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Items where Subject is "H52 - Government Expenditures and Education"

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Number of items at this level: 158.


Abatemarco, Antonio and Dell'Anno, Roberto (2012): The Italian Reform of the academic recruitment system: an appraisal of ANVUR and CUN benchmarks for assessing candidates and commissioners.

Abdul Wahab, Abdul Azeez Oluwanisola and Kefeli, Zurina and Hashim, Nurhazirah (2018): Investigating The Dynamic Effect of Healthcare Expenditure and Education Expenditure On Economic Growth in Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC). Published in: 8th Islamic Banking Accounting and Finance (iBAF), 25th - 26th October 2018, Adya Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia (25 October 2018): pp. 1-26.

Abhijeet, Chandra (2010): Does Government Expenditure on Education Promote Economic Growth? An Econometric Analysis. Forthcoming in: Journal of Practicing Managers (2010)

Ackon, Kwabena Meneabe (2020): Fiscal Policy Innovations In Advanced Economies. Forthcoming in:

Ageli, Dr Mohammed Moosa (2013): Does Education Expenditure Promote Economic Growth in Saudi Arabia? An Econometric Analysis. Published in: International Journal of Social Science Research , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2 May 2013): pp. 1-10.

Ahec Šonje, Amina and Deskar-Škrbić, Milan and Šonje, Velimir (2018): Efficiency of public expenditure on education: comparing Croatia with other NMS. Published in: INTED2018 Conference Proceedings (7 March 2018): pp. 2317-2326.

Ajwad, Mohamed Ishan and Wodon, Quentin (2002): Who Benefits from Increased Access to Public Services at the Local Level? A Marginal Benefit Incidence Analysis for Education and Basic Infrastructure. Published in: World Bank Economists' Forum , Vol. 2, (July 2002): pp. 155-175.

Al-Samarrai, Samer and Zaman, Hassan (2000): Abolishing school fees in Malawi: the impact on education access and equity. Forthcoming in: Education Economics

Ali, Wajid and Munir, Kashif (2016): Testing Wagner versus Keynesian Hypothesis for Pakistan: The Role of Aggregate and Disaggregate Expenditure.

Aliyu, Shehu Usman Rano and Elijah, Akanni Oludele (2008): Corruption and Economic Growth in Nigeria: 1986 -2007.

Aparicio, Juan and Cordero, Jose M. and Pastor, Jesús (2016): The determination of the least distance to the strongly efficient frontier in Data Envelopment Analysis oriented models: modelling and computational aspects.

Aristovnik, Aleksander and Obadić, Alka (2014): Measuring relative efficiency of secondary education in selected EU and OECD countries: the case of Slovenia and Croatia. Published in: Technological and economic development of economy , Vol. 20, No. 3 (2014): pp. 419-433.

Awaworyi, Sefa and Yew, Siew Ling and Ugur, Mehmet (2015): Effects of Government Education and Health Expenditures on Economic Growth: A Meta-analysis.


Badunenko, Oleg and Myeki, Lindikaya W (2023): Multidimensional Analysis of Attainment of Higher Education Goals in South Africa’s Public Universities: Access, Quality, Diversity, Success and Efficiency.

Badunenko, Oleg and Myeki, Lindikaya W (2023): Multidimensional Analysis of Attainment of Higher Education Goals in South Africa’s Public Universities: Access, Quality, Diversity, Success and Efficiency.

Baskaran, Thushyanthan and Hessami, Zohal (2010): Globalization and the Composition of Public Education Expenditures: A Dynamic Panel Analysis.

Bayari, Celal (2025): Japanese women doctors in the hospital system: Gender gap, professional burnout, and the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Ben Mimoun, Mohamed and Raies, Asma (2008): Human capital investment and growth: A dynamic education model. Published in: Journal of Business Affairs , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 1 (2008): pp. 1-22.

