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Items where Subject is "J24 - Human Capital ; Skills ; Occupational Choice ; Labor Productivity"

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Abba AHmed, Bello and Adamu Zubair, Mustapha (2024): Youth empowerment for sustainable development in Jigawa State. Published in: Dutse Journal of economics and Development Studies , Vol. 13, No. 1 (30 December 2024): pp. 303-316.

Abdel-Rahman, Alaa (2016): Linking education to employment:how to establish a successful and uninterrupted connection.

Abraham, Vinoj (2011): Agrarian distress and rural non-farm sector employment in India.

Abramuszkinova Pavlikova, Eva (2010): Virtual Erasmus - A new chance not only for Europe.

Accolley, Delali (2015): Altruistic Overlapping Generations of Households and the Contribution of Human Capital to Economic Growth.

Ackermann, Dagmar and Merz, Joachim and Stolze, Henning (2004): Erfolg und Erfolgsfaktoren freiberuflich tätiger Ärzte Ergebnisse der FFB-Ärzteumfrage für Niedersachsen.

Adamopoulou, Effrosyni and Tanzi, Giulia M. (2014): Academic Performance and the Great Recession.

Adenutsi, Deodat E. (2009): Long-run macroeconomic impact of international migrant remittances on human development in low-income countries: A panel analysis of sub-Saharan Africa. Published in: Journal of International Economic Studies , Vol. 24, No. March (March 2010): pp. 113-132.

Adrjan, Pawel (2018): The mightier, the stingier: Firms’ market power, capital intensity, and the labor share of income.

Adukia, Anjali and Asher, Samuel and Novosad, Paul (2017): Educational Investment Responses to Economic Opportunity: Evidence from Indian Road Construction.

Afandi, Elvin and Kermani, Majid (2013): What Determines Firms’ Innovation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Ahmed, Salma (2015): Dynamics and diversity: How are religious minorities faring in the labour Market in Bangladesh?

Ahmed, Vaqar and Wahab, Mohammad Abdul and Mahmood, Hamid (2011): Effectiveness of HRD for developing SMEs in South Asia.

Ahmed Azumah, Ayisha and Mohammed, Safura and Tetteh, Rebecca (2017): An empirical study of Job satisfaction of university staff.

Aisa, Rosa and Larramona, Gemma (2014): Labour market outcomes in the Roma population of Spain.

Akpa, Emeka and Onuoha, Henry and Nwakpa, Friday (2018): Human as Capital: An Imperative for Africa. Published in: The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies , Vol. 6, No. 6 (30 June 2018): pp. 63-68.

Alali, Walid Y. (2011): The Contribution of Education to Economic Development.

Alali, Walid Y. (2012): Influence The Education Levels on Income Worldwide: Empirical Evidence.

Alcala, Francisco and Hernandez, Pedro J. (2005): Firm characteristics, labor sorting, and wages.

Alcala, Francisco and Hernandez, Pedro J. (2005): Firm characteristics, labor sorting, and wages.

Alcala, Francisco and Hernandez, Pedro J. (2009): Firms' Main Market, Human Capital and Wages. Published in: Fundación BBVA - Documentos de Trabajo No. 06 (2009)

Aldieri, Luigi and Vinci, Concetto Paolo (2011): Education and fertility: an investigation on Italian families.

Aldieri, Luigi and Vinci, Concetto Paolo (2010): An investigation of the relation between the number of children and education in Italy.

Alejos, Luis Alejandro (2006): La elección del sector laboral y los retornos a la educación en Guatemala. Published in: Revista Estudios Sociales , Vol. IV Epo, No. 75 : pp. 13-64.

Ali, Sharafat and Ahmad, Najid (2013): Human Capital and Poverty in Pakistan: Evidence from the Punjab Province. Published in: European Journal of Science and Public Policy , Vol. 11, (August 2013): pp. 36-41.

Alrubaie, falah.K.Ali (2006): تحلیل مؤشرات التنمیة الإنسانیة في الدول العربیة.

Amaral, Pedro and Rivera-Padilla, Alberto (2024): Cross-country income dispersion, human capital, and technology adoption.

Amarender A, Reddy (2013): Farm profitability and Labour Use Efficiency. Forthcoming in: Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research Development (1 December 2013): pp. 1-21.

Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich (2014): Human Knowledge and a Commonsensical Measure of Human Capital: A Proposal.

