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Items where Subject is "I21 - Analysis of Education"

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Abdel-Rahman, Alaa (2016): Linking education to employment:how to establish a successful and uninterrupted connection.

Abhijeet, Chandra (2010): Does Government Expenditure on Education Promote Economic Growth? An Econometric Analysis. Forthcoming in: Journal of Practicing Managers (2010)

Abou, Pokou Edouard (2015): Incidence du travail domestique, des caractéristiques de l’école et du ménage sur les résultats scolaires des filles en Côte d’Ivoire.

Abramuszkinova Pavlikova, Eva (2010): Virtual Erasmus - A new chance not only for Europe.

Abrar ul haq, Muhammad and Mehtab, Nadia and Khan, Tasneem (2012): Gender Disparity in Economic Returns to Higher Education: Evidence from Private Formal Sector of Bahawalpur (Pakistan). Published in: Interdisciplinary Review of Economics and Management , Vol. 1, No. 2 (2102): pp. 34-40.

Abu-Rumman, Raed and Shahateet, Mohammed and Shahin, Azmi (2002): Child Labour and Education in Jordan: A Rapid Assessment.

Adejumo, Oluwabunmi and Asongu, Simplice and Adejumo, Akintoye (2021): Education Enrollment Rate vs Employment Rate: Implications for Sustainable Human Capital Development in Nigeria. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Educational Development

Agasisti, Tommaso and Gil-Izquierdo, María and Han, Seong Won (2017): ICT use at home for school-related tasks: what is the effect on a student’s achievement? Empirical evidence from OECD PISA data.

Ageli, Dr Mohammed Moosa (2013): Does Education Expenditure Promote Economic Growth in Saudi Arabia? An Econometric Analysis. Published in: International Journal of Social Science Research , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2 May 2013): pp. 1-10.

Ahmad, AR and Yunus, NKY and Norwani, NM and Musa, K (2012): Organization Commitment of Public Primary School Senior Head Teachers. Published in: International Journal of Economics Business and Management Studies , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2012): pp. 9-14.

Ahmed, Sofia (2011): Does economic geography matter for Pakistan? a spatial exploratory analysis of income and education inequalities. Forthcoming in:

Aithal, Sreeramana (2016): Innovations in Experimental Learning – A Study of World Top Business Schools. Published in: Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education (IJSRME) ISSN (Online): 2455 – 5630 , Vol. 01, No. 01 (3 June 2016): pp. 360-375.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2016): Innovations in Student Centric Learning – A Study of Top Business Schools in India. Published in: International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education (IJERME) ISSN (Online): 2455 - 4200 , Vol. 1, No. 1 (4 June 2016): pp. 298-306.

Aithal, Sreeramana (2016): Study on Research Productivity in World Top Business Schools. Published in: International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education (IJSRME) ISSN: 2455 – 5630 , Vol. 1, No. 1 (24 June 2016): pp. 402-414.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2019): Building World-Class Universities : Some Insights & Predictions. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 4, No. 2 (26 August 2019): pp. 13-35.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2020): Conceptual Analysis on Higher Education Strategies for various Tech-Generations. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) ISSN : 2581-6012 , Vol. 5, No. 1 (20 June 2020): pp. 335-351.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2020): Implementation Strategies of Higher Education Part of National Education Policy 2020 of India towards Achieving its Objectives. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2 December 2020): pp. 283-325.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubrajyotsna (2016): Student Centric Learning Through Planned Hard work - An Innovative Model. Published in: International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education (IJSRME) ISSN (Online): 2455 – 5630 , Vol. 1, No. 1 (8 September 2016): pp. 886-898.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Kumar, Suresh (2016): Analysis of Choice Based Credit System in Higher Education. Published in: International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education (IJERME) ISSN (Online): 2455 - 4200 , Vol. 1, No. 1 (3 June 2016): pp. 278-284.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Kumar, Suresh (2016): Maintaining Teacher Quality in Higher Education Institutions.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Kumar, Suresh and Kumari, Deekshitha (2015): Societal Expectation And Institutional Accountability In Higher Education. Published in: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE) , Vol. 5, No. 7 (July 2015): pp. 361-373.