Beniak, Ryszard and Beniak, Patrycja (2019): Finansowanie szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce i innych krajach Unii Europejskiej.

Bhattacharyya, Chandril and Gupta, Manash Ranjan (2015): Union, efficiency of labour and endogenous growth.

Bos, Frits (2011): A national accounts satellite for human capital and education.

Brahmachari, Deborshi (2016): Educational Expenditure of Large States in India : A normative approach.

Brie, Mircea and Dolghi, Dorin and Pantea, Dana (2011): The New European and/or EU Studies Curriculum. Published in: The Romanian Journal of International Relations and European Studies / No. vol.1, nr, 1/201 Current Problems in the Development of the European and/or EU Studies Curriculum (2012): pp. 97-106.


CHAGAS LOPES, MARGARIDA (2011): Education, development and knowledge: new forms of unequal change under globalization. The case of SSA countries.

Canaan, Serena and Mouganie, Pierre (2014): Returns to Education Quality for Low-Skilled Students: Evidence from a Discontinuity.

Caroleo, Floro Ernesto (2012): Il difficile passaggio verso il lavoro dei giovani che lasciano la scuola: quali possibili politiche?

Caroleo, Floro Ernesto and Pastore, Francesco (2009): Le cause del (l’in-)successo lavorativo dei giovani.

Carone, Giuseppe and Eckefeldt, Per and Giamboni, Luigi and Laine, Veli and Pamies, Stephanie (2016): Pension reforms in the EU since the early 2000's: achievements and challenges ahead. Published in: Discussion Paper

Caruso, Raul and de Wit, Hans (2014): Determinants of Mobility of Students in Europe: empirical evidence for the period 1998-2009.

Carvalho, João and Cruz, Nuno and Cunha Marques, Rui (2010): Local governments opting for PPPs in the schools sector.

Carvalho, Pedro G. and Miragaia, Dina (2007): Leaning an University Department: a life experiment.

Cazor Katz, Andre and Acuña, Hector and Carrasco, Diego and Carrasco, Martín (2017): Transferencias como Canal de Ventaja Electoral: El Caso de Chile. Published in: Economia y Politica , Vol. 4, No. 1 (7 July 2017): pp. 37-96.

Chakraborty, K.S and krishnankutty, Raveesh (2012): Education and Economic Growth in India.

Chakraborty, Lekha S and Chowdhury, Samik (2005): Fiscal Marksmanship of Education Expenditure in India: Analyzing Forecast Errors through a Gender lens.

Chumacero, Romulo and Paredes, Ricardo (2008): Should for-profit schools be banned?

Cid, Alejandro and Ferrés, Daniel (2010): The coexistence of Degree-Premium and High-Dropout Rates in the Uruguayan Secondary Education: an Incentives Problem.

Csintalan, Csaba and Bădulescu, Alina (2017): Unemployment, neets and the social role of education in Europe. Published in: The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences , Vol. 1, No. XXVI (29 July 2017): pp. 97-106.


Delgadillo Chavarria, Carlos Bruno (2019): Gasto Público Social, Gobernanza y Desarrollo Humano: Una Aplicación con Datos Municipales de Bolivia: 1994-2008*.

Devitt, Niamh and Lyons, Sean and McCoy, Selina (2014): Perceived benefits and barriers to the use of high-speed broadband in Ireland’s second-level schools.

Dima, Ioan Constantin and Mihaescu, Diana and Mihaescu, Liviu (2009): The Universitary Educational System, Cibernetic System. Published in:

Dinda, Soumyananda (2011): Inclusive Growth Through Creation of Human and Social Capital. Published in: International Journal of Social Economics , Vol. 41, No. 10 (October 2014): pp. 878-895.

Dotti, Valerio (2014): The Political Economy of Publicly Provided Private Goods.

