Arévalo Morocho, Edison Joel and Lozano Veintimilla, Elizabeth Alexandra (2022): Violencia contra la mujer en ecuador, como consecuencia de la pobreza, desempleo, nivel de educación y demás factores socioeconómicos.
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Gender-based violence has been occurring globally, to the point that (WHO, 2013) has described it as a health problem of epidemic proportions, of which one in three women suffered violence from their partner, relative or someone close, this due to the interrelation of cultural, economic, legal and political factors. In the last three decades, there have been important efforts towards the eradication of gender violence in Ecuador, but it has not been enough since 6 out of 10 women have experienced violence, this being 64.9% in 2019. This research has as a general objective to investigate the effects of the occurrence of violence against women, and to know if the level of poverty, unemployment, lack of education and other socioeconomic factors are the causes of this conflict in Ecuador in 2019. For which, it is uses the discrete choice model (logit method), allowing to obtain as a result that poverty has a positive relationship with cases of psychological and sexual violence, and a negative relationship for physical violence, but statistically significant for each of these three types of violence, in addition to the level of education, ethnicity and violence in childhood were also statistically significant to the model. As policy implications we have that the State should place more emphasis on education since it has an essential role in reducing violence against women within the couple. In this sense, the country must bet on the promotion of an education focused on gender equity that provides the same opportunities to both men and women.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Violencia contra la mujer en ecuador, como consecuencia de la pobreza, desempleo, nivel de educación y demás factores socioeconómicos. |
English Title: | Violence against women in Ecuador, as a result of poverty, unemployment, level of education and other socioeconomic factors. |
Language: | Spanish |
Keywords: | Gender violence; Poverty; Educational level; Discrete choice models. |
Subjects: | C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods > C2 - Single Equation Models ; Single Variables > C25 - Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models ; Discrete Regressors ; Proportions ; Probabilities I - Health, Education, and Welfare > I3 - Welfare, Well-Being, and Poverty > I32 - Measurement and Analysis of Poverty J - Labor and Demographic Economics > J1 - Demographic Economics > J12 - Marriage ; Marital Dissolution ; Family Structure ; Domestic Abuse J - Labor and Demographic Economics > J2 - Demand and Supply of Labor > J24 - Human Capital ; Skills ; Occupational Choice ; Labor Productivity |
Item ID: | 115242 |
Depositing User: | Elizabeth Lozano |
Date Deposited: | 03 Nov 2022 09:41 |
Last Modified: | 03 Nov 2022 09:41 |
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