Aithal, Sreeramana and Kumar, Suresh and Kumari, Pavithra (2015): Methods and Approaches for Employability Skill Generation in Higher Educational Institutions. Published in: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE) , Vol. 5, No. 7 (July 2015): pp. 390-410.

Aithal, Sreeramana and V.T., Shailashree and Kumar, Suresh (2015): ABCD analysis of Stage Model in Higher Education. Published in: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE) , Vol. 6, No. 1 (January 2016): pp. 11-24.

Aldieri, Luigi and Kotsemir, Maxim and Vinci, Concetto Paolo (2017): The impact of research collaboration on academic performance: An empirical analysis for Russian Universities.

Aldieri, Luigi and Vinci, Concetto Paolo (2011): Education and fertility: an investigation on Italian families.

Aldieri, Luigi and Vinci, Concetto Paolo (2010): An investigation of the relation between the number of children and education in Italy.

Alfano, Vincenzo and Gaeta, Giuseppe Lucio and Pinto, Mauro and Rotondo, Francesca and Vecchione, Gaetano (2021): La dinamica dell’offerta di formazione dottorale dopo la riforma Gelmini.

Ali, Amjad and Ur Rehman, Hafeez (2015): Macroeconomic Instability and Its Impact on Gross Domestic Product: An Empirical Analysis of Pakistan.

Ali, Amjad and Ur Rehman, Hafeez (2015): Macroeconomic Instability and Its Impact on Gross Domestic Product: An Empirical Analysis of Pakistan. Published in: Pakistan Economic and Soical Review , Vol. 53, No. 2 (December 2015): pp. 285-316.

Aliprantis, Dionissi (2007): A Note on Why Quarter of Birth is Not a Valid Instrument for Educational Attainment.

Alphin Jr., Henry C. (2010): Economic Analysis of Carnegie Mellon University.

Andreeva, Andriyana (2020): Медиацията в сферата на висшето образование – иновативен модел за комуникация в българските университети. Published in: Медиацията в различните обществени сфери (2020): pp. 7-14.

Andreeva, Andriyana and Serafimova, Desislava (2022): Mediation in Higher Education – Aspects of Application in Conditions of Digital Transformation. Published in: 25th ROME International Conference on "Business Management, Education, Economics & Law" (2022): pp. 24-29.

Andresen, Martin Eckhoff and Løkken, Sturla Andreas (2020): The Final straw: High school dropout for marginal students.

Anepska, Veronika and Krotova, Sofiia and Mamchur, Polina and Tyshchenko, Sofiia (2024): Examining Predictors of Gender Parity in Education.

Anwar, Mumtaz and Rashid, Muhammad Khalid (2011): Effectiveness of foreign aid in the light of millennium development goal on the education sector: a case study of Pakistan. Published in: INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS , Vol. 3, No. 1 (15 May 2011): pp. 377-389.

Apostolou, Georgios and Papatsimpas, Achilleas and Gounas, Athanasios S. (2018): Marketing in the Hellenic private secondary education during the recession. Published in: Journal of Contemporary Education Theory & Research , Vol. 2, No. 2 (19 October 2018): pp. 3-8.

Aria, Dr (2021): Management of projects and enhancing Education’s competitiveness and economic impact. Published in: European Journal of Education and Management Issues , Vol. 2, No. 3 (14 July 2021): pp. 6-10.

Arif, Zaib and Ali, Maryam and Mughal, Rahat and Shahid, Waqas and Ubedullah, Ubedullah (2022): Factors Affecting Post Acceptance of E-Learning Platform in times of COVID-19: An Evidence from an Emerging Economy.

Aristovnik, Aleksander and Obadić, Alka (2014): Measuring relative efficiency of secondary education in selected EU and OECD countries: the case of Slovenia and Croatia. Published in: Technological and economic development of economy , Vol. 20, No. 3 (2014): pp. 419-433.

Aristovnik, Aleksander and Obadić, Alka (2011): The funding and efficiency of higher education in Croatia and Slovenia: a non-parametric comparison. Published in: Amfiteatru Economic , Vol. 13, No, (2011): pp. 362-376.

Armstrong, J. Scott (2012): Natural Learning in Higher Education. Published in: Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (2012): pp. 1-10.

