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Items where Subject is "I26 - Returns to Education"

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Number of items at this level: 84.


Abdel-Rahman, Alaa and Fuller, David (2014): Education and employment in Egypt: the policies, discrepancies and possible solutions.

Ahmed Lahsen, Amina and Piper, Alan T. and Thiele, Ida-Anna (2020): Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982, and the Labour Market: Overeducation, Gender, Income and Life Satisfaction. Panel evidence from Korea.

Andresen, Martin Eckhoff and Løkken, Sturla Andreas (2020): The Final straw: High school dropout for marginal students.

Anicina, Nadejda and Stukach, Victor (2024): Социокультурная архитектура: значимость параметров культурного кода в векторе экономического развития. Published in: Международный научно-исследовательский журнал. , Vol. 6, No. Issue: № 3 (45), (15 March 2016): 8- 14.

Aria, Dr (2021): Management of projects and enhancing Education’s competitiveness and economic impact. Published in: European Journal of Education and Management Issues , Vol. 2, No. 3 (14 July 2021): pp. 6-10.

Atuhurra, Julius and Alinda, Violet (2018): Basic Education curriculum effectiveness in East Africa: A descriptive analysis of primary mathematics in Uganda using the ‘Surveys of Enacted Curriculum’.

Azad, Abul Kalam and Emran, Sheikh Jafar (2018): Ending High, Starting High: Job Placement of Economics Graduates of Dhaka University. Published in: Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , Vol. 36, No. 1 (1 June 2019): pp. 77-100.


Barón Ortegón, Brayan Alexander (2018): Educación superior y crecimiento económico en Colombia (1971-2016): una relación de cointegración.

Bellido, Héctor (2020): La transición del sistema educativo al mercado laboral en Europa: Efectos del abandono escolar en la incorporación al trabajo de los jóvenes europeos.

Borooah, Vani and Knox, Colin (2015): Structure and Performance of Post-Primary Schools in Northern Ireland. Published in: The Economics of Schooling in a Divided Society No. Palgrave Macmillan (2015): pp. 62-80.

Bosupeng, Mpho (2017): How Relevant Are Academic Degrees In The Workplace?

Bosupeng, Mpho (2015): Payoffs of Education Expenditure In Botswana: Long Run Economic Growth Implications. Published in: Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research (JAEBR) , Vol. 2, No. 5 (June 2015): pp. 85-96.

Braakmann, Nils and McDonald, Stephen (2018): Student exposure to socio-economic diversity and students’ university outcomes – Evidence from English administrative data.

Brady, Ryan and Insler, Michael and Rahman, Ahmed (2015): Bad Company: Reconciling Negative Peer Effects in College Achievement.


Canaan, Serena and Mouganie, Pierre (2019): Female science advisors and the STEM gender gap.

Chupryhin, Radzivon (2021): Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Europe: Bayesian Model Averaging in the Presence of Weak Exogeneity.

Cid, Alejandro and Balsa, Ana I. (2015): Advancing Academic Opportunities for Disadvantaged Youth: Third Year Impact Evaluation of a Privately-Managed School in a Poor Neighborhood in Montevideo. Published in: Páginas de Educación , Vol. 7, No. 1 (16 November 2015): pp. 15-35.

Ciftci, Muhsin (2021): Uneven Consequences of Coronavirus Pandemic: Evidence from a Real Time Survey.

Contreras, David and Sanchez, Rafael (2018): Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Effects of Nursery Care in the Medium Run under Unobserved Heterogeneity.

Corrales‑Herrero, Helena and Rodriguez-Prado, Beatriz (2022): Mapping the Occupations of Recent Graduates. The Role of Academic Background in the Digital Era. Published in: Research in Higher Education No. 65 (20 August 2024): pp. 1853-1882.

Coșciug, Anatolie (2013): The Impact of International Student Mobility in Romania. Published in: Europolis , Vol. 7, No. 1 (2013): pp. 93-109.


Dahmani, Mounir and Ragni, Ludovic (2008): L'impact des technologies de l'information et de la communication sur les performances des étudiants. Published in: Réseaux , Vol. 155, No. 3 (2009): pp. 81-110.

Dang, Thang (2017): Education as Protection? The Effect of Schooling on Non-Wage Compensation in a Developing Country.

Dhaoui, Iayd (2013): Human Capital Investment through Education and Training: an Overview. Published in: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention , Vol. 2, No. 5 (May 2013): pp. 74-85.

Dhaoui, Iyad (2013): Human Capital and Economic Growth in Tunisia: Macroeconomic Findings. Published in: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention , Vol. 2, No. 5 (May 2013): pp. 49-73.