Amjad (edited), Rashid (1981): The development labour intensive industry in ASEAN countries: an overview. Published in: Asian employment Programme, International Labour Organisation, Bangkok

Andrea, Canidio (2010): The determinants of long-run inequality.

Andrei, Dalina (2023): Telework: bridging the past and present through technological advancements. European Union and Romania’s case.

Andresen, Martin Eckhoff and Løkken, Sturla Andreas (2020): The Final straw: High school dropout for marginal students.

Angel-Urdinola, Diego F. and Semlali, Amina (2010): Labor Markets and School-to-Work Transition in Egypt: Diagnostics, Constraints, and Policy Framework.

Antonescu, Daniela (2022): Aspecte relevante privind piața forței de muncă în contextul coeziunii teritoriale Post-Covid.

Antoni, Manfred and Gerner, Hans-Dieter and Jäckle, Robert and Schwarz, Stefan (2024): When Women Learn That They Earn Less: The Gender Pay Gap in University Student Internships.

Antón, José-Ignacio and Muñoz de Bustillo, Rafael (2011): The impact of the minimum wage on Spanish youth: Evidence from a natural experiment.

Aqib, Muhammad and Zaman, Khalid (2023): Greening the Workforce: The Power of Investing in Human Capital. Published in: Archives of the Social Sciences: A Journal of Collaborative Memory , Vol. 1, No. 1 (8 February 2023): pp. 31-51.

Aristovnik, Aleksander and Obadić, Alka (2011): The funding and efficiency of higher education in Croatia and Slovenia: a non-parametric comparison. Published in: Amfiteatru Economic , Vol. 13, No, (2011): pp. 362-376.

Arnone, Massimo and Angelillis, Barbara and Costantiello, Alberto and Leogrande, Angelo (2024): Graduates, Training and Employment Across the Italian Regions.

Arévalo Morocho, Edison Joel and Lozano Veintimilla, Elizabeth Alexandra (2022): Violencia contra la mujer en ecuador, como consecuencia de la pobreza, desempleo, nivel de educación y demás factores socioeconómicos.

Asali, Muhammad (2017): Military Service and Future Earnings Revisited.

Asali, Muhammad and Cristobal-Campoamor, Adolfo (2011): Optimal foreign direct investment in the presence of human capital formation.

Asongu, Simplice (2013): Determinants of Health Professionals’ Migration in Africa: a WHO based Assessment.

Asuamah Yeboah, Samuel (2024): Navigating Scarcity: An Analysis of Expenditure Patterns Among Low-Income Households.

Athanasoglou, Panayiotis and Georgiou, Evangelia and Staikouras, Christos (2008): Assessing output and productivity growth in the banking industry. Published in: RePEc No. Working Paper 2 (November 2008)

Awan, Masood Sarwar and Iqbal, Nasir and Muhammad, Waqas (2011): The impact of human capital on urban poverty: The case of Sargodha city. Published in: Journal of Sustainable Development , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2011): pp. 143-150.

Ayan, Davut (2016): Unemployment Among the Recent U.S. Veterans.

Azad, Abul Kalam and Emran, Sheikh Jafar (2018): Ending High, Starting High: Job Placement of Economics Graduates of Dhaka University. Published in: Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , Vol. 36, No. 1 (1 June 2019): pp. 77-100.

Azuma, Yoshiaki (2010): How career changes affect technological breakthrough - Reconsidering the prolonged slump of the Japanese economy -. Published in: The International Journal of Economic Policy Studies , Vol. 4, (2010): pp. 17-36.


BABATOUNDE, Latoundji Alain (2010): Efficiency of financial micro intermediation in the WAEMU countries: A stochastic frontier production analysis.

Baah-Boateng, William (2013): Human Capital Development: The Case of Education as a Vehicle for Africa's Economic Transformation. Published in: Legon Journal of International Affairs and Diplomacy , Vol. 7, No. 1 (May 2013): pp. 1-24.

Badescu, Mircea and Garrouste, Christelle and Loi, Massimo (2012): The distribution of adult training among European unemployed: Evidence from recent surveys. Published in: International Journal of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2013): pp. 103-120.

Bakhri, Syaeful Bakhri and Munawar Albadri, Abdul Aziz and Fatimah, Ummi Khulsum (2019): Analisis SWOT Untuk Strategi Pengembangan Home Industry Kue Gapit Sampurna Jaya Kabupaten Cirebon. Published in: DIMASEJATI , Vol. 1, No. 1 (10 January 2019): pp. 65-80.