Asghar, Zahid and Umar, Maida (2017): Expected Time to Achieve SDG 4.6: A Disaggregated Data Analysis for Pakistan.

Asma, Hyder and Javaid, Zainab (2009): Impact of Training on Earnings: Evidence from Pakistani Industries. Published in: Asian Social Science , Vol. 5, No. 11 (1 November 2009): pp. 76-85.

Asongu, Simplice and Adegboye, Alex and Nnanna, Joseph (2020): Promoting female economic inclusion for tax performance in Sub-Saharan Africa. Published in: Economic Analysis and Policy , Vol. 69, No. March (March 2021): pp. 159-170.

Asongu, Simplice and Odhiambo, Nicholas (2020): The role of governance in quality education in sub-Saharan Africa. Forthcoming in: International Social Science Journal

Asuamah Yeboah, Samuel and Antwi Boasiako, Ama (2024): Beyond the Classroom: Quality Assurance in Developing Nations.

Atuhurra, Julius (2014): Does community involvement affect teacher effort? Assessing learning impacts of Free Primary Education in Kenya.

Atuhurra, Julius and Alinda, Violet (2018): Basic Education curriculum effectiveness in East Africa: A descriptive analysis of primary mathematics in Uganda using the ‘Surveys of Enacted Curriculum’.

Avram, S and Dronkers, Jaap (2010): School sector variation on non-cognitive dimensions: are denominational schools different?

Awan, Masood Sarwar and Malik, Nouman and Sarwar, Haroon and Waqas, Muhammad (2011): Impact of education on poverty reduction. Published in: International Journal of Academic Research , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2011): pp. 659-664.

Awel, Ahmed Mohammed (2013): The long-run Relationship between Human Capital and Economic Growth in Sweden.

Aydemir, Abdurrahman and Murat, Kirdar (2013): Estimates of the Return to Schooling in a Developing Country: Evidence from a Major Policy Reform in Turkey.

Aykut, Arslan (2008): Implementing a Holistic Teaching in Modern ELT Classes: Using Technology and Integrating Four Skills. Published in: International Journal of Human Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 1 (2008): pp. 1-21.


BAYALE, Nimonka and JOHNSON, Kuawo-Assan and EVLO, Kodjo (2019): L’éducation au Togo : vers une stratégie renouvelée du triptyque formation-emploi-développement économique.

Bacci, Silvia and Bartolucci, Francesco and Pieroni, Luca (2012): A causal analysis of mother’s education on birth inequalities.

Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Comparing the Performance of Faith-Based and Government Schools in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Published in: Emerging Evidence on Vouchers and Faith-Based Providers in Education: Case Studies from Africa, Latin America, and Asia, edited by F. Barrera-Osorio, H. A. Patinos, and Q. Wodon, Directions in Development, World Bank, Washington, DC (June 2009): pp. 119-135.

Backiny-Yetna, Prospere and Wodon, Quentin (2009): Comparing the Private Cost of Education at Public, Private, and Faith-Based Schools in Cameroon. Published in: Emerging Evidence on Vouchers and Faith-Based Providers in Education: Case Studies from Africa, Latin America, and Asia, edited by F. Barrera-Osorio, H. A. Patinos, and Q. Wodon, Directions in Development, World Bank, Washington, DC (June 2009): pp. 165-178.

Badescu, Mircea and Garrouste, Christelle and Loi, Massimo (2012): The distribution of adult training among European unemployed: Evidence from recent surveys. Published in: International Journal of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning , Vol. 5, No. 2 (2013): pp. 103-120.

Badunenko, Oleg and Henderson, Daniel J. (2021): Production Analysis with Asymmetric Noise.

Bai, Chong-en and Chi, Wei and Xiaoye, Qian (2013): Do College Entrance Examination Scores Predict Undergraduate GPAs? A Tale of Two Universities.

Bailey, Mark F and Borooah, Vani (2010): What Enhances Mathematical Ability? A Cross-Country Analysis Based on Test Scores of 15-year Olds. Published in: Applied Economics , Vol. 42, No. 29 (30 July 2008): pp. 3723-3733.

Bakari, Sayef (2021): Do researchers affect economic growth?

