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Items where Subject is "C63 - Computational Techniques ; Simulation Modeling"

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Number of items at this level: 553.


Adeniyi, Isaac Adeola (2020): Bayesian Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Models Using Normal-Independent Distributions: Formulation and Applications. Forthcoming in: AStA-Advances in Statistical Analysis

Afanasyev, Dmitriy and Fedorova, Elena (2015): The long-term trends on Russian electricity market: comparison of empirical mode and wavelet decompositions.

Aguirregabiria, Victor (2009): Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Games Using the Nested Pseudo Likelihood Algorithm: Code and Application.

Aguirregabiria, Victor and Ho, Chun-Yu (2009): A Dynamic Oligopoly Game of the US Airline Industry: Estimation and Policy Experiments.

Ajevskis, Viktors (2014): Global Solutions to DSGE Models as a Perturbation of a Deterministic Path.

Akimov, Dmitry and Makarov, Ilya (2019): Deep Reinforcement Learning with VizDoomFirst-Person Shooter. Published in: CEUR Workshop Proceedings , Vol. 2479, (2019): pp. 3-17.

Aknouche, Abdelhakim and Dimitrakopoulos, Stefanos (2020): On an integer-valued stochastic intensity model for time series of counts.

Alali, Walid Y. (2009): Solution Strategies of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models.

Albers, Scott (2014): On the architecture of the rings of Saturn: An “identity” theory of the distribution of gaps within rings.

Albers, Scott (2014): Towards an economic architecture of the rings of Saturn: On the Political Economy Wave, Kaluza’s fifth dimension and an alternative derivation of the Roche Limit.

Albers, Scott (2015): An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew (2015): On the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises: toward a harmonic interpretation of the Kondratiev Wave, revised and corrected, with a new appendix, February 12, 2015.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu (2003): Estimating contribution of factors to long-term growth in Romania. Published in: Revue Roumaine des Sciences Economiques , Vol. 48, No. 2 : pp. 197-206.

Albu, Lucian-Liviu (1991): Le Rapport Industrie - Agriculture Et Le Developpement Economique. Published in: Doctoral Thesis: "Raportul industrie-agricultura si dezvltarea economica" (1991)

Albu, Lucian-Liviu (2006): Non-linear models: applications in economics.

Alfarano, Simone and Eva, Camacho and Josep, Domènech (2010): Estimation of a simple genetic algorithm applied to a laboratory experiment.

Amir, Hidayat and Nugroho, Anda (2013): Development of Web-Based CGE Model for Tax Policy Analysis.

Amundsen, Eirik S. and Baldursson, Fridrik M. (2003): Kvikt likan af vistvænum raforkumarkadi. Published in: Icelandic Journal of Science and Mathematics , Vol. 1, No. 2 (2003): pp. 1-9.

Amundsen, Eirik S. and Lønning, Dag and Rasmussen, Heine (1995): An Analysis of International CO2 agreements.

Angle, John (2013): How To Win Acceptance Of The Inequality Process As Economics? Forthcoming in: Society and Management Review

Angle, John (2010): The Inequality Process vs. The Saved Wealth Model. Two Particle Systems of Income Distribution; Which Does Better Empirically?

Ansari, Dawud (2017): OPEC, Saudi Arabia, and the Shale Revolution: Insights from Equilibrium Modelling and Oil Politics. Published in: Energy Policy No. 111 (5 September 2017): pp. 166-178.

Antoci, Angelo and Delfino, Alexia and Paglieri, Fabio and Panebianco, Fabrizio and Sabatini, Fabio (2016): Civility vs. Incivility in Online Social Interactions: An Evolutionary Approach.

Arias-R., Omar Fdo. (2014): A condition for determinacy of optimal strategies in zero-sum convex polynomial games.

Aroche-Reyes, Fidel and García Muñiz, Ana Salomé (2012): Modelling economic structures from a Qualitative Input-Output Perspective: Greece in 2005 and 2010.

Arslan, Mehmet Oğuz and İcan, Özgür (2013): The Effects Of Neighborhood On Tax Compliance Rates: Evidence From An Agent Based Model. Published in: Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi , Vol. 22, No. 1 (2013): pp. 337-350.