Dreze, Jean and Goyal, Aparajita (2003): Future of Mid-Day Meals. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. 38, No. 44 (2003): pp. 4673-4683.

de Rus, Gines and Socorro, M. Pilar (2006): La financiacion del transporte urbano y metropolitano desde los presupuestos generales del Estado.


Eduardo Ferreira Vinhais, Henrique and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (2012): Economic impact of the expansion of federal universities in Brazil. Published in: 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (November 2012)

Ekong, Christopher N. and Onye, Kenneth U. (2017): The Nigerian University System in a Recessionary Economy. Published in: International Journal of Development and Sustainability , Vol. 6, No. 9 (2017): pp. 984-1006.

Escobal, Javier and Benites, Sara (2012): Algunos impactos del programa JUNTOS en el bienestar de los niños: Evidencia basada en el estudio Niños del Milenio. Published in: Niños del Milenio Policy Brief No. 5 (March 2012)

Escobal, Javier and Benites, Sara (2012): Transferencias y Condiciones: Efectos no previstos del Programa JUNTOS. Published in: Niños del Milenio Policy Brief No. 7 (October 2012)


Feitosa Lopes, Daniel Alisson and Neto, Nicolino Trompieri and Barbosa, Macelo Ponte and Holanda, Marcos Costa (2008): Determinantes da Eficiência dos Gastos Públicos em Educação e Saúde: O caso do Ceará.

Ferraro, Simona and Agasisti, Tommaso and Porcelli, Francesco and Soncin, Mara (2020): Local governments’ efficiency and educational results: empirical evidence from Italian primary schools. Published in: Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica No. 756 (June 2020): pp. 1-25.

Floreani, Vincent Arthur (2014): Fixing Europe's youth unemployment and skills mismatch, can public financial support to SMEs be effective? The case of the European Commission and European Investment Bank joint initiatives.

Floristeanu, Elena (2008): Cheltuielile publice ca baza a dezvoltarii educatiei.

Floristeanu, Elena (2008): Cheltuielile publice ca baza a dezvoltarii educatiei.


Garrouste, Christelle (2010): 100 years of educational reforms in Europe: a contextual database. Published in: EUR – Scientific and Technical Research series , Vol. 24487, (2010): pp. 1-349.

Gawlik, Remigiusz and Gorynia, Marian and Teczke, Janusz (2005): Malopolska science and business units - in quest for the missing link. Published in: Proceedings of the Science Marketing 4th International Science-to-Business Conference (October 2005)

Ghosh Dastidar, Sayantan and Chatterji, Monojit (2015): Public expenditure in different education sectors and economic growth: The Indian experience.

Gil-Izquierdo, María and Cordero, José Manuel (2017): Guidelines for data fusion with international large scale assessments: Insights from the TALIS-PISA link.

Gitto, Lara and Minervini, Leo Fulvio and Monaco, Luisa (2012): University dropouts: supply-side issues in Italy.

Goodspeed, Timothy (1998): The Relationship Between State Income Taxes and Local Property Taxes: Education Finance in New Jersey. Published in: National Tax Journal , Vol. 51, No. 2 (1998): pp. 219-238.

Gopalakrishnan, Ambili (2011): Employability and transition to labour market in emerging economies: An Indian perspective on Higher education.

Gralka, Sabine and Wohlrabe, Klaus and Bornmann, Lutz (2017): The Completion Shift of German Universities of Applied Sciences.


Hagen-Zanker, Jessica and McCord, Anna (2010): Financing Social Protection in the Light of International Spending Targets: A Public Sector Spending Review. Published in:

Harashima, Taiji (2021): An Economic Theory of Education Externalities: Effects of Education Capital.

Hasan, Zubair (2018): Some higher education issues in Muslim countries with Islamic economics as an illustrative case.

Hasnul, Al Gifari (2015): The effects of government expenditure on economic growth: the case of Malaysia.

Heikkinen, Daan (2021): An Analysis of Mobile Governance and Its Impact on the Economy in the Asian Context. Published in: Technology Society of South East Asia , Vol. 2, No. 3 (14 August 2021): pp. 5-11.