Bandopadhyay, Titas Kumar (2014): Efficiency Wage and Endogenous Job Destruction in the DMP Model----- an Extension.

Bandopadhyay, Titas Kumar (2014): Efficiency Wage in the Frictional Labour Market- A Theoretical Analysis.

Banfi, Stefano and Choi, Sekyu and Villena-Roldán, Benjamin (2019): Sorting On-line and On-time. Published in: European Economic Review , Vol. 146, (July 2022): p. 104128.

Banfi, Stefano and Choi, Sekyu and Villena-Roldán, Benjamin (2019): Sorting On-line and On-time.

Barbieri, Teresa (2021): Changes in the Italian wage distribution: the role of routine and social tasks.

Barone, Adriana and Barra, Cristian (2019): Weight status and mental health in Italy: Evidence from EHIS2 microdata.

Barone, Adriana and Nese, Annamaria (2015): Body Weight and Gender: Academic Choice and Performance.

Barron, Kai and Gravert, Christina (2018): Beliefs and actions: How a shift in confidence affects choices.

Battiston, Diego (2018): The Persistent Effects of Brief Interactions: Evidence from Immigrant Ships.

Bayari, Celal (2010): Japanese Manufacturers in Australia: Analysing Their Quality Evaluation and Employee Participation. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 13, (12 October 2010): pp. 369-374.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour Management in China: Legislation, Stratification, and Wages. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 17, No. 2014 (8 November 2014): pp. 419-424.

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Origin of Minimum Wage Determination in Australia: The Political and Legal Institutions. Published in: Journal of Global Politics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (1 December 2012): pp. 163-198.

Bayari, Celal (2020): South Korean Economy and the Free Trade Agreement with China. Published in: The Journal of East Asian Affairs , Vol. 33, No. 1 (30 July 2020): pp. 89-122.

Behlen, Lars and Himmler, Oliver and Jaeckle, Robert (2022): Can defaults change behavior when post-intervention effort is required?

Beleva, Iskra (2011): The Bulgarian Anti-Crisis Measures and Their Effectiveness. Published in:

Beleva, Iskra (2011): The EU labour market crisis and recovery policies. The Bulgarian response to the crisis. Published in:

Beleva, Iskra (2011): European labour markets challenges in the context of the “Europe 2020” srategy. Published in:

Beleva, Iskra and Kotzeva, Mariana (2001): Bulgaria - Country Study on International Skilled Migration.

Beleva, Iskra and Tzanov, Vasil and Noncheva, Teodora and Zareva, Iren (1999): Background Study on Labour Market and Employment in Bulgaria.

Ben Mimoun, Mohamed and Raies, Asma (2008): Human capital investment and growth: A dynamic education model. Published in: Journal of Business Affairs , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 1 (2008): pp. 1-22.

Ben Youssef, Adel and Bester, Coetzee and Chuka, Aduba and Dahmani, Mounir and Malan, Beverley (2014): Building e-skills in Africa. Published in: in One Billion People, One Billion Opportunities : Building Human Capital in Africa, Chapter 11, Soucat, A. & Ncube, M. (Editors). African Development Bank. (April 2014): pp. 165-183.

Benos, Nikos and Karagiannis, Stelios (2013): Do Cross-Section Dependence and Parameter Heterogeneity Matter? Evidence on Human Capital and Productivity in Greece.

Bethencourt, Carlos and Kunze, Lars (2016): Temptation and the efficient taxation of education and labor.

Bezu, Sosina and Barrett, Christopher B. (2010): Activity Choice in Rural Non-farm Employment (RNFE): Survival versus accumulative strategy.

Bhattacharyya, Chandril and Gupta, Manash Ranjan (2015): Union, efficiency of labour and endogenous growth.

Biagetti, Marco and Scicchitano, Sergio (2009): Inequality in workers’ lifelong learning across european countries: Evidence from EU-SILC data-set.

Bianco, Dominique (2008): Growth and Competition in a Model of Human Capital Accumulation and Research.

Bibi, Chan and Ali, Amjad (2021): Do remittances impact human development in developing countries? A panel analysis of selected countries.

Biehl, Kai and Fent, Thomas (2007): Vorausschätzungen für die Entwicklung der Gesamtbevölkerung und der Beschäftigung in Österreich bis 2035.

