Anderson, Evelyn (2007): Nissan's keiretsu 1956-1970. Published in: BEH Online , Vol. 5, : pp. 1-13.
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Because Toyota symbolizes the miraculous success of the Japanese automobile industry as a whole, scholars have thoroughly documented the nature of Toyota’s business strategy and its keiretsu.1 In contrast, literature exploring the nature of Nissan’s keiretsu and its business strategy was almost non-existent in the 1990s. The assumption was that the two keiretsu were identical, with similar characteristics, differences being a matter of degree.2 In this paper, I argue that the Provisional Act for the Promotion of the Machinery Industry (the Provisional Act or Kishinho), 1956-1970, enacted by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), provided Nissan with incentives to vertically integrate some of its most important keiretsu firms; during these fifteen years, Nissan adopted hierarchy. I document how the Nissan keiretsu evolved in the period coinciding with the Provisional Act and how it differed from the Toyota keiretsu. Toyota’s inter-firm relationship with its core keiretsu members was built on trust and organizational capability, whereas Nissan’s initial postwar strategy was similar to Toyota’s only in name. Contrary to common belief, Nissan’s governance in this period was driven by transaction cost considerations in the absence of trust.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Nissan's keiretsu 1956-1970 |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | keiretsu; transaction cost; governance; industrial policy |
Subjects: | D - Microeconomics > D2 - Production and Organizations > D23 - Organizational Behavior ; Transaction Costs ; Property Rights N - Economic History > N1 - Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics ; Industrial Structure ; Growth ; Fluctuations > N15 - Asia including Middle East L - Industrial Organization > L2 - Firm Objectives, Organization, and Behavior > L22 - Firm Organization and Market Structure |
Item ID: | 8195 |
Depositing User: | Evelyn Anderson |
Date Deposited: | 10 Apr 2008 05:35 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 22:12 |
References: | Evelyn Anderson, “The Enigma of Toyota’s Competitive Advantage: Is Denso the Missing Link in the Academic Literature?” Pacific Economic Papers, 339 (2003). Mark Casson, Enterprise and Competitiveness: A Systems View of International Business (Oxford, 1990). Ronald Dore, “Goodwill and the Spirit of Market Capitalism,” British Journal of Sociology 34 (Dec 1983). Jeffrey H. Dyer,”Specialized Supplier Networks as a Source of Competitive Advantage: Evidence from the Auto Industry,” Strategic Management Journal 17, no. 4 (1996). Jeffrey H. Dyer, “The Economic Value of Trust in Supplier-Buyer Relations,” MIT Working Paper no. W-0145a (1998). Francis Fukuyama, Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity (New York, 1995). Charles W.L. Hill, “National Institutional Structures, Transaction Cost Economizing, and Competitive Advantage: The Case of Japan,” Organization Science 6, no. 1 (1995). Jidousha Buhin Kougyoukai, Ooto Toreedo Jaanaru, ed., Nihon no Jidousha Buhin Kougyou [Japan’s Automotive Components Industry] (Tokyo, 1963). Jidousha Buhin Kougyoukai, Ooto Toreedo Jaanaru, ed., Nihon no Jidousha Buhin Kougyou [Japan’s Automotive Components Industry] (Tokyo, 1968). Jidousha Buhin Kougyoukai, Ooto Toreedo Jaanaru, ed., Nihon no Jidousha Buhin Kougyou [Japan’s Automotive Components Industry] (Tokyo, 1971). Kenjo Kan, “Keiretsu Shindan,” Chuushou Kigyou [Small-Medium Enterprises] 11 (1959). Kousei Torihiki Kyoukai [Fair Trade Association], Jidousha kougyou no keizairyoku shuuchuu no jittai [Concentration and Market Power in the Automobile Industry] (Tokyo, 1959). Toshichika Matsui, “Jidousha Kougyou ni okeru shitauke / keiretsuka no jittai (jyou) – motokata fukusuuka dankai no kigyou keiretsu nit suite” [Sub-contracting and keiretsu in the automotive industry (Part I) – corporate keiretsu seeking customer diversification]“ Ritsumeikan Keieigaku [Ritsumeikan Management Studies] 12 (Sept. 1973). Yoshiro Miwa, “Shitauke Kankei: Jidousha Sangyou” [Subcontracting Relationship: Automobile Industry], in Nihon no kigyou [Japanese Corporations], ed. Kenji Imai and Ryu Komiya (Tokyo, 1989). Nihon Jidousha Kaigisho, ed., Jidousha Nenkan [Automotive Yearbook] (Tokyo, various years). Nihon Jidousha Kougyou Kai, Nihon Jidousha Sangyou Shi [History of the Japanese Automobile Industry] (Tokyo, 1963). Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha, Kaisha Nenkan [Corporation Annual Reports] (Tokyo, various years). Nissan Jidousha Kabushiki Kaisha Shashi Hensan Iinkai [Editorial Committee of Company History, Nissan Automobile Company], ed., Nissan Jidousha Shashi 1964-1973 [Nissan Company History, 1964-1973] (Tokyo, 1975). Nissan Jidousha Kabushiki Kaisha Soumubu, Nissan Jidousha Sanjuu-nenshi [30-Year History of Nissan Automotive] (Yokohama, 1965). Douglass North, Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance: Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions (Cambridge, U.K., 1990). Ohkurasho [Ministry of Finance], Yuuka Shouken Houkokusho [Stock and Shares Report] (Tokyo, 1971 and various years). Yoshio Ooba, Nihon Jidousha Sangyou no Seiritsu to Jidousha Seizou Gyouhou no Kenkyuu [A Study on the Japanese Automobile Industry, Its Establishment and Legislation Affecting the Manufacturing of Automobiles] (Tokyo, 2001). Shuuji Yamazaki, Sengo Nihon no Jidousha Sangyou Seisaku [Postwar Industrial Policy for the Japanese Automobile Industry] (Kyoto, 2003). Mari Sako, “The Role of ‘Trust’ in Japanese Buyer-Supplier Relationships,” Ricerche Economiche 45 (aprile-settembre 1991). Kazuo Wada, “Jidousha sangyou ni okeru kaisouteki kigyou kankei no keisei: Toyota Jidousha no jirei [The Formation of a Vertical Relationship in the Automobile Industry: Toyota as a Case Study],”Keiei Shigaku [Japan Business History Review] 26, no. 2 (1991). Kazuo Wada, “The Development of Tiered Inter-Firm Relationships in the Automobile Industry: A Case Study of Toyota Motor Corporation,” in Organizational Capability and Competitive Advantage, ed. William Lazonick and William Mass (Brookfield, Vt., 1995). James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos, The Machine That Changed the World (New York, 1990). |
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