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Broblems of Agro-based Industry of Tharparkar and Barrge Area of Sindh. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy No. Ph.D Thesis Chapter-5. MPRA Paper : pp. 91-98.

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Earlier Research Work on Tharparkar and Sindh Barrage, and Similar Studies Related to Demographic, Social and Economic Conditions. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy No. Chapter-2. MPRA Paper 12133 : pp. 51-75.

Herani, Gobind M. (2008): Earlier research work on tharparkar and sindh barrage, and similar studies related to demographic, social and economic conditions.

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Importance of Agro based Industry of Tharparkar and Barrage Area of Sindh. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy No. Chapter-6, Ph.D Thesis (MPRA paper)

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Perspective of Agro-based Industry of Tharparkar. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy No. Ph.D Thesis Chapter-3. MPRA Paper : pp. 76-82.

Herani, Gobind M. (2002): Perspectives of Agro-based Industry of Barrge Area of Sindh. Published in: A comparative study of An Agro-Based Industry of Tharparkar with Canal Barrage Areas of Sindh (1988-2000) Suggested Techniques Leading to an Industrial Economy No. Ph.D Thesis Chapter-4. MPRA Paper : pp. 83-90.

Herbst, Mikolaj (2008): Bottlenecks in the decentralisation of education funding in Poland.

Herbst, Mikolaj and Rok, Jakub (2011): Equity in an educational boom: Lessons from the expansion and marketization of tertiary schooling in Poland.

Hirnissa, M.T and Habibullah, M.S. and Baharom, A.H. (2008): Defense, Education and Health Expenditures in Selected Asian Countries.

Horga, Ioan and Brie, Mircea (2008): Cooperarea inter-universitară la frontierele externe ale Uniunii Europene şi contribuţia la politica europeană de vecinătate. Published in: Sorin Şipoş, Mircea Brie, Florin Sfrengeu, Ion Gumenâi (coord.), Frontierele spaţiului românesc în context European, Editura Universităţii din Oradea/ Editura Cartdidact, Oradea/Chişinău (2008): pp. 440-459.

Horga, Ioan and Brie, Mircea (2009): La coopération interuniversitaire aux frontières extérieures de l’Union Européenne et la contribution à la politique européenne de voisinage. Published in: Ioan Horga, Grigore Silaşi, Istvan Suli-Zakar Stanislaw Sagan (editors), The European Parliament, Intercultural Dialogue and European Neighbourhood Policy, Oradea (2009): pp. 232-251.

Huayta Zapata, Katia and Tolentino Huaroto, Cinthia (2013): Evaluación del gasto y análisis de beneficiarios del Programa Nacional de Movimiento para la Alfabetización del Perú.

Huayta Zapata, Katia and Tolentino Huaroto, Cinthia (2013): Evaluación del gasto y análisis de beneficiarios del Programa Nacional de Movimiento para la Alfabetización del Perú.

Hălăngescu, Constantin I. (2012): Mundus academicus: arhitectura și adaptarea la fluxurile globalizării (I).

Hălăngescu, Constantin I. (2012): Mundus academicus: arhitectura și adaptarea la fluxurile globalizării (II).


Jakubowski, Maciej and Sakowski, Pawel (2006): Quasi-Experimental Estimates of Class Size Effect in Primary Schools in Poland.

Jamali, Seyedh Mahboobeh and Md Zain, Ahmad Nurulazam and Samsudin, Mohd Ali and Ale Ebrahim, Nader (2015): Publication Trends in Physics Education: A Bibliometric study. Published in: Journal of Educational Research , Vol. 35, (2 June 2015): pp. 19-36.

Jesiah, Selvam (2007): PRIVATIZATION and Social Spending in the Least Developed African Economies:A Study of Ethiopia. Published in: Indian Economic Journal , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 4 (March 2007): pp. 112-127.