Artzrouni, Marc and Tramontana, Fabio (2013): The debt trap: a two-compartment train wreck...and how to avoid it.

Attar, M. Aykut (2013): Growth and Demography in Turkey: Economic History vs. Pro-Natalist Rhetoric.

Ausloos, Marcel and Vandewalle, N. and Ivanova, K. (2000): Time is money. Published in: in "Noise, Oscillators and Algebraic Randomness. From Noise in Communication Systems to Number Theory", M. Planat, Ed., , Vol. 50, No. Lect. Notes Phys. (2000): pp. 156-171.

Aydoğuş, Osman and Deger, Cagacan and Tunalı Çalışkan, Elif and Gürel Günal, Gülçin (2015): Regional Input-Output Analysis of A Mega-Event: Possible Impact of EXPO on Izmir Economy. Published in: Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 15, No. 2 (2015): pp. 75-83.

Azzato, Jeffrey D. and Krawczyk, Jacek (2008): InfSOCSol2: an updated MATLAB package for approximating the solution to a continuous-time infinite horizon stochastic optimal control problem.

Azzato, Jeffrey D. and Krawczyk, Jacek (2007): Using a finite horizon numerical optimisation method for a periodic optimal control problem.

Azzato, Jeffrey D. and Krawczyk, Jacek B. (2009): InfSOCSol2 An updated MATLAB Package for Approximating the Solution to a Continuous-Time Infinite Horizon Stochastic Optimal Control Problem with Control and State Constraints.

Azzato, Jeffrey D. and Krawczyk, Jacek B. (2006): SOCSol4L: An improved MATLAB package for approximating the solution to a continuous-time stochastic optimal control problem.

Azzato, Jeffrey D. and Krawczyk, Jacek B. (2008): A parallel Matlab package for approximating the solution to a continuous-time stochastic optimal control problem.

Azzato, Jeffrey D. and Krawczyk, Jacek B. (2008): A report on using parallel MATLAB for solutions to stochastic optimal control problems.


BAYALE, Nimonka (2018): Quel volume d’aide internationale pour la croissance dans l’UEMOA ? Published in: Editions universitaires européennes (7 August 2018): pp. 1-73.

Banker, Rajiv and Park, Han-Up and Sahoo, Biresh (2022): A statistical foundation for the measurement of managerial ability.

Bao, Qunfang and Chen, Si and Liu, Guimei and Li, Shenghong (2010): Unilateral CVA for CDS in Contagion Model_with Volatilities and Correlation of Spread and Interest.

Bao, Qunfang and Chen, Si and Liu, Guimei and Li, Shenghong (2010): Unilateral CVA for CDS in Contagion model: With volatilities and correlation of spread and interest.

Bao, Qunfang and Chen, Si and Liu, Guimei and Li, Shenghong (2010): Unilateral CVA for CDS in contagion model: with volatilities and correlation of spread and interest.

Barnett, William and Ghosh, Taniya (2013): Bifurcation Analysis of an Endogenous Growth Model.

Bartolucci, Francesco and Pigini, Claudia and Valentini, Francesco (2021): MCMC Conditional Maximum Likelihood for the two-way fixed-effects logit.

Baschieri, Davide and Magni, Carlo Alberto and Marchioni, Andrea (2020): Comprehensive Financial Modeling of Solar PV Systems. Published in: Proceedings of the EU PVSEC 2020 - 37th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition : pp. 2024-2027.

Bayale, Nimonka (2018): Aide et Croissance dans les pays de l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) : retour sur une relation controversée.

Bayat Ghiasi, seyed Hamid and Oyar Hossein, Mohammad Amin and Adineh, Mostafa and Khiali, Vahid (2019): Investigating on Hydrodynamic Behavior of Slotted Breakwater Walls Under Sea Waves. Published in: Journal of Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling , Vol. 1, No. 2 (19 April 2019): pp. 24-31.

Bazhanov, Andrei (2005): Variation principles for modeling in resource economics. Published in: Vestnik DVO RAN No. 6 (December 2006): pp. 5-13.

Beg, Ismat and Rashid, Tabasam (2012): Multi-criteria of Bike Purchasing Using Fuzzy Choquet Integral. Published in: Journal Fuzzy Mathematics , Vol. 22, No. 3 (10 September 2014): pp. 677-694.