Block, Joern and Sandner, Philipp (2006): The Effect of Motivation on Self-Employment Duration in Germany: Necessity versus Opportunity Entrepreneurs.

Blyde, Juan (2016): Exports and Labor Skills: The Role of Training.

Bodor, Andras and Robalino, David and Rutkowski, Michal (2008): How Mandatory Pensions Affect Labor Supply Decisions and Human Capital Accumulation? Options to Bridge the Gap between Economic Theory and Policy Analysis. Published in: Bank i Kredyt (July 2008): pp. 3-18.

Boehm, Michael J. and Watzinger, Martin (2010): The Allocation of Talent: Evidence from the Market of Economists.

Boehm, Michael J. and Watzinger, Martin (2010): The Allocation of Talent: Evidence from the Market of Economists.

Boehm, Michael J. and Watzinger, Martin (2011): The Allocation of Talent: Evidence from the Market of Economists.

Boehm, Michael J. and Watzinger, Martin (2011): The Allocation of Talent: Evidence from the Market of Economists.

Bojadziev, Marjan and Bocevska, Kristina (2009): The human resource related activities and quality function deployment. Published in: 12th International Conference of The Research Centre on Dependability and Quality Management, Belgrade (2009)

Bond, Timothy N. and Bulman, George and Li, Xiaoxiao and Smith, Jonathan (2016): Updated Expectations and College Application Portfolios.

Bond, Timothy N. and Bulman, George and Li, Xiaoxiao and Smith, Jonathan (2016): Updating Human Capital Decisions: Evidence from SAT Score Shocks and College Applications.

Bondoc, Maria-Daniela and Radu, Florea (2008): Considerations concerning the analysis of the wage costs efficiency. Published in: Analele Universităţii din Craiova, Secţiunea Ştiinţe Economice No. 36 (2008)

Bonev, Pavlin (2013): Government Intervention in Postsecondary Education in Bulgaria. Forthcoming in:

Bonilla, Santiago and Polanec, Sašo (2020): Organizational Hierarchies in the Slovenian Manufacturing Sector. Forthcoming in:

Bourlès, Renaud and Cette, Gilbert (2005): A comparison of structural productivity levels in the major industrialised countries. Published in: OECD Economic Studies No. 41 (2005): pp. 75-108.

Braakmann, Nils (2012): The effect of the 2011 London riots on crime, policing and unemployment.

Brachet, Tanguy and David, Guy (2009): On the Determinants of Organizational Forgetting.

Bradley, Elizabeth S. (2012): The Effect of the Business Cycle on Freshman Major Choice.

Brady, Ryan and Insler, Michael and Rahman, Ahmed (2015): Bad Company: Reconciling Negative Peer Effects in College Achievement.

Branea, Silvia (2003): Receptarea soap-opera de către tineri. Studiu de caz: „Beverly Hills”. Published in: Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication , Vol. Year 2, No. Spring (2003): pp. 121-128.

Brinca, Pedro and Duarte, João B. and Holter, Hans A. and Oliveira, João G. (2019): Technological Change and Earnings Inequality in the U.S.: Implications for Optimal Taxation.

Buda, Rodolphe (1998): Une analyse systémique de l'évaluation des ressources humaines - réflexions et expérimentations en milieu scolaire.

Buechel, Berno and Mechtenberg, Lydia and Petersen, Julia (2014): Peer Effects and Students’ Self-Control.

Bueno, Nicolas (2017): From the Right to Work to Freedom from Work: Introduction to the Human Economy. Published in: International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations , Vol. 33, No. 4 (2017): pp. 463-487.

Bulaon, June Patrick and Shoji, Masahiro (2022): Disaster Exposure in Childhood and Adult Noncognitive Skill: Evidence from the Philippines.

Burachik, Gustavo and Gorenstein, Silvia (1999): Creacion de locales industriales en Bahia Blanca (1984-1993): caracterizacion de los principales factores de atracción y desplazamiento. Published in: Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbanos Regionales , Vol. 24, No. 71 (March 1998): pp. 57-74.

Burhan, Nik Ahmad Sufian and Che Razak, Razli and Rosli, Muhamad Ridhwan and Selamat, Muhamad Rosli (2017): The Bell Curve of Intelligence, Economic Growth and Technological Achievement: How Robust is the Cross-Country Evidence?