Jinno, Masatoshi and Yasuoka, Masaya (2022): The effects of admittingi Immigrants: a look at Japan’s school and pension systems.


KUMARA, Ajantha Sisira and PFAU, Wade Donald (2010): IMPACT of Cash Transfer Programs on School Attendance and Child Poverty: An Ex-ante Simulation for Sri Lanka. Forthcoming in: Journal of Development studies , Vol. forthc, No. forthcoming

Kasahara, Shigehisa (1996): The Role of Agriculture in the Early Phase of Industrialization: Policy implications of Japan's experience. Published in: EAST ASIAN DEVELOPMENT: Lessons for a new global environment , Vol. No.5, No. Prtoject sponsored by the Government of Japan (February 1996): pp. 1-21.

Khusainov, Ruslan (2014): ДЕРЖАВНО-ПРИВАТНЕ ПАРТНЕРСТВО В СИСТЕМІ ВИЩОЇ ОСВІТИ УКРАЇНИ. Published in: Вісник Одеського національного університету. Економіка. , Vol. 2/2, No. 19 (7 October 2014): pp. 190-196.

Kodila-Tedika, Oasis (2014): Education, paludisme et moustiquaires imprégnées d'insecticide en Afrique sub-saharienne.

Kohnert, Dirk (1995): New Markets for Local Experts in Africa? Published in: (1995): pp. 63-74.

Kohnert, Dirk (1995): New Markets for Local Experts in Africa? Published in: : pp. 63-74.

Kouton, Jeffrey (2018): Education expenditure and economic growth: Some empirical evidence from Côte d’Ivoire. Published in: Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development , Vol. 14, No. 9 (31 July 2018): pp. 22-34.

Krasnopjorovs, Olegs (2009): Latvijas valdības izdevumu efektivitātes novērtējums. Published in: Latvijas Universitātes Raksti / Scientific Papers University of Latvia No. 743 (1 February 2009): pp. 117-128.

Kuznetsova, Elena (2012): Применение технологии социального проектирования в процессе подготовки специалистов по социальной работе в вузе. Published in: Исследование и проектирование в социальной работе: Материалы VI заочной международн. науч.-практ. конф. – Омск: Изд-во ОмГУ, 2012. (2012): pp. 302-308.

Kuznetsova, Elena (1999): Социальная работа: перспективы новой специальности. Published in: Стратегические направления регионального развития РФ: Материалы Всерос. науч.-практ. конф. – Омск: ИА Курьер, 1999. (1999): pp. 116-117.

Kuznetsova, Elena (2000): Мониторинг образовательных услуг. Published in: Студент и научно-технический прогресс: Глобальные проблемы и устойчивое развитие: Материалы XXXVIII Международ. науч. конф. – Новосибирск: НГУ, 2000. (2000): pp. 33-35.


MAVROZACHARAKIS, EMMANOUIL (2022): The end of hypocrisy and the questioning of democracy.

MAVROZACHARAKIS, EMMANOUIL and DIMARI, GEORGIA (2018): The Decommissioning of the Middle Class.

Malgarini, Marco (2013): La produzione scientifica italiana e il suo impatto: un confronto internazionale relativo alle Aree CUN bibliometriche.

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Building Peace through Education: Case of India and Pakistan Conflict.

Mancebón-Torrubia, María Jesús and Ximénez-de-Embún, Domingo Pérez (2009): Spanish publicly-subsidised private schools and equality of school choice.

Mas Jasmin Wika, Gek Sintha and Widodo, Tri (2012): Distribution of Government Spending on Education in Indonesia.

Matei, Ani and Ceche, Reli (2018): Assessment of Human Capital and Development.Contributions from Structural Funds. Published in: Proceedings of the 5-th ACADEMOS Conference ”Development, Democracy and Society in the Contemporary World”, , Vol. 5, (14 June 2018): pp. 226-231.

