Paredes, Ricardo and Ugarte, Gabriel (2009): Should Students Be Allowed to Miss?
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In this paper we investigate the effect of class attendance on academic performance, and evaluate the existence and importance of minimum attendance requirement thresholds. We found that attendance has a relevant and statistically significant impact on performance, together with the existence of a threshold, although contrary to the expected, not associated with a decrease in performance, which questions the existence of minimum attendance requirement.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Should Students Be Allowed to Miss? |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Attendance, Academic Performance, Hierarchical Models, Thresholds |
Subjects: | I - Health, Education, and Welfare > I2 - Education and Research Institutions > I21 - Analysis of Education I - Health, Education, and Welfare > I2 - Education and Research Institutions > I28 - Government Policy |
Item ID: | 15583 |
Depositing User: | Ricardo Paredes |
Date Deposited: | 07 Jun 2009 03:26 |
Last Modified: | 27 Sep 2019 00:29 |
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