Burhan, Nik Ahmad Sufian and Che Razak, Razli and Salleh, Fauzilah and Labastida Tovar, María Elena (2017): Intelligence and the Ease of Doing Business: Does Intellectual Class Facilitate Leadership and Entrepreneurship?

Burhan, Nik Ahmad Sufian and Che Razak, Razli and Selamat, Muhamad Rosli and Rosli, Muhamad Ridhwan (2017): Intellectual Giftedness for Leadership: How Robust is the Crime Reducing Effect of Intellectual Class?

Burhan, Nik Ahmad Sufian and Kurniawan, Yohan and Sidek, Abdul Halim and Mohamad, Mohd Rosli (2014): Crimes and the Bell Curve: The Role of People with High, Average, and Low Intelligence. Published in: Intelligence , Vol. 47, (21 September 2014): pp. 12-22.

Burhan, Nik Ahmad Sufian and Mohamad, Mohd Rosli and Kurniawan, Yohan and Sidek, Abdul Halim (2014): The Impact of Low, Average, and High IQ on Economic Growth and Technological Progress: Do All Individuals Contribute Equally? Published in: Intelligence , Vol. 46, (September 2014): pp. 1-8.

Burhan, Nik Ahmad Sufian and Mohamad, Mohd Rosli and Kurniawan, Yohan and Sidek, Abdul Halim (2014): National Intelligence, Basic Human Needs, and Their Effect on Economic Growth. Published in: Intelligence , Vol. 44, (2014): pp. 103-111.

Burhan, Nik Ahmad Sufian and Salleh, Fauzilah and Burhan, Nik Mohd Ghazi (2015): National Intelligence and Private Health Expenditure: Do High IQ Societies Spend More on Health Insurance? Published in: Intelligence , Vol. 52, (September 2015): pp. 1-8.

Burhan, Nik Ahmad Sufian and Sidek, Abdul Halim and Kurniawan, Yohan and Mohamad, Mohd Rosli (2014): Has Globalization Triggered Collective Impact of National Intelligence on Economic Growth? Published in: Intelligence , Vol. 48, (January 2015): pp. 152-161.

Buzko, Iryna and Dyachenko, Yuriy and Ovcharenko, Ievgen and Klius, Yuliia (2018): Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in Managing Human Resource Development in Enterprises. Published in: International Journal of Engineering & Technology , Vol. 7(4.3), No. 3 (2018): pp. 398-403.

Böckerman, Petri and Bryson, Alex and Ilmakunnas, Pekka (2011): Does high involvement management lead to higher pay?

Böckerman, Petri and Kauhanen, Antti and Maliranta, Mika (2012): ICT and occupation-based measures of organisational change: Firm and employee outcomes.

Böckerman, Petri and Laaksonen, Seppo and Vainiomäki, Jari (2013): Is there job polarization at the firm level?


Cabrera, José María and Webbink, Dinand (2018): Do higher salaries yield better teachers and better student outcomes?

Cabrera-Castellanos, Luis F. (2002): Crecimiento y Convergencia Regional en Mexico: 1970-1995. Published in: Anuario de la DCSEA No. 2001 (2002): pp. 106-134.

Calabrese, Matteo and Van Leeuwen, Bas (2023): Socio-economic characteristics as determinants in the job market: The case of Piedmont in Italy (1867–2005).

Calzaroni, Manlio and Cappiello, Antonio and Della Rocca, Giorgio and Di Zio, Marco and Martelli, Cristina and Pieraccini, Guido and Profili, Francesco and Tembe, Cirilo (2006): Metodologia - O Sector Informal em Moçambique: Resultados do Primeiro Inquérito Nacional (2005). Published in: , Vol. O Sect, No. © 2006 Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Maputo, Moçambique (2006)

Canaan, Serena and Mouganie, Pierre (2014): Returns to Education Quality for Low-Skilled Students: Evidence from a Discontinuity.

Canaday, Neil and Tamura, Robert (2007): White discrimination in provision of black education: plantations and towns.

Cao, Huoqing and Chen, Chaoran and Xi, Xican (2025): Home Production and Gender Gap in Structural Change.

Carillo, Mario Francesco (2018): Agricultural policy and long-run development: evidence from Mussolini's Battle for Grain.

Carmichael, Fiona and Ercolani, Marco and Kang, Lili and Maimaiti, Yasheng and O'Mahony, Mary and Peng, Fei and Robinson, Catherine (2009): Training, education and productivity.