Behrooz Hassani-Mahmooei, Behrooz and Vahabi, Mehrdad (2013): Identity, Authority and Evolution of Order: the trajectory of dueling simulated.

Belegri-Roboli, Athena and Markaki, Maria and Michaelides, Panayotis G. and Milios, John G. and Papakyriakopoulos, Thymios and Tsolas, Ioannis (2006): Design and Implementation of a Database for the Estimation of Environmental Indicators in an Input - Output Framework with the Use of NAMEA Tables. Published in: WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol 98, © 2006 WIT Press , Vol. Vol 98, : pp. 329-336.

Bell, Peter N (2015): Identifying the Median Path of a Stochastic Processes.

Bell, Peter N (2014): A Method for Experimental Events that Break Cointegration: Counterfactual Simulation.

Bell, Peter N (2015): Mineral exploration as a game of chance.

Bell, Peter N (2013): New Testing Procedures to Assess Market Efficiency with Trading Rules.

Bell, Peter N (2014): On the optimal use of put options under trade restrictions.

Bell, Peter N (2014): Optimal Use of Put Options in a Stock Portfolio.

Bell, Peter N (2015): Returns to tail hedging.

Bell, Peter N (2014): The variance-minimizing hedge with put options.

Bell, William Paul (2008): Adaptive interactive profit expectations using small world networks and runtime weighted model averaging. Published in: Biomedical Applications of Micro- and Nanoengineering IV and Complex Systems (Proceedings Volume) , Vol. 7270, (30 December 2008)

Bell, William Paul (2009): Network Averaging: a technique for determining a proxy for the dynamics of networks.

Berardi, Michele (2019): A probabilistic interpretation of the constant gain algorithm.

Bernardo, Giovanni and D'Alessandro, Simone (2014): Transition to sustainability? Feasible scenarios towards a low-carbon economy.

Bertani, Filippo and Ponta, Linda and Raberto, Marco and Teglio, Andrea and Cincotti, Silvano (2019): The complexity of the intangible digital economy: an agent-based model.

Bertani, Filippo and Ponta, Linda and Raberto, Marco and Teglio, Andrea and Cincotti, Silvano (2019): An economy under the digital transformation.

Bertani, Filippo and Raberto, Marco and Teglio, Andrea (2020): The Productivity and Unemployment Effects of the Digital Transformation: an Empirical and Modelling Assessment.

Bertani, Filippo and Raberto, Marco and Teglio, Andrea and Cincotti, Silvano (2021): Digital Innovation and its Potential Consequences: the Elasticity Augmenting Approach.

Bertsch, Valentin and Geldermann, Jutta and Lühn, Tobias (2017): What drives the profitability of household PV investments, self-consumption and self-sufficiency?

Bessenyei, István and Horváth, Márton (2012): Economic growth with incomplete financial discipline. Published in: Crisis Aftermath: Economic policy changes in the EU and its Member States, Conference Proceedings, Szeged, University of Szeged , Vol. ISBN 9, (2012): pp. 307-314.

Bianchi, Carlo and Brillet, Jean-Louis and Calzolari, Giorgio (1983): Analysis and measurement of the uncertainty in Mini-Dms model for the French economy.

Bianchi, Carlo and Brillet, Jean-Louis and Calzolari, Giorgio (1988): A trade-off criterion for evaluating effectiveness and reliability of alternative policy actions. Published in: Atti del Dodicesimo Convegno A.M.A.S.E.S. No. Palermo, 14-16 Settembre 1988 (14 September 1988): pp. 185-217.

