Feitosa Lopes, Daniel Alisson and Neto, Nicolino Trompieri and Barbosa, Macelo Ponte and Holanda, Marcos Costa (2008): Determinantes da Eficiência dos Gastos Públicos em Educação e Saúde: O caso do Ceará.
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The main objective of this study is to assess the quality of municipal spending of the State of Ceara in education and health. Using the non-parametric methodology data envelopment analysis, efficiency rates are estimated, considering indicators of input and product. To do so, a bias correction proposed by Simar and Wilson (1998) is applied and estimated in rates, generating robust rankings of efficiency. Then applies a regression model with censored dependent variable (Tobit) in order to examine the impact of certain variables on the estimated efficiency rates. The main contribution of this work is to examine the determinants of the quality of public spending at the municipal level differentiating between products (inputs) offered to the population and results (outputs) effectively achieved by the municipal administrations, from the regression analysis perspective.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Determinantes da Eficiência dos Gastos Públicos em Educação e Saúde: O caso do Ceará |
English Title: | Measuring and Explaining the Local Government Efficiency in Ceara: Evidence from Education and Health |
Language: | Portuguese |
Keywords: | Two-stages DEA |
Subjects: | H - Public Economics > H5 - National Government Expenditures and Related Policies > H51 - Government Expenditures and Health C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods > C3 - Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models ; Multiple Variables C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods > C8 - Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology ; Computer Programs H - Public Economics > H5 - National Government Expenditures and Related Policies > H52 - Government Expenditures and Education |
Item ID: | 24533 |
Depositing User: | Daniel A. Feitosa Lopes |
Date Deposited: | 20 Aug 2010 16:04 |
Last Modified: | 27 Sep 2019 16:30 |
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URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/24533 |