Baldi, Guido and Brüggemann-Borck, Imke and Schlaak, Thore (2014): The Effect of the Business Cycle on Apprenticeship Training: Evidence from Germany.

Balsa, Ana and Cid, Alejandro (2014): Advancing academic opportunities for disadvantaged youth: third year impact evaluation of a privately-managed school in a poor neighborhood in Montevideo. Forthcoming in: Páginas de Educación - Revista de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay

Barone, Adriana and Nese, Annamaria (2015): Body Weight and Gender: Academic Choice and Performance.

Barra, Cristian and Boccia, Marinella (2019): “The determinants of students' achievement: a difference between OECD and not OECD countries”.

Barra, Cristian and Lagravinese, Raffaele and Zotti, Roberto (2015): Explaining (in)efficiency in higher education: a comparison of parametric and non-parametric analyses to rank universities.

Barra, Cristian and Zotti, Roberto (2014): Handling negative data using Data Envelopment Analysis: a directional distance approach applied to higher education.

Basu, Sujata and Mehra, Meeta K (2011): Endogenous human capital formation, distance to frontier and growth.

Behera, Sarthak and Sadana, Divya (2022): The Impact of Visibility on School Athletic Finances: An Empirical Analysis using Google Trends.

Bellido, Héctor (2020): La transición del sistema educativo al mercado laboral en Europa: Efectos del abandono escolar en la incorporación al trabajo de los jóvenes europeos.

Bennour, Khaled (2021): Multilevel modeling of the effect of bullying on absenteeism and performance in Saudi schools.

Benos, Nikos and Karagiannis, Stelios (2013): Do Cross-Section Dependence and Parameter Heterogeneity Matter? Evidence on Human Capital and Productivity in Greece.

Berberoglu, Giray and Tansel, Aysit (2014): Does private tutoring increase students’ academic performance? Evidence from Turkey.

Berdugo, Binyamin and Meir, Uri (2009): Education, Rent Seeking and Growth.

Beri, Parfait and Cochrane, Logan (2024): Public education spending and school outcomes: Insights from quantile regression.

Beri, Parfait and Cochrane, Logan and Syed Fazlullah, Sarah (2024): Public spending and primary school enrolment: An Autoregressive distributed lag approach.

Biagetti, Marco and Scicchitano, Sergio (2009): Inter-industry Wage Premia in Portugal: Evidence from EU-SILC data.

Biagetti, Marco and Scicchitano, Sergio (2009): Wage inequality and returns to schooling in Europe: a semi-parametric approach using EU-SILC data.

Boermans, Martijn Adriaan and Moore, Basil J (2008): Locked-in and Sticky Textbooks: Mainstream Teaching of the Money Supply Process.

Bol, Thijs and Witschge, Jacqueline and Van de Werfhorst, Herman and Dronkers, Jaap (2013): Curricula tracking and central examinations: counterbalancing the Impact of social background on student achievement in 36 countries.

Boleslavsky, Raphael and Cotton, Christopher (2012): Grade Inflation and Education Quality.

Bologa, Lia (2010): Aspecte privind prevenția violenței în organizațiile școlare din România.

Bornmann, Lutz and Wohlrabe, Klaus (2017): Calculating the excellence shift: How efficiently do institutions produce highly cited papers?

Borooah, Vani and Dineen, Donal and Lynch, Nicola (2009): Which are the "best" schools in Ireland? Analysing feeder school performance using student destination data. Published in: Irish Educational Studies , Vol. 29, No. 2 (2010): pp. 107-130.

Borooah, Vani and Knox, Colin (2013): Access and Performance Inequalities: post-primary education in Northern Ireland. Published in: Journal of Poverty and Social Justice , Vol. 22, No. 2 (2014): pp. 111-135.

Borooah, Vani and Knox, Colin (2015): Inequality and Segregation in Northern Ireland Schools. Published in: The Economics of Schooling in a Divided Society No. Palgrave Macmillan (2015): pp. 84-113.

Borooah, Vani and Knox, Colin (2015): Structure and Performance of Post-Primary Schools in Northern Ireland. Published in: The Economics of Schooling in a Divided Society No. Palgrave Macmillan (2015): pp. 62-80.