Bianchi, Carlo and Brillet, Jean-Louis and Calzolari, Giorgio and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1987): Forecast variance in simultaneous equation models: analytic and Monte Carlo methods. Published in: INSEE, Paris, France No. Paper presented at the Seminaire d'Econometrie de Malinvaud (February 1987): pp. 1-19.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio (1983): Confidence intervals of forecasts from nonlinear econometric models. Published in: paper presented at The Third International Symposium on Forecasting. Philadelphia: The Wharton School, June 5-8 (5 June 1983): pp. 1-20.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio (1978): La varianza dell'errore di previsione nei modelli econometrici: applicazione ad un modello nonlineare dell'economia italiana.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio (1979): Simulation of a nonlinear econometric model. Published in: Simulation of Systems '79, ed. by L. Dekker, G. Savastano, and G. C. Vansteenkiste (1980): pp. 105-113.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio (1980): A simulation approach to some dynamic properties of econometric models. Published in: Mathematical Programming and its Economic Application, ed. by G. Castellani, and P. Mazzoleni No. Milano: Franco Angeli Editore (1981): pp. 607-621.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Ciriani, Tito A. and Corsi, Paolo and Cleur, Eugene M. and Sitzia, Bruno and Romagnoli, Gian C. (1976): Analisi e simulazione stocastica di un modello aggregato dell'economia italiana 1952-1971. Published in: Teoria dei Sistemi ed Economia, a cura della Segreteria del G.E.S., prefazione di S. Lombardini e A. Ruberti No. Bologna: Il Mulino (1976): pp. 193-219.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Cleur, Eugene M. and Gambetta, Guido and Stagni, Anna and Sterbenz, Frederic (1978): Stochastic simulation and dynamic properties of the new version of the Italian model.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Corsi, Paolo (1976): Monte Carlo methods in econometrics: a package for the stochastic simulation. Published in: Paper presented at the Congres Europeen des Statisticiens. Universite Scientifique et Medicale de Grenoble, (September 1976): pp. 1-10.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Corsi, Paolo (1978): Stochastic simulation: a package for Monte Carlo experiments on econometric models. Published in: IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin , Vol. 20, No. 10 (March 1978): pp. 3972-3975.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Corsi, Paolo (1977): The asymptotic distribution of impact multipliers for a non-linear structural econometric model,. Published in: Seminari di Econometria e di Matematica Applicata. Universita' degli Studi di Modena: Istituto Statistico-Matematico, Facolta' di Economia e Commercio, (1979): pp. 1-24.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Corsi, Paolo and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1980): Significance of the characteristic roots of linearized econometric models. Published in: Paper presented at the Economics and Control Conference, Princeton University (4 June 1980): pp. 1-14.

Bianchi, Carlo and Calzolari, Giorgio and Sterbenz, Frederic P. (1991): Simulation of interest rate options using ARCH. Published in: Universita' di Messina, Istituto di Economia, Statistica e Analisi del Territorio No. Quaderno No. 10, presented at the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Cambridge, U.K. (1991): pp. 1-28.

Bicaba, Zorobabel (2011): Growth and financial reforms trajectory: an optimal matching sequence analysis approach.

Bilgili, Faik (2002): VAR, ARIMA, Üstsel Düzleme, Karma ve İlave-Faktör Yöntemlerinin Özel Tüketim Harcamalarına ait Ex Post Öngörü Başarılarının Karşılaştırılması. Published in: Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal , Vol. 17, No. 1 : pp. 185-211.

Bilgili, Faik and Mugaloglu, Erhan and Koçak, Emrah (2018): The impact of oil prices on CO2 emissions in China: A Wavelet coherence approach.

Bisin, Alberto and Moro, Andrea (2020): Learning Epidemiology by Doing: The Empirical Implications of a Spatial SIR Model with Behavioral Responses.

Blake, David and Wright, Douglas and Zhang, Yumeng (2011): Target-driven investing: Optimal investment strategies in defined contribution pension plans under loss aversion.

Blanco, Iván (2005): The silence that precedes hypocrisy: a formal model of the spiral of silence theory.

Blazejowski, Marcin and Kwiatkowski, Jacek (2020): Bayesian Model Averaging for Autoregressive Distributed Lag (BMA_ADL) in gretl.

Bocharnikov, Victor and Sveshnikov, Sergey (2007): Algorithm of arithmetical operations with fuzzy numerical data.

Bonaventura, Luigi (2006): Simulating the enforcement policies for irregular sector in the Italian labour reform.

Bonaventura, Luigi and Orlando, Danilo (2007): Enforcement of Regulation, Irregular Sector, and Firm Performance.

Bongers, Anelí and Molinari, Benedetto and Torres, José L. (2022): Computers, Programming and Dynamic General Equilibrium Macroeconomic Modeling.