Caro, Juan Carlos (2020): Child development and obesity prevention: evidence from the Chilean School Meals Program.

Caro, Juan Carlos (2020): Parental investments, socioemotional development and nutritional health in Chile.

Caroleo, Floro Ernesto (2012): Il difficile passaggio verso il lavoro dei giovani che lasciano la scuola: quali possibili politiche?

Carvalho, Jean-Paul and Koyama, Mark (2013): Resisting Education.

Casey, Gregory and Galor, Oded (2014): Population Dynamics and Long-Run Economic Growth.

Castagnetti, Carolina and Rosti, Luisa (2008): Who skims the cream of the Italian graduate crop? Wage-employment versus self-employment. Forthcoming in: Small Business Economics

Castro, Alyssa Mae and Deluna, Roperto Jr (2013): Factors Affecting Call Center as a Job Preference among Employees in Davao City.

Cavapozzi, Danilo and Garrouste, Christelle and Paccagnella, Omar (2010): Childhood, Schooling and Income Inequality. Published in: MEA Discussion Papers No. 212 (December 2010): pp. 1-15.

Chakraborty, Bidisha and Chakraborty, Kamalika (2016): Low Level Equilibrium Trap, Unemployment, School Quality, Child Labour and Human Capital Formation.

Chakraborty, Kamalika and Chakraborty, Bidisha (2016): Child labour ban versus Education subsidy in a model with learning by doing effect in unskilled work.

Chakraborty, Kamalika and Chakraborty, Bidisha (2018): Endogenous Altruism, Learning by Doing Effect and Impact of Domestic Policies on Child Labour.

Chakraborty, Kamalika and Chakraborty, Bidisha (2016): Learning by doing, low level equilibrium trap, and effect of domestic policies on child labour.

Chakraborty, Kamalika and Chakraborty, Bidisha (2016): Will increase in size of landholding reduce child labour in presence of unemployment? A theoretical analysis.

Chani, Muhammad Irfan and Hassan, Mahboob Ul and Shahid, Muhammad (2012): Human capital formation and economic development in Pakistan: an empirical analysis. Forthcoming in: Actual Problems of Economics No. 6 (June 2012)

Charlot, Olivier and Decreuse, Bruno (2006): Over-education for the rich, under-education for the poor: a search-theoretic microfoundation.

Chen, Hung-Ju (2013): Child Allowances, Educational Subsidies and Economic Growth.

Chen, Hung-Ju and Miyazaki, Koichi (2019): Labor productivity, labor supply of the old, and economic growth.

Chen, Liwen and Gordanier, John and Ozturk, Orgul (2016): Following (Not Quite) in Your Father’s Footsteps: Task Followers and Labor Market Outcomes.

Chen, Maggie (2009): The Matching of Heterogeneous Firms and Politicians.

Chi, Wei and Xiaoye, Qian (2011): Regional disparity of labor’s share in China: Evidence and explanation.

Chobanova, Rossitsa (2003): Flows in Europe - Bulgaria. Published in:

Chong, Terence Tai Leung and Lee, Nayoung and Sio, Chan-Ip (2018): Threshold Effect of Scale and Skill in Active Mutual Fund Management.

Christoffersen, Susan E. K. and Sarkissian, Sergei (2010): The demographics of fund turnover.

Cinzia, Rienzo (2010): Real Wages, Wage Inequality and the Regional Cost-of-living in the UK.

Ciriaci, Daria and Muscio, Alessandro (2010): Does university choice drive graduates’ employability?

Ciriaci, Daria and Muscio, Alessandro (2010): Does university choice drive graduates’ employability?

Consoli, Davide and Vona, Francesco and Saarivirta, Toni (2010): An analysis of the Graduate Labour Market in Finland: the impact of Spatial Agglomeration and Skill-Job Mismatches.

Coombs, Christopher and Cebula, Richard (2009): Are there rewards for language skills? Evidence from the earnings of registered nurses. Published in: The Social Science Journal , Vol. 47, No. 3 (28 September 2010): pp. 659-677.

Correa, Juan and Lorca, Miguel and Parro, Francisco (2014): Capital-Skill Complementarity: Does capital disaggregation matter?

Cotton, Christopher and Price, Joseph (2006): The Hot Hand, Competitive Experience, and Performance Differences by Gender.