Dhaoui, Iyad (2015): Incorporation de Nouvelles Variables dans le Modèle Mincerian dans un Contexte de Marché du Travail Segmenté : Application aux Données de la Tunisie.

Di Paolo, Antonio and Tansel, Aysit (2017): Analyzing Wage Differentials by Fields of Study: Evidence from Turkey.

Dinda, Soumyananda (2015): Return on Universal Education: SSA Case Study on Bihar.

Driouchi, Ahmed and Harkat, Tahar (2017): Youth Inclusion Policies and NEETs’ Targeting Requirements in Arab Countries.


Engbom, Niklas and Moser, Christian (2017): Returns to Education Through Access to Higher-Paying Firms: Evidence from US Matched Employer-Employee Data. Published in: American Economic Review , Vol. 107, No. 5 (May 2017): pp. 374-378.


FERRANTE, FRANCESCO (2014): Great expectations. The unintended consequences of educational choices.


Ganguli, Ina and Haidar, Jamal and Khwaja, Asim Ijaz and Stemper, Samuel and Zafar, Basit (2024): Economic shocks and skill acquisition: evidence from a national online learning platform at the onset of COVID-19.

Gitto, Lara and Moraci, Francesco (2022): Verso un’economia della conoscenza. L’istruzione può diminuire le diseguaglianze e aumentare il benessere sociale?

Goulas, Sofoklis and Megalokonomou, Rigissa (2015): The Financial Crisis and the Choice of College Major.

Goulas, Sofoklis and Megalokonomou, Rigissa (2015): Social Interactions Through Space and Time: Evidence from College Enrollment and Academic Mobility.

Goulas, Sofoklis and Megalokonomou, Rigissa (2016): Swine Flu and The Effect of Compulsory Class Attendance on Academic Performance.

Gupta, Pallavi and Kothe, Satyanarayan (2021): Gender Discrimination and the Biased Indian Labour Market: Evidence from the National Sample Survey.

Gómez‑Zapata, Jonathan Daniel and Herrero‑Prieto, Luis César and Rodriguez-Prado, Beatriz (2019): Does music soothe the soul? Evaluating the impact of a music education programme in Medellin, Colombia. Published in: Journal of Cultural Economics No. 45 (2021): pp. 63-104.


Harashima, Taiji (2021): An Economic Theory of Education Externalities: Effects of Education Capital.


Jackson, Emerson Abraham (2023): Education and Economic Growth: The Causal Relationship in Sierra Leone. Published in: Bank of Sierra Leone Policy Brief (9 May 2023): pp. 1-8.

Jewell, Sarah and Kazakis, Pantelis (2017): On the Role of Migration on the Satisfaction of European Researchers: Evidence from MORE2.

Jiang, Xuan and Kennedy, Kendall and Zhong, Jiatong (2018): When Opportunity Knocks: China's Open Door Policy and Declining Educational Attainment.


K M, SIBY (2021): Wage Earnings: Does Experience outweigh Education? Evidence from Ernakulam district of Kerala. Published in: Mukt Shabd Journal , Vol. X, No. Issue IV, APRIL/2021 (27 April 2021): pp. 668-677.

K M, SIBY and V Varghese, Dr.Varun (2021): A study of Internet Utilization by Students in times of Covid Pandemic: Evidence from Ernakulam district of Kerala. Published in: EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) , Vol. 7, No. 5 (18 May 2021): pp. 363-368.

Kennedy, Kendall (2018): Hidden Schooling: Repeated Grades and the Returns to Education and Experience.

Kumar, Chetan and K.B., Rangappa and S., Suchitra (2023): Empirical analysis of socio-economic factors affecting deprivation of years of schooling among households across Indian districts. Published in: Towards Excellence , Vol. 15, No. 02 (9 June 2023): pp. 95-111.

Kumara, Ajantha Sisira (2015): Wage Differentials in Sri Lanka: The case of a post-conflict country with a free education policy.

Kundu, AMIT and BISWAS, PUJA (2017): Learning Outcomes in Elementary Education in Rural India: An Inter-state Comparison. Published in: Journal of Rural Development , Vol. 38, No. March,2019 (7 April 2019): pp. 30-54.


LEBIHAN, Laetitia and MAO TAKONGMO, Charles Olivier (2018): Mathematics Trajectories and Risk Factors During Childhood.

Le, Kien and Nguyen, My (2019): Education and Political Engagement.

Le, Kien and Nguyen, My (2019): Shedding Light on Maternal Education and Child Health in Developing Countries.

Lee, Jieun and Rhee, Dong-eun and Rudolf, Robert (2017): Teacher Gender, Student Gender, and Primary School Achievement: Evidence from Ten Francophone African Countries.


Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Building Peace through Education: Case of India and Pakistan Conflict.

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Progressing Pakistan should ensure Quality Education for All.