Borooah, Vani and Sabharwal, Nidhi (2021): English as a Medium of Instruction in Indian Education: Inequality of Access to Educational Opportunities. Published in: Reclaiming Development Studies: Essays for Ashwani Saith No. Anthem Press (2021): pp. 197-226.

Bossavie, Laurent (2017): Immigrant Concentration at School and Natives’ Achievement: Does Length of Stay in the Host Country Matter?

Bosupeng, Mpho (2015): Payoffs of Education Expenditure In Botswana: Long Run Economic Growth Implications. Published in: Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research (JAEBR) , Vol. 2, No. 5 (June 2015): pp. 85-96.

Bouoiyour, Jamal and Dumas, Audrey and Hanchane, Said (2008): Qualité de la formation professionnelle initiale au Maroc et impact des actions de formation continue sur les performances des entreprises marocaines. Published in: FEMISE - European commission

Bouoiyour, Jamal and Miftah, Amal (2014): Education, Genre et Transferts de fonds des migrants: Quelles interactions dans le Maroc rural ? Published in: FEMISE Network: Impact des transferts de fonds sur la pauvreté et les inégalités : les enseignements de deux nouvelles enquêtes conduites au Maroc et en Algérie (March 2014)

Brade, Raphael (2022): Social Information and Educational Investment - Nudging Remedial Math Course Participation.

Brady, Ryan and Insler, Michael and Rahman, Ahmed (2015): Bad Company: Reconciling Negative Peer Effects in College Achievement.

Breiding, Torsten (2006): Die Arbeitslosenversicherung in Deutschland – Beitrag zur Bekämpfung oder Ursache von Arbeitslosigkeit.

Bresfelean, Vasile Paul and Ghisoiu, Nicolae (2009): Higher education decision making and decision support systems. Published in: WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education , Vol. 7, No. 2 (February 2010): pp. 43-52.

Broecke, Stijn and Hamed, Joseph (2008): Gender gaps in higher education participation: An analysis of the relationship between prior attainment and young participation by gender, socio-economic class and ethnicity.

Broecke, Stijn and Nicholls, Tom (2007): Ethnicity and degree attainment.

Bronfman, Javier (2007): School Performance Evaluation under the Voucher System: the Case of Chile. Published in: The Wagner Review , Vol. XIV, No. 1 (2007): pp. 77-86.

Buda, Mariana (2013): European Studies – Different Developments at the Region Borders. Published in: The Frontier Worker- new Perspective on the labour market in the border regions (2013)

Buda, Mariana (2012): European and/or EU Interdisciplinary Studies–a new Curriculum. Published in: The Romanian Journal of International Relations and European Studies(ROJIRES) , Vol. 1, (2012)

Buda, Mariana (2011): Programmes d’études européennes dans l’enseignement universitaire en Europe. Published in: Identités, citoyennetés et démocratie, 20 ans après (2011)

Buda, Mariana and Horga, Ioan (2012): Analytical and Methodological Framework of Research in European and/or EU Studies Curriculum. Published in: The Romanian Journal of International Relations and European Studies(ROJIRES) , Vol. 1, (2012)

Buda, Mariana and Horga, Ioan (2012): Curricula de Studii europene din Romania. Aplicabilitate pe piața muncii. Published in: Provocarile profesiunii: de la teorie, la experienta si angajament (2012)

Buda, Mariana and Khvedelidze, Maka (2010): EU Studies in the South Caucasus. Published in: Annals of the University of Oradea, International Relations and European Studies Series , Vol. 2, (2010)

Buddin, Richard (2010): How effective are Los Angeles elementary teachers and schools?

Buddin, Richard (2011): Measuring teacher and school effectiveness at improving student achievement in Los Angeles elementary schools.

Budria, Santiago (2006): Schooling and the distribution of wages in the european private and public sectors.

Buechel, Berno and Mechtenberg, Lydia and Petersen, Julia (2014): Peer Effects and Students’ Self-Control.

Burger, Kaspar (2016): Intergenerational transmission of education in Europe: Do more comprehensive education systems reduce social gradients in student achievement? Published in: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility No. 44 (2016): pp. 54-67.

Burger, Kaspar (2019): The socio-spatial dimension of educational inequality: A comparative European analysis. Published in: Studies in Educational Evaluation No. 62 (2019): pp. 171-186.

