Steinbacher, Matjaz and Steinbacher, Mitja and Steinbacher, Matej (2013): Credit Contagion in Financial Markets: A Network-Based Approach.
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We propose a network-based model of credit contagion and examine the e�ects of idiosyncratic and systemic shocks to individual banks and the banking system. The banking system is built as a network in which banks are connected to each other through the interbank market. The microstructure captures the relation between debtors and creditors, and the macroeconomic events capture the sensitivity of the banks' �nancial strenght to macroeconomic events, such as housing. We have demonstrated that while idiosyncratic shocks do not have a potential to substantially disturb the banking system, macroeconomic events of higher magnitudes could be highly harmful, especially if they also spur contagion. In a concerted default of more banks, the stability of a banking system tends to decrease disproportionately. In addition, credit risk analysis is highly sensitive to the network topology and exhibits a nonlinear characteristic. Capital ratio and recovery rates are two additional factors that contribute to the stability of the �nancial system.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Credit Contagion in Financial Markets: A Network-Based Approach |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | credit contagion; network models; credit risk; structural models; fi�nancial stability; alpha-criticality index |
Subjects: | C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods > C6 - Mathematical Methods ; Programming Models ; Mathematical and Simulation Modeling > C63 - Computational Techniques ; Simulation Modeling G - Financial Economics > G0 - General > G01 - Financial Crises |
Item ID: | 49616 |
Depositing User: | Matjaz Steinbacher |
Date Deposited: | 09 Sep 2013 11:35 |
Last Modified: | 27 Sep 2019 16:48 |
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