Cowling, Marc (2007): Still At Work? An empirical test of competing theories of long hours culture.

Cragun, Randy and Tamura, Robert and Jerzmanowski, Michal (2017): Directed technical change: A macro perspective on life cycle earnings profiles.

Crespo, Nuno and Simoes, Nadia and Moreira, Sandrina B. (2013): Gender Differences in Occupational Mobility – Evidence from Portugal.

Croce, Giuseppe and Piselli, Paolo (2024): Are the best jobs created in largest cities? Evidence from Italy 1993-2016.

Croce, Giuseppe and Ghignoni, Emanuela (2009): Employer-provided training and knowledge spillovers: evidence from Italian local labour markets.

Croce, Giuseppe and Ghignoni, Emanuela (2009): Employer-provided training and knowledge spillovers: evidence from Italian local labour markets.

Cuberes, David and Tamura, Robert (2017): Equilibrium and Optimal Fertility with Increasing Returns to Population and Endogenous Mortality.

Cummins, Matthew (2019): Population Dynamics and the Demographic Dividend Potential of Eastern and Southern Africa: A Primer.

canegrati, emanuele (2006): The Single Mindedness Theory of Labor Unions.


D'Alessandro, Simone and Fioroni, Tamara (2011): Child labour and inequality.

Damiani, Mirella and Pompei, Fabrizio (2009): Labour protection and productivity in the European economies: 1995-2005.

Dang, Thang (2017): Education as Protection? The Effect of Schooling on Non-Wage Compensation in a Developing Country.

Daoud, Yousef and Shanti, Ruba (2011): Private-public sector employment choice and wage differential in Palestine:a gender perspective.

Dasgupta, Utteeyo and Gangadharan, Lata and Maitra, Pushkar and Mani, Subha and Subramanian, Samyukta (2011): Selection into skill accumulation: evidence using observational and experimental data.

Davia, María A. and Wang, Ting and Gámez, Matías (2019): Language proficiency and immigrants’ labor market outcomes in post-crisis Spain.

De Paola, Maria and Scoppa, Vincenzo (2009): Effects of Class Size on Achievement of College Students.

De Paola, Maria and Scoppa, Vincenzo (2009): Peer Group Effects on the Academic Performance of Italian Students.

DeVaro, Jed and Farnham, Martin (2010): Two Perspectives on Multiskilling and Product Market Volatility.

Decreuse, Bruno and Granier, Pierre (2004): Adaptabilité et complexité: les choix éducatifs et technologiques sont-ils efficaces?

Decreuse, Bruno and Granier, Pierre (2007): Matching frictions and the divide of schooling investment between general and specific skills.

Della Giusta, Marina and Clot, Sophie and Razzu, Giovanni (2019): The behavioural foundations of female entrepreneurship: what can experiments teach us?

Demiralp, Berna (2007): Occupational Self-Selection in a Labor Market with Moral Hazard.

Deng, Binbin (2010): Schooling and Wage Revisited: Does Higher IQ Really Give You Higher Income?

Destefanis, Sergio (2014): Dualismo e declino nel territorio italiano. Il ruolo delle competenze. Published in: Crescita, investimenti e territorio: il ruolo delle politiche industriali e regionali (7 January 2014): pp. 83-92.

Dhaoui, Iayd (2013): Human Capital Investment through Education and Training: an Overview. Published in: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention , Vol. 2, No. 5 (May 2013): pp. 74-85.

Di Cintio, Marco and Grassi, Emanuele (2010): Internal Migration and Wage Differentials among Italian University Graduates.

Di Paolo, Antonio and Tansel, Aysit (2017): Analyzing Wage Differentials by Fields of Study: Evidence from Turkey.

Di Paolo, Antonio and Tansel, Aysit (2019): English Skills, Labour Market Status and Earnings of Turkish Women. Forthcoming in: Empirica No. special issue of 2019

Dinda, Soumyananda (2004): Environmental Kuznets Curve: An Envelope of Technological Progress.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2009): A Simple Complementary Development Mechanics for African Countries.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2012): Social Capital Formation Ensuring Inclusive Growth: A Development Mechanics for Backward Region.

Doan, Tinh and Nguyen, Ha (2013): Productivity dispersion and the roles of quality of labour input and competition: A case of Vietnamese manufacturing sector.

Dolado, Marina (2025): El impacto del teletrabajo en el bienestar laboral: Evidencia para Alemania.

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