Grigorescu, Adriana (2009): Răspunsul administraţiei publice la cerinţele cetăţenilor în contextul crizei economice. Forthcoming in: CAIETUL ŞTIINŢIFIC al I.S.A. Paul Negulescu (2009)
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The public sector copes with the economic crises taking such decisions meant to stop the regression of the economy, to reduce the public expences, to minimize the unemployment and other consequences that could show up. As we know, an important element/variable to be considered when taking these kind of decisions is the citizens'needs and expectations. For better results, the public sector decision making process can resort to the usual marketing feed-back loops to estimate the reactions to the decisions and the impact that could be shown, not only by insatissfaction, reactive attitude, but even revolts, sabotages, strikes a.s.o. In the following lines/paper we try to speak about: Promotion versus communication; the Marketing feed-back loops, in general,and especially the Feed-back loops in the public marketing; the Models of reaction and retroreaction to the crisis circumstances and, finally the conclusions regarding the public sector decision making process, based on such mechanisms, under the economic crisis conditions. We shall try to show that the decisions impact on citizens can be,properly, adjusted, based on the outcome data of the created feed-back loops. The knowledge of the nature and extent of the impact of the administration decisions on the citizens would lead to the anticipation of the citizens' needs and expectations and taking the decisions that have a lighter impact or last on a short term/or have a shorter life. Through an adequate marketing communication and processing, the public institutions can adapt their decisions so as to diminish, as much as possible, the negative impact on citizens, in view of offering them an acceptable minimum protection and creating a climate of surety and trust, mutual respect, dialogue and co-operation in taking the decisions.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Răspunsul administraţiei publice la cerinţele cetăţenilor în contextul crizei economice |
English Title: | The public administration answer to the citizen expectation under the crisis contest |
Language: | Romanian |
Keywords: | citizen, public administration, dialogue, marketing mechanism |
Subjects: | M - Business Administration and Business Economics ; Marketing ; Accounting ; Personnel Economics > M3 - Marketing and Advertising > M31 - Marketing H - Public Economics > H8 - Miscellaneous Issues > H83 - Public Administration ; Public Sector Accounting and Audits |
Item ID: | 25131 |
Depositing User: | Adriana Grigorescu |
Date Deposited: | 26 Sep 2010 21:49 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 10:17 |
References: | BRUHN M. (1999), Orientarea către piaţă - Editura Economică, Bucureşti; DANCIU V., GRIGORESCU A. (2000), Marketing – Metodologie şi practică, Editura Dacia Europa Nova, Lugoj; GRIGORESCU A. (2004), Profitul – feedback al activitatii de marketing, volumul Tendinţe în dezvoltarea aplicaţiilor ciberneticii, Academia de Cibernetică Ştefan Odobleja, Editura Universităţii din Oradea, ISSN 1582-6791; GRIGORESCU A. (2004), Cibermarketingul, Academica, Revista Academiei Române, nr.24, martie 2004, Bucureşti, 47-49, ISSN 1220-5737; GRIGORESCU A. (2002), Decizia strategică în comerţ exterior – dezvoltare durabilă, analiza eficienţei economice, startegia de marketing, fundamentarea deciziilor, Editura Economică, Bucureşti, ISBN 973-590-759-3; GRIGORESCU A. (2002), Domenii ale ciberneticii, Editura Dacia Europa Nova, Lugoj, ISBN 973-8186-89-7; RIES Al., TROUT J. (2004), Cele 22 de legi imuabile ale marketingului, Editura Curier Marketing, Bucureşti; RIES Al., RIES L. (2003), Cele 22 de legi imuabile ale brandingului, Editura Curier Marketing, Bucureşti. |
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