Bosch, Martí and Chenal, Jérôme and Joost, Stéphane (2019): Addressing urban sprawl from the complexity sciences.

Brams, Steven J. and Kilgour, D. Marc and Potthoff, Richard F. (2017): Multi winner Approval Voting: An Apportionment Approach.

Brenner, Thomas and Werker, Claudia (2009): Policy Advice Derived From Simulation Models.

Brillet, Jean-Louis and Calzolari, Giorgio and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1986): Coherent optimal prediction with large nonlinear systems: an example based on a French model.

Buda, Rodolphe (2002): ECHANGE 2.0 - Marché sur réseau - Guide d'installation et manuel d'utilisation.

Buda, Rodolphe (1994): La modélisation macroéconomique comme processus de communication : pour une formalisation finaliste des équations de comportement.

Buda, Rodolphe (2001): Les algorithmes de la modélisation : une analyse critique pour la modélisation économique.

Buda, Rodolphe (2000): Pédagogie des comptes nationaux et "esprit économique critique".

Buda, Rodolphe (1999): Quantitative Economic Modeling vs Methodological Individualism ? Published in: Working Paper MODEM , Vol. 00, No. 09 (2000)

Buda, Rodolphe (2004): SINGUL 2.0 : les équations et les programmes.

Buer, Tobias and Kopfer, Herbert (2012): A Pareto-metaheuristic for a bi-objective winner determination problem in a combinatorial reverse auction.

Buettner, Thomas and Federico, Giulio and Lorincz, Szabolcs (2016): The Use of Quantitative Economic Techniques in EU Merger Control. Published in: Antitrust Magazine , Vol. 31, No. 1 (December 2016): pp. 68-75.

Bulla, Jan (2006): Application of Hidden Markov Models and Hidden Semi-Markov Models to Financial Time Series. Published in:

Burnecki, Krzysztof and Janczura, Joanna and Weron, Rafal (2010): Building Loss Models.

Burnecki, Krzysztof and Weron, Rafal (2010): Simulation of Risk Processes.

Buzaglo, Jorge and Calzadilla, Alvaro (2010): La pobreza y las clases: Dinámicas y estrategias en Bolivia.

Buzaglo, Jorge and Calzadilla, Alvaro (2008): Simulating extended reproduction: Poverty reduction and class dynamics in Bolivia.


Caiani, Alessandro and Russo, Alberto and Gallegati, Mauro (2016): Does Inequality Hamper Innovation and Growth?

Cajas Guijarro, John (2022): Unpaid family labor and self-employment: Two multi-sector models of capitalist reproduction and endogenous cycles.

Cakir, Murat (2005): Firma Başarısızlığının Dinamiklerinin Belirlenmesinde Makina Öğrenmesi Teknikleri: Ampirik Uygulamalar ve Karşılaştırmalı Analiz.

Calzolari, Giorgio (2012): Econometric notes.

Calzolari, Giorgio (1979): Stochastic simulation experiments on Model 5 of Bonn University. Published in: Institut fuer Gesellschafts- u. Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universitaet Bonn No. 102 (August 1979): pp. 1-28.

Calzolari, Giorgio (1979): The asymptotic distribution of power spectra in dynamic econometric models. Published in: Institut fuer Gesellschafts- u. Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universitaet Bonn No. 101 (August 1979): pp. 1-21.

Calzolari, Giorgio (1979): The deterministic simulation bias in the Klein-Goldberger model. Published in: Institut fuer Gesellschafts- u. Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universitaet Bonn No. 100 (July 1979): pp. 1-6.

Calzolari, Giorgio and Bianchi, Carlo and Corsi, Paolo and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1982): Uncertainty of policy recommendations for nonlinear econometric models: some empirical results. Published in: paper presented at the 1982 Conference on Economic Dynamics and Control, "Decision Making Under Uncertainty", Washington DC: Federal Reserve Board, June 9-11. (9 June 1982): pp. 1-20.

Calzolari, Giorgio and Fiorentini, Gabriele and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1993): Alternative estimators of the covariance matrix in GARCH models. Published in: Universita' di Messina, Istituto di Economia, Statistica e Analisi del Territorio No. Quaderno No. 11 (1993): pp. 1-33.

