannis and Belegri-Roboli, Athena and Markaki, Maria and Michaelides, Panayotis G. (2007): Old wines in new bottles? From State Regulation to Flexible Working Time Arrangements in Greece.


Ludsteck, Johannes and Seth, Stefan (2013): Comment on "Unemployment Compensation and Wages: Evidence from the German Hartz Reforms" by Stefan Arent and Wolfgang Nagl.


Malhotra, Deepika (2016): Communication hurdles leadership: An exploratory conclusion.

Mizia, Cezary Andrzej (2008): Řízení kulturní rozmanitosti ve Střední Evropě na příkladu České Republiky, Polska a Slovenska. Published in: Čtyři roky členství zemí střední a východní Evropy v Evropské unii: důsledky a nové výzvy pro národní a regionální trhy práce. Mezinárodní vědecká konference Karviná, 14.-16. května 2008 (14 May 2008): pp. 531-538.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2003): Child Deprivation: An Extended Approach to Child Labour.

Motkuri, Venkatanarayana (2006): Child Labour and Educational Deprivation of Children : A Review of Literature.


NWAOBI, GODWIN (2013): African Jobless Growth Morphology:Vulnerabilities and Policy Responses.

Noland, Marcus (2018): North Korea: Sanctions, Engagement, and Strategic Reorientation. Published in: Innovation and Economic Growth Series No. No. 14 (October 2018)


Pani, Narendar and Jafar, K (2008): Capabilities, growth and non-agrarian villages: Second phase of the Kerala model. Published in: Oxford Development Studies , Vol. 38, No. 1 (March 2010): pp. 25-42.

Petreski, Blagica and Tumanoska, Despina (2016): Active labour market policies: Challenge for the Macedonian labour market.


Schmidt, Oliver (2005): Understanding the case of international labour standards – methodological insights into an ongoing debate.

Seguino, Stephanie (2003): Taking gender differences in bargaining power seriously: Equity, labor standards, and living wages. Published in: (2006)

Singh, Ajit (1999): The role of employment and work in poverty eradication and empowerment and advancement of women.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Ann (2011): Globalisation, labour Standards and economic Development. Published in: The Handbook of Globalisation No. Second edition (29 June 2011): pp. 230-256.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Ann (2000): The global labour standards controversy: critical issues for developing countries. Published in: South Centre No. South Perspectives (30 November 2000): pp. 1-101.

Sly, Nicholas (2010): Skill Acquisition, Incentive Contracts and Jobs: Labor Market Adjustment to Trade.

Sosnovskaya, Anna and Dumetz, Jerome (2013): Кросс-культурная коммуникация. Published in: УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКОЕ КОНСУЛЬТИРОВАНИЕ , Vol. 8 (56), No. 8 (56) (September 2013): pp. 83-90.

Stober, Emmanuel Olusegun (2016): China’s rural – urban migration: Who gains, who loses? Published in: Junior Scientific Researcher , Vol. 2, No. 2 (November 2016): pp. 1-11.

Stukach, Victor and Tetereva, Albina (2008): Работники высококвалифицированного аграрного труда: оценка конкурентоспособности, система повышения квалификации. Published in: Проблемы развития региональной инфраструктуры АПК , Vol. 184 с., No. Рынок аграрного труда (2008): p. 190.


Tamilina, Larysa and Tamilina, Natalya (2019): Social Trust Formation in the Workplace: Applying the Job Strain Model to Explain Variations in Social Trust Levels among Employed Individuals. Forthcoming in:


Villena, Mauricio G. and Sanchez, Rafael and Rojas, Eugenio (2011): Unintended Consequences of Childcare Regulation in Chile: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design.


Xu, Tao and Zhu, Weiwei (2021): Eudemonia and Freedom: A Bibliometric Research on Frontiers and Evolution of Labour and Employment in China.


Стайков, Ивайло (2020): Историческата роля на Международната организация на труда за установяване на международни стандарти за трудовите и социалните права на човека. Published in: Годишник на Департамент „Право“ на Нов български университет 2019 година. София: Издателство на НБУ. ISSN 1314-8087 (print), ISSN 2682-969X (online) No. Година осма. Книжка 9 (2020): pp. 216-243.

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