Matei, Ani and Ceche, Reli (2018): Assessment of Human Capital and Development.Contributions from Structural Funds. Published in: Proceedings of the 5-th ACADEMOS Conference ”Development, Democracy and Society in the Contemporary World”, , Vol. 5, (14 June 2018): pp. 226-231.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil (2022): The crisis of the social democratic movement.

Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil and Tzagkarakis, Stylianos Ioannis (2018): Der Wohlfahrtstaat als Grundbestandteil des modernen demokratischen Staatsgefüges.

Meacci, Ferdinando (2008): The new Italian graduation system and the new institutions for raising university funds in Italy.

Meng, Channarith and Pfau, Wade Donald (2011): Simulating the impacts of cash transfers on poverty and school attendance: The case of Cambodia.

Miyake, Atsushi and Yasuoka, Masaya (2016): Public Education and Child-Care Policies with Pay-As-You-Go Pension.

Miyazaki, Koichi (2021): On the comparison of educational subsidy schemes in an endogenous growth model.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): إستعراض للموقف في الصومال ، الجشع ، الاستعمار والآثار الاقتصادية والاجتماعية.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. and Osman, Kamal M. (2011): Humanitarian aid, internal displacement and social impacts in Sudan.

Mukherjee, Dipa (2004): Educational Attainment in India: Trends, Patterns and Policy Issues. Published in: Journal of Educational Planning and Administration , Vol. 19, No. 4 (October 2005)

Mukherjee, Dipa (2010): Reducing out of school children in India: lessons from a micro study. Published in: Journal of Educational Planning and Administration , Vol. 25, No. 2 (April 2011)

Mukherjee, Dipa (2005): Women's Education in India: Trends, Interlinkages and Policy Issues. Published in: Women’s Education and Development, (ed) JBG Tilak, Gyan Books, New Delhi, 2007 (2007)


NAPO, Fousséni (2018): Capital humain, productivité manufacturière et croissance économique dans les pays de l’UEMOA.

NGUENA, Christian L. and MAGNE, Carine E. (2012): Politique Industrielle Contemporaine : le Problème de Dépendance en Energie et Capital Humain des Pays de l’Afrique Centrale.

Nayak, Purusottam and Mishra, SK (2014): A state level analysis of the status of social sector in India.

Neycheva, Mariya (2014): The Role of Education for the Economic Growth of Bulgaria. Published in: Economics, Management and Financial Markets, electronic version , Vol. 9, No. 1 (March 2014): pp. 182-190.

Ngwa Edielle, T. H. Jackson (2005): Education, innovation and economic growth in Cameroon.


Ono, Tetsuo and Uchida, Yuki (2018): Capital Income Taxation, Economic Growth, and the Politics of Public Education.

Oprean, Victor-Bogdan (2012): Sustainability of the Romanian Social Security System. The Burden of Education. Forthcoming in:

Orkodashvili, Mariam (2010): Corruption in higher education: causes, consequences, reforms - the case of Georgia.

Orkodashvili, Mariam (2009): Double – shift schooling and EFA goals: assessing economic, educational and social impacts.

Orkodashvili, Mariam (2009): A Litmus Test of Academic Quality.

Orkodashvili, Mariam (2009): Spellings Commission Report on Affordability and Access to Higher Education: changing demographics, economic crisis and investment in human capital.


Palivos, Theodore and Varvarigos, Dimitrios (2011): Intergenerational complementarities in education, endogenous public policy, and the relation between growth and volatility.

Parinduri, Rasyad (2015): Education does not seem to improve health: Evidence from Indonesia.

Pazhanisamy, R. (2018): Re examination of Kinked Demand Oligopoly Market: Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications from Lakshadweep.


Raj, Madhusudan (2008): State of Elementary Education in Public Schools of Gujarat: A Study of Schools Run by the Bharuch Municipality.