Calzolari, Giorgio and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1988): Coherent Forecast with Nonlinear Econometric Models. Published in: paper presented at The Eighth International Symposium on Forecasting. Universiteit van Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, June 12-15. (12 June 1988): pp. 1-6.

Calzolari, Giorgio and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1984): Evaluating Forecast Uncertainty in Econometric Models: The Effect of Alternative Estimators of Maximum Likelihood Covariance Matrix. Published in: paper presented at The Fourth International Symposium on Forecasting. London Business School, July 8-11 (8 July 1984): pp. 1-33.

Calzolari, Giorgio and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1985): Gradient methods in FIML estimation of econometric models. Published in: Developments of control theory for economic analysis, ed. by C.Carraro and D.Sartore No. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1987): pp. 143-153.

Calzolari, Giorgio and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1983): Hessian and approximated Hessian matrices in maximum likelihood estimation: a Monte Carlo study.

Calzolari, Giorgio and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1988): Mode predictors in nonlinear systems with identities. Published in: International Journal of Forecasting. Working paper presented at the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Bologna, 1988. pp.1-29 No. 6 (1990): pp. 317-326.

Calzolari, Giorgio and Panattoni, Lorenzo (1984): A Simulation Study on FIML Covariance Matrix. Published in: paper presented at the European Meeting of the Econometric Society. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, September 3-7. (3 September 1984): pp. 1-44.

Calzolari, Giorgio and Sampoli, Letizia (1989): Instrumental variables interpretations of FIML and nonlinear FIML.

Casella, Bruno and Roberts, Gareth O. (2011): Exact Simulation of Jump-Diffusion Processes with Monte Carlo Applications. Published in: Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability , Vol. 13, No. 3 (9 January 2010): pp. 449-473.

Casella, Bruno and Roberts, Gareth O. and Stramer, Osnat (2011): Stability of Partially Implicit Langevin Schemes and Their MCMC Variants. Published in: Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability , Vol. 13, No. 4 (1 December 2011): pp. 835-854.

Cerqueti, Roy and Falbo, Paolo and Pelizzari, Cristian (2010): Relevant States and Memory in Markov Chain Bootstrapping and Simulation.

Cerulli, Giovanni (2020): A Super-Learning Machine for Predicting Economic Outcomes.

Ch'ng, Kean Siang (2007): Evolutionary Concept, Genetic Algorithm and Exhibition Contract in Movie Industry.

Ch'ng, Kean Siang and Zaharim, Norzarina (2009): Learning to be Biased.

Chattopadhyay, Siddhartha and Agrawal, Manasi (2015): An Algorithm for Solving Simple Sticky Information New Keynesian DSGE Model. Published in: Trade and Development Review , Vol. 8, No. 2 (1 December 2015): pp. 120-137.

Chen, Pu (2012): Common factors and specific factors.

Chen, Pu (2010): A Grouped Factor Model.

Chen, Pu (2010): A grouped factor model.

Chiba, Asako (2020): Modeling the effects of contact-tracing apps on the spread of the coronavirus disease: mechanisms, conditions, and efficiency.

Chilarescu, Constantin and Viasu, Ioana Luciana (2011): Phénomènes financiers et mélange de lois : Une nouvelle méthode d’estimation des paramètres.

Chodak, Grzegorz (2008): Model dropshippingu w sklepie internetowym. Published in: Metody symulacyjne w badaniu organizacji i w dydaktyce menedżerskiej (2008): pp. 110-124.

Chodak, Grzegorz (2004): Symulator obrotów magazynowych w sklepie internetowym - propozycja implementacji. Published in: Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka No. 8 (August 2004): pp. 2-10.

Clarke, Damian and Matta, Benjamín (2017): Practical Considerations for Questionable IVs.

Clarke, Damian and Tapia Schythe, Kathya (2020): Implementing the Panel Event Study.

Cockshott, W. Paul (2007): Mises, Kantorovich and Economic Computation.

Cocozza, Rosa and De Simone, Antonio (2011): One numerical procedure for two risk factors modeling.

Colasante, Annarita (2016): Evolution of Cooperation in Public Good Game.