Mamoon, Dawood (2017): Society Case Study: Why Formal Education is the Common Goal of Human Progress.

Manheim, David (2023): Building less-flawed metrics: Understanding and creating better measurement and incentive systems. Published in: Patterns , Vol. 4, No. 10 (13 October 2023)

Mateos-Romero, Lucía and Salinas Jiménez, María del Mar (2015): Skills heterogeneity among graduate workers: real and apparent overeducation in the Spanish labor market.

Megalokonomou, Rigissa and Goulas, Sofoklis (2016): Which degrees do students prefer during recessions?

Mlacha, Cornel J. and Ndanshau, Michael O.A (2018): Education and Labour Earnings Inequality in Tanzania: Evidence from Quantile Regression Analysis.

Mouganie, Pierre and Wang, Yaojing (2017): High Performing Peers and Female STEM Choices in School.

mouganie, pierre (2014): Conscription and the returns to education: Evidence from a regression discontinuity.


Nikolaev, Boris and McGee, Jennifer (2016): Relative Verbal Intelligence and Happiness. Published in: Intelligence , Vol. 59, (December 2016): pp. 1-7.

Novik, Vitaliy (2022): The role of learning in returns to college major: evidence from 2.8 million reviews of 150,000 professors.


Oancea, Bogdan and Pospisil, Richard and Dragoescu, Raluca (2017): The return to higher education: evidence from Romania. Forthcoming in: Proceedings of the Knowledge for Market Use Conference (2017)

Olusanya, Oluwakorede (2016): Causality between Human Resource Development and the Nigerian Economic Performance.

Ong, David and Xie, Man and Zhang, Junsen (2020): The College Admissions Contribution to the Labor Market Beauty Premium.

Orbay, Benan and Aydede, Yigit (2015): Educational mismatch and the cost of underutilization in Turkish labour markets.

Otchia, Christian (2017): Schooling, Skills, and Labor Market Outcomes in Africa: Evidence from Ghana and Kenya.


Parinduri, Rasyad (2016): Does education increase political participation? Evidence from Indonesia.

Parro, Francisco and Pohl, R. Vincent (2018): Health Shocks, Human Capital, and Labor Market Outcomes.

Patrinos, Harry Anthony and Psacharopoulos, George and Tansel, Aysit (2019): Returns to Investment in Education: The Case of Turkey.

Polat, Sezgin (2016): Some Economic Consequences of Higher Education Expansion in Turkey.


Quang Tran, Tuyen and Anh Tran, Tai and The Tran, Nu and Thi Nguyen, Hai (2018): Education and the livelihood of households in the Northwest Region, Vietnam. Published in: Educational Research for Policy and Practice No. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10671-018-9242-6 (15 November 2018): pp. 1-26.

Quinteros, María José and Sanchez, Rafael and Villena, Mauricio G. (2019): How Do Business Schools compete in Latin America?Stability and Best Predictors of Success for the AmericaEconomia MBA Ranking.


Rahman, Mustafizur and Al-Hasan, Md. (2018): Returns to schooling in Bangladesh revisited: An instrumental variable quantile regression approach.


Sam, Vichet (2018): Impact of education-job mismatches on wage: The case of university graduates in Cambodia.

Sousa Santos, Susana and Peset Gonzalez, Maria Jose and Muñoz Sepúlveda, Jesús A. (2018): Flipped Classroom Methodology for Hybrid Learning in the Higher Education Context: Students' Satisfaction and Performance.


Tansel, Aysit and Keskin, Halil Ibrahim (2017): Education Effects on Days Hospitalized and Days Out of Work by Gender: Evidence from Turkey.

Toheri, Toheri and winarso, widodo (2017): Improving Algebraic Thinking Skill, Beliefs And Attitude For Mathematics Throught Learning Cycle Based On Beliefs. Forthcoming in:

Torun, Huzeyfe and Tumen, Semih (2015): The Effects of Compulsory Military Service Exemption on Education and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment.

Trofimov, Ivan D. and Baawi, Nurulhana A. (2020): Human Capital: State of the Field and Ways to Extend the Concept.


Vu, Tien Manh and Yamada, Hiroyuki (2022): Returns to test scores in Vietnam.


Weber, Cameron and Zhen, Ying and Arias, JJ (2022): Practice, Entrepreneurship and Subjectivity in Artist Identification with Applications to the Covid-Era.


Yakovleva, Elena (2011): Проблемы повышения эффективности и качества вузовской библиотеки. Published in: Роль библиотеки в формировании специалиста XXI века : материалы межвуз. науч.-практ. конф.; 110-летнему юбилею ОмГУПС посвящается. – Омск, 2011. (2011): pp. 29-33.

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