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Does music soothe the soul? Evaluating the impact of a music education programme in Medellin, Colombia

Gómez‑Zapata, Jonathan Daniel and Herrero‑Prieto, Luis César and Rodriguez-Prado, Beatriz (2019): Does music soothe the soul? Evaluating the impact of a music education programme in Medellin, Colombia. Published in: Journal of Cultural Economics No. 45 (2021): pp. 63-104.

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Numerous studies have borne out the efects of cultural and music education on individuals’ well-being, considering music as a mainly systematic practice or skill or as established educational supply. However, few studies assess the impact of music programmes designed to achieve specifc goals, where music is considered as a tool for social change. As a case study, we take the Medellin Music School Network (Colombia), whose education programme for music initiation has been running for 23 years. Our aim is to evaluate the economic and social impact generated by participating in this programme. We use a quasi-experimental propensity score matching technique as the evaluation method. Results show that the programme signifcantly reduces the probability of participants’ becoming involved in confict, added to which they perceive a better quality of life. Students achieve better academic performance and intensify cultural consumption and participation in artistic activities. Institutional efcacy is refected through benefciaries expressing a positive and signifcant willingness to pay in order to maintain the programme. The work also aims to evidence the usefulness of the methodology for evaluating the impact of cultural policies, articularly in developing areas.

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