Contreras, Javier and Krawczyk, Jacek and Zuccollo, James (2008): Can planners control competitive generators?

Contreras, Javier and Krawczyk, Jacek and Zuccollo, James (2008): The invisible polluter: Can regulators save consumer surplus?

Corbin, Charles (2014): Assessing Impact of Large-Scale Distributed Residential HVAC Control Optimization on Electricity Grid Operation and Renewable Energy Integration. Published in: (14 May 2014)

Corniglion, Sébastien and Turnois, Nadine (2011): Simulating tourists' behaviour using multi-agent modelling. Published in: Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), 2011 Fifth International Conference on (19 May 2011): pp. 1-9.

Corsini, Lorenzo and Pacini, Pier Mario and Spataro, Luca (2010): An Assessment of the Italian 2007 Second Pillar Reform: a simulation approach.

Costa Junior, Celso Jose and Sampaio, Armando Vaz and Gonçalves, Flávio de Oliveria (2012): Income Transfer as Model of Economic Growth. Published in: Revista Economia & Tecnologia , Vol. 8, (2012): pp. 17-32.


DAS GUPTA, SUPRATIM (2018): Using real options to study the impact of capacity additions and investment expenditures in renewable energies in India.

Daianu, Daniel and Albu, Lucian-Liviu (1996): Strain and the inflation - unemployment relationship: a conceptual and empirical investigation. Published in: Ace Project Memoranda, Department of Economics, University of Leicester , Vol. 96, No. 15 : pp. 1-39.

Dayoro, Donatien (2024): Hybrid Model Construction for Integrating Climate Risks into Côte d'Ivoire's Economic Policy: Theoretical Approach and Management Strategies. Published in: , Vol. 28, (5 December 2024): pp. 1-28.

Demartini, Melissa and Bertani, Filippo and Tonelli, Flavio and Raberto, Marco and Cincotti, Silvano (2021): An investigation into modelling approaches for industrial symbiosis: a literature review.

Desogus, Marco and Conversano, Claudio and Pili, Ambrogio and Venturi, Beatrice (2022): Fractal analysis of Dow Jones Industrial Index returns. Published in: Applied Mathematical Sciences , Vol. 16, No. 10 (2022): pp. 473-495.

Desogus, Marco and Venturi, Beatrice (2023): Stability and Bifurcations in Banks and Small Enterprises—A Three-Dimensional Continuous-Time Dynamical System. Published in: Journal of Risk and Financial Management , Vol. 16, No. 3: 171 (3 March 2023)

Devine, Mel and Farrell, Niall and Lee, William (2014): Managing investor and consumer exposure to electricity market price risks through Feed-in Tariff design.

Diagne, Youssoupha S and Fall, Alsim (2009): La spéculation contribue- t- elle à expliquer la dynamique des prix des produits alimentaires au Sénégal ? Published in: http://www.dpee.sn/IMG/pdf/145_112_redaction.pdf

Diallo, Ibrahima Amadou (2018): How Internal Violence Lowers Economic Growth: A Theoretical and Empirical Study.

Diallo, Ibrahima Amadou (2014): The environmental Kuznets curve in a public spending model of economic growth.

Diallo, Ibrahima Amadou (2017): The role of human assets in economic growth: theory and empirics.

Dimitris, Korobilis (2013): Forecasting with Factor Models: A Bayesian Model Averaging Perspective.

Dosa, Ion (2014): Power Plant Waste Heat Recovery for Household Heating Using Heat Pumps. Published in: Publication of the MultiScience - XXVIII. microCAD International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference (April 2014): pp. 1-8.

Douch, Mohamed (2004): Equity Premiums In Small Open Economy.

Douch, Mohamed (2004): Equity Premiums In a Small Open Economy.

Drechsler, Martin (2023): A game-theoretic systematic of interactions and dynamics in the conservation and management of spatial ecosystem services.

Drechsler, Martin and Grimm, Volker (2022): Land-use hysteresis triggered by staggered payment schemes for more permanent biodiversity conservation.

Du, Zaichuan (2024): Solving Heterogeneous agent models in Continuous Time with Adaptive Sparse Grids.

Dushyn, Oleksiy and Dushyn, Borys (2024): Извлечение информации из редких событий в регрессионном анализе.

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