Rego, Conceição and Caleiro, António and Vieira, Carlos and Vieira, Isabel and Baltazar, Maria da Saudade (2013): Eficiência e/ou coesão territorial: de que modo uma rede de Instituições de Ensino Superior pode contribuir para estes objectivos?


SALERNO, Nicola Carmine (2013): La demografia dell’Italia e delle Regioni italiane. Uno sguardo alle proiezioni a medio-lungo termine.

Sakkas, Stelios and Varthalitis, Petros (2018): The (intertemporal) equity-efficiency trade-off of fiscal consolidation.

Scalera, Domenico (2009): Skilled migration and education policies: Is there still scope for a Bhagwati tax?

Sreedharan, Ranjan (2009): Educating India’s poorest: A radical plan to attract private sector investment.

Stone, Joe (2012): State funding for public higher education: explaining the great retreat.

Strauss, Jack (2013): The Economic Gains to Colorado of Amendment 66.

Stukach, Victor and Lalova, Elena (2014): Человеческий капитал в сельском хозяйстве: формирование и развитие в животноводческих фермах Сибири.

Syed, Shujaat Ahmed and Javed, Asif (2017): The Effect of Public Sector Development Expenditures and Investment on Economic Growth: Evidence from Pakistan.


Tahtah, Hind (2013): Les dépenses publiques et la croissance économique au Maroc. Published in: Revue marocaine des études et des consultations juridiques No. 4 - 2013 (2013)

Tausch, Arno (2010): Krise der Universitäten in Europa – was nun?

Tchibozo, Guy (2024): A theory on specifying resource allocation dynamics in long-term multidimensional public policies. Published in:

Teng Sun, Stephen and Yannelis, Constantine (2013): Credit Constraints and Demand for Higher Education: Evidence from Financial Deregulation.

Thomas, Ziesemer (1994): Endogenous Growth with Public Factors and Heterogeneous Human Capital Producers. Published in:

Todeva, Emanuela (1999): Financing Higher Education Reforms in the UK: An Institutional Analysis. Published in: CONTROL OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES - ECONOMIC AND EDUCATIONAL PERSPECTIVES, S. Seeber, & J. van Buer, (eds.). , Vol. 20, No. 2 (1999): pp. 201-211.

Toppo, Mary Rajnee and Manjhi, Ganesh (2011): Burnout among para-teachers in India.

Trofimov, Ivan D. (2020): The optimum size of public education spending: panel data evidence.


Uchida, Yuki and Ono, Tetsuo (2024): Politics of Public Education and Pension Reform with Endogenous Fertility.

Uchida, Yuki and Ono, Tetsuo (2019): Inequality and education choice.

Uchida, Yuki and Ono, Tetsuo (2022): Politics of Public Education and Pension Reform with Endogenous Fertility.

Uppal, Yogesh and Glazer, Amihai (2011): Legislative turnover, fiscal policy, and economic growth: evidence from U.S. state legislatures.


Valdivia Coria, Joab Dan (2023): Infraestructura, educación, capital humano y crecimiento económico.

Van Leeuwen, Bas and van Leeuwen-Li, Jieli and Foldvari, Peter (2011): Regional human capital in Republican and New China: Its spread, quality and effects on economic growth.

Verbic, Miroslav and Majcen, Boris and Cok, Mitja (2009): Education and Economic Growth in Slovenia: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach with Endogenous Growth.


Willmore, Larry (2008): Basic education as a human right redux.


Yamamura, Eiji (2010): Public spending on education: Its impact on students skipping classes and completing school.


Zogjani, Jeton and Kovaci-Uruci, Fife and Zogjani, Agon (2024): The Impact of Public Education Expenditure on Economic Growth in Kosova: A Quantitative Analysis.

Zogjani, Jeton and Kovaçi - Uruçi, Fife and Zogjani, Agon (2024): The Impact of Public Education Expenditure on Economic Growth in Kosova: A Quantitative Analysis.

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