Bárcena-Martín, Elena and Budría, Santiago and Moro-Egido, Ana I. (2011): Skill mismatches and wages among European university graduates. Forthcoming in: Applied Economics Letters

Böckerman, Petri and Hämäläinen, Ulla and Uusitalo, Roope (2007): Labour Market Effects of Polytechnic Education Reform: The Finnish Experience.

bouoiyour, jamal (2009): La formation professionnelle en Tunisie: Forces et faiblesses. Published in: FEMISE No. FEM 31-023 (May 2008): pp. 1-13.

bouoiyour, jamal and bennaghmouch, Saloua (2002): Capital humain et croissance économique au Maroc.


CHAGAS LOPES, MARGARIDA (2011): Education, development and knowledge: new forms of unequal change under globalization. The case of SSA countries.

Caleiro, António (2020): About some evidences of health literacy.

Canaan, Serena and Mouganie, Pierre (2014): Returns to Education Quality for Low-Skilled Students: Evidence from a Discontinuity.

Caragea, Nicoleta (2012): Regional Analysis of Out-of-School Children in Romania.

Chagas Lopes, Margarida and Medeiros, João (2004): School Failure and Intergenerational “Human Capital” Transmission in Portugal.

Chagas Lopes, Margarida and Medeiros, João and PINTO, AQUILES (2005): Does School Improve Equity? Some Key Findings from Portuguese Data.

Chakrabarty, Aritra (2012): Role of Education and Skill Development for Sustainable Development. Published in: International Journal of Academic Conference Proceedings , Vol. 1, No. 2012 (1 December 2012)

Chakraborty, Kamalika and Chakraborty, Bidisha (2016): Child labour ban versus Education subsidy in a model with learning by doing effect in unskilled work.

Chakraborty, Kamalika and Chakraborty, Bidisha (2018): Endogenous Altruism, Learning by Doing Effect and Impact of Domestic Policies on Child Labour.

Chakraborty, Kamalika and Chakraborty, Bidisha (2016): Learning by doing, low level equilibrium trap, and effect of domestic policies on child labour.

Chen, Lipeng and Yu, Yang and Addis, Amsalu K. and Guo, Xiao (2022): Empirical Assessment and Comparison of Educational Efficiency between Major Countries across the World. Published in: Sustainability , Vol. 14, No. 7 (29 March 2022): pp. 1-17.

Chen, Xinxin and Shi, Yaojiang and Rozelle, Scott (2007): Does Taking One Step Back Get You Two Steps Forward? Grade Retention and School Performance in Rural China.

Chirodea, Florentina (2010): Competences offered by the international relations and european studies university program – an argument for quality in romanian academic education. Published in: Analele Universității din Oradea. Seria: Relații Internaționale și Studii Europene No. 2/2010 (2010): pp. 184-196.

Chirodea, Florentina (2010): Higher education institutions at the Romanian - Hungarian border prior to the war: Academy of Law, Oradea. Published in: Ioan Horga, Istvan Suli-Zakar, Cross-Border Partnership: with special regard to the Hungarian – Romanian – Ukrainian tripartite border, University of Oradea Press, 2010 (2010): pp. 89-94.

Chirodea, Florentina and Toca, Constantin - Vasile (2012): Promoting intercultural dialogue through Lifelong Learning Policies. Published in: No. Luminița Șoproni, Ioan Horga (eds.), Media and European Diversity, Bruylant, Bruxelles 2012 (2012): pp. 323-338.

Chletsos, Michael and Roupakias, Stelios (2018): Education and wage inequality before and during the fiscal crisis: A quantile regression analysis for Greece 2006-2016.

Cho, Hyunkuk (2011): Birth Order and Education: Evidence from a Korean Cohort. Published in: Economics Letter No. 110 (March 2011): pp. 200-202.

Chong, Alberto and Cohen, Isabelle and Field, Erica and Nakasone, Eduardo and Torero, Maximo (2014): Are There Nutrient-based Poverty Traps? Evidence on Iron Deficiency and Schooling Attainment in Peru.

Chong, Terence Tai Leung and Zeng, Hanrui (2018): Does studying in Hong Kong affect the ideological preferences of Chinese mainland undergraduates? Published in: Economic and Political Studies, , Vol. 6, No. 4 (1 December 2018): pp. 431-444.

Chumacero, Romulo and Gómez Caorsi, Daniel and Paredes, Ricardo (2008): I would walk 500 miles (if it paid).

Chung, Anna (2008): The Choice of For-Profit College.

Chung, Anna (2008): The Effects of For-Profit College Training on Earnings.

Chung, Anna (2008): For-Profit Student Heterogeneity.

Cid, Alejandro (2012): Giving a Second Chance: an After-School Program in a Shanty Town Matched against Parent Type.

Cid, Alejandro and Balsa, Ana (2012): Impact Evaluation of a Privately Managed Tuition-Free Middle school in a Poor Neighborhood in Montevideo.

Cid, Alejandro and Balsa, Ana I. (2016): A Randomized Impact Evaluation of a Tuition-Free Private School Targeting Low Income Students in Uruguay. Published in: Journal of Applied Economics , Vol. 1, No. 19 (2017): pp. 65-94.

Cid, Alejandro and Bernatzky, Marianne (2014): Brecha de género en la educación secundaria. Forthcoming in: Páginas de Educación - Revista de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay

Cid, Alejandro and Bernatzky, Marianne (2014): Gender and high frequency vs low frequency tasks in a context of joint-liability incentives.

Cid, Alejandro and Cabrera, José María and Bernatzky, Marianne (2017): Frequency of testing. Lessons from a field experiment in higher education. Published in: Journal of Economics and Economics Education Research , Vol. 1, No. 19 (2018): pp. 1-11.

Contreras, Dante and Gallegos, Sebastian and Meneses, Francisco (2009): Determinantes del desempeño universitario: ¿Importa la habilidad relativa? Published in: Calidad en la Educacion No. 30 (15 June 2009)

Cook, Will (2020): School disruption and pupil academic outcomes – evidence from the 2001 foot and mouth disease epidemic in England. Published in: Covid Economics No. 40 (30 July 2020): pp. 229-243.

Cordero, José Manuel and Cristobal, Victor and Santín, Daniel (2017): Causal Inference on Education Policies: A Survey of Empirical Studies Using PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS.

Cordero, José Manuel and Gil, María and Pedraja Chaparro, Francisco (2016): Exploring the effect of financial literacy courses on student achievement: a cross-country approach using PISA 2012 data.

Cordero, José Manuel and Prior, Diego and Simancas Rodríguez, Rosa (2013): A comparison of public and private schools in Spain using robust nonparametric frontier methods.

Corten, Rense and Dronkers, J. (2005): School Achievement of Pupils From the Lower Strata in Public, Private Government-Dependent and Private Government-Independent Schools: A cross-national test of the Coleman-Hoffer thesis. Published in: Educational Research and Evaluation , Vol. 12, No. 2 (2006): pp. 179-208.

Craigwell, Roland and Lowe, Shane and Bynoe, Danielle (2012): The effectiveness of government expenditure on education and health care in the Caribbean. Published in:

Csintalan, Csaba and Bădulescu, Alina (2017): Unemployment, neets and the social role of education in Europe. Published in: The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences , Vol. 1, No. XXVI (29 July 2017): pp. 97-106.


Dahar, Muhammad Arshad and Dahar, Rashida Ahmad and Dahar, Riffat Tahira (2009): Prior achievement is the indicator of use of school resources and the predictor of academic achievement in Punjab (Pakistan).

Dahmani, Mounir and Ragni, Ludovic (2008): L'impact des technologies de l'information et de la communication sur les performances des étudiants. Published in: Réseaux , Vol. 155, No. 3 (2009): pp. 81-110.

Dang, Thang (2017): Does the More Educated Utilize More Health Care Services? Evidence from Vietnam Using a Regression Discontinuity Design.

Dao, Ngoc Tien and Doan, Quang Hung and Nguyen, Son Tung (2016): The relation between university GPA and family background: Evidence from a university in Vietnam. Published in:

Darova, Ornella and Duchene, Anne (2024): Diversity in Teams: Collaboration and Performance in Experiments